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Write missing words

Go Went Gone

Do Did Done

See Saw Seen

Find Found Found

Be Was/were Been

Have Had Had

II. Fill in have or has

1. We have nished our test.
2. I have borrowed a new Harry Potter book.
3.You have been naughty today.
4. Where is the cake? The dog have eaten it all.
5. Where is dad? - He has gone to the supermarket.
6. She has moved to Kyiv.

III. Write the verbs in brackets in Present Perfect.

1. We have been to Italy.
2. Ann has played golf many times.
3. They aren't at home. They have gone out.
4. I have seen that woman before.
5. She has done her homework.
6. Jim has visited his granny.

IV. Make the sentences negative.

1. He hasn’t gone to Spain.
2. She hasn’t closed the door .
3. He hasn’t cleaned his shoes.
4. He hasn’t had a bath.
5. They hadn’t gone to bed.
6. They hadn’t painted their room.

V. Make up sentences.
Mary is 43. She has had an interesting life. Write about the things she has done.
1. she has done many di erent jobs.

2. she has travelled to many place

3. she has met a lot of interesting people

4. she has been married three times

5. she has done a lot of interesting things

6. she has written ten books


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