Fybca Sem-2 Journal 2 - 2024 Ps

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Journal 2

Subject: 204 Programming Skills
Submission Date: 21/02/2024

1. Write a C program that accepts a string and replaces all the even number characters
with their place position using UDF.
Output: N2V4A6I
2. Write a program that input string. Pass string in User Defined Function as
parameter to count Total Consonants and vowels.
3. Write a c program that creates structure Student with sid, sname, sem, per (%).
 Input 5 Students
 Display those Student's name who have achieved more than 70% in sem 3.
4. Write a program that creates structure Employee with id, name and salary. Enter
data of five Employees. Display data of those employees whose salary is less than
5. Create a C structure, volume with fields: litter and millilitre. Read the value of two
volumes and add them, if the value of millilitre is more than 1000 then add it to litter

6. Create a python list and perform the following operation:

 Sort the list
 Display sum of the all elements of the list
 Display last element of the list
7. Write Python code to print the sum of the given list in Python.
8. Write a python program that store characters of a word as list elements and
removes vowels from the list.
Old List: ['p’, r, 'o', 'g,’ r’, ’a’, ’m']
New List: ['p’, ‘r’, ’g’,’ r’, 'm']
9. Write a Python program that accepts input as marks 30 of 3 subjects for each
 Display total marks, percentage and grade (if per > 70 then grade DIST, per > 60
then grade FIRST, per > 50 then grade SECOND, per > 40 then grade PASS) of
each student

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