Chapter-5-Alternative-Energy 20240211 214519 0000

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Environmental Science
Energy sources that are more or less
continuously made available in a time frame
useful to people are called renewable energy.
Renewable energy sources are often
considered alternative sources because, in
general, most industrialized countries do not
rely on them as their main energy source.
Instead, they tend to rely on the conventional
energy sources such as fossil fuels or nuclear
power that are non-renewable.
Renewable alternatives derive from wind,
water, solar or biomass (Figure 5.1). Note that
wind, water and biomass energy sources are
indirect sources of solar energy. One limitation Figure 5.1. A variety of voltage sources (clockwise from top left):
currently associated with most forms of the Brazos Wind Farm in Fluyanna, Texas (credited: Leaflet,
renewable energy is that the energy is not Wikimedia Commons) ; the Krasnoyarsk Dam in Russia (credited:
Alex Polezhaev); a solar farm (credited: U.S. Department of
concentrated and not easily portable. Energy); and a group of nickel metal hydride batteries (credited:
Tiaa Monto). The voltage output of each depends on its
construction and load, and equals emf only if there is no load.
Energy is an important ingredient in all phases of society. We live in a very
interdependent world, and access to adequate and reliable energy resources is crucial for
economic growth and for maintaining the quality of our lives. However, current levels of
energy consumption and production are not sustainable because of the heavy reliance on
non-renewable energy sources.


World energy
consumption continues to
rise especially in countries
like China where the
economy is improving.
Global demand for energy
has tripled in the past 50
years and might triple
again in the next 30 years
(Figure 5.3).
Majority of renewable energy sources including solar, wind, water, and biomass can be
directly or indirectly attributed to the sun. The fact that the sun will continue burning for another
4-5 billion years makes it inexhaustible as an energy source for human civilization. With
appropriate technology, renewable energy sources allow for local, decentralized control over


Solar energy is the ultimate energy
source driving life on earth and many human
activities. Though only one billionth of the
energy that leaves the sun (Figure 5.4)
actually reaches the earth's surface, this is
more than enough to meet the world’s
energy requirement. In fact, all other
sources of energy, renewable and non-
renewable, are actually stored forms of
solar energy. There are two basic forms of
solar energy collectors are passive and
Passive solar energy utilizes historical heating and cooling methods like natural
ventilation, solar heat gain, shading, and insulation. In passive solar space heating,
sunlight enters a building through south-facing windows, warming the interior by
natural radiation and convection. Materials with high thermal mass, like bricks or
concrete, absorb and store this heat, releasing it at night. Window overhangs
prevent excessive heat gain in summer, maintaining a cooler interior.

Active solar energy systems involve the use of energy to pump a heat-absorbing
fluid through collectors for storage and distribution. Fans or pumps circulate air or
liquids through collectors, transferring the heated fluid to a room or storage
system. Collectors can be concentrating or non-concentrating. Non-concentrating
collectors, like flat-plate collectors, have the same surface area for intercepting
and absorbing solar radiation, commonly used for temperatures below 200°F.
Concentrating collectors have a larger intercepting area, focusing solar energy
onto an absorber, often moving to maintain high concentration levels.
Photovoltaic cells convert sunlight directly into electricity using semiconducting
materials like silicon. When sunlight hits the cells, free electrons are generated, creating an
electric current. Small PV cells power devices like calculators, while arrangements of cells in
panels and arrays can power entire houses or even large power plants. PV systems are
widespread, with many houses and buildings utilizing them, and large-scale PV power plants
exist as well. Covering just 4% of the world's deserts with photovoltaics could potentially
supply all global electricity demand, with the Gobi Desert alone capable of meeting most of
the world's total electricity needs.
Solar thermal power plants utilize concentrating solar collector systems to gather
and focus sunlight, generating high-temperature heat for electricity production. These
systems consist of reflectors (mirrors) that capture and concentrate sunlight onto a
receiver. Heat-transfer fluids are heated in the receiver and used to produce steam,
which drives a turbine to generate electricity. Tracking systems ensure sunlight remains
focused on the receiver as the sun moves throughout the day.
Solar power generally has minimal environmental impact, depending on its placement. In 2009,
one percent of US renewable energy came from solar power, accounting for 8% of total electricity
generation from renewables. However, manufacturing PV cells produces hazardous waste from
processing chemicals. Solar arrays are often placed on roofs, over parking lots, or integrated into
construction, but large systems on land or in deserts can harm ecosystems. Some solar thermal
systems use hazardous fluids for heat transfer, requiring proper handling and disposal.
Concentrated solar systems may need regular cleaning with water, impacting ecosystems in arid
areas if sourced from underground wells.


Biomass energy originates from biological materials like plants and animals and has been
used since ancient times, becoming less dominant during the Industrial Revolution with the
rise of fossil fuels. It involves direct combustion of solid biomass for heating, cooking, and
electricity generation, commonly using wood but also animal manure, herbaceous plants,
peat, and converted biomass like charcoal. Biomass can be converted into liquid biofuels like
ethanol and biodiesel, or into gaseous forms like methane. Currently, approximately 12% of
global energy comes from biomass, mostly used in developing nations but increasingly
utilized in developed countries due to declining fossil fuel availability and rising prices.
Using wood and charcoal for heating and cooking can substitute fossil fuels and potentially
lower CO2 emissions. Harvesting wood from forests, woodlots, or urban trees that need removal
does not harm ecosystems. However, wood smoke contains harmful pollutants like carbon monoxide
and particulate matter. Modern wood stoves or inserts designed to release minimal particulates are
more efficient and less polluting for home heating. In regions heavily reliant on wood and charcoal
for heating and cooking, like industrializing countries, rapid harvesting may lead to deforestation,
outpacing tree growth.


Various waste products from industries and processes such as lumber mill sawdust,
paper mill sludge, yard waste, oat hulls, woody debris, organic waste, and crop residue can
be used for energy production. Waste-to-energy processes address waste disposal

challenges and produce renewable energy. In the United States, plants burn urban biomass
waste to generate electricity, facing similar environmental impacts to coal plants such as
air pollution and ash generation. Due to the varied nature of the fuel source and potential
hazardous materials in municipal solid waste (MSW), incinerators and waste-to-energy
plants require stringent regulation by the U.S. EPA. Ash from these plants may contain
high concentrations of metals from the original waste, potentially recyclable for various
purposes like landfill covers, roads, and building materials. Incineration at high
temperatures can help break down toxic chemicals into less harmful compounds.
Organic material can be converted to methane, the main component of natural gas, by
anaerobic decomposition or fermentation, a process that utilizes anaerobic bacteria. Methane is
a relatively clean fuel that burns efficiently. It can be generated from any kind of organic waste
such as municipal sewage and garbage, livestock manure, kitchen, and garden scraps. In fact,
municipal landfills are active sites of methane production contributing annually to methane in
the atmosphere and to global warming.


Biofuels are transportation fuels produced from plant sources and used to power vehicles The
most common once are ethanol and biodiesel. Ethanol, also known as ethyl alcohol or grain alcohol,
is produced by fermenting crops such as corn, sugarcane, and other crops and then mixed with
conventional gasoline. Biodiesel which is essentially vegetable oil, can also be derived from a wide
range of plant sources, including rapeseed, sunflowers, and soybeans, and can be used in most
conventional diesel engines.

can also be made from used vegetable oil and has been produced on a
very local basis. Because it burns more cleanly than its petroleum based counterpart
biodiesel can reduce pollution from heat heavy-duty vehicles such such at trucks and
Biomass energy may be considered to be Carbon-Neutral because the plants that are
used to make them (such as corn and sugarcane for ethanol, or soy beans and palm oil trees for
biodiesel) take up CO, from the atmosphere through photosynthesis as they grow and may
offset the CO, pr produced when burned.


A major challenge biomass is determining if it is really a note sustaimahle option. The energy
content of some biomass energy ources may not be as l ty not be as high as fossil fuels so mane
must be burned to generate the same energy.

There are plenty of bioenergy plants that use waste –whether that be agricultural or animal–
as a fuel source. However, many energy companies use forest timber for fuel and clear-cut mature
trees that, if left untouched, remove carbon dioxide emissions from the atmosphere. Actions like
these lead to deforestation, causing habitat loss, soil erosion, destruction of natural beauty, and
Outside of contributing carbon dioxide emissions, burning biomass in a solid, liquid, or
gaseous state can also emit other pollutants and particulate matter into the air, including
carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds, and nitrogen oxides.
In some instances, the biomass burned can emit more pollution than fossil fuels.Unlike
carbon dioxide emissions, many of these pollutants cannot be sequestered by new plants.
These compounds can lead to several environmental and human health issues if not properly

Plants require water to grow; when energy companies grow trees and other crops for a
bioenergy plant, they use a lot of water for irrigation. On a large scale, this exacerbates drought
conditions, impacting aquatic habitats and the water supply available for other purposes (food
crops, drinking, hydropower, etc.).

Wind is a renewable energy source that uses the power of moving air to generate
electricity. Wind turbines use blades to collect the wind's kinetic energy. Wind flows over the
creating lift (similar to the effect on airplane wings), which causes the blades to turn.
Wind turbines use blades to collect the wind’s
kinetic energy. Wind flows over the blades creating lift
(similar to the effect on airplane wings), which causes
the blades to turn. The blades are connected to a drive
shaft that turns an electric generator, which produces
(generates) electricity.


Offshore wind turbines on lakes or the ocean may have smaller enviromental impacts than
turbines on land. Wind turbines do have a few environmental challenges. There are aesthetic concerns
to some people when they see them on the landscape. A few wind turbines have caught on fire, and
some have leaked lubricating fluids, though this is relatively tare. Some people do not like the sound
that wind turbine blades make. Turbines have been found to cause bird and bat deaths particularly if
they are located along their migratory path. This is of particular concern if these are the catened or
endangered species. There are ways to that impact and it is currently being researched. There are
some are some small impacts from from the construction of wind projects or farms, such as the
constraction of service mads, the production of the turbines themselves, and the concrete for the
foundations. However, overall life cycle analysis has found that turbines make much more .energy
than the amount used to make and install them.
- Heat or thermal energy that is stored deep within the earth that originates from the melted
magma and the decay of the radioactive substance.
- Found in the areas round plates borders where most volcanic eruptions and earthquakes
- From thermal energy to mechanical energy and to electrical energy.

How does Geothermal

energy works?
1. Heat from the Earth’s
crust creates steam.
2. Steam rotates the turbine
3. Generator produces
4. Water is injected back
into the ground.
– The environmental impact of geothermal energy depends on how it is being used.
Direct use and heating applications have almost no negative impact on the environment.

Advantages and disadvantages of Geothermal energy:

Advantages Disadvantages

1. Renewable 1. More costly

2. Environmental – friendly 2. Poses environmental problems
3. No fuel requirements and 3. Require proper supervision to
naturally occurring maintain its stability and
4. Location

- refers to the conversation of energy

from flowing water into electricity.
- It is considered a renewable energy
source because the water cycle is
constantly renewed by the sun
- Hydropower uses turbine and
generator to produce electricity
- The mechanical energy created by the
moving water spins routers on a
turbine. This turbine is connected to
the electromagnetic generator ,which
produces electricity when the turbine
Two main types of hydroelectricity production:
• Dam
- hyrdrodam utilized the potential of energy from dam water to produce electricity.
- uses turbines and generators to produce electricity

• Run of River
- Run of River hydro use the natural downward flow of rivers and micro turbine generators
to capture the kinetic energy carried by water.
- Run of River hydro still uses turbines and generators.


- Hydropower (hydro-electric) is considered a clean and renewable source of energy
since it does not directly produce emissions of air pollutants and the source of power
is regenerated. However, hydropower dams, reservoirs, and the operation of
generators can have serious environmental impacts.
- hydropower plant can obstruct migration of fish to their upstream spawning areas in
Tidal power involves placing turbines in zones of the ocean with significant tides and
currents, and using the power of flowing water to turn the blades of a turbine to generate
electricity. Tidal Power is a form of hydropower that converts the energy from the natural rise
and fall of the tides into electricity. Tidal plants can only be installed along coastlines

Green hydrogen is hydrogen produced by the electrolysis of water using renewable energy
sources like solar, wind, or hydroelectric energy. Green hydrogen has significantly lower
carbon emissions
To create green hydrogen, electricity from renewable sources is used to power an
electrolyzer, which splits water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. The resulting hydrogen
gas is then captured and stored for later use as a clean energy source

Green hydrogen is considered a promising solution for reducing carbon

emissions in industries such as transportation, energy generation, and
manufacturing. Since it is produced using renewable energy sources, it has
the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate
climate change
Hydrogen fuel cells produce electricity by combining hydrogen and oxygen atoms.
The hydrogen reacts with oxygen across an electrochemical cell— similar to a battery—to
produce electricity, water, and small amounts of heat.
Fuel cells provide advantages over traditional combustion-based technologies,
including greater efficiencies and lower emissions. Since hydrogen fuel cells only emit
water, there are no carbon dioxide emissions or other pollutants released into the


Hydrogen fuel cells offer a range of applications, from powering our
homes and businesses to moving vehicles like cars, buses and trains and more.

• High cost: energy from renewable sources, which are key to generating green
hydrogen through electrolysis, is more expensive to generate, which in turn makes
hydrogen more expensive to obtain.
• High energy consumption: the production of hydrogen in general and green hydrogen
in particular requires more energy than other fuels.
• Safety issues: hydrogen is a highly volatile and flammable element and extensive
safety measures are therefore required to prevent leakage and explosions.
Electric cars are vehicles that solely depend on electricity to work. They are charged
using fossil fuel energy sources , but they are very efficient. Different models have been
explored, but for now most cars are equipped as a hybrid with a back up reservoir using
fossil fuel.

The “law of the conservation of energy” is a very useful principle in analyzing physical
processes. It states that the total amount of energy in an isolated system will always remain
constant. Related to this principle, but remarkably different from it, is the important
philosophy of energy conservation. Conservation has to do with seeking to decrease the
amount of energy used by an individual or a group through (1) reduced consumption (e.g.,
turning down thermostats, driving fewer kilometers) and/or (2) increasing conversion
efficiencies in the performance of a particular task—such as developing and using more
efficient room heaters, cars that have greater miles-per-gallon ratings, energy efficient
compact fluorescent lights, energy efficient appliances, etc. Since energy in an isolated
system is not destroyed or created, one might wonder why we need to be concerned about our
energy resources, since energy is a conserved quantity. The problem is that the final result of
most energy transformations is waste heat transfer to the environment and conversion to
energy forms no longer useful for doing work. The potential for energy to produce useful work
has been “degraded” in the energy transformation.
A rational energy policy should encourage research by private industry and should
provide funding for basic research, ensure fair access to alternative energy sources,
encourage the internalization of external cost of fossil fuel energy, and promote the
dissemination of information about the costs and benefits of alternative energy sources.

you very Acar, Mel Jetrou

Mendigo, Gabriel

Mendigo, Sean Andre
Pedriquez, Jonard
Rosillo, David

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