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SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

1. It is necessary that (A) / we must go to her home to (B) /

see her parents who have (C) / been ill for more than two
weeks (D) / No error (E).
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

2. She has passed (A) / the examination in 2009 (B) / and is

planning (C) / to go for higher education (D)/No error (E).
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

3. He did not yet (A) / finished his work, (B) / while he has to
complete (C) / it before the coming Monday (D) / No error
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

4. As and when required (A)/ Nikhil obtains guidance (B)/

from his father (C)/ in his business problems. (D)/ No error (E)
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

5. If I would have realized (A)/ what a bad driver you were

(B)/1 would not have (C)/ come with you. (D)/ No error (E)
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

6. Ragesh finished his work (A)/just before (B)/ you came to

see him (C)/ at his residence. (D)/ No error (E)
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

7. You should think (A)/ of all the possibilities (B)/ before you
take (C)/ any decision. (D)/ No error (E)
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

8. My mother goes out for a morning (A) / walk everyday

because (B) / the doctor has advised her (C) / to do so if she
really wants to get well soon (D) / No error (E)
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

9. Three years has passed (A) / but I still remember (B) to meet
her in the train (C) / along with her family (D)/ 'No error (E).
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

10. To be a good leader (A)/ one should have (B)/ the courage
to take decisions (C)/ and been honest. (D)/ No error (E).
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

11. The audience still flock/ (A) to his concerts to hear him
sing /(B) as they perceive a sense of purity and piquancy in his
music that is hard / (C) to come by today /(D) No error (E).
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

12. I wondered (A) / whether writing or phone (B) / her

regarding the (C)/ status quo of India (D) /No error (E).
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

13. School offers many opportunities of meeting/ (A) helpful

people, reading useful books (B) and obtains information
about /(C) a variety of public careers /(D) No error (E).
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

14. She had offered (A)/a temporary assignment but (B)/she

turned it down saying that (C)/ she would accepted only a
permanent one. (D)/ No error (E).
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

15. She refused to fall in (A) / love with me before (B) /' her
father, but it (C) / was not the reality at all (D) / No error (E).
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

16. Why talk to him if (A) / he is not ready (B) / to act on the
advice (C) / you have given to him (D) /No error (E).
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

17. He has taken care to (A)/ compliance with the norms (B)/
so he expects the proposal (C)/ to be approved without delay
(D)/. No error (E).
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

18. Sooner or later I (A) / will have you to believe (B) / that
none can (C) / love you more than I (D) / No error (E).
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

19. I want nothing (A) / but to love as (B) / long as I am (C) /

above ground (D) / No error (E)
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

20. I requested to give (A) / five lac rupees, but he turned (B)/
a deaf ear to me (C) and went away without saying anything
(D) / No error (E).
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

21. Being a hot day, (A) I do not like to go out of (B) / the
room and play cricket (C) with my friends in the field (D) / No
error (E).
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

22. You had better left the (A) / meeting and come (B) / to see
me (C)/as soon as possible (D)/No error (E).
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

23. In a group you (A)/ may found one or two (B)/ people who
tend (C)/ to be extremely vocal. (D)/ No error (E).
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

24. The machineries are (A)/ not functioning (B)/ properly

(C)/ these days. (D)/ No error (E).
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

25. He looks (A)/more depressed than (B)/her but I don't

(C)/know the reason. (D)/No error (E).
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

26. Hundreds of (A)/passer bys (B)/ stopped at (C)/the place

of accident. (D)/No error (E).
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

27. Let you and (A)/ go to airport (B)/to welcome (C)/ our
beloved friend.(D)/ No error (E).
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

28. Jaya Jyotsna went (A)/ to her friend's house(B)/ and gave
her two (C)/ ten- rupees note (D)/ No error (E).
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

29. Unfortunately today many / parents cannot afford / to

send it / children to school / No error.
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

30. He asked Anil / why your father / has lost his temper / No
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

31. The pen which / that is on table, is mine.

SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

32. He is the students who / whom we expect, will stand first.

SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

33. The dog whose colour is white, has become mad.

SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

34. The man and his dog that / who / which I saw yesterday,
have been kidnapped.
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

35. If all of you quarrel / among yourself / we shall not be able

to solve your problems / No error.
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

36. The results of the study showed that (A)/ if the partners
were willing to talk to each other(B)/and arrive at a mutually
agreeable decision (C)/ the joint decisions were more better
than anyone person's judgement. (D)/No error (E)
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

37. During his teen years nobody (A)/ could overtake him
because his (B)/ pace was as swift as a rabbit./(c) No error (D)
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

38. Now-a-days, (A)/the weather (B)/is getting cold and

(C)/colder. (D)/ No Error (E)
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

39. She has a remarkably (A)/lovingly appearance (B)/which

brings her honour (C)/and admiration as well. (D)/No Error (E)
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

40. India is such developing nation (A)/ that it will definitely

(B) / be on the top of the (C)/world very soon (D) / No error
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

41. She had no other (A)/hobby than that of (B)/wearing a

dress of (C)/ the latest design. (D)/No Error (E)
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

42. I am very thankful (A)/ to her as she used (B) / to see me

at the (C)/hospital every five hour (D) / No error (E)
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

43. Believe me, (A)/ he was holding her (B) / with one hand
and (C)/caressing her with another hand (D) / No error (e)
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

44. A day before yesterday (A)/ she met with an (B) / accident
and her every hand (C) /was bruised badly (D) / No error (E)
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

45. At the utmost gate (A)/was standing a guard (B)/ holding

a gun in (C)/ his han(D) (D)/No Error (E)
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

46. With the statement too much (A)/ doubtful, it was not
that (B) / easy to take the (C) / delegates in confidence (D)/No
error (E).
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

47. His essay was unmatched, / (A) so he was awarded the best
prize /(B) in the form of a shield made of silver and enamelled
/(C) with some precious stones. /(D) No error (E)
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

48. When we got / to the train station, / the Rajdhani Express

/ had already been leaving.
(a) the Rajdhani Express
(b) When we got
(c) had already been leaving
(d) to the train station
SSC CPO पराक्रम बैच ENGLISH

49. The careful crafted personality / of Anahita / did not help

her much / in the electoral campaign.
(a) did not help her much
(b) The careful crafted personality
(c) of Anahita
(d) in the electoral campaign

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