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2024 小作文动态图


Economic growth is one way to measure a country's success,

but what else should we look at? Which do you think is the
most important?
People's/citizens' happiness index, including education, medication, and
welfare service

Economic growth is the only way to measure a country's success. T o what

extent do you agree or disagree?

There is no doubt that economic booming of a country is an indicator which reflect

whether a nation is successful. However, I am not convinced that this is the only
element, as to make sure people are happy and healthy in a society is more

Admittedly, .......... 经 济 发 展 的 一 些 好 处 , 驳 斥 , inequality

->income/education/cities VS countrysides...NOT everyone can benefit from the
prosperous economy evenly,....

I firmly argue medication 找 两 个 点 -fairness/equality->

crime rate/social stability...

In conclusion,....

cities VS countrysides: problems: 1) possibly higher crime rate in cities 2) labour-

farming-farmland is deserted/ left-over children -a lack of education and care---a
trigger for youth crime/ old people 3)over-crowed cities: environmental
pollution/housing/ congestion?/ over-competition
authorities: infrastructure projects, welfare....
companies: encourage companies to move to rural areas-employment, over-crowed

动态图: 趋势描述,趋势比较,以及数据的比较-静态数据比较 (时间、年龄)

静态数据: 起点比较最大最小, 末点,最高,最低
交叉点: A exceeded/surpassed/overtook/outnumbered B in 年份。
A and B were the same in 年份 at 数据。
静态图: 大小,倍数,(比例,数据比较)


main features:先做特征描述+数据证明

The line graph illustrates the variations in the exports of coffee in Brazil, C..and CR
from 2002 to 2012 , and is measured in millions of kilograms.
常用句型 (主体段 5 要素)

1. V+adv
To begin with(逻辑词), the quantity of coffee exports in Brazil (主题词)increased
gradually (变化情况)from around 12 million to 25 million(数据) in the decade

2. There was a adj N in 主题词+to 数据+in 时间

There was a sharp decline in the coffee exported from CR to hit a low of
around/about/almost/approximately 8 million in 2006 (或者 after four years).
There was an enormous increase in the coffee exports of both countries (Brazil and
CR) in the last six years, with the figures finishing at 25 million and 20 million

3. 时间名词+ saw/experienced/witnessed a adj 变化名词 in 主题词

2008 saw the least amount of coffee exportation/exported at just approximately 2
million in Colombia.

=The coffee exportation in Colombia sharply declined to the lowest point at just 2
million in 2008.

4. SVO, with the number/figure/quantity/data VING to 数据 in 年份

2008 年 见证了一个猛跌 plunge 在 Colombia 的咖啡出口到仅有 2million,伴随
着这个数据 then 急剧上升到 2012 年的 15million.

The line graph gives information about the variations
in the number/quantity/levels of coffee exports from three South
American countries, namely, Brazil, Col,..and CR,
from 2002 to 2012, and is measured in millions of


upward trend in three countries.

中心句: 大小关系的总结: The quantities of coffee exports in Brazil and CR were
the most during the ten years, starting at 12 million and 15 million
separately/respectively. 起点 (句型 5 SVO, ving....) The amount of coffee
exportation in CR plunged to hit a low of (bottom at) approximately 7million, while
the figure for Brazil climbed slightly 15 million in the next four years. (句型 6 while
svo, svo) Then the next six years witnessed a gradual increase/growth in the coffee
exports of the two countries to 20 million (CR) and 25 million(Brazil) severally.

In 2002, Colombia only exported/ sold 5 million coffee abroad, the least of the three
countries. Then/Next, the data enormously swelled to around 12 million in 2006,
exceeding/outnumbering/overtaking the figure for CR. However, the exports hit a
low of around 2 million two years later before finally surging to 15 million (SVO
before/after Ving to...SVO before /after/once/when SVO 句型 7).


coffee/export V,N.---->
改写: 词性转换
*the amount of coffee (which were) exported from....

N + Ved= the number of pizzas eaten

the amount of electricity consumed per day/on a daily basis/daily/in 24 hours/in a
=the amount of electricity consumption=the consumption of electricity

coffee exports=coffee exportation (N.+ N)= N1 of N2= the exportation of coffee

the amount of oil consumed ,oil consumption, the consumption of oil
use n./v.
utilize v
utilization n.


The XX gives information about/ illustrates/compares the changes in the number of

XX(复数名词) in 范围 during the year 2005 to 2020, and is measured in millions of

the number of+复数

the levels of +N C.
the amount of
the quantity of ..+C/U.
the percentage/proportion/ratio

Overall, it is immediately apparent that...总结段 4 要素

1) 主题词又要改写
2) 整体趋势总结/大小关系的总结(不要给数据)
3) 时间改写 over the period as a whole/ over the time frame
4)引出 overall +根据图决定时态

-根据时间划分 (各个线条做比较)
- 静态数据要比较。(起点,最值,末点)
动态图: 必给点: 起点,末点,最高,最低,交叉,改变走向的点
rose/grew/went up/ swelled/ increased/ climbed /escalated
to 到/by 差
猛增 surged/ soared/rocked=increased considerably

数据的约数: about/around/approximately/almost/ just over/just around a third/

the majority of..

水平 leveled off/evened out at/remained unchanged,stable,constant,static AT

reached a high of 数据
peaked at
bottomed at
hit a low /trough of
reached the lowest point at
began/started at...
finished at/end up with..



1. V+adv
XXX increased gradually to 50 in 2002.
2. There is adj+N in 范围+时间
There was a gradual increase in the number of ...from 1990 to 2005.
3. TIME saw a gradual increase to 数据 in ..范围
4. SVO, while SVO
5. when/ before/after svo, svo (地图,流程)
6. svo, ving...
7. svo , with the number ving to...

The line graph shows TV news viewing figures over a one-year period. Write a report
of at least 150 words summarizing the main features and making comparisons where

The viewing figure had the highest at 6pm, at around 5 million, with the data
decreasing gradually to 3.2 million in December. There were 3.2 million people
watching Channel one at 9.30pm in January, and this figure increased slightly to a
high of 4 million in May. The number of people who watched Channel One at 9.30
pm decreased rapidly to bottom at 1million before the number them climbed to 3
million in December.The viewer figure at 1 pm kept stable at 1.2 million for the whole
year.In May, a news report was introduced at 11 pm, with the figure increasing
largely to 4 million in August despite a plunge to less than 1 million in December.

主体段 5 要素
1 变化描述 2 时间改写 3 数据 4 逻辑衔接 5 主题词改写
The line graph compares the number of news viewers in millions of Channel One for
four periods of time from January to December.

Overall, it is immediately apparent that the news at 6pm and 9pm were the most
welcomed/popular in a year, while 1pm news attracted the fewest audience,and it is
obvious that the news at 11pm was the most popular in August.
SVO, while SVO, and SVO.

In January, almost 5 million audience watched the 6 pm news, with the the number
declining considerably to only 3 million in December, still the highest figure among
the four time periods(静态数据作比较). Similar decrease could be seen the in the
number of audience for the 9pm show, when the viewing figures started at almost 3
million in January but declined to a low of 1 million in August. However, after
summer, more people chose to watch 9pm news, with the figure swelling to 3 million
at the end of year.

There was no obvious change in the number of viewers for the news program at 1
pm throughout the year,with the figure leveling off at approximately 1.3 million. In
May, a new news report was introduced at 11 pm, attracting gradually more
audience, particularly in August when the viewer number reached a high of 4 million.
Nevertheless, a plunge could be observed in this show, as ( 原因)in December the
viewers dropped considerably to bottom at fewer than 1 million.

in 2012
in2016= after 4 years, in the next following four years= 4 years later
in 10 years= in a decade= during 10 years= during a ten-year time frame
during the course of 10 years
during the period as a whole= during the 20-year period= during the time frame

2.27.2024 写作作业:

2. The graph below gives information from a 2008 report about consumption of
energy in the USA since 1980 with projections until 2030.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and
making comparisons where relevant.
200 字
would V

3. 挑战练习-只写主体段 120 字

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