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Sibyl Lei Diane C.



Every organism is destined to survive in this world. Whether to kill and defend their own safety,
living can be difficult, this is how we can greatly correlate ourselves to other breathing organisms. On
the other hand, humans are on a total upgrade due to their extent intelligence and exceptionally obtain
discipline which maintains solitude and solidarity just like any other animals in this planet. Yet on its dark
side, who would’ve thought that surviving as mankind can be the most challenging part? And my claim
for this is connecting to the dots of animal to human demeanors and my personal experience that
molded my own ethical standards and morals as a person.

Growing up on a dictating household, my parents are on a top tier for fully disciplining their
children possible. I would simply believe their rules and regulations that breaking them might subject
me to corporal punishments that my father would often do most of the time. Day by day, my morals are
opening its eyes as I learned about the ethical rules in this nation which I knew that abusing your child is
a punishable offense. Learning these set of principles made me rebel against them and activated my
morals which they assume to recognize a misbehavior or a threat to them as leaders in the household.

Contemplating to my life experience, I realized that most households like mine are molding their
children’s ethics stronger that it traumatizes them and passes them to the extent of making their future
families feel their pain. Generally, families practice these stuffs to make their offsprings dominant and
traditional, for my case, I wouldn’t want to experience the same when I’d have a family of my own.

Just like any other human being, our ethical standards are sometimes an advantage for the
betterment of all, take for example the idea of having religion in our lives. Religion keeps people moral
and ethically, it’s correct and I think should be compulsory. From my standpoint regarding to this topic is
that I have been constantly active when it comes to our religion’s compulsory worship services which I
think is a great advocacy for reminding people on its importance and to avoid them to the exposures of
the bad habits of the world.

On the contrary, morals are also an arguable topic to many. Which our origins carve its own
boundary that is not relative to others to be subjected to debates and misunderstandings. Example to
that is how others are not familiar with other people’s cultures and beliefs which causes everything to
rumble and mold conflicts. In my experience, I once had a relationship with a person I thought would be
of like my beliefs because we had the same interests. As days go by, there are some beliefs that I
practice that my partner does not favor of. In the end, we just argued and repeatedly went on our own
battleground until we finally called it quits. What I think the lesson to that situation is that there are
some of our moral creeds that others defy which both parties should respect which I did respect, but
others do not integrate to themselves and nevertheless, should not be forced on any sort.
Regardless on our differences and standpoints, human beings are still destined to connect and
find common grounds which I religiously believe, it is the only way where it had put us now. Our
common mistakes to ourselves are that our opinions and arguments drives other people to attack to us
which only made things worse. In fact, we should at least practice respect, complimentary comments
and gentle critiques and feedbacks so that everyone will unite and keep the human race solid.

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