7 Ano

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Horário de início :_____________

Horário de término:____________

Nome: ..................................................................................................Série: 7ª ANO

Turno: Matutino Data: / 02 /2024

Disciplina: Inglês Turma: Única
Professor: Jhoseph K Curso: Anos Finais do Ensino Fundamental II


 Antes de responder leia cada questão com bastante atenção;

 Assinale quando tiver certeza da resposta;
 Não rasure, para não anular automaticamente sua resposta;
 Não use líquido corretor de texto;
 Use caneta com tinta azul ou preta;
 Utilize todo tempo previsto;
 Tenha uma avaliação de sucesso.

Atividade Diagnostica
Total de 1-30
1-Read The Cartoons And Answer From . (Leia as charges e responda a alternativa
correta de 1 a 2)

-Choose the correct alternative, according to the cartoon.

a) Garfield was disappointed because the cheeseburger was spoiled.

b) Garfield lojavirtual was disappointed because the ticket wasn't valid.

c) Garfield expected to eat at McDonald’s.

d) Garfield prefers birds to sandwiches.

2- Choose the correct alternative, according to the cartoon.

According to the cartoon, Garfield

a) wants to build his career.

b) intends to work hard.

c) has something in his mind as a plan to complete his studies.

d) actually wants to spend his time doing nothing but planning.

3-Complete the sentences with the correct words related to the words in bold.
( Complete as frases com as palavras corretas relacionadas às palavras em negrito)

1 The sky is full of clouds. It’s very cloudy.( exemplo )

2 It’s snowing! Did you know that every ……………………….. is a different shape
and pattern?

3 It’s a frosty morning. There’s ……………………….. all over the car.

4 There were showers yesterday. It was a ……………………….. day.

5 This is a sunny climate. The sun ……………………….. every day.

6 I like ……………………….. weather. Things look pretty in the mist.

7 What a thunderstorm! Did you hear that big ……………………….. of thunder?

8 This is a windy area. The ……………………….. blows all the time.

9 There was a hailstorm this morning and now there is ……………………….. on the
10 It’s very foggy this morning. Be careful – ……………………….. is really
dangerous when you’re driving.

11 It’s icy today. There’s a lot of ……………………….. on the roads.

4- Complete the sentences with was / were.( Complete as frases com foi/foram.)

1. How many people __________ at your house last weekend?

2. The book wasn´t difficult It __________ easy.

3. Those __________ my best jeans.

4. Dinosaurs __________ prehistoric animals.

5. __________ your friends at school yesterday?

6. Sandra __________ not at school yesterday.

7. You __________ nasty to me!

8. __________ your grandparents designers.

9. John and I __________ in the garden.

5- Mark the correct alternative between A or B(Marque a alternativa correta entre A

ou B) 0,7
6- Look at the pictures (A-F). Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?( Olha as fotos (A-
F). As sentenças são verdadeiras (T) ou falsas (F)?)

1 The girl with the cap has got a long coat.______________

2 The boy with the shorts hasn’t got socks.______________

3 They boy with the cap has got trainers._______________

4 The girl with the jacket has got a long skirt.___________

5 The girl with the dress has got a cardigan.____________

6 They boy with the scarf has got jeans._______________

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