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Shan QQ-944719635


The consumption of oil rose steadily in 2008. V+ADV

There was a steady rise in the consumption of oil in 2008.
2008 saw a steady rise in the consumption of oil.

* 主题词改写
The consumption of oil-->
Consume--> the amount of oil consumed -->N +Ved
The amount of time spent
N + N ---》the oil consumption
The oil used/utilised ---the use of oil---the oil use
The number.../the figure...it..
1-The overall sale of the company has increased by 20% at the end of the year.
There has been a 20%rise in the total sales of the company in December.
The end of the year witnessed a 20% growth in.....
2-The expenditure of the office remained constant for the last 6 months but the profit
rose by almost 25%. There was no change in the expense of the office in the last 6 months but there was a 25% rise in the
3-There was a 15% drop in the student enrollment of the University. registration
4-The population of the country remained almost the same as it was 2 years ago.
5-The population of these two cities increase significantly in the last two decades and
it is predicted that it will remain stable in the next 5 years.
6-The price of the raw materials fluctuated for the first three months. (fluctuation)
7- The passenger number in this station oscillates (oscillation) throughout the day
but early morning and evening are the two busiest time.

Shan QQ-944719635

8-The changes of car production in Japan shows a palpitation for the second quarter
of the year. palpitates
9-The number of students in debate clubs fluctuated in different months as a rapid
ups and downs could be observed in the last three months.

4) 时间改写
From (time 1) to (time 2) from 2000 to 2005

Between (time 1) and (time 2)

During the period (time 1) to (time 2)

During (month or year)

In (month or year)-in 2005 =in the year 2005

On (day)

At (time; hours/minutes)

have/has done现在完成时
From 2005 onwards=since 2005=after 2005
From this point onwards/since then/from now on/from then onwards/thereafter 那
In the 1990s
By 2010(by then)-by the year 2010
In the period 2005-2010=during/within/over the five-year period=between 2005
and 2010 =from 2005 to 2010
Over the course of 5 years
Throughout the period
某一段时间 (overall,)
Over the period as a whole
During this period
For a decades-for 10 years
Over the time frame
Over the previous 5 years
Over last year
Towards the end of the year/for the rest of the period/over (in)the latter(first) half of
the period(year) The figure remained unchanged .....
Until then/until the end of April(the period)=for the remainder of the period
In the next half of the year
At the beginning of the year
At the end of the first quarter=in the first three months of the year
Shan QQ-944719635

5) 逻辑连接词

Moving to a more detailed analysis,…/First of

all,…/To begin,…

Following that/this, …


After that/this,…




In contrast,…


6. 主体段写作

1)总结段 4 要素,主体段 5 要素
2) Values
A. 介词 at(静止)/to(到)/by(了)/of reach a high of///there was an increase of
20% in the..
B. 约数



C. 单位量词 30%= a third of

a half of
XXX was halved.

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