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Writing coursework, especially for a subject like Geography at the GCSE level, can be a challenging

and time-consuming task. It requires a combination of research, analysis, critical thinking, and
effective communication skills. Students often find themselves juggling multiple assignments, exams,
and extracurricular activities, making it difficult to dedicate the necessary time and effort to each

Geography coursework at the GCSE level typically involves fieldwork, data collection, and analysis.
Students may need to explore geographical concepts, investigate real-world issues, and present their
findings in a structured and coherent manner. This process can be overwhelming, especially for those
who are new to academic writing or lack the necessary research skills.

For individuals facing time constraints, struggling with the coursework requirements, or seeking
additional assistance, online platforms like ⇒ ⇔ can be a valuable resource. These
platforms often provide professional writing services, offering custom coursework tailored to
individual needs. However, it's essential to approach such services with caution and choose reputable
platforms to ensure the quality and originality of the work.

While seeking external help can provide relief and support, it's crucial for students to also develop
their skills in research, analysis, and writing. Using such services responsibly, as a supplementary aid
rather than a replacement for personal effort, is recommended. Ultimately, the goal is for students to
understand the subject matter, enhance their academic skills, and succeed in their coursework.
Shops can be placed into a hierarchy order, ranking based on what type of shop it is and what it sells.
Average Flow Rate (s) 100 47.733 58.507 15.68 13.565 16.55 81.33 87.163. Only 20 residents
thought that vandalism and crime was an issue, while 13 residents believed that no problem had
occurred as a result of tourism. Firstly because I think Southgate have more fast food restaurants and
newsagents as well as having a tube station in the CBD which means that people who commute to
London tend to litter quite a bit. These all way below 200, which was been the lowest pedestrian
density close to the CBD. This means that it can have more comparison shops and it will keep people
interested and attracted. This, links in with the annotated photo and spider graph where they support
the view that there would be more tourism in Pillow Mounds. Interpretation- The map on the
opposite page shows my results from the business dependency survey. Somerset is home to Exmoor
National Park which is 693 km2 and is only one of. This was done to ensure that results were
accurate because if the width was measured at water level the current of the water will interrupt the
measurement, making it harder to have a firm grip which hence will lead to inaccuracy in the results.
Can test these graphs dioxide have you collected in their data. This is because there it had a better
environmental quality survey result, has more access points, has been more trampled than Robin
Hood Green and has more litter. Shakespearean play in maths and lost coursework singh 11sk
geography. Items 7 customer support provides top quality papers. In conclusion my surveys show
that the economic impact in Cromer includes an increase in jobs, and the development of services
such as schools and hospitals. From the population pyramid you can see that Newham has a higher
population compared to Cromer. Hypothesis 3 was rejectedwhen it came to the data being analysed
using Spearman’s. In this section of the coursework I will explain what methods I used, how I
collected data and why it is relevant to my investigation. Our customer service team will review your
report and will be in touch. ?0.00 4.90 18 reviews Download Save for later ?0.00 4.90 18 reviews
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4.38 72 reviews Not the right resource. Hitchin is larger and is more of an all day shopping area. We
predicted that there would be more people in the core than the frame as the core has more attractions
within it. I believe this would improve the reliability of my results as the time I collected the data
would be more spaced out. My third hypothesis was that gradient would decrease as you went from
source to. I will also annotate each map and give a brief description about the location of Cromer.
Environmental Mapping I used this data for the chloropleth map to show the environmental quality
of Cromer. The highest value was 281 and it was next to the tube station, the lowest value was along
Bourne Street and was 50. Boulder clay is also present on top of which vegetation has formed. This
is because Cromer is hard to reach and there isn't much point staying for just a day. GCSE
Geography Coursework: Strand 5 - Evaluation of Data. This enables Mountain Ash to grow which is
the first tree growing down the mountain because it is sheltered in the V-shaped valley.
Another method that could have been used was to ask local residents their opinions and whether
they think tourists have a good or bad environmental impact on Cromer, but I wouldn't have received
reliable data because their opinions may not have been true. Photographs I used photos that I took in
Cromer to show things such as the environment and tourist directed shops. Compared with Queens
Street, which has 7% for both clothing stores and specialist shops. Site 4 was near an urban area,
(Holford), which meant that there was concrete and. Getting diseases from the river Hands were
washed thoroughly with soap. The map shows the environmental quality in various locations in
Cromer. River Holford which were the width, the depth and the gradient. Unleashing the Power of
AI Tools for Enhancing Research, International FDP on. I took this photo to show that there is a
negative as well as positive effect to tourism. But saying this Cromer has no big amusements and not
as many hotels today. I would improve this method by increasing the time we spent at Cromer.
Quantock Hills. It is also home to Exmoor National park which is known for its. This, links in with
the annotated photo and spider graph where they support the view. The width of a river channel
increases as it goes downstream because tributaries and. From the map I can see that the areas near
the beach have a high environmental quality based on factors such as litter, attractiveness and traffic
noise. All activities are under 10 minutes so perfect for students who struggle to focus. The core is
used by these kind of stores because they are large companies competing for large profits.They want
the main part of the core as this is where all people go to shop and therefore where all their trade
comes from. When all the data was collectedand put into graphs. As you can see from the table
above, this hypothesis was. It shows that 61 out of the 72 people asked believe that Cromer does
have a good future with only 11 tourists disagreeing. From the flow charts, you can see that Cromer
has develop much faster than other resorts, but now faces pressure as it can not be further developed
and is losing out on a younger generation of tourists so therefore it doesn't have the best economic
future compared to other resorts. Fig. 7 Interpretation From the above line graph you can see that 32
of the tourists interviewed, were staying in Cromer for one week. The timetable is colour coded to
show easier questions in green, more challenging questions in amber and finally the most difficult in
red. I will also be justifying why I used a particular type of graph as. These all way below 200,
which was been the lowest pedestrian density close to the CBD. Below is how we found r2 using the
Spearman’s rank equation. There are more rock features and also distributaries as the river tries to
find the place of least resistance in its journey down through the mountain. My photos were reliable
as they were what you could see, but again they may have been affected by the time of year that we
visited. Where we were along the drainage basin could have changed the width of the river.
However, in Pillow Mounds, there is easy access for cars because it is by a main road and there is a
car park. Site’s 6 cross sectional area was 0.23142 m2 which was an increase from the last site.
Gradient is the elevation of the river along its course. This evidence disagrees with that of the
amount of total plants because it shows that more people might have worn away the broad leaf grass
in R.H.G. The reason that more people equals less plant diversity is that the ground may have been so
badly trampled on, that the broad leaf grass could have died out. The reasons for this may be that
Cromer is a well loved tourist destination. Spearman’s Rank correlation must be undertaken to see
the strength of this. These rocks slow down the river and the river uses most of its energy to
overcome these rocks. But from the map you can also see that the shopping area (Church St, West St)
have a considerably low environmental quality. Write a review Update existing review Submit
review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. Employment figures show that 15% of the people
living in Somerset work in the hotel. Make sure all sheets are trimmed and stuck in, in the correct
order. The second anomaly was also fairly close to the town centre although this point had a low
pedestrian density, this could be because of an unexpected circumstance such as there weren’t many
shops open there or more people were in the shops rather out side. The traffic count shows the
different levels of traffic on Church St, during the day. I would like to thank Mr Matthews, Mr
Orme, and Mr Parker for coming with us on. I have chosen to represent my data for width as a lateral
bar chart because it is very. Although applicable to any city, both terms usually refer to larger cities. I
went at three different times during the day and for ten minutes I recorded the amount of young,
middle aged and elderly pedestrians that walked past using a simple tally chart. The results from my
questionnaires were collected with the rest of the class and a large sample was made. The River
Holford’s source is at Lady's Fountain Spring, Frog Combe which is 250 m. The flow charts help me
answer one of the enquiry questions; on tourism offering Cromer a good economic future. There is
also boulder clay which vegetation has formed on top of. Showing fewer attractions for busy
shoppers and proves that queen street is a less populated part of the city-the frame. Where we were
along the drainage basin could have changed the width of the river. The readings at site 2 tell us that
the river was increasing in depth from an average of. At the bottom of this hierarchy are the small
shops that sell convenience items, like bread or milk (everyday items). A x-y plot was chosen to
represent the cross sectionof the river because it is easy to. From the population pyramid you can see
that Newham has a higher population compared to Cromer. I had to hold the gun accurately against
the red stripe on the ranging pole in the upper-stream, pointing it to other ranging pole, in the
downstream, where the other person from my group stood, doing exactly the same thing. Examples
of these graphs are located in the Data Presentation part of the coursework folder. River Holford
which were the width, the depth and the gradient. I know there are more people near the CBD as I
counted 281.
For example if we were to visit in a more tourist seasonal month there may be a higher amount of
litter. This is because it is situated in an area of outstanding beauty, which means there cannot be that
much development in the town especially if it affects the area. It was important that we all counted
pedestrians at the same time. This means that it can have more comparison shops and it will keep
people interested and attracted. The width of the river starts to increase as we go from site1to site 4
by 2.95m. At site. I calculated a rank of -0.632. The ranks go from 1 to -1, 1 means strong positive
correlation, whereas -1 shows strong negative correlation. Geography Field Trip, Tal-y-bont, Wales,
River Study. We had collected these pieces of data to test against hypothesis we made. I will
compare a flow chart showing the growth of a traditional seaside resort, with a flowchart showing
the growth of Cromer. It then rises slightly and then rises again before falling and rising and falling
again. Issuu turns PDFs and other files into interactive flipbooks and engaging content for every
channel. Slightly to the south another small settlement, known as South Street, grew up around
Southgate Green. There was only exposed topsoil in 3 spots in R.H.G. This tells us the same as all
graphs that talked about how much the ground had been walked on each area. I would make if I
were going to undertake this river study again. The high street scored a -4 when it came to noise
making in the loudest. Ten sites could have been looked rather than eight along the river’s course.
This. I also took photographs of tourist attractions which will help me to show if tourism offers
Cromer a good economic future. This chart can be linked back to the enquiry questions, as it shows
whether tourism has improved jobs and employment, therefore having an economic impact. I used
my sphere of influence map for Hitchin and my bar chart for Southgate made from information
collected from my questionnaire. However we were doing this in a group so some people may find
litter more disgusting than others and give different marks according to their opinions. There was
only 3 pieces of litter in R.H.G but there were 30 pieces in P.M. There were also 57 cars parked in
sight of where we were in P.M, compared to the 0 in R.H.G. Please read our Terms and Conditions
and Privacy Policy for full details. Away from the CBD pedestrian densities consisted of the
following figures; 150, 156 and 102. The high street (the core) has more major shops and retail
companies This is because the high street has a higher influx of people wanting to buy more who are
there top shop specifically.Whereas Queen Street (the frame)there are more catering services and
personal shops. I went at three different times during the day and for ten minutes I recorded the
amount of young, middle aged and elderly pedestrians that walked past using a simple tally chart.
Additional data collected Comparing flowcharts To show Cromer's growth as a tourist destination I
will use two flowcharts to show the development of Cromer compared with traditional seaside
resorts. This graph helps to answer the enquiry questions as it shows that tourism hasn't offered
Cromer a good economic future as there is not that many economically active residents living in
Cromer. Fig. 19 Interpretation- The above photo shows a gift shop in Cromer. At some points, the
impeller could not turn due to the fact that the river was too. Location: Church St Below is a
scanned sheet which I used to collect the data for my environmental mapping survey. Scoring 21 out
of 50, and the high street scoring -15 out of 50.
One of these changes is that I would have taken ten depth readings at each site rather. Hypothesis 2-
The depth of the river will increase as you go from source to mouth. We travelled from Beardwood
High School, Blackburn, to near Garstang. Shops can be placed into a hierarchy order, ranking based
on what type of shop it is and what it sells. Label and lost coursework data support provides
geography 20%. Newham also has a higher amount of economically active residents, while Cromer
has a small amount. However this was hard to do as we were pushed for time and had to move on to
other things quickly. I am using the resource as part of a revision pack and collecting answers in as
part of a. Organic Geochemical Studies Of Cretaceous Source Rocks Of. To travel to Cromer we
used the M11 to Cambridge (80km approx) and the rest of the journey we traveled on smaller roads.
The outward growth is shown on the model by five circular zones next to the CBD. The last reading
that we had to take at each site was the Gradient. There seems to be large clusters of similar shops
together this is perhaps because of the competition within the high street,which is very common in
the core part of a city. Looking at my stacked bar graph, environmental quality, after looking at all
the factors involved such as litter, congestion, pollution etc, Hitchin seems to have much better
quality. Litter was not so much of a problem as there appeared to be less people within this zone.
This survey is useful to me because as well as showing the economic impact of tourism, it will show
if Cromer relies heavily on tourists. The land surrounding the river is also flat and all the hills are
gone meaning there are no V-shaped valleys. Site’s 8 cross sectional area was 0.42256 m2 which was
the highest reading of all the. I also took photographs of tourist attractions which will help me to
show if tourism offers Cromer a good economic future. Southgate is closer to central London and so
the land is more expensive. It was hard to get an exact depth reading because the water was always
moving. This. In this section I shall be describing the different sites at which we collectedour. We
noted down what the weather was like and which way the pedestrian were going. There further
away from the town centre the population density decreases I saw that there were 226 people in the
CBD where as 300m away there was a total population density of 23 south of the ton centre. They
said that the council won't listen to new ideas to develop the area as elderly people will not visit that
much. The second anomaly was also fairly close to the town centre although this point had a low
pedestrian density, this could be because of an unexpected circumstance such as there weren’t many
shops open there or more people were in the shops rather out side. The only result on the
environmental survey which did not support these results was surface erosion. There is farmland near
the river as the river has progressed into its middle course. This survey helps to answer the enquiry
question as it shows the economic impact of tourism by there being a high amount of shops that rely
on tourism. This was done to ensure that results were accurate because if the width was measured at
water level the current of the water will interrupt the measurement, making it harder to have a firm
grip which hence will lead to inaccuracy in the results.

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