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Term 3 A.Y. 2022 - 2023

Grade 11 - Cafasso (STEM/HUMSS) | Sir Pio

LESSON 1: An Introduction to Philosophy universal and never changing. (ex.

💡“ The aim of argument or of discussion should

not be victory, but progress.”(Accepting Reality) 💡

“Philosophia est scientia rationals omnium

– Joseph Joubert rerum per supremas causas” | Translation:
“Philosophy is the Rational Science of all things
through their ultimate causes.” (finding answers to
its fundamental questions)


“I think therefore I am” - A philosophical proof of

existence based on the fact that someone capable
⭐ Philosophy is both SCIENCE and ART.

of any form of thought necessarily exists.

“Knowledge is power” Science Art
“If you can think of it, it exists.”
“We are finite because there is someone - because it is - deals with tangible
infinite.” governed by certain reality and facts
rules and principle
- scientific approach


● Aims to find the ultimate cause

WHAT IS PHILOSOPHY? ● Final “why” man asks in everyday
● This final why is answerable through
“Phylos/Philos” - love human reason
“Sophia” - wisdom ● Only answerable through human alone
Love of Wisdom

● Study of knowledge, reality, and existence,
especially when considered as an
academic discipline.
● Platoic Notion
Perfection - beyond everything
● We are meta and physics
Relative Truth - conditional, subjective,
● Beyond physical things
varying and contradictory, so it's capable of
● “Everything existed first in our mind.”
changing over time. In contrast, absolute
truth is consistent and eternal; its meaning
- Nothing in this world is real
- What we think is real
- Representation of thoughts
Term 3 A.Y. 2022 - 2023
Grade 11 - Cafasso (STEM/HUMSS) | Sir Pio

ETHICS ● Depends on the circumstances

● Moral principles ● it can be true for one person and not for
● Governs a person’s behavior or conducting another
an activity
● What you do or what you not do
● Morality
● “What is good?”
- “To be happy, a person has to live a
virtuous life.”

● Study of knowledge
● “What is knowledge?”
● “How do we know what we know?” Fr. Leonardo Mercado
● Uses induction and deduction ● Kristiyanong Pananaw
● Conscience
Empiricism - the theory that all knowledge ● “Interiority manifests itself in freedom”
is derived from sense experience. (ex. how ● Doing what is good
do we know if a pot is hot if we don’t touch ● Purpose
it?) ● Taking out what’s inside (kindness)
Rationalism - the philosophical view that
knowledge is acquired through reason,
without the aid of the senses. (ex. the pot is
hot because there is smoke.” Kagandahang Kabutihang Kalooban
-Loob Loob
Respect Outward Innermost
● Both empirical and rational
● The meaning of and truth of an idea Outer Inner Essence
● Practical consequences

● Strict principles of validity
● What constitutes “good” or “bad”
● Does not provide knowledge, it is a way of FILIPINO TIME
● Toolbox of Philosophy
Dr. Florentine Mercado
AESTHETICS - “Ang buhay ay parang gulong, minsan
● Beauty and art nasa ibabaw, minsan nasa baba.”
● Concept of beauty
● Intellectual and physically
Gulong ng Pakikisama Filipino Time
Life has ups & Tell me who Advance time
downs your friends
Universal Truth
are and I’ll tell
● Basis of truth
you who you
● Non-debatable
Relative Truth
Term 3 A.Y. 2022 - 2023
Grade 11 - Cafasso (STEM/HUMSS) | Sir Pio

There is a 1 hour earlier

time for

Cycle of Life


Florentino Timbreza
● 100% Trust in God or any Higher Being To know the idea of love and wisdom is not
● “Bathala Na” - You’ve done your part enough if one denies doing it
already, let God do his
● God will take care of the rest
● “Bathala o baula is the pre-Hispanic
Filipino Notion of Supreme Being”
● “Filipino put their entire trust in this Bathala
who has evolved into the Christian God” - WESTERN TRADITION
Fr. Leonardo Mercado

● An analytic approach
- Introduced intricate ideas concerning the
rational capacities of man and how these
capacities of man can be used and
LESSON 3: Western & Eastern Traditions developed

Any attempt to coin an all-encompassing definition

of Philosophy would fail because humanity never
shared a universal idea of what it is. SOCRATES

(470 B.C. | Athens, Greece)

PHILOSOPHY ● Short, thick-set, and ugly, wears old clothes
and is poor, which showed that he cared
little or nothing for external appearances.
● Intimately connected with “praxis” ● One’s intellectual activity is far more
● An idea is useless if it is devoid of any important for him
practice ● His way of doing philosophy was by
making dialogues with various people
(focused on getting at the answers to the
questions that are important and relevant in
everyone’s life.
● “An unexamined life is not worth living”
Term 3 A.Y. 2022 - 2023
Grade 11 - Cafasso (STEM/HUMSS) | Sir Pio


(428 B.C. | Athens, Greece)

⭐ Your mind/thinking
something exists.
comes first before

● He was of the highest degree, an original

● Appropriations of Thoughts (or his ● Empirical Evidence - things that can be
stepping stones) achieved & proven by using the senses
- Socrates ● “Nothing is in the intellect that was not first
- Heraclitus in the senses.” Thus by using one’s senses
- Parmenides one can gain knowledge.
● Thoughts of the past have become
ostensible and vibrant in his new and
original principles
● Allegory of the Cave SUMMARY
Real World = World of Idea
Unreal World = Physical World
● Philosophy sought to solve the question of ● “Human beings are endowed with reason.”
the real & unreal (IT SEEKS THE TRUTH)
● “The truth is often forgotten at birth,
however, a recollection of such happens
when we encounter actual objects.”
● A way of life
ARISTOTLE ● “Who and what am I?” It focuses on
searching for the meaning of being
(384 B.C. | Athens, Greece)
● To practice how to truly live as a human
⭐ Seeing the physical thing comes first
before something exists.

Eastern = Religion
● Philosophy and Religion are intimately
connected - Buddhism
● Lyceum (his school)
● Forms can be achieved through the senses
thus, things can be known and proven
using the senses the faculty of reason
● “Category of Forms” (Substance & CONFUCIANISM
Substance = on its own
Accidents = need another (141 - 87 B.C.) | China)

● Confucianism = Social Philosophy

● Attempts to craft a philosophy of peace that
could reach every corner of the world
Term 3 A.Y. 2022 - 2023
Grade 11 - Cafasso (STEM/HUMSS) | Sir Pio

● Aims to restore peace among men and

nations Four Noble Truths
● Wide Scope of Study 1. Human Life is pervaded by suffering.
- Morality (is first learned at home) 2. Suffering is a result of desire.
- Society 3. There is a state of freedom from suffering
- Philosophy called “Nirvana”
- Religion 4. Anyone can attain nirvana by following the
- Practices and Values Eightfold Path

Kongzi Confucius (551 - 479 B.C. | China, Tuo)

● If a leader sets a good example to his
followers, to his family and people with
whom he would have a relationship, they
will do the same in return
● A leader has perfect virtue
● Being a Sage Internally means it will
manifest Externally

Three Principles of a Ruler

1. Manifesting a clear Character
2. Concern for the People
3. Aim for Highest Good

⭐ Therefore, Morality & Politics are

● It is said that on the night of his
enlightenment, buddha had attained the
three kinds of “True knowledge”
Notable Confucian Virtues 1. Knowledge of Past Lives
Jen (ren) - human heartedness 2. The Cycle of Rebirth (Governed by
Yi - righteousness Karma)
Chung Tzu or Junzi 3. The Four Noble Truths
- should possess the virtue of Jen
and Yi. A Virtuous human person. Reincarnation
- A chance to redeem ourselves and attain
- Good and bad actions bear fruits in the

Indian Philosophy
(Late 6th Century B.C. | India) - Respond to the question “Who Am I?”
- Associated with practice in Everyday Life
● “All phenomena are conditioned, - The realization of the highest truth is
transitory, devoid of any ‘essence’ or beyond intellectualization because truth is
‘self’ that remains unchanged over a deep and very personal one.
time.” our existence cannot be reduced to (Frauwallner, 1973)
a single “essence” - Everyone has something in their mind they
● Human person lives in suffering and that want to pursue (enables the person to
he should overcome this direct themselves to a certain goal.)
● Suffering = thirst for endless desires - Making it an essential enterprise is
● “Let Go” of our attachments in life fundamentally centered on the notion of the
● Good and Bad Karma
Term 3 A.Y. 2022 - 2023
Grade 11 - Cafasso (STEM/HUMSS) | Sir Pio

self. The Value of the self is the paramount - Founder of Phenomenology


⭐ Unlike western philosophy which focuses

much on knowing the materialistic cause of EXISTENTIALISM
the universe, Indian Philosophy is more
concerned with the importance of the cause.
- existentia/exsistentia means existence
- Expressing or stating the fact of existence
LESSON 4: Methods of Philosophizing
● Not primarily a philosophical method
● Search for the truth might be based on
one;s attitude or outlook
● Questions the basis and purpose of man’s
Soren Kierkegaard
● First existentialist
- Is to think or express oneself in a ● “The authentic self was the
logical or philosophical standpoint. personally-chosen self”

Jean Paul Sartre

● French Philosopher
- Phenomenology ● Our search for truth by means of critical
- Existentialism thinking is a rational choice. Everyone is
- Postmodernism free to choose for one;s self regardless of
the power of other people’s influence
● "Consciousness is always free to choose
and free to negate the given features of the

- “ that which appears” LOGIC AND CRITICAL
- Logos “study” THINKING
- Truth based on a person’s
● Serves as paths towards freedom against
Phenomenology half-truths and deceptions
- A philosophical method
- Focuses on careful inspection and LOGIC: Deductive Reasoning
description phenomenon ● Validity and Soundness of Argument
- Reality and the structures of ● If two premises are conducted logically,
then the conclusion must follow logically:
meaning the deductive argument is valid
- Continuously revised our perceptions of
reality LOGIC: Inductive Reasoning
- Removes the non-essentials - naturally ● Strength Argument
happens in our body ● Two patterns of inductive reasoning:
○ Statistical Argument
Edmund Husserl ○ Predictive Argument
Term 3 A.Y. 2022 - 2023
Grade 11 - Cafasso (STEM/HUMSS) | Sir Pio

● One commits errors if one reaches an

inductive generalization based on
insufficient evidence
FALLACIES ● A portion or small part represents the
● Portion → Whole
● Is a defect in argument other than 11. Petitio Principii - Begging the question
having false promises. ● Assumes the truth of the conclusion
quickly, doesn’t question
Kinds of Fallacies:

1. Argumentum ad Misericordiam -
● Exploiting his/her opponents’ feelings of
pity or guilt
2. Argumentum ad Ignorantiam - Appeal
to Ignorance
● What has not been proven false must
be true, and vice versa
3. Equivocation TRUTH FROM OPINION
● Using words or statements to confuse
4. Composition
● A single entity represents the whole Truth
population ● universal, undisputed, verified through
● Single → Whole facts and even transcendent, beyond a
5. Division reasonable doubt
● The whole or majority of the population ● Grasped when there is conformity
represents every single entity between the mind and the thing outside
● Whole/Majority → Single the mind
6. Argumentum ad Hominem - Against Opinion
the Person ● A personal claim, a belief, or a personal
● Uses personal information, or stance on a particular subject matter
non-relevant info as an attack ● One whose content is either subjective
7. Argumentum Baculum - Appeal to or not well supported by the available
force/power evidence
● Threat of force is given as justification
for a conclusion
8. Argumentum Populum - Appeal to the
● Argument that appeals or exploits (DIALECT)
people’s vanities, desire for esteem,
and anchors on popularity
● Follows the trends ● Refers to the process of asking
9. Post Hoc - False Cause open-ended questions that are
● A prior event must be the cause for the committed to finding the truth
current event ● Strategy of teaching any subject matter
● “Coincidental Correlation” between a teacher and student
10. Hasty Generalization
Term 3 A.Y. 2022 - 2023
Grade 11 - Cafasso (STEM/HUMSS) | Sir Pio

● Socrates would ask questions based ● Refers to a thesis that negates or

on what the person believes opposes the given thesis
● May disappoint us when we discover Synthesis
something we did not intend to say (we ● Result of the conflict of the thesis and
became uncertain of our beliefs once antithesis. Once the clash happens,
we start questioning them) another thesis will arise.

“An unexamined Life is not worth living”

Socratic Method (Peter Kreeft) PHENOMENOLOGICAL

● How to apply the socratic method METHOD
especially with difficult people
(subjectivists, or those who refuse to
believe they lack the truth and the other ● Philosophers may have differences in
has it) using the dialectical method. However,
they all agree on the relevance of this
1. Establish a Socratic method, especially method in searching for the truth or
with difficult people discovering a new idea.
2. Get the person’s belief, contention & ● Investigates the essence or nature of
conclusion the things that appear to a person
3. Understand how the person uses the
terms that he uses to avoid ambiguity Edmund Husserl (Founder of
4. Ask for reasons or supporting evidence Phenomenology)
5. Once the person has given his claims, ● “The science of the essence of
make sure to show your understanding consciousness”
towards them ● Person’s lived experience to get the
6. When they see that you are on its side, true meaning of reality
you can start the next level: exploration
7. Use options to give the person a choice A. BRACKETING
8. You may also match your style with the ● Also called EPOCHÉ, which
personalities of the person means to abstain the person’s
experience, beliefs, and
learnings are bracketed or ‘set
aside’ to see the things in itself
● Fact to essence, a
● Can be traced back to Socrates or transcendental reality that refers
Plato’s method to the immateriality of things,
● The term “DIALEGO” means debate or such as thoughts, feelings,
discuss memories, etc.
● May be a hypothesis, speculation,
declaration, belief, conclusion, or a HERMENEUTICS
certain reality
Term 3 A.Y. 2022 - 2023
Grade 11 - Cafasso (STEM/HUMSS) | Sir Pio

● Usually associated with the Greek God,

Hermes who was the messenger
between Gods and Humans DUALITY OF BODY AND SOUL
● Derived from ERMÉNEUEIN or
means interpreting or interpretation ● The duality of body and soul is the view
● “To capture the truth of the text” the held by those who believe that our body
truth is taken from how the author is separate and distinct from our soul
originally meant something ● The soul - aspect of our being that is
● The reader should check the author’s not material
historical background and the period ● Our body shows our corporeality but we
when the author said/wrote something. are more than our body because we
Hence, considering those factors will have a soul or spirit
make the reader/interpreter dig out the
truth of the text.

“The search for truth is like a vocation - a PLATO ON HUMAN PERSON

calling - there may be only one call, but there
can be different ways of answering the call.”
● The nature of Human person is seen in
the metaphysical dichotomy between
LESSON 5: body & soul

“ there is a contradiction between body & soul”

Body Soul
EMBODIED SPIRIT - Matable & - Immutable &
destructible indestructible
- Matter - Form
Embodied = Embodied Spirit =
It is being A spiral being “Nothing in the physical world is real”
materialized or incarnated
incarnated MATTER is just a representation of the FORM

“Body’s existence is dependent to the soul,

Human Person Does not necessarily but the soul’s independent to the body”
refer to the
Embodied Spirit = incarnation or “The soul existed prior to the body”
materialization of - Timaeus
spirit as an
immaterial entity “The Gods made the soul prior to the body
and more venerable in birth excellence to the
Accounts and Takes on Human Person: body’s mistress and governor”

Person = a soul using a body

Term 3 A.Y. 2022 - 2023
Grade 11 - Cafasso (STEM/HUMSS) | Sir Pio

● If we talk about human person, we talk

about body and soul: inseparable
Rational - Enables the human
person to: think, reflect, The soul is imprisoned in the body
analyze, comprehend, The soul survives the death of the Body:
draw conclusions and the immaterial immutable indestructible
Body Soul
Spiritual - Drives the human person - Decomposes - Leaves the body
to experience: and goes back to
abomination,anger and the world of forms
other emotional feelings

Appetitive - Drives the human person 2 Kinds of MATTER Physical

to experience: thirst, Worlds
hunger and other FORMS Idea
physical wants.
● Everything comes from the World of
Spiritual & Appetitive Souls = motion & activity Forms
of the whole person ● Everything that exists will go back to
the World of Forms after it perishes
Rational Soul = to guide the spiritual and ● Body decomposes and the soul will go
appetitive souls back to the World of Forms and lives
there eternally


● Body and soul are not two entities that

interact with each other but are one
being made up of matter and form.

“If the reason can successfully guide desire

and spirit, then the human person will attain a ARISTOTLE ON HUMAN
well-balanced personality.” PERSON
“The soul existed The soul is an
prior to the body” = entity distinct from ● matter and the soul is the form, a being
the body cannot remain a being if matter and
form are not united. A being is one
“The body & the soul are separable” even though it consists of many parts
“HUMAN PERSON is just a soul using a body”
“There is no Dichotomy between the person’s
body and soul state of unity inseparable”
Term 3 A.Y. 2022 - 2023
Grade 11 - Cafasso (STEM/HUMSS) | Sir Pio

“We cannot talk about the soul apart from the feed itself
body and vice versa” - But not capable of feeling and
Soul = Psyche thinking
- Concept of life > principle of life:
anything that has life has a soul

● The soul causes the body to live

● The soul animates the body


Soul = animator of the body
Body = the matter to the soul
● Human Being/Social Being
→ the soul is the form to the body while the ○ One of his innate needs is the
body is the matter to the soul desire to form interpersonal
relationships with other human
Everythings that exists is composed of: beings.

= inseparable
→ we cannot talk about any object if either of FREEDOM OF THE
these is not present
“Body and Soul are inseparable”
3 Levels of Soul ● is a political and a social context
means the freedom of an individual
from oppression, compulsion, or
Humans Rational coercion from other persons, an
authority figure or from society itself.
Capacity to grow, reproduce and
feed itself, Feel, and capable of
“Man is a rational animal”
- The human person is just an POLITICAL FREEDOM
animal that thinks

Animals Sensitive
Positive Liberty
Capacity to grow, reproduce and ● refers to a person taking control of his
feed itself and Feel or her own life and fulfilling one's
Plants Vegetative ○ freedom of speech
○ the right to have education
- Posses the 3 basic Negative Liberty
requirements for something to ● freedom from external restraint barriers
be called living being: and other interferences from other
Capacity to grow, reproduce and people.
Term 3 A.Y. 2022 - 2023
Grade 11 - Cafasso (STEM/HUMSS) | Sir Pio

○ We are free to share everything

we want but there are fact Aristotle on Freedom
checkers. ● Power of Volition - this act requires
○ the right to have education but you to choose by your own will or
money is the problem. volition)
● "Man is a rational animal" without
● Positive Liberty - no interference or intellect there is no will.
hindrance ● "We control our life through our rational
● Negative Liberty - there is interference choices." We can choose to be happy
or hindrance or sad.

Liberalism (Political Moral) Free Will is an Instrument of Free Choice

● beholds the presentation of individual ● our awareness of right and wrong
rights and stresses the role of the ● common testimony
government in protecting these civil ● reward and punishment
liberties. ● praise and blame
● believes that the individual, not the St. Thomas of Aquinas on Freedom
government, is the best judge in ● Love is Freedom - human beings have

upholding and exercising rights.
Legal Form of Anarchy
the unique power to change
themselves and the things around them
for the better. "Good or Evil"
Socialism ● real freedom is doing what is right and
● considers freedom as the freedom to avoiding what is wrong (NATURAL
acquire economic resources and ability LAW)
to work and act according to one's ● to do what is good out of love
desire. ● since God is love, the love is the
guiding principle of humanity towards
Natural Rights his self-perception and happiness
● refers to rights which are innate in the
person such as the right to life. they are Sartre on Freedom
universal and inalienable. (can never ● Individual Freedom - human person is
be removed from you) the desire to be "God" meaning to exist
as sufficient being
Legal Rights ● en sui causa (sufficient being) = cause
● rights that are based on society's of itself
customs and laws. These are enacted ● "Existence precedes essence"
by legislation and enforced by the ○ person is what he makes himself
executive (government). The enjoyment ○ he fills the world with meaning
of these rights is based on citizenship. ○ freedom is authentic existence
■ deeds that are committed
alone and in absolute
○ everyone is free to choose for
PHILOSOPHERS ON one's self regardless of the
POLITICAL FREEDOM power of other people to
influence and coerce our
desires, beliefs and decisions
Term 3 A.Y. 2022 - 2023
Grade 11 - Cafasso (STEM/HUMSS) | Sir Pio

● “I can do whatever I want”

Thomas Hobbes on Freedom

● Theory of Social Construct BIG - INTERSUBJECTIVITY
● "It is not wisdom but authority that
makes law"
● Natural Law - is a general rule “Human Person is oriented toward relation
established by reason by which a and sharing in communal life for the common
person is forbidden to do that which is Good”
destructive of his life. - Pope John Paul II : Karol Wojtyla
○ man seeks peace - Theolegeam & Philosopher
○ everyone has rights
○ humans performs the covenant ● the sharing of subjective experience
they made between two or more people
● Social Contract ● relationship of I and Thou
○ the mutual transferring of rights ● relationship with We
○ basis of moral obligation ● life, people, and experiences are
Rousseau on Freedom connected to us and we are connected
● Social Contract to them
○ people are smart, kind, and
good, only society and a few bad
people corrupt others
● [insert pic sa gallery freedom SMALL - SOCIAL DIMENSIONS
sovereign/rule citizens]

● Human Being = duality of our animality

and rationality
INTERSUBJECTIVITY ○ we are meant for dialogue
○ Dialogue - is a fundamental and
the most common form of
Life, people and experiences are connected to human beings
us and we are connected to them. ○
I AND THOU ● Human Person = must be regarded in
WE our totality
○ intersubjectivity
● June 27, 1880 - June 1, 1968
● american author, disability rights
advocate, political activist and lecturer SMALL - PHILOSOPHERS ON
● Jan 8, 1942 - March 14, 2018
● english theoretical physicist,
cosmologist, and author who, director ● Ich & Du - I am thou
of research at the Centre for
Theoretical Cosmology at the Martin Buber
University of Cambridge ● Jewish Existentialist Philosopher
Term 3 A.Y. 2022 - 2023
Grade 11 - Cafasso (STEM/HUMSS) | Sir Pio

● "The human person experiences one's ○ both refuse to regard the human
wholeness not in the virtue of relation to person as both animality and
one's self but in relation with another rationality
self." (for us to fulfill humanity, we have
to have relation) On PWDs
● The human person establishes the ● the term Person with Disability is used
world of mutual relation of experience instead of disabled person
(mutual experience doesn't mean ● the dignity of one's person
everything is mutual)
○ Person-to-person and
○ lacking directness and mutuality
(feeling, knowing & acting) "No man is an island"
● according to Martin there can be two
intersubjectivities; I and Thou, and I
and It
Pope John Paul II: Karol Wojtyla's

“I - We” - a group of people who live in a particular

Relationship territory, are subject to common system of
political authority, and are aware of having
● Theologian & Philosopher a distinct identity from other groups
● Communal Life - We - is a system of interrelationships that
● Fides et Ratio connects individual (subject to subject
● "Human person is the one who exists relation) (needs deep connection)
and acts" (conscious acting has a will &
self-determination) (free will)
Subject-to-subject (if you want to
preserve your humanness, you also
preserve the dignity and life of another)
● Action reveals the nature of the human FORMS OF SOCIETY
agent. "We are what we do."
● Neighbor & Fellow Member - is by
participating in the humanness of the HUNTING AND GATHERING SOCIETY
person (I and you relationship)
● earliest form of society
○ thinking how our skills and
● people survive by hunting, trapping, fishing,
knowledge can improve the
and gathering edible plants
quality of our fellow man
○ human is not selfish ● people move constantly in search of food.
● "Human person is oriented toward there is no specialization of labor
relation and sharing in communal
life for the common good" PASTORAL SOCIETIES
● they rely on products obtained through the
Buber & Wojtyla domestication and breeding of animals for
● human person is total, not dual transportation and food
Term 3 A.Y. 2022 - 2023
Grade 11 - Cafasso (STEM/HUMSS) | Sir Pio

CONS: disembodied relations lack

● how to maintain plants and crops
● they rely on the cultivation of fruits,
vegetables, and plants in order to survive
● technology remains rather limited, people
cultivate crops with the aid of digging sticks CLASSIFICATION OF
● they rely on the use of technology in order CONFUCIUS
to cultivate crops in large areas ● society should be based on virtue
● the agricultural revolution led to an
increase in food supplies, an increase in ren - a humane principle rooted in empathy
population , and the development of trade and feeling for others; at the heart of ren is
centers reciprocity

INDUSTRIAL SOCIETIES zhong-yong - the Godlen Mean; variously

● depend on mechanization to produce translated as moderation, normality, and
goods and services universal moral law
● with the advent of the industrial revolution li - the "rules of propriety" or the moral
(1760-1830), no longer did an individual customs of one's society
make an entire product. instead, there was
specialization of tasks and manufacturing PLATO
of goods ● society should be based on function and
POST-INDUSTRIAL SOCIETIES ● an ideal society must be a type of
● the focus on the manufacture of goods has intellectual sristocracy ruled by carefully
been replaced by an increase in service educated philosopher-kings
work -- that is, work in which people are ● plato doesn't believe in democracy
involved in providing services for one ● a well-ordered society is one whose
another classes do what they should do, without
VIRTUAL SOCIETIES interfering with or disrupting the functions
● communities of people sharing common and powers of the other classes
interests, ideas, and feelings over the
internet or other collaborative networks- - *insert table* = parts of the soul table

ex: social networking, chat rooms and ARISTOTLE

message boards, and virtual worlds. ● society is the natural state of humanity
● the state is a creation of nature, and that
PROS: relative anonymity and absence of man is by nature a politcal animal
physical contact contribute to openness ● populations, territory, government; and
and freedom of expression sovereignty
● outside of society, the human person
ceases to be human
Term 3 A.Y. 2022 - 2023
Grade 11 - Cafasso (STEM/HUMSS) | Sir Pio

● beast/god

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