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Endocrine system- is the collection of glands • Oxytocin- released in significant

that produce hormones that regulates amount only during childbirth or
metabolism, growth and development. nursing, causes milk ejection.
• Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) - inhibits
Endo-within Crinis- to secrete
or prevents urine production, ADH
Endocrine- released directly into blood. causes the kidneys to reabsorb more
-uses chemical messengers called hormones,
that affects only certain tissue, cells or organs. Control of hormonal/hormone release;
“Target cells or target organs”
1. Hormonal stimulus– most common
Exocrine- secreted outside the glands. stimulus in which endocrine organs
are prodded in action by other
2. Humoral stimulus- changing blood
levels of certain ions or nutrients
A. Anterior pituitary gland (glandular tissue) may also stimulate hormone
-mixture of endocrine and exocrine 3. Neural stimulus- nerve fibers
stimulates hormonal release.
• Growth hormone- directed to the
growth of skeletal muscles and long 2. Thyroid Gland -body’s major metabolic
bones of the body. hormone, located at the base of the throat.
• Prolactin- stimulates and maintains
milk production by the mother’s breast. 1. Thyroid hormone- have two
• Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) - active iodine containing
regulates the activity of cortex portion hormones, Thyroxine (T4) and
of adrenal gland. Triodothyronine (T3).
• Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) - *T3- regulates body
growth and activity of thyroid. temperature, metabolism, and
• Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) - heart rate.
pubertal development. *T4- Heart and digestive
*Female- stimulates ovulation of eggs. function, metabolism, brain
*Male-stimulates testosterone development, bone health and
production. muscle control.
2. Calcitonin- helps maintain
B. Posterior pituitary gland (nervous tissue) – is normal blood levels of calcium.
an extension of nervous that only stores and -hypocalcemic hormone means
releases two hormones produced in it acts to decrease blood levels
hypothalamus. of calcium.
3. Parathyroid gland – secrete parathyroid an energy to maintain the amount of
hormone (PTH) or parathormone, which normal glucose found in the blood
regulate (CAT) homeostasis of the blood. stream within a normal level
*Osteoclast - breakdown of the tissue in the 2. Glucagon- produced by the alpha cells,
bone matrix and release calcium into the blood. it raises the concentration of glucose
*hypercalcemic hormone - increases the blood and fatty acids in the blood stream
blood calcium levels. (hypeglycemic).

4. Adrenal gland – two beans shaped glands 6. Pineal gland – produces melatonin “sleep
over the top of the kidneys. It has two parts; trigger”, in which the peak level of it was at
night. It is a small cone-shape gland found in
1. Cortex- produces three major groups of the roof of the third ventricle of the brain.
steroid hormones collectively called
mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids, and 7. Thymus gland – located in the upper thorax,
sex hormones. posterior of the stomach. Produces hormone
*Mineralocorticoids- produce called thymosin, a hormone necessary for t-cell
aldosterone regulates sodium and development and production a vital role in
potassium ion. Selectively reabsorbs the training and development of T-lymphocytes.
minerals to allow them to flash down to
urine. 8. Gonads – an organ that produce gametes,
*Glucocorticoids- helps the body resist the testes and ovaries.
physiologic stress. When
Hormones of the female;
glucocorticoids are high, fats and
protein are converted into glucose, and 1. Estrogen – development of female in
then released into the blood mammary gland, growth of uterus,
(hyperglycemic hormone). stimulates growth in blood vessels in
*Sex hormones- testosterone (male) the endometrium (for fertilization).
estrogen (female). It is produced 2. Progesterone – promotes the growth of
throughout lifetime. uterine lining.
2. Medulla- releases two similar
hormones, epinephrine (adrenaline) Hormones of the male;
and norepinephrine (noradrenaline).
-collectively called cathecolamines, that *Testosterone- promotes the growth
helps the body for fight or flight. and maturation of reproductive system.

5. Pancreas- located at the base of the stomach,

called islets of Langerhans. It has two hormones
Insulin and glucagon.

1. Insulin- release from the beta cells

when high glucose in blood. Sweeps
glucose out of the blood and uses it as

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