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Part 1 – Making the Girl Scout Promise and Reciting the GS Law
Part 2 – Receiving the Investiture Pin and
Part 3 – Being welcomed to the GS Movement
Theme: Twinklers Find the Magic Star
Setting: A large hall decorated with twinkling stars hung all over the place. A large Star covered within foil is set in front
of the hall. At the center of the star is a mirror big enough for the twinkle to see her own face. Before the
ceremony, the star is covered with a piece of cloth, which will be removed at a certain part of the Ceremony.
Place the GSP logo beside the star in the center of the stage. Play some lively music to start the Ceremony as the
new Twinklers skip gaily into the hall searching for something.
Shining Star: (Meet the new Twinklers) Hello there little friends. May I know why you are here?
New Twinklers: We are looking for the Magic Star. We want to know if we can become Twinklers.
Shining Star: Well then come along! I shall take you to Guiding Star. (Shining Star takes the girls to Guiding Star)
Shining Star: Guiding Star, these little girls are looking for the Magic Star. They wish to become Twinklers and they wish
to know if they can become one.
Guiding Star: Welcome my little friends. This is the Land if the Twinklers. But first you must tell me why you want to
become Twinklers,
Twinkler 1: I want to be truthful.
Twinkler 2: I want to be kind.
Twinkler 3: I want to be helpful.
Twinkler 4: I want to make other people happy.
Twinkler 5: I want to be obedient.
Twinkler 6: I want to be friendly.
Twinkler 7: I want to be happy.
Twinkler 8: I want to be alert.
Guiding Star: Come and see the Magic Star (Approaches the Magic Star and removes the cloth covering it while
YOUR FACE YOU SEE TRULY A TWINKLER YOU WILL BE. (Each Twinkler takes a few steps towards the Guiding Star
and recites the Twinkler Promise as she executes the sign. I love God, My Country and the People around me.)
Guiding Star: I place this pinholder on your uniform to welcome you to the Girl Scout Movement. You are now a member
of the Twinkler Girl Scout Troop and the Girl Scouts of the Philippines. (Guiding Star and Shining Star execute the
Girl Scout Sign after the girl recited her Promise and pin the investiture pin on her uniform.
Guiding Star: Welcome to the Girl Scout Movement as a member of Twinkler Girl Scout Troop No. ____. (Guiding Star
and Shining Star shake the left hand of each Twinkler.) Twinkler all together sing “Happy Little Twinkler”.
Song: I’m a happy little Twinkler
Marching on for you and me
Jolly, cheerful Twinkler
For my heart is full of glee
I love God and country and
All those around me
I’m a happy jolly Twinkler
Marching on for GSP
(Celestial Ceremony)

The following are the required parts:

Part 1: Making the Girl Scout Promise and reciting the Girl Scout Law
Part 2: Receiving the Girl Scout Age – Level Pin and the World Pin for the first time
Part 3: Being welcomed to the Girl Scouting Movement


1. Processional – Guests are already in their places
a. Doxology
b. Colors
c. Philippine National Anthem
d. Panatang Makabayan
e. Grounding of Colors
2. Opening Remarks – Troop Leader welcomes the guests and candidates to the ceremonies
3. Presentation of Guests and Candidates
4. Investiture Ceremony: An Investing Officer may be invited to invest the new Girl Scout or the Troop Leader can
invest them. Troop leader assisted by Troop Co-Leader and a Senior Girl Scout pin the Girl Scout pin and the World
pin on each girl as she makes the GS sign. Then, the three of them give each one a GS handshake.

Troop Leader/Investing Officer: We have here with us a number of girls aged 6-9. Let us ask them why they are here.
Girls why are you here and what do you wish to become?
New Girl Scouts: We want to become Star Girl Scouts. Will you accept us?
Troop Leader/Investing Officer: Do you come of your own free will?
New Girl Scouts: Yes, we do.
Troop Leader/Investing Officer: Have you satisfied the requirement expected of a Star?
New Girl Scouts: Yes, we have.
Troop Leader/Investing Officer: Are you ready to fulfill the Star Scout Promise and obey the Star Scout Law?
New Girl Scouts: Yes, we are.
Troop Leader/Investing Officer: Then, having shown your willingness and sincerity in wanting to become members of the
Star Girl Scout Troop No. ____; we are ready to receive you.
Troop Co-Leader: Before we do, let us hear you say the Star Girl Scout Promise and Law in unison.
New Girl Scouts: (New members make the sign and recite the Star Girl Scout Promise)
I promise to my best to love God and my country
To help other people every day especially those at home
Star Girl Scout Law
Troop Leader/Investing Officer: Now we are ready to pin the Star Girl Scout pin and the World pin on your collar (Troop
Leader and Investing Officer pin the Star Scout pin and World Pin then give each girl a GS Handshake.
Troop Leader/Investing Officer Welcome to the sisterhood and the world of Girl Scouting and to the Star Girl Scout
Troop No. ____.
Girl Scouts Invested before: We want to become Star Girl Scouts. Will you accept us?
Troop Leader/Investing Officer: Do you come of your own free will?
Girl Scouts Invested before: Yes, we do.
Troop Leader/Investing Officer: Have you satisfied the requirement expected of a Star?
Girl Scouts Invested before: Yes, we have.
Troop Leader/Investing Officer: Are you ready to fulfill the Star Scout Promise and obey the Star Scout Law? Then recite
the Promise and Law in unison.


1. Processional – This is omitted if the Girl Scouts and Guests are already in their places
a. Doxology
b. Colors
 Philippine National Anthem
 Panatang Makabayan
c. Grounding of Colors
2. Opening Remarks – The Troop Leader/School Head welcomes the guests and candidates
3. Presentation of Guests and Candidates
4. Message by the Investing Officer
5. Investiture Proper
6. Special Number by the Girls
7. Retiring of Colors
8. Recessional

Script for the Investiture:

Troop Leader/Investing Officer: We have here with us a number of girls aged 9-12. Let us ask them why they are here.
Girls why are you here and what do you wish to become?
New Girl Scouts: We want to become Junior Girl Scouts. Will you accept us?
Troop Leader/Investing Officer: Do you come of your own free will?
New Girl Scouts: Yes, we do.
Troop Leader/Investing Officer: Have you satisfied the requirement expected of a Junior Girl Scout?
New Girl Scouts: Yes, we have.
Troop Leader/Investing Officer: Are you ready to fulfill the Girl Scout Promise and obey the Girl Scout Law?
New Girl Scouts: Yes, we are.
Troop Leader/Investing Officer: Then, having shown your willingness and sincerity in wanting to become members of the
Junior Girl Scout Troop No. ____; we are ready to receive you.
Troop Leader/Investing Officer: Before we do, let us hear you say the Girl Scout Promise and Law in unison.
New Girl Scouts: (New members make the sign and recite the Girl Scout Promise)
On my honor, I will do my duty to God and my country, to help other people at all times and to live by the Girl
Scout Law.
Girl Scout Law
A Girl Scout’s honor is to be trusted.
A Girl Scout is loyal
A Girl Scout is helpful
A Girl Scout is a friend to all and a sister to every other girl scout
A Girl Scout is courteous
A Girl Scout respects living things
A Girl Scout is disciplined
A Girl Scout is self-reliant
A Girl Scout is thrifty
A Girl Scout is clean in thought, word and deed

Troop Leader/Investing Officer: Now we are ready to pin the Junior Girl Scout pin and the World pin on your collar
(Troop Leader and Investing Officer pin the Junior Scout pin and World Pin then give each girl a GS Handshake.
Troop Leader/Investing Officer: Welcome to the sisterhood and the world of Girl Scouting and to the Junior Girl Scout
Troop No. ____.
Rededication will follow. Girls invested before will rededicate themselves to the GS Promise and Law. Girls recite the GS
Promise and law again. The Junior Pin will be pinned and welcome them again as members of the Junior troop.


An Investing Officer may be invested to invest the new Girl Scouts.
Flowers, three whit candles and one candle each of the following colors: blue, yellow, green, pink, gold, brown, orange,
violet, red, silver are placed on a table. A stand for the candles is provided. Matches are needed to light the candles.

Script for the Investiture:

Troop Leader/Investing Officer: We have here with us a number of girls aged 12-15. Let us ask them why they are here.
Girls why are you here and what do you wish to become?
New Girl Scouts: We want to become Senior Girl Scouts. Will you accept us?
Troop Leader/Investing Officer: Do you come of your own free will?
New Girl Scouts: Yes, we do.
Troop Leader/Investing Officer: Have you satisfied the requirement expected of a Senior Girl Scout?
New Girl Scouts: Yes, we have.
Troop Leader/Investing Officer: Are you ready to fulfill the Girl Scout Promise and obey the Girl Scout Law?
New Girl Scouts: Yes, we are.
Troop Leader/Investing Officer: Please explain to us the meaning of the GS Promise and Law
New Girl Scouts 1: We will now explain the GS Promise using white candles to symbolize purity of heart and the
intention to uphold our promise.
New Girl Scouts 2: The white candles represents out duty to God, our Country the Philippines. On my honor, I will do my
duty to God and my Country
New Girl Scouts 3: This candle represents our duty to love and help others no matter what nationality, religion or color
of skin. On my honor, I will help other people at all times.
New Girl Scouts 4: This candle represents the basic philosophy and code of conduct by which we Girl Scouts live by our
Girl Scout Law. On my honor, I will live by the Girl Scout Law.
New Girl Scouts 5: We will now explain the Girl Scout Law using differently colored candles to symbolize the meaning of
each aspect of our new lives.
New Girl Scouts 6: I am lighting a blue candle, BLUE is the color of the sky. Blue is the color of honor and trust. We Girl
Scouts are honest in dealing with our family, our friends, and our society. We should be as dependable as the
blue sky. “A Girl Scout’s honor is to be trusted.”
New Girl Scouts 7: I am lighting a yellow candle YELLOW is a symbol of loyalty, strength and courage like the yellow
remains of the rice that lie dormant in the fields but can be trusted to ripen and give us nourishment and
strength at the designated time. We are faithful to what is true and good. “A Girl Scout is loyal”.
New Girl Scouts 8: I am lighting a green candle. GREEN is the color of nature, useful and helpful to all. It reminds us of
our duty to be considerate and caring of others. A Girl Scout known when somebody is in danger and helps. “A
Girl Scout is helpful”
New Girl Scouts 9: I am lighting a pink candle. Watching the PINK in the changing sky at sunrise and at sunrise gives us a
sense of peace and reminds us to be friendly and helpful to everyone. A Girl Scout should know whom to trust as
a friend and should be trusted as a friend, too. “A Girl Scout is a friend to all and a sister to every other girl
New Girl Scouts 10: I am lighting a gold candle. GOLD represents the sun’s rays. They shine on everyone regardless of
color, creed or race. This is how Girl Scouts should be courteous. They are like the sun’s rays ever grateful and
co-ideal following our social code of ethics. “A Girl Scout is courteous”
New Girl Scouts 11: I am lighting a brown candle. BROWN makes us think of the color of the earth and makes us
remember all the living things that we must protect and improve to keep our planet Earth healthy. A Girl Scout
knows that she should not abuse or misuse her environment. “A Girl Scout respects living things”
New Girl Scouts 12: I am lighting an orange candle. ORANGE represents the sunset. Even the sun must obey the orders
of nature as it rises and set each day. Discipline requires perseverance and strength of character.“A Girl Scout is
New Girl Scouts 13: I am lighting a violet candle. VIOLET represents wisdom and being calm knowing what to do in easy
and difficult situations. Violet also means one is confident that what one is doing is right for all concerned. A
Girls Scout develops wealth of girl scouting experience to use as her resource in everyday life. “A Girl Scout is
New Girl Scouts 14: I am lighting a red candle. RED is the color of the fire, we must use fire with great care just as we
must be thrifty with our resources. Red is also the color of wealth and abundance. Girl Scouts save for a rainy
day. Girl Scout know when to spend and not to spend material wealth. “A Girl Scout is thrifty”
New Girl Scouts 15: I am lighting a silver candle. SILVER symbolizes cool, clear raindrops as we think of the purity of our
thoughts, words and deeds in dealing with everyone around us. “A Girl Scout is clean in thought, word and
Troop Leader/Investing Officer: Then, having shown your willingness and sincerity in wanting to become members of the
Senior Girl Scout Troop No. ____; we are ready to receive you.
Troop Leader/Investing Officer: Now let us hear you say the Girl Scout Promise and Law in unison.
(After the recitation of the Promise and Law, the Senior GS pin and World pin will be pinned by the Troop Leader or
Investing Officer.
Troop Leader/Investing Officer: Welcome to the sisterhood and the world of Girl Scouting and to the Senior Girl Scout
Troop No. ____. Then she extend the left handshake to each.

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