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Writing coursework can be a challenging task, especially when it comes to a topic as dynamic and

multifaceted as media studies. The difficulty lies in the need to conduct thorough research, analyze
various media sources, and present a well-structured and coherent argument. Students often find
themselves grappling with complex theories, diverse perspectives, and the ever-evolving nature of

Choosing a compelling and relevant topic for your media coursework is crucial, and brainstorming
ideas can be time-consuming. Additionally, the pressure to meet deadlines, adhere to academic
standards, and produce original work can add to the stress.

Considering these challenges, it's essential for students to seek support when needed. ⇒ ⇔ is a platform that offers assistance with coursework, providing expert guidance
to navigate the intricacies of media studies. Their experienced writers can help craft well-researched
and professionally written coursework tailored to specific requirements.

Ordering coursework assistance from ⇒ ⇔ can save time, reduce stress, and
ensure the production of high-quality work. It allows students to focus on understanding the subject
matter while leaving the detailed research and writing aspects to the experts.

In conclusion, if you find yourself overwhelmed by the complexities of media coursework, consider
seeking support from ⇒ ⇔. Their services can be a valuable resource to enhance
your academic performance and alleviate the challenges associated with crafting a comprehensive
and insightful media coursework.
I will use a Panasonic DMC-TZ7 camera and schedule a time in which I can take photos of people
around the college, finding the appropriate lexis which would be suited to the magazine. I have
chosen to use these programmes because I have basic knowledge about them and this will help me to
produce a good quality magazine. In the same way, the image shows the people to be smiling and
happy. This is useful because it attracts the audience’s attention. There were different types of genres
that i could have chosen these genres are rock, jazz, pop and hip hop etc. Likes; learning songs to
play on his guitar, going on the internet on his array of. Explore the different ways your chosen texts
target their audience? Then, I added an image of the English Martyrs Sixth Form logo in order to
inform the audience that this is the official magazine for this college. Then I used the spot healing
brush tool in order to correct any blemishes that appeared on the subject. Before creating my final
piece, I need to research existing products; I am going to look at the front covers, contents pages and
double page spreads of four popular rock magazines. I chose the name ARTSIE because it sounds
quite catchy. Also, I like the way that the background is plain which will not draw attention away
from the main focus. To improve my contents page I need to ensure that more information is
provided to the audience about each article in the issue. AS Media Studies Print Foundation
Coursework Emma Readman 2. I then did a little research into different genres of magazines. For
this project, you will be marked on conventions. I was make mistake of moving layers around
because some time the layers became mixed. I shall carry out a survey in my college for people of the
same age as me. I have ensured that the text is a much smaller than the headline so that attention is
not drawn away from this device. Most young people they like to buy Q magazine is because they
always have interesting news and always let people surprise. Reviews Select overall rating (no
rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. The front cover article lines are however a
bit too different. This lesson will help you to deal with the basics, and then you can spend time
working on constructing a compelling and subversive celebrity seeking to target a niche audience.
This was narrowed down to 6 that I would use within the front cover and contents page. From this
survey I can see what brands are liked most and. Firstly, due to timing, I forgot to include the pricing
in with the pug barcode. You will be emulating these conventions to make your magazine as
conventional as possible. However they are more formal in my content page as they have to be more
easily. Also, I am going to analyse in depth four popular music magazines: their front covers, contents
pages and double page spreads. For the front cover I shall need to take a selection of images
featuring informal student behavior in school.
The font I have used for my front cover are informal, colorful and visually attracting, that addresses
the target. Also, I need to ensure that each feature on the front cover is spaced out neatly so the
audience can read it easier. However, I felt the text might not stand out as much on this background.
During the production of my AS media school magazine preliminary task I have developed my
analytical. This will appeal to the young target audience because it includes someone who actually
attends the college and is the same age as them. This may have detracted the reader from buying the
magazine as they wouldn’t have an idea about how much it cost. This font really caught my eye
because it is very unique. I changed the font so it was extremely large and would attract the reader’s
attention. As this subject is from English Martyrs College (I intend to target my audience for these
students), it enables the audience to recognise this person and therefore relate to the magazine.
However, the title was too small and did not stand out from the rest of the page. This helps it to
blend into the front cover instead of standing out. Before making my actual front cover and context
page i designed a rough plan on an A4 piece of paper this is a called flat-plan. Share to Twitter Share
to Facebook Share to Pinterest. You will be emulating these conventions to make your magazine as
conventional as possible. So initially I analysed two magazine covers (TEXTUAL ANALYSIS) that I
found on the internet, which were both college magazines. Also, I placed the “New Lockers” in bold
black impact font to stand out from the rest of the text. The colours have been kept very
monochrome with the grey background, the black detailing and white. This focuses attention more on
the actual person and the lockers. Likes; Loves photography, animals, spending time with her friends.
The 'Smash hits' also have many difference news and which is make younger girls feel interesting. I
then placed the logo in front of the masthead to replace the “A”. Furthermore, the main cover line,
titled “Aliya Assists with Aid” will attract the audience’s attention because the font is large so that it
stands out from the rest of the page. This magazine is for people who like indie and rock music.
Next, I added the person to the top left of the image. This makes it easier for the reader to find
certain articles. Magazine coursework: creating a conventional initial flat plan. In this lesson, you will
create a flat plan for the front cover of your magazine and your double page spread. Though a
hugely passionate music fan, this is not to the detriment of their other interests which is film,
gaming, sport, TV and comedy. I chose to do this genre of music because it is the genre of music that
i like to listen to and I feel that many people enjoy this type of genre to listen to and inspires
everyone as role models too. Research, planning and evaluation MUST be presented in electronic.
Included are resources on: - Introduction to Media Studies (a number of tasks and templates that I
used prior to the first assignment) - Assignment 1: Intro to Media (DVD Covers) - Assignment 2:
Cross-Media Study (Advertising and Marketing) - Assignment 3: Practical Production and
Evaluation (Film Trailers) If you only need resources for one of the assignments, I am making the
resources for the individual assignments available for ?1. Overall your work is marked out of 100
and is 50% of your overall A2 mark. Next, I think that the use of the sixth form logo in replacement
of the “A” in “Martyrs” would have added confusion to the audience as it looks like the masthead
reads “Mortyrs”. This focuses attention more on the actual person and the lockers. From this survey I
can see what brands are liked most and. I have added effects to each of the images: making the
bottom image black and white, the middle image double negative and the top image slightly darker. I
am confused to determine which is best one, because all printouts are best. Likes; learning songs to
play on his guitar, going on the internet on his array of. I followed the conventions of BAZAAR
magazine font but also changed it to suit my theme. I wanted to base the picture directly off my
theme and. There is evidence of a basic level of ability in the creative use of some of the. I
positioned it at the bottom right because it does not draw attention away from the main feature. Fav
shops; Urban outfitters, Topshop, Zara, Selfridge’s and New look. I love the colours involved with
this font because it makes it look very. Our deadline for the task to be completed was 2 weeks. The
editing to create a black and white image helps to stereotype them with the typical rock music of the
70’s and 80’s. This font really caught my eye because it is very unique. I have chosen this bright-
colored scheme as it is exiting and visually. The Q magazine reader is a passionate music fan and
they has high disposable income to spend on they self alone. Remember that you will not find every
convention listed on these magazine covers. Finally, I feel that the “Plus” section of the magazine
stands out to the audience because I have put the heading on an angle in order to make it appear
more fun and quirky. My analytical skills have improved through the analysis of other school. This
magazine is a very good example of the Z eye movement on a. The minimum expected elements for
the magazine project Length: 3 pages. Included in these images is a high angled longshot of one of
the members playing in a concert. The price for my magazine will be ?5.99. My magazine will be
published every. Additionally, the logo doesn’t stand out from the front cover because it blends in
with the light background. The brands which were chosen but not as highly as the. Additionally, I
have decided to work independently because I work well on my own and I can make important
decisions about what is included in the magazine. Original images must be wholly originally
I have made a mind map of all of the content ideas that I can put in my school magazine. For the
mise-en-scene the picture will be taken on school grounds to. This will help to illustrate an article in
which I will interview the subjects about a particular event. While you will be given considerable
creative freedom in your magazine project, it is absolutely essential that your magazine looks, reads
and feels like a magazine. When I added the image to my front cover, I did not think it was suitable,
so I didn’t use it. I scheduled this photo shoot to be taken place during my media lesson on 13 th
January. As the internet is increasing in popularity, it is useful to do this because it helps to promote
my final piece from a different form of media. I positioned it at the bottom right because it does not
draw attention away from the main feature. This creates the impression that they are breaking
through the typical rock genre to provide a new, modernised feel to the music. Where a candidate
has worked in a group, an excellent contribution to construction is. Some of these, or all of these
ideas and more will be added to my front cover and contents page, because what would a magazine
be without it's content. The positive aspects of my contents page include a constant housestyle of a
grey background with a darker grey box where the text is placed. This will appeal to the young target
audience because it includes someone who actually attends the college and is the same age as them.
The background colour on this magazines really defines the model on the front and all the bits of
writing. Dr. NN Chavan Keynote address on ADNEXAL MASS- APPROACH TO
MANAGEMENT in the. See other similar resources ?6.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save
for later Not quite what you were looking for. People says my magazine model was wearing a grey
colour coat and my front colour is too bright which is orange and yellow. Also, I should guarantee
that each image is clear and the appropriate shot is taken to suit the nature of the article. These
colours remind me of the autumn season because. This will enable me to see what I have done wrong
and how I can improve it if I was to re-do this task. 3. Preliminary Task To begin my coursework, I
am going to create a preliminary task of a front cover and mock up of a contents page. In the same
way, I need to gather a wide variety of images which would complement each storyline. 29.
Commercial Product Research Now that I have completed my preliminary task, I am going to
research and analyse existing music magazines in order to get an idea of what a professional product
would look like. Designed as a starter for Coursework preparation can take 1 weeks (4.5hr’s a week)
varies on time allowed and skill level. From doing this research I find out that it is very complex and
hard to create the perfect. I have decided that my target audience will be mostly girls between the
ages of 16-30 years old. The hotspot also includes a little bit of the anchorage which highlights.
Explore the impact of digital technologies on your selected industry. So I decided the make the
clouds look brighter by using the brush tool. As this did not need cropping, I decided it was too
“boring” compared with the other images. Due to clothes being in the hotspot it shows to the reader
that this. This is my AS media coursework blog where i would be displaying the magazine covers
that i have produced. -thanks for reading my blog x.
You should follow this approach as closely as possible, and let your use of hair, costume, makeup
and colour show your creativity and the ideological perspective of your artist. Next, I added a plus
section to give the reader details about what is included in this particular issue. After this i carried
out research using a questionnaire, I used to mostly closed questions so that I could Quantify my
results into statistics that can be made in to pie charts and bar graphs to represent my findings. The
positive aspects of my contents page include a constant housestyle of a grey background with a
darker grey box where the text is placed. This will enable me to see what I have done wrong and
how I can improve it if I was to re-do this task. 3. Preliminary Task To begin my coursework, I am
going to create a preliminary task of a front cover and mock up of a contents page. However, I do
not like the chair and shelf that is present in the background. From all my research into different
magazines, I then had a very clear image of what different things I am going to include. There are
two background colours on this double page spread which look. Creative decisions that I had to
make were what fonts for my main title and body text, this really. First I was going to collage a
variety of photos which relate to. Throughout the production of my preliminary task, I encountered
various issues which delayed my work and made the magazine appear less successful. Information
about where and when the scene is set, what the. I had to think of how to make my magazine
contents different to the. The minimum expected elements for the magazine project Length: 3 pages.
In the same way, I will record vox pops of a variety of people in my college to get additional
information about my target audience’s opinions. The mise en scene of the image, however,
contradicts this theme as they are wearing modern day clothing of skinny jeans and tee shirts. This
was narrowed down to 6 that I would use within the front cover and contents page. Video work
must be in DVD format and must be playable on. I chose to do this genre of music because it is the
genre of music that i like to listen to and I feel that many people enjoy this type of genre to listen to
and inspires everyone as role models too. My interest in the genre will make the task more interesting
and enjoyable for me to work on. As the internet is increasing in popularity, it is useful to do this
because it helps to promote my final piece from a different form of media. A wealth of free and
purchasable resources including Full unit schemes of work, Teacher Powerpoints, student handouts,
Home Learning booklets to revision materials, covering Key Stage 5, 4, 3 and 2. I love the harshness
of this font because it makes a very big. I am going to use this photo on the front cover of my
preliminary task as the main feature photograph. This colour scheme is very risky and bold due to
their. The font I have used for my front cover are informal, colorful and visually attracting, that
addresses the target. Though a hugely passionate music fan, this is not to the detriment of their other
interests which is film, gaming, sport, TV and comedy. Inside the hotspot rectangle there is both her
eyes, her nose and her. I will choose the similar colour style to Q for my masthead and strapline. My
audience might buy the 'Smash hits' because as my questionnaire feedback shows have many people
choose Q magazine also have lot people they are choose 'Smash hits'.
When you're working out how much space your model should take up in relation to the other
elements, look at your guide, and try to do something as similar as possible. Other successes of the
front cover include the pugs which are positioned as the top and bottom of the page. Creative
decisions that I had to make were what fonts for my main title and body text, this really. Front cover:
Original title and masthead for the magazine; strapline Cover price and barcode Main cover image to
establish the identity of the new artist or band Main cover line relating to the new artist or band plus
at least 2 further cover lines Double page article: Feature article (approximately 300 words) to
promote the new artist or band. That's right, you're making a draft today, by the end of the lesson.
Although high angled shots are widely used to add to the connotations of inferiority, however this
shot is used to show the power of the member as people want to get his signature. So I decided the
make the clouds look brighter by using the brush tool. This stands out from the rest of the cover as it
is placed inside a jagged red box. I used red capital impact font for this subheading to make it stand
out and look important. So I added a red box in which I would place the text containing page
numbers and information. 19. Contents Page: Stages of Production However, I felt that the red box
was too harsh and bright and would detract attention from the text. Try again later, or contact the
app or website owner. Glossary matching activity which can be built upon every lesson as now
content is delivered. In my school magazine cover and content page second rough draft I have found
certain elements of both. I then placed this on the bottom right of the page to ensure the images were
equally dispersed. However, the image has been taken on an angle and there are not very many
people present. Additionally, I will launch an internet survey so that I can reach out to a wider range
of audiences. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Also the NME magazine have
26% reader who are students. A wealth of free and purchasable resources including Full unit
schemes of work, Teacher Powerpoints, student handouts, Home Learning booklets to revision
materials, covering Key Stage 5, 4, 3 and 2. Also the different brands that fit into the category so
then I can include them in my research. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel
It's good to leave some feedback. I am going to target my magazine for an audience of 16-19 girls
because I fit into this category so I will be able to appeal to the audience. Thanks to all HNC
Creative Media Production students for your hard work. I followed the conventions of BAZAAR
magazine font but also changed it to suit my theme. The eye moves across through the models
forehead to the comb which is. Instead, I removed the background from a two shot of some boys
and situated it at the bottom left of the page. Where a candidate has worked in a group, an excellent
contribution to construction is. You will be emulating these conventions to make your magazine as
conventional as possible. Mostly all of Elle magazine contents look like this, but all of. The media
portfolio will be produced through a combination of two.
This is my AS media coursework blog where i would be displaying the magazine covers that i have
produced. -thanks for reading my blog x. Also, I added text under this jagged box, stating “details
about the next college party revealed”. Wanted to crop the person out of the image because the
background was too busy. I like the final image the best because there are lots of people in the shot
and the mise en scene shows a football net present so that the audience are aware that the sport being
played is football. This draws attention to this feature and makes the audience want to find out more.
14. Front Cover: Stages of Production Then, I added the English Martyrs Sixth Form logo to my
magazine. I will choose the similar colour style to Q for my masthead and strapline. This enables me
to stay in my fashion theme so I do not confuse the reader. From the results gathered from my
questionnaire I have gotten a more clear. This is useful because it attracts the audience’s attention.
This is useful because my target audience will be able to relate to this image as they will know of the
subjects. Magazine Cover: My magazine was doing well but other people said I have to use colour
which is for the teenager because my magazine cover's front colour is too child. The background was
busy so I used the quick selection tool in order to remove the background. 15. Front Cover: Stages
of Production Next, I added text underneath the plus section in the same typeface as the rest of the
page. This is a reason of I choose a boy to be my model. My interest in the genre will make the task
more interesting and enjoyable for me to work on. There is evidence of a basic level of ability in the
creative use of some of the. I have analysed magazine of Q, which is a really famous music
magazine. This lesson will help you to deal with the basics, and then you can spend time working on
constructing a compelling and subversive celebrity seeking to target a niche audience. Write a review
Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. The mise en scene
of the image, however, contradicts this theme as they are wearing modern day clothing of skinny
jeans and tee shirts. It can be delivered in a classroom with a teacher or as a tool for independent
learning remotely. Hobbies; She loves taking photos of anything and she places them on.
Furthermore I would like to keep and possibly expand on my color scheme which consists of the
gender. The font I have used for my front cover are informal, colorful and visually attracting, that
addresses the target. Furthermore for my content page I will add more article cover lines so the
reader has more topic options. These are images of contents pages from real musi. Front cover:
Original title and masthead for the magazine; strapline Cover price and barcode Main cover image to
establish the identity of the new artist or band Main cover line relating to the new artist or band plus
at least 2 further cover lines Double page article: Feature article (approximately 300 words) to
promote the new artist or band. However, when I include this image in my magazine, I am going to
edit out the school bell as I feel it looks undesirable and draws attention away from the main focus.
These were short and sharp in order to jump out to the reader. Mimicking my front cover, I would
replicate certain features. As this is a college magazine, I decided to take the photographs within my
own college so that the audience would be able to relate to this and I can use the people available as

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