Exam 1

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First Term Examination / 2023-2024

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Grade 2
1 hour & 30 minutes
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Page 1 of 7
MR. Nabih (Tutor) Exam-1 English 2023-2022
1) Below is an interview of 2 people about their ‘favorite hobby’( Part A). Read
it carefully and answer (part B).

 Part A:-

i- Aisha
Assalaam alaikum! Hello, I’m Aisha and reading is my
hobby. It all started when I was a little girl. I used to read lots of books
about kings, freedom fighters, comics and especially fairy tales. Last
time when I won the school’s Quran competition, my aunty gifted me a
full collection of fairy tales, and she used to tell me; “A room without
books is like a body without a soul”. My parents also buy many books
for me and now there is a small library in my room. My favorite books
are ‘Goosebumps’ and ‘Harry Potter’. The best thing about reading is
that it helps me gain confidence and prepare for school quiz

ii- Brent
Hey guys, my name is Brent and I would like to talk
about my favorite hobby! My favorite hobby is singing. My ambition
in life is to become a very good singer I go to music classes everyday
to improve me singing. I also learned to play guitars too. I love singing
because it makes me happy. Whenever I sing Infront of many people,
it increases my self-confidence. I also learned breath control and
audience awareness. I love singing more than anything else.

 Part B:-

i- What is your favourite hobby?

ii- Write a difference between the hobbies of Aisha and Brent.

MR. Nabih (Tutor) Exam-1 English 2023-2022 Page 2 of 7
iii- Find 4 nouns and 2 verbs from the interview of Aisha and Brent. The other
gaps are filled by your teacher.
Nouns Verbs
class buy
music love

iv- Write a √ (tick) if the following statements are correct, and write a •
(dot) if the statement is wrong.
Statements •/√
Aisha’s ambition is to be a good fighter
Brent goes to music class everyday
One of Aisha’s favourite books is ‘Harry Potter’
Aisha’s Granny gifted her a full collection of fairy tales.
Brent learnt how to dance while singing

2) Make five words from the word below. The first one is completed for you!

1) ulta 4) ________________
2)________________ 5)
3)________________ over]
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