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Writing a coursework on a topic like Business Ethics can be a challenging yet rewarding task.

requires a deep understanding of ethical principles, business practices, and the ability to critically
analyze and discuss complex issues. Here are some reasons why writing a Business Ethics
coursework can be difficult:

1. Complexity of the Subject: Business Ethics involves navigating through intricate moral and
ethical dilemmas within the corporate world. Addressing these complexities and offering
well-reasoned arguments requires a solid grasp of ethical theories and their application in real-
world scenarios.
2. Research Intensity: Crafting a comprehensive coursework demands extensive research to
support your arguments and viewpoints. This involves delving into academic journals, case
studies, and relevant literature to build a strong foundation for your content.
3. Critical Thinking: A successful coursework in Business Ethics requires critical thinking
skills to evaluate different perspectives and form your own nuanced stance on ethical issues.
This involves considering the impact of decisions on various stakeholders and the broader
societal context.
4. Analytical Skills: Analyzing business practices from an ethical standpoint involves the ability
to dissect complex situations and identify ethical implications. Developing analytical skills to
assess the ethical dimensions of corporate actions is a crucial aspect of coursework writing.
5. Effective Communication: Expressing your thoughts clearly and concisely is essential.
Writing a coursework involves presenting your arguments in a coherent manner, backed by
evidence, and in a way that is accessible to your target audience.

For those finding the task overwhelming, seeking assistance from reputable sources can be a viable
option. One such recommendation is ⇒ ⇔. They offer professional writing
services that can help alleviate the stress associated with coursework assignments. However, it's
important for individuals to carefully evaluate and choose services that are reliable, reputable, and
committed to producing high-quality, original work.

Remember, while external assistance can provide support, it's crucial to maintain academic integrity
and ensure that the final submission reflects your understanding and insights into the subject matter.
Therefore, religion is a significant social institution that controls beliefs and behaviours. The task of
distinguishing unethical and ethical business practices is not easy. There are many different
stakeholders for a business entity to answer: customers, shareholders and clients. When a company
does business with another that is considered unethical, does this make the first company unethical
by association. Personal data must be protected and kept classified, and the employees need to agree
to the background checks. Accounting ethics are moral values that govern the profession of
accounting. Unethical business practices can cause immediate financial gain, but they will cost
companies customers and employees over time. Personal data must be protected and kept classified,
and the employees need to agree to the background checks. The business should avoid indulging in
activities like black marketing, hindrance, adulteration, etc. Although these rules may seem
burdensome to employees trying to serve customers, a violation may be considered an unethical act.
It has been established that making good ethical decisions positively impact a company. Post-
training reinforcement consequently helps individuals to recall the understanding and ask questions.
For example, they may: attract clients to the firm's products, thereby boosting sales and profits. The
company's code of conduct in relation to countries' laws, the set company goals and mission as well
as self-monitory skills are the major components of business ethics. Making sound ethical decisions
may not alway be the most popular thing to do, but it almost always the wisest way to conduct
business. To this day, all of their restaurants remain closed every Sunday, with employees obviously
being given the day off. Most companies have a plan to gauge customer satisfaction. One of the
most interesting chapters of Business Studies class 11, named Social Responsibilities of Business and
Business Ethics will familiarize you with a variety of similar concepts. Business ethics are essential
because self-regulation is desirable in a market economy and leads to many favourable outcomes.
Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. We
have already discussed ways to prevent unethical behaviour such as implementing a code of ethics
and ethical policies and taking swift action. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out
how to manage cookies. Being a private enterprise TOMS shoes does not release its financial
statements leaving behind a vacuum in terms of its transparency. This increased importance of the
employee’s role in the company’s culture helps workers stay engaged in the mission of the
organization and perhaps makes them less likely to look elsewhere for employment. These are duties
best in the interest of society that should be performed by a business firm. Business people are
forced to make judgments with respect to what is ethical or right to do. Soil pollution causes perilous
effects on our environment and leads to several health hazards. Personal ethics influence decision
both inside and outside of work. When unethical behaviour begins, managers need to identify it as
soon as possible. The result represents a detailed and photorealistic record of the materiality of the
cemetery at present.
These obstacles are especially challenging to overcome when other people are urging you to act
unethically. Taking your firm’s product development or trade secrets to a new place of employment
constitutes the ethical violation of divulging proprietary information. Many companies have
collapsed and others may be at the verge of collapse due to failures in accounting as professionals in
this field have neglected the importance of ethics in governing the day to day activities of their
companies. There are, however, ten common benefits that all companies have when they handle their
business ethics. It also pays taxes that support schools, hospitals, and better roads. Nov 12, 2020 —
Luke Rockhold title fight set for UFC 221Be 'super pissed' all you want, but Georges St-Pierre
doesn't owe us anythingTwitter reacts to Georges. Adhering to business ethics avoids not only the
risk of government intervention and legal battles in law courts but also improves the profitability of
the company. Treat employees with honesty and respect so that they treat each other and customers
the same way. The circumstances of each company will determine the results of managing ethics. See
other similar resources ?5.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you
were looking for. A continent-size hole is opening up in the earth’s protective ozone shield. Many
major brands have been fined millions for breaking ethical business laws. When a multinational firm
makes an investment in a foreign country, it should commit to a long-term relationship. Such
disagreements, however, can be resolved by allowing the legal system to be the primary influencer.
The reason why corporate social responsibility is a critical part of ethics in any given company rests
in the fact it serves to strengthen the bond between the organization and society as a while. Justice.
The system of justice means impartiality and equality. The EEOC protects the rights of individuals
from discrimination and harassment, regardless of ethnicity, sex, religion, sexual orientation,
disability, age, etc. But business interests and ethics has not fruitfully intersected in the real world
leaving mangers to search in the dark for the correct ethical option. Speaking of social media, it plays
a pivotal role in ethical decision-making today, when people use the medium to share critical
comments about friends as well as employers, business colleagues, and competitors. Functionalist
theory supports religion to serve numerous crucial purposes for individuals and society. Engaging
employees on a regular basis, setting realistic expectations, and identifying specific development
paths may help retain key employees. This involves a great deal of mutual trust that must be earned.
Employees often respond to situations they feel are unfair. Ethics refer to regulations provided by an
external source, for example, codes of conduct in workplaces or principles in religions. Write a
review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. In addition,
the company offers free commuter bus service for all employees via 27 routes around the Bay Area.
9. Strategies to prevent such missteps should include establishing a culture of integrity to prevent
anyone from breaking the rules, making sure company goals and metrics do not create undue pressure
on employees to cut corners, and implementing effective processes and controls to minimize the
opportunity for unethical behaviour. 16. Ethics has evolved from ancient tradition based on cultural,
religious and philosophical beliefs. Business ethics is, by its very nature, applied ethics.. In
answering such questions, we will examine the classical business view of stockholder theory. There
are ways to promote ethical conduct, however, by merely instilling a few basic rules.
This increased importance of the employee’s role in the company’s culture helps workers stay
engaged in the mission of the organization and perhaps makes them less likely to look elsewhere for
employment. Organisations must lay down code of conduct for business people because it is a crucial
factor that ensures ethical conduct. Most of the large corporations have enquired about ethics and
compliance programs that are embodied with corporate governance. It is a fact that most business
decision includes the choice between two undesirable options or two or more products. An auditor
(or a committee, if there is no auditor) usually goes over the data to determine if any modifications
need to be executed. Business Ethics is considered as the most structured, critical topic in the world
of business studies class 11 commerce subject. This should be the primary goal of business ethics,
helping the public and business environment, etc. Dr. Vinod Kumar Kanvaria EDL 290F Week 1 -
Meet Me at the Start Line.pdf EDL 290F Week 1 - Meet Me at the Start Line.pdf Elizabeth Walsh
Sudden Death of Beliefs Sudden Death of Beliefs Ray Poynter skeletal system details with joints
and its types skeletal system details with joints and its types Minaxi patil. When harmful chemical
and toxic elements are released into the soil, it can turn to be extremely dangerous for human beings.
The ethics pays approach was highly criticized and academics were of the stand that business
interests and ethics can and do conflict. These tools direct the organisation as leaders attempt to
manage ethics. Woiceshyn, J. (2011). A model for ethical decision making in business: Reasoning,
intuition, and. Beyond this fundamental responsibility, employers must provide a clean, safe
working environment that is free from all forms of discrimination. An organisational chart will help
determine how an ethics program will run. Obviously, the Nash model is a bit more involved than we
have time to fully discuss in this paper, but the principles are made clear. Other areas of business
ethics that are perhaps equally as critical revolve around honesty, open mindedness, and
trustworthiness (Jennings, 2012). An ethical issue is a situation where someone must choose between
a set of actions that may be ethical or unethical. This would help in solving the drawbacks of society
like unemployment. They can also be held when aiding co-workers in dealing with unethical
behaviour committed explicitly at work. Organizations can reduce the potential for these types of
liability claims by leading through example, through various informal and formal programs, and by
educating their employees about ethical standards. For some years, the place has received the
attention of a research project interested in discussing the dynamics of colonial relationships in Tierra
del Fuego. Shoes are the focus of special attention because children deprived of shoes are vulnerable
to numerous soil-based diseases like jiggers, hookworm, tetanus and podoconiosis. Many people find
that, after reaching a decision on an issue, they still experience discomfort that may manifest itself in
a loss of sleep or appetite. Let’s look at the next section to obtain some guidance on recognizing
unethical situations. Laws and regulations: All legal obligations need to be acknowledged. They can
also be held when aiding co-workers in dealing with unethical behaviour committed explicitly at
work. Recent research suggests that now more than ever, CEOs are being held to higher standards by
boards of directors, investors, governments, media, and even employees when it comes to corporate
accountability and ethical behaviour. This is an example of an ethical model that has served to
increase their profitability over the years, even when to act contrary to their business model of being
closed on Sundays would not be seen as being unethical in the least. Individuals tend to make better
decisions when they know that they will end up being the one responsible for any fall-out in the long
run. Corporate social responsibility involves a process of opening up and maintaining a solid manner
of doing business that emanates from business ethics.
Ethical organizations need to cover different areas of responsibility and consider the social
ramifications of their actions. That means involving all stakeholders in the host country in decision-
making. Business ethics is about more than simply making the right decision. With the basis for
ethical decision making already being established, it is now essential to analyze certain utilitarian
theories in the area of business ethics in order to guide businesses in the right forward moving
direction. Just as individuals have different values and morals, so do businesses. The EEOC protects
the rights of individuals from discrimination and harassment, regardless of ethnicity, sex, religion,
sexual orientation, disability, age, etc. Chapters 15 and 16 Business Continuity Planning (BCP) and
Disaster Recovery Planning. Adhering to business ethics avoids not only the risk of government
intervention and legal battles in law courts but also improves the profitability of the company. For
the best results, put the various approaches together and choose the answers that best fit. Business
ethics is the subject of proper business policies and practices regarding likely controversial subjects,
including corporate governance, insider trading, discrimination, corporate social responsibility,
fiduciary responsibilities, and bribery. This course will tackle the use of business ethics in two major
parts. A thick fog-like layer in the atmosphere especially during winters is smog which is made up of
smoke and fog. This is why many unethical decisions made today, often become illegal as a matter of
public record at some point in the future. Research Aims and Objectives Owing to previous studies
that have pointed out the favourable Impact of Business Ethics on organisations, the current stud. If
the circumstance is a grey area, you may have to explain why it was not ethical. The goal of any
business, obviously, is to succeed. If the conduct explicitly violates company policy, remind the
person about the policy. Determine the ethics of a situation: Does the decision influence a group or
have legal ramifications Gather Information: Study as much as possible about the case, and get the
point of view from all parties involved. The result represents a detailed and photorealistic record of
the materiality of the cemetery at present. Managers must uphold the ethics program by adhering to
it themselves and holding all of their employees to the same standards. As a result, in Canada,
whistleblower protection laws and regulations have been enacted to guarantee freedom of speech for
workers and contractors in certain situations. Ethics refer to regulations provided by an external
source, for example, codes of conduct in workplaces or principles in religions. Many people have
viewed social responsibility as a one-way street that focuses on the obligations of business to society,
employees, and others. The Code of Ethics needs to address specific concerns. They are stored at
temperatures that keep the cells in a stable state, preventing them from damaging themselves or
changing from their initial state. Employees often respond to situations they feel are unfair. An
auditor (or a committee, if there is no auditor) usually goes over the data to determine if any
modifications need to be executed. Business Ethics Exam - Questions and Answers essays1) What is
ethics. But to work, training has to have a strong pre- and post-training component. The prime reason
for soil pollution is the addition of harmful chemicals artificially, especially while farming.
It is essential to discuss the situation face-to-face. Fill up the short information below and we will
send it to you right away. These might not be similar to the personal codes, but they should be
performed. Learn more about how Pressbooks supports open publishing practices. There are three
attributes, however, that people identify with ethical management: integrity, transparency and
utilitarianism. It is majorly caused due to ill-activities by humans and has severe consequences on
the life of aquatic animals. (c) Land Pollution: The contamination of soil with different harmful toxic
chemicals is known as soil pollution. Jennings, M. M. (2012). Business ethics: Case studies and
selected readings. 7th Ed. Ohio. It may be more difficult to identify the employee skills that will be
critical over the next several years, causing employers either to increase training of current workers
or to look outside the organization for other individuals who already possess the technical skills
needed to get the job done. Companies are bound to fulfill legal responsibilities whereas social
responsibilities are not mandatory and only aims to help the poor section of the society. However,
formal training in business ethics does not have relevance in professional circumstances. No
corporation or corporate executive today will be caught saying they do not really care about the
environment. The problem is that the amount of money these companies are making outweighs the
fines applied. Other areas of business ethics that are perhaps equally as critical revolve around
honesty, open mindedness, and trustworthiness (Jennings, 2012). Determine the ethics of a situation:
Does the decision influence a group or have legal ramifications Gather Information: Study as much
as possible about the case, and get the point of view from all parties involved. They apply not only
to how the business interacts with the world at large, but also to their one-on-one dealings with a
single customer. We have already discussed ways to prevent unethical behaviour such as
implementing a code of ethics and ethical policies and taking swift action. Enhance, boost, build up,
enlarge, heighten Business Ethics course in Singapore. Business Ethics Course, Session 1: Why
business ethics. If the conduct explicitly violates company policy, remind the person about the
policy. Speaking of social media, it plays a pivotal role in ethical decision-making today, when people
use the medium to share critical comments about friends as well as employers, business colleagues,
and competitors. The problem, however, is that large corporations often find it difficult to live up to
the high expectations that its shareholders and the public have set for them. This is especially true
when social business practices cut into shareholder earnings. All companies are responsible for
making a profit to survive and fulfil their other obligations. Justice. The system of justice means
impartiality and equality. The reinforcement of business ethics through well defined measures is
important because the social environment is likely to become more disorderly and turbulent with
development in all spheres. Shoes are the focus of special attention because children deprived of
shoes are vulnerable to numerous soil-based diseases like jiggers, hookworm, tetanus and
podoconiosis. Why not take time to check our Interactive, Responsive, Simulation and Game-based
engaging elearning samples. In a recent year, more than 27,000 Deloitte professionals contributed
more than 353,000 volunteer hours to their communities around the world. 6. Ethics has evolved
from ancient tradition based on cultural, religious and philosophical beliefs. The Code of Ethics needs
to address specific concerns.
Post-training reinforcement consequently helps individuals to recall the understanding and ask
questions. Next, employees are presented with a series of situations and asked to come up with the
“best” ethical solution. Business ethics is a highly critical subject though it is considered as a very
critical issue for business conduct since the 1970’s due to the various logics and the lack of proper
direction in setting theories. At one hand donating shoes to facilitate communities is a great
philanthropic cause while on the other hand various leadership issues are associated with it. Here are
some points for the social responsibilities of business. An organisational chart will help determine
how an ethics program will run. Most of the large corporations have enquired about ethics and
compliance programs that are embodied with corporate governance. Credit disclosure requirements,
truth-in-lending provisions, and new regulations on auto leasing all resulted because businesses
misled consumers who could not easily follow the jargon of long, complex agreements. Although a
business cannot change the culture of another country, it can perpetuate—or stop—abuse through its
operations there. Harvard Business Review Vol:71 Iss.3 p:38-40, 43-4, 46-8 Available: Retrieved on
November 23, 2008. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies.
Functionalist theory supports religion to serve numerous crucial purposes for individuals and society.
The president was distraught because he knew the firm would be bankrupt by the end of the year if
it didn’t receive more contracts. Morals refer to an individual's principles of right and wrong
behaviour. Obviously, the Nash model is a bit more involved than we have time to fully discuss in
this paper, but the principles are made clear. The education of business ethics in campuses is causing
bewilderment to actual managers not due to the dislike to do the right thing but because business
ethicists do not offer the required practical advice. A manager should be in place to supervise the
ethics program, but he or she will need the support provided by other positions. The reason why
corporate social responsibility is a critical part of ethics in any given company rests in the fact it
serves to strengthen the bond between the organization and society as a while. They are also
influenced by the ethical environment created by their employers. Write a review Update existing
review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. Ethical standards are an aspect that
is concerned with positive and negative. It is essential to discuss the situation face-to-face. Reviews
Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. Most of the large
corporations have enquired about ethics and compliance programs that are embodied with corporate
governance. The Code of Ethics needs to address specific concerns. It has been determined that
corporate social responsibility is an essential element in working to ensure the success of a business
(Jennings, 2012). The second leadership issue that needs to be addressed by TOMS is that it must
make its financial information publicly available for all stake holders. Both business ethics and social
responsibility acts differ from one company to another company. The effectiveness of such codes of
ethics depends on the extent to which to management supports them with sanctions and rewards.
Managing business ethics within the workplace plays a very important role as it brings about
benefits, moral and valuable, for leaders, managers, and the overall organisation itself (McMurrian
and Matulich 2006).
Analysts project that after charging, insurance, and maintenance costs, electric cars cost thousands of
dollars more than conventional vehicles. It is not implemented to keep employees from stealing
office supplies. Universal ethics happen to be predefined norms and convictions about the kind of
behavior expected in a specific situation. This plan needs to entail their plan, or ethical model, but
which they will make important decisions. No corporation or corporate executive today will be
caught saying they do not really care about the environment. For example, Martin Shkreli, former
CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals, raised the price of a drug used for newborns and HIV patients by
more than 5000 percent, defending the price increase as a “great business decision.” 1 Few people
would call that ethical behaviour. Kant’s moral reasoning can certainly be applied to the business
sphere. First, let’s consider how individual business ethics are formed. This improves their bottom
line, gains favor with the community, and encourages more stakeholder investment. The importance
of this topic is critical, not only to the business itself, but to traders around the globe. Safeguards do
more than protect the company; they help bring in work. The culture of the company will influence
those who make decisions taken within an organisation, be it either individuals or a group. A recent
global study by PwC reveals that over the last several years, there has been a large increase in the
number of CEOs being forced out due to some sort of ethical lapse in their organizations. Allowing
unethical behaviour to continue will have long-term consequences for the company. The reason why
some businesses will opt to let the law be their guideline in nearly every situation is that people have
varying opinions on what is ethical. Through its One for One program TOMS Shoes is committed to
provide a new pair of shoes to a needy child in return for each pair of its shoes sold out. Business
people are forced to make judgments with respect to what is ethical or right to do. There is no set
standard where one company can they are correct, but another disagree. Professional, or applied
ethics, addresses this moral behavior that is related to a commercial activity (Jennings, 2012). As a
result, Participants will leave the training course feeling as they have gained a strong understanding
and will also be in a position to execute what they have learned sensibly. It can provide real and
practical direction to our lives. A politician who argued that a supermarket clerk should receive the
same pay as a physician, for example, would not receive many votes from the Canadian people. But
business interests and ethics has not fruitfully intersected in the real world leaving mangers to search
in the dark for the correct ethical option. Unfortunately, top executives still walk away with millions.
It also pays taxes that support schools, hospitals, and better roads. The multi-dimensional aspect of
business ethics places the responsibility for ethical business conduct on the business professional,
peers, organization and the various factors that influence a person to make a decision. Socially
responsible businesses seize the trust and respect of their employees, customers, and community and,
in the long run, increase profits. Recent research suggests that many consumers, particularly
millennials, prefer to do business with companies and brands that communicate socially responsible
messages, utilize sustainable manufacturing processes, and practice ethical business standards. 10.
The EEOC protects the rights of individuals from discrimination and harassment, regardless of
ethnicity, sex, religion, sexual orientation, disability, age, etc. Or what about the small Texas plastics
manufacturer that employed over 100 people and specialized in the Latin American market.

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