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Republic of the Philippines

North Eastern Mindanao State University

Formerly Surigao del Sur State University
Cantilan Campus
Cantilan,Surigao del Sur
Telefax No. 086-212-5132


1st Semester 2023-2024
Name: CONSIGNA, EUVIEL O._______________________ Date: _______________________
College: _________BSBA-HRM2F_______________________________ Section: _____________________
Direction: Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. What is the one factor that have led to unemployment?
a. Overpopulation c. Societal Standards
b. Societal Problems d. Machines

2. These have led to slums where human beings live in squalor.

a. Social Media c. City Proper
b. Environment d. Factories

3. What particular way of communication much simpler in recent times?

a. Computer and Technology c. Commercial Development
b. Mechanization Discovery d. Industrialization

4. What particular invention has assisted the process of calculation in laboratories?

a. Invention of Apparatus c. Invention of Water System
b. Invention of Medicine d. Invention of Computer

5. Our _____________ progress has failed to keep pace with our scientific progress.
a. Moral c. Physical
b. Spiritual d. Moral and Spiritual

6. It has brought about several outstanding advantages to mankind and we people are able to create something which
can improve the quality of our lives immeasurably.
a. Mathematics c. Algebra and Trigonometry
b. Technology and Livelihood Program d. Science and Technology

7. The discovery of mechanization, better seeds, and better techniques of irrigation and pest control, has worked to
increase productivity levels on_______.
a. Water c. Sea
b. Land d. Farm

8. The vast improvements made in the field of _______ have served to lengthen our life expectancy and to reduce
the rate of infant mortality.
a. Engineering c. Business Management
b. Information Technology d. Medicine

9. They are able to explore the space extensively because of the wide-scale development in technology.
a. Society c. Dead Organism
b. Man d. Living Organism
10. Science has brought about groundbreaking solutions to numerous _____________.
a. deadly diseases c. deadly liquid solutions
b. deadly weapon d. deadly machine

11. In transportation, ______________have made our lives more comfortable and provided great possibilities for
modern commercial development and industrialization.

a. railway,
b. modern ocean liner,
c. jet plane, and
d. motor vehicle.
e. All of the above

12. Modern ____________are conquering more and more physical and mental ills day by day. We now know and
experience the joys of good health and longevity.
a. hygiene,
b. sanitation,
c. medicine and
d. surgery
e. All of the above
13. What influenced the Information Age by creating the idea inventions?
a. The Renaissance
b. The Digital Age
c. New Media Age
d. All of the Above
14. What particular age began around the 1970s and is still going on today?
a. The Renaissance
b. The Digital Age
c. The New Media Age
d. The Information Age
15. What is a unit of inherited material?
a. Community c. Species
b. Population d. Genes

16. It was no longer about what humans could do for God, but what humans could do for themselves. This way of
thinking is called___________.
a. Humanism c. Scientific Revolution
b. Confuciunism d. Scientific Knowledge
17. What revolution has changed the modern era by introducing important scientists.
a. Scientific Knowledge c. The Renaissance
b. Scientific Revolution d. The Digital Age

18. Their discoveries paved the way for modern tools, inventions and innovations.
a. Galileo c. Isaac Newton
b. Copernicus d. All of the above
19. The _________________brought about major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transportation, and
a. Scientific Knowledge c. The Renaissance
b. Scientific Revolution d. Industrial Revolution

20. What is the variety of life on Earth, from genes to ecosystems.

a. Natural Resources c. Healthy Society
b. Biodiversity d. Humanity
21. What is a concept that recognizes the interdependence between human health and the health of the environment.
a. Natural Resources c. Healthy Society
b. Biodiversity d. Humanity
22. Which group of populations of similar organisms that reproduce among themselves, but do not naturally
reproduce with any other kinds of organisms.
a. Community c. Species
b. Population d. Ecosystem
23. Which group of individuals belonging to one species living in an area.
a. Community c. Species
b. Population d. Ecosystem
24. Which level of diversity is the different genes contained in all individual plants, animals, fungi, and
a. Genetic diversity c. Ecosystem diversity
b. Species diversity d. Biodiversity
25.Which level of diversity is all the differences within and between populations of species, as well as between
different species?
a. Genetic diversity c. Ecosystem diversity
b. Species diversity d. Biodiversity
26. Which level of diversity is all the different habitats, biological communities, and ecological processes, as well
as variation within individual ecosystems?
a. Genetic diversity c. Ecosystem diversity
b. Species diversity d. Biodiversity
27. What is a unit of length equivalent to one billionth (10-9) of a meter?
a. Barometer c. Scale
b. Nanometer d. Ratio
28.What is approximately 100,000 nm thick and a strand of DNA is 2.5 nm across?
a. a box of chalk c. a piece of wood
b. a single sheet of paper d. All of the above
29.What is the realm of matter at the scale of nanometers, or billionths of a meter?
a. Nano Engineering c. Nanotechnology
b. Nano World d. Nano Applications
30. Which of the following is the science and engineering of manipulating matter at this scale, creating new
materials, devices and applications with novel properties and functions?
a. Nano Engineering c. Nanotechnology
b. Nano World d. Nano Applications.

31. What poses significant challenges and risks, such as ethical, environmental, health and safety issues, as well as
social and economic impacts?
a. Nano Engineering c. Nanotechnology
b. Nano World d. Nano Applications.
32.Which of the following is the invention of nanotechnology that revolutionized human understanding of the
natural world?
a. Devices c. Light Microscope
b. Applications d. All of the above
33. By studying and controlling matter at this ___________scientists can alter individual atoms and molecules.
a. nanoscale (1-100 nm ) c. nanoscale ( 3-400 nm)
b. nanoscale (2-300 nm ) d. nanoscale ( 3-500 nm)
34. Which of the following fields revolutionized by nanotechnology?
a. medicine c. electronics and biotechnology.
b. energy d. All of the above

35. Which of the following can exhibit more or less strength, flexibility, reactivity, reflectivity, or conductivity on
their larger counterparts?
a. nanoparticles c. nano scale
b. nano world d. nano engineering
36. Which individual can alter atoms and molecules?
a. Engineers c. Aeronautics
b. Architect d. Scientist
37. What is the equivalent of a meter into a unit of length of the nanometer?
a. one billionth (1o-9) c. one billionth (12-9)
b. one billionth (11-8) d. one billionth (13-9)
38. What refers to the manipulation of an organism's genetic material to alter its characteristics or create new traits?
a. Genetic Engineering c. Nano Particles
b. Nano Engineering d. Nano World
39. If DNA is transferred from one species to another, the organism that receives DNA is said to be ___________.
a. Transgenic c. Genes
b. DNA d. Organism
40. What kind of gene has been inserted into a bacterium (E-coli)?
a. Human Insulin Gene c. A Only
b. Bacterium Insulin Gene d. Both A and B
41. Which eating an animal containing a human gene?
a. Form of Cannibalism c. A Only
b. Form of Vegetarian d. All of the above
42. What allows the bacterium to produce insulin for use by people with diabetes?
a. Human Insulin Gene c. A Only
b. Bacterium Insulin Gene d. Both A and B
43. What kind of enzyme which acts like glue sticking foreign DNA to DNA of the cloning vector?
a. DNA Ligase c. Transformation
b. Microorganism d. Cell and Tissue Culture
44. What special enzymes used to cut the DNA at specific places?
a. DNA Ligase c. Transformation
b. Microorganism d. Restriction Enzymes
45. Which of the following is a process of Genetic Engineering?
a. Cell and Tissue Culture, Plant Breeding, Transformation
b. Bacteria, DNA Extraction and Isolation, Cloning and Designing Genes
c. Only A
d. All of the above
46. Which of the following is NOT a Tool used in Genetic Engineering?
a. DNA Ligase c. Restriction Enzymes
b. Microorganism d. Both A and C

47. Which of the following is a FALSE statement about Tools used in Genetic Engineering in Restriction Enzymes?
a. Special Enzymes is not used to cut DNA at specific places.
b. Different enzymes cut DNA at a specific base sequence known as a recognition site.
c. A Only
d. All Of the above
48. Which of the following is a TRUE statement about Tools used in Genetic Engineering in Ligase Enzymes?
a. Enzymes act like glue sticking foreign DNA to DNA of the cloning vector.
b. It will only work if DNA from the two DNA sources has been cut with the same restriction enzyme.
c. Sticky ends of DNA will be complementary to each other
d. All of the above
49. Genetic Engineering applied on _____________.
a. Applied on Plants and Animals
b. Applied on Plants Only.
c. Applied on Animals Only.
d. All of the above
50. Which process of Genetic Engineering is TRUE by each piece of DNA are transferred from one organism to
a. Human – Bacterium c. Human – Sheep
b. Bacterium – Plant d. All of the above

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

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