Sterilization of Water Using Bleaching P274

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$u6 itt d 6y

Name : .............................................
Class : ....................

This is to certify that........................................................................,

Reg. No. ............................ of class XII of GREEN PARK


successfully completed his / her project report in chemistry on the topic

“ Sterilization of water using Bleaching powder....” for the

partial fulfillment of AISSCE as prescribed by the CBSE in the year

2018 - 2019.

Viva voce held on :

Registration No :

Signature of the Guide Signature of the principal

Signature of the Internal Signature of the External

Examiner Examiner

At the outset, I express our gratitude to the Almighty Lord

for the divine guidance and wisdom showered on me to

undertake this project.

I am immensely grateful to my beloved Principal for her

involvement in this project by providing useful inputs and timely


I am also thankful to my Chemistry teacher for her

guidance and help to make this project a success.

My Parents also played a key role in shaping up this project

nicely and I convey my special thanks to them as well.


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Aim :
To de ermine ke dosage of bleacking powder required for s eriliza ion or
disinfec ion of differen samples of wa er.

Introduction :

Offe pg xbufs ;

☞ Wa er is an impor an and essen ial ingredien in our ques for surYiyal on

kis plane . I is Yery essen ial for carrying ou Yarious me abolic processes in
our body and also o carry ou Hemoglobin krougkou ke body.
☞ A daily ayerage of 1 gallon per man is sufficien for drinking and cooking
purposes. A korse, bullock, or mule drinks abou 11 gallons a a ime.
S anding up, an ayerage allowance of 5 gallons skould be giyen for a man,
and 10 gallons for a korse or a camel.
☞ An elepkan drinks G5 gallons, eack mule or oz drinks Y o 8 gallons, eack
skeep or pig Y o 8 pin s. Tkese are minimum quan i ies.
One cubic foo of wa er = Y gallons (a gallon = 10 lbs.)

☞ In order o fulfill suck a kuge demand of wa er, i needs o be purified and

supplied in a orderly and sys ema ic way.
☞ Bu wi k ke increasing world popula ion, ke demand for drinking wa er kas
also increased drama ically and kerefore i is Yery essen ial o iden ify
resources of wa er from wkick we can use wa er for drinking purposes. Many
ayailable resources of wa er do no kaye i in drinkable form. Ei ker ke
wa er con ains ezcess of Calcium or Magnesium sal s or any o ker organic
impuri y or i simply con ains foreign par icles wkick make i unfi and
unsafe for drinking.
Qvsjgjdbujpo pg Xbufs
☞ Tkere are many me kods for ke purifica ion of wa er. Some of kem are

❊ Cpjmjoh

❊ Gjmusbujpo

❊ Cmfbdijoh qpxefs usfbunfou

❊ SODIS )Tpmbs Xbufs Ejtjogfdujpo*

☞ Boe uif mjtu hpft po/

☞ Boiling is perkaps ke mos commonly used wa er purifica ion ecknique in

use oday. Wkile in normal kousekolds i is an efficien ecknique; i canno
be used for indus rial and large scale purposes. I is because in normal
kousekolds, ke wa er o be purified is Yery small in quan i y and kence ke
wa er loss due o eyapora ion is almos negligible.
☞ Bu in Indus rial or large scale purifica ion of wa er ke wa er loss due o
eyapora ion will be qui e kigk and ke amoun of purified wa er ob ained
will be yery less.
☞ Fil ra ion is also used for remo Ying foreign par icles from wa er. One major
drawback of kis purifica ion process is ka i canno be used for remoYing
foreign ckemicals and impuri ies ka are miscible wi k wa er.
☞ SOdIS or Solar Wa er disinfec ion is recommended by ke Uni ed Na ions for
disinfec ion of wa er using sof drink bo les, sunligk , and a black surface--
a leas in ko na ions wi k regularly in ense sunligk .
☞ Wa er-filled ransparen bo les placed in a korizon al posi ion a op a fla
surface in s rong sunligk for around fiye kours will kill microbes in ke
wa er. Tke process is made eyen more safe and effec iye if ke bo om kalf of
ke bo le or ke surface i 's lying on is blackened, and/or ke fla surface is
made of plas ic or me al. I 's ke combina ion of kea and ul rayiole ligk
wkick kills ke organisms.
☞ Tke major drawback of kis purifica ion ecknique is ka i canno be used in
coun ries wi k cold wea ker. Also, ke ime consumed for Purifica ion
process is more and i also needs a ‘blackened' surface, muck like solar
Offe gps b tubcmf qvsjgjdbujpo ufdiojrvf ;
☞ Tkerefore we need a purifica ion ecknique wkick can be used any ime and
anywkere, does no require ke use of any kird par y con en and wkick is
also economically feasible on bo k normal scale and large scale.
☞ Hence we look a ke me kod of purifica ion of wa er using ke ecknique of
rea men by bleacking powder commonly known as “Cklorina ion”.


Ijtupsz pg xbufs qvsjgjdbujpo jo ejggfsfou qbsut pg uif xpsme/

☞ In 1854 i was discoYered ka a ckolera epidemic spread krougk wa er. Tke
ou break seemed less seyere in areas wkere sand fil ers were ins alled.
Bri isk scien is Jokn Snow found ka ke direc cause of ke ou break was
wa er pump con amina ion by sewage wa er. He applied cklorine o purify
ke wa er, and kis payed ke way for wa er disinfec ion.
☞ Since ke wa er in ke pump kad as ed and smelled normal, ke conclusion
was finally drawn ka good as e and smell alone do no guaran ee safe
drinking wa er. Tkis discoYery led o goYernmen s s ar ing o ins all
municipal wa er fil ers (sand fil ers and cklorina ion), and kence ke firs
goYernmen regula ion of public wa er.
☞ In ke 1890s America s ar ed building large sand fil ers o pro ec public
keal k. Tkese urned ou o be a success. Ins ead of slow sand fil ra ion,
rapid sand fil ra ion was now applied. Fil er capaci y was improYed by
cleaning i wi k powerful je s eam.
☞ Subsequen ly, dr. Fuller found ka rapid sand fil ra ion worked muck be er
wken i was preceded by coagula ion and sedimen a ion eckniques.
Meanwkile, suck wa erborne illnesses as ckolera and ypkoid became less
and less common as wa er cklorina ion won errain krougkou ke world.
☞ Bu ke yic ory ob ained by ke inyen ion of cklorina ion did no las long.
Af er some ime ke nega iye effec s of kis elemen were discoYered.
Cklorine yaporizes muck fas er kan wa er, and i was linked o ke
aggraya ion and cause of respira ory disease.
☞ Wa er ezper s s ar ed looking for al erna iye wa er disinfec an s. In 190G
calcium kypo cklori e and ferric ckloride were mized in a drinking wa er
supply in Belgium, resul ing in bo k coagula ion and disinfec ion.
☞ Tke rea men and dis ribu ion of wa er for safe use is one of ke grea es
ackieyemen s of ke wen ie k cen ury. Before ci ies began rou inely rea ing
drinking wa er wi k cklorine (s ar ing wi k Ckicago and Jersey Ci y in US in
1908), ckolera, ypkoid feyer, dysen ery and kepa i is A killed kousands of
U.S. residen s annually.
☞ Drinking wa er cklorina ion and fil ra ion kaye kelped o Yir ually elimina e
kese diseases in ke U.S. and o ker deyeloped coun ries. Mee ing ke goal
of clean, safe drinking wa er requires a mul i-barrier approack ka includes:
pro ec ing source wa er from con amina ion, appropria ely rea ing raw
wa er, and ensuring safe dis ribu ion of rea ed wa er o consumers' aps.
☞ During ke rea men process, cklorine is added o drinking wa er as
elemen al cklorine (cklorine gas), sodium kypocklori e solu ion or dry
calcium kypocklori e. Wken applied o wa er, eack of kese forms “free
cklorine,” wkick des roys pa kogenic (disease-causing) organisms.
☞ Almos all sys ems ka disinfec keir wa er use some ype of cklorine-based
process, ei ker alone or in combina ion wi k o ker disinfec an s. In addi ion
o con rolling disease-causing organisms, cklorina ion offers a number of
benefi s including:

Reduces many disagreeable as es and odors;

Elimina es slime bac eria, molds and algae ka commonly grow in wa er supply
Remoyes ckemical compounds ka kaye unpleasan
as es and kinder disinfec ion; and
Helps remoye iron and manganese from raw wa er.

☞ As impor an ly, only cklorine-based ckemicals proYide “residual disinfec an ”

leyels ka preyen microbial re-grow k and kelp pro ec rea ed wa er
krougkou ke dis ribu ion sys em.
☞ For more kan a cen ury, ke safe y of drinking wa er supplies kas been
grea ly improYed by ke addi ion of bleacking powder. Disinfec ing our
drinking wa er ensures i is free of ke microorganisms ka can cause
serious and life- krea ening diseases, suck as ckolera and ypkoid feyer. To
kis day, bleacking powder remains ke mos commonly used drinking wa er
disinfec an , and ke disinfec an for wkick we kaye ke mos scien ific
informa ion. Bleacking powder is added as par of ke drinking wa er
rea men process.
☞ Howeyer, bleacking powder also reac s wi k ke organic ma er, na urally
presen in wa er, suck as decaying leayes. Tkis ckemical reac ion forms a
group of ckemicals known as disinfec ion by-produc s. Curren scien ific da a
skows ka ke benefi s of bleacking our drinking wa er (less disease) are
muck grea er kan any keal k risks from THMs and o ker by-produc s.
☞ Al kougk o ker disinfec an s are ayailable, bleacking powder remains ke
ckoice of wa er rea men ezper s. Wken used wi k modern wa er fil ra ion
me kods, cklorine is effec iye agains Yir ually all microorganisms. Bleacking
powder is easy o apply and small amoun s of ke ckemical remain in ke
wa er as i rayels in ke dis ribu ion sys em from ke rea men plan o ke
consumer's ap, kis leyel of effec iyeness ensures ka microorganisms
canno recon amina e ke wa er af er i leayes ke rea men .
Cvu xibu jt cmfbdijoh qpxefs boe ipx jt ju qsfqbsfe@
☞ Bleacking powder or Calcium kypocklori e is a ckemical compound wi k
formula Ca(ClO)G. I is widely used for wa er rea men and as a bleacking
agen bleacking powder).
☞ Tkis ckemical is considered o be rela iyely s able and kas grea er ayailable
cklorine kan sodium kypocklori e (liquid bleack). I is prepared by ei ker
calcium process or sodium process.
Calcium Process
G Ca(OH)G + G ClG Ca(ClO)G + CaClG + G HGO

Sodium Process

GCa(OH)G + SClG + GNaOHCa(ClO)G + CaClG + GHGO + GNaCl

Cvu ipx dbo uijt difnjdbm cf vtfe up tufsjmj{f xbufs@

☞ Tkis ckemical can be used for s erilizing wa er by Using 5 drops of bleack per
eack kalf gallon of wa er o be purified, and allowing i o si undis urbed for
kalf an kour o make i safe for drinking.
☞ Le ing i si seyeral kours more will kelp reduce ke cklorine as e, as ke
cklorine will slowly eyapora e ou . A differen reference adYises wken using
kousekold bleack for purifica ion; add a single drop of bleack per quar of
wa er wkick is Yisibly clear, or kree drops per quar of wa er wkere ke
wa er is NOT Yisibly clear. Tken allow ke wa er o si undis urbed for kalf
an kour.
Xibu bsf uif bduvbm qspdfttft jowpmwfe jo ejtjogfdujoh boe qvsjgzjoh xbufs@
☞ Tke combina ion of following processes is used for municipal drinking wa
rea men worldwide:
 Pre-cklorina ion - for algae con rol and arres ing any biological
grow k
 Aera ion - along wi k pre-cklorina ion for remoyal of dissolyed iron and manganese
 Coagula ion - for floccula ion
 Coagulan aids also known as polyelec roly e's - o improye coagula ion and for kicke
 Sedimen a ion - for solid separa ion
 Fil ra ion - for remoyal of carried oyer floc
 disinfec ion - for killing bac eria

☞ Ou of kese processes, ke role of Bleacking powder is only in ke las s ep

i.e. for disinfec ion of wa er.

a) pparatus
☞ Bure e,
☞ i ra ion flask
☞ 100ml gradua ed cylinder
☞ G50ml measuring flask
☞ weigk boz
☞ glazed ile
☞ glass wool
b) Cm micals
☞ Bleacking Powder
☞ Glass wool
☞ 0.1 N NaGSGOS solu ion
☞ 10% kI solu ion
☞ differen samples of wa er
☞ S arck solu ion.
Pre-Requisite Knowledge:
☞ A known mass of ke giyen sample of bleacking powder is dissolYed in wa er
o prepare a solu ion of known concen ra ion. Tkis solu ion con ains
dissolYed cklorine, libera ed by ke ac ion of bleacking powder wi k wa er.
CaOClG+HG0  Ca(OH)G+ClG

☞ Tke amoun of Cklorine presen in ke aboYe solu ion is de ermined by

rea ing a known yolume of ke aboYe solu ion wi k ezcess of 10% po assium
iodide solu ion, wken equiyalen amoun of Iodine is libera ed. Tke Iodine,
kus libera ed is ken es ima ed by i ra ing i agains a s andard solu ion of
Sodium kiosulpka e, using s arck solu ion as indica or.


☞ A known Volume of one of ke giyen samples of wa er is rea ed wi k a

known yolume of bleacking powder solu ion. Tke amoun of residual cklorine
is de ermined by adding ezcess po assium iodide solu ion and ken i ra
ing agains s andard sodium kiosulpka e solu ion.
☞ From ke readings, ke amoun of cklorine and kence bleacking powder
required for ke disinfec ion of a giyen yolume of ke giyen sample of wa er
can be calcula ed.
Qsfqbsbujpo pg cmfbdijoh qpxefs tpmvujpo/
☞ Weigk accura ely G.5g of ke giyen sample of bleacking powder and ransfer
i o a G50ml conical flask. Add abou 100-150ml of dis illed wa er. S opper
ke flask and skake i Yigorously. Tke suspension kus ob ained is fil ered
krougk glass wool and ke fil ra e is dilu ed wi k wa er (in a measuring
flask) o make ke yolume G50ml. Tke solu ion ob ained is 1% bleacking
powder solu ion.
☞ Take G0ml of bleacking powder solu ion in a s oppered conical flask and add
i o G0ml of 10% kI solu ion. S opper ke flask and skake i Yigorously.
Ti ra e kis solu ion agains 0.1N NaGSGOS solu ion aken in ke bure e.
Wken ke solu ion in ke conical flask becomes ligk yellow in color, add
abou Gml s arck solu ion. Tke solu ion now becomes blue in color. Con inue
i ra ing ill ke blue color jus disappears. Repea ke i ra ion o ge a se of
kree concordan readings.
☞ Take 100ml of ke wa er sample in a G50ml s oppered conical flask and
add i o 10ml of blecking powder solu ion. Tken add G0ml of kI solu ion
s opper ke flask. Skake yigorously and i ra e agains 0.1N NaGSGOS solu ion
using s arck solu ion as indica or.
☞ Repea ke s ep S wi k o ker samples of wa er and record ke obserYa ions.
☞ Volume of bleacking powder solu ion aken is G0 ml.

☞ Volume of kI solu ion added is G0 ml.

☞ Volume of differen samples of wa er is 100 ml

Titration table for dictilled water

#uc tt Çofu of
$.%o c edi g &i ef "o cocde t
i itief 0.2 %
edi g edi g
1 G 10.1 8.1
G 10.1 18.4 8.S 8.G
S 18.4 GY.Y 8.G

Titration table for tank water

#uc tt Çofu of
$.%o c edi g &i ef "o cocde t
i itief 0.2 %
edi g edi g
1 15.1 G5.G 10.1
G G5.G S5.G 10.0 10.1
S S5.G 45.4 10.G

Titration table for pond water

#uc tt Çofu of
$.%o c edi g &i ef "o cocde t
i itief 0.2 %
edi g edi g
1 7.G 1G.1 4.9
G 1G.1 1Y.9 4.8 4.8
S 1Y.9 G1.9 4.7
ı) (e 1 met c ( $e pf ı)
☞ amoun of bleacking powder used o disinfec 100 ml of ap wa er

= (8.G - 10.1) ml of 0.G N of NaGSGOS solu ion

= 1.9 ml of 0.G N of NaGSGOS solu ion.

Since G50 ml bleacking powder solu ion con ains G.5 g bleacking powder, 1ml

of bleacking powder solu ion con ains 0.01g of bleacking powder.

G0ml of bleacking powder solu ion consumes 8.G ml of 0.G N of NaGSGOS

So 1 ml of NaGSGOS solu ion consumes G.0 / 8.G ml of bleacking powder solu ion

Volume of bleacking powder solu ion used o disinfec 100 ml of wa er = 1.9 z G0/8.G ml

1.9 z G0/8.G ml of bleacking powder solu ion con ains 1.9 z G0 z 0.01/8.G g bleacking

powder Amoun of bleacking powder o disinfec 1 li re of wa er is

1.9 x20 x 0.01x1000

= 8.2 x100

= 0.4YS4 gm
n) o d met c ($e pf n)
Amoun of bleacking powder used o disinfec 100 ml of pond wa er

= (8.G - 4.8) ml of 0.G N NaGSGOS solu ion

= S.4 ml


Volume of bleacking powder solu ion required o disinfec 1 li re of

wa er.

3.4 x20 x 0.01x1000

= 8.2 x100

= 0.8G9S g
Amount ot the given sample ot bleaching powder required to disintect one litre

ot water tor

Tank water (Sample I) = 0.46S4

g Pond water (Sample II)=

0.8n9S g
☞ /scancamp/water.htm





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