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Название: Anesthesiology and critical care medicine

Which of the following clinical signs is not typical for a classic presentation of shock? (Один

A) cool extremities

B) weak pulses

C) systemic hypertension

D) tachypnea

Which of the following clinical findings is often a result of activation of the sympathetic nervous system?
(Один ответ)
A) decreased inotropy

B) increased heart rate

C) decreased arterial tone

D) increased liver enzymes

The strongest effect on carotid chemoreceptor zones, increasing breathing, has? (Один

A) lack of O2

B) excess O2

C) excess CO2

D) accumulation of lactates

Mechanical irritation of the carotid zones causes?
(Один ответ)
A) hypertension, bradycardia, tachypnea

B) hypertension, bradycardia, bradypnea

C) hypotension, bradycardia, bradypnea

D) hypertension, tachycardia, bradypnea

Hypoxia is accompanied by the following symptoms?
(Один ответ)

A) psychomotor agitation, confused consciousness

B) tachypnea, tachycardia, cyanosis

C) polyuria

D) 1 and 2 are true

Acute cardiovascular failure with high central venous pressure is not typical for one of the


(Один ответ)

A) tension pneumothorax

B) venous air embolism

C) pulmonary embolism

D) bleeding

In the treatment of hypovolemic shock, initial efforts are directed to?
(Один ответ)

A) to restore gas exchange and Blood volume

B) correction of acid base disorder and water electrolyte disbalance

C) pain management

D) all answers are correct

8. In terms of prognosis in patients with blood loss and severe trauma, the most important is? (Один

A) duration of bleeding

B) the duration of the period of hypotension

C) timing of radical hemostasis

D) the nature of infusion therapy

Paradoxical breathing is most often observed
(Один ответ)

A) in pneumothorax

B) in mechanical ventilation

C) in atelectasis

D) in pneumonia
In violation of the contractile function of the left ventricle suitable measures are? (Один

A) use of catecholamines in small doses

B) use of selective hypotension of the pulmonary circulation

C) use of furosemide

D) all of the above measures

The main signs of neurogenic shock are (Один

A) severe volume loss

B) hypertension and tachycardia

C) hypotension and bradycardia

D) increased JVP
You are a team leader of ACLS team resuscitating an adult cardiac arrest patient due to ventricular
fibrillation. Your team has just delivered second defibrillating dose of shock. Next immediate step
will be?
(Один ответ)

A) check for pulse

B) insertion of advanced airway

C) atropine iv 1mg

D) resume cpr with chest compressions for 2 mins

You are team leader of ACLS team resuscitating an adult cardiac arrest patient. You check the rhythm
and find Ventricular fibrillation on ECG. Next immediate step will be?
(Один ответ)

A) check for pulse

B) defibrillation
C) resume cpr with chest compressions for 2 mins

D) insertion of advanced airway

Which of the following cardiac rhythm is shockable?
(Один ответ)

A) asystole

B) pulseless electrical activity

C) ventricular tachycardia

D) supraventricular tachycardia

During CPR Epinephrine should be repeated at every?
(Один ответ)

A) 10 min

B) 7 min
C) 5 min

D) 2 min

In condition of cardiac arrest, energy dose of monophasic defibrillation shock should be? (Один

A) 300 J

B) 500 J

C) 360 J

D) 700 J

Correct depth of chest compression is? (Один

A) 5-6 cm
B) greater than 6

C) 4-5 cm

D) less than 5

Correct rate of chest compression is?
(Один ответ)

A) greater than 100 per min

B) 100-120 per min

C) less than 100

D) 90- 100 per min

Where should you attempt to perform a pulse check in adult while doing CPR?
(Один ответ)
A) carotid artery

B) ulnar artery

C) brachial artery

D) temporal artery

The main immediate danger for a patient with acute blood loss is? (Один

A) hemoglobin deficiency

B) hypovolemia

C) hypoproteinemia

D) coagulopathy

Left ventricular failure can be caused by? (Один
A) insufficient blood flow to the heart

B) overload with blood volume

C) increase in myocardial contractility

D) increased preload

The drug of choice with positive inotropic effect in cardiogenic shock is?
(Один ответ)

A) norepinephrine

B) dobutamine

C) digoxin

D) epinephrine

In Pulmonary edema occurs?
(Один ответ)
A) obstruction of the upper airway

B) lowering the pressure in the vessels of the pulmonary circulation

C) increased permeability of the vascular wall

D) all answers are incorrect

Treatment of anaphylactic shock includes the use of?
(Один ответ)

A) adrenaline

B) anticoagulants

C) neuroleptics
D) 1 and 2 are true

Before starting cardiopulmonary resuscitation, the patient is given the following position? (Один

A) supine

B) Fowler

C) Trendelenburg

D) prone

When performing an external heart massage, the palms should be arranged? (Один

A) on the upper third of the sternum

B) on the border of the upper and middle thirds of the sternum

C) on the border of the middle and lower thirds of the sternum

D) on the mid-clavicular line on the left

The effectiveness of resuscitation is measured by?
(Один ответ)

A) the presence of a pulse on the carotid artery

B) decrease in cyanosis

C) spontaneous breathings

D) constriction of the pupils

Indication for transfusion of fresh frozen plasma is?
(Один ответ)
A) correction of hypoproteinemia

B) replenishment of the volume

C) replenishment of the deficient coagulation factors

D) improvement of microcirculation

Signs of poor peripheral circulation does not include?
(Один ответ)

A) cold extremities

B) elongation of capillary refill time

C) central/peripheral temperature gradient

D) metabolic alkalosis

The main therapeutic management for cardiogenic shock does not include? (Один

A) early transfer to mechanical ventilation

B) optimization of contractile ability of the myocardium

C) infusion therapy in a volume of 10 ml/kg per hour

D) decrease in pulmonary vascular resistance

In case of anaphylactic shock, the most effective drug for emergency treatment is? (Один

A) norepinephrine

B) diphenhydramine

C) adrenaline

D) prednisolone
After road accident patient with tachycardia, hypotension what is your initial step? (Один

A) epinephrine


C) rapid IV crystalloid

D) rapid blood transfusion

A child came to ER with fever, stridor, x ray showed swollen epiglottis. In addition to oxygen what will you
(Один ответ)

A) throat examination
B) an emergency tracheostomy

C) endotracheal intubation

D) nasopharingeal intubation

Which of the following is not an indication for endotracheal intubation?
(Один ответ)

A) maintenance of a patent airway

B) to provide positive pressure ventilation

C) pulmonary toilet

D) pneumothorax

Most common cause of airway obstruction in unconscious patient is? (Один

A) tongue fall

B) foreign body

C) lax posterior wall, pharyngeal wall

D) lax epiglottis occluding the vocal cord

Mechanisms of development of pulmonary edema? (Один

A) a sharp decrease in pressure in the pulmonary artery system

B) acute decrease in myocardial contractility

C) acute bowel obstruction

D) increased colloid-oncotic plasma pressure

Pulmonary edema develops in?
(Один ответ)
A) pneumothorax

B) pulmonary embolism

C) cholera

D) acute heart failure

Which of the following is not the sign of PE?
(Один ответ)

A) fast, weak pulse

B) central venous pressure 5 mm Hg

C) distention of the veins of the neck

D) shortness of breath

Directions of intensive care for PE are followings except?
(Один ответ)
A) improvement of myocardial contractility

B) increase in preload

C) heparin therapy

D) thrombolytic therapy

A pneumothorax that causes mediastinal shift and compression of the functioning lung is called?
(Один ответ)

A) primary pneumothorax

B) secondary pneumothorax

C) traumatic pneumothorax

D) tension pneumothorax.

What is the minimum amount of blood loss, which is most often manifested by the clinic of shock?
(Один ответ)

A) 10–15%

B) 15–20%

C) 30–40%

D) 40–50%

Specify disease that can develop septic shock? (Один

A) acute myocardial infarction

B) cardiac tamponade

C) amniotic embolism

D) pneumonia
Obstruction of airway are caused by?
(Один ответ)

A) pneumothorax

B) pain reaction

C) bronchospasm

D) depression of the respiratory center

Distended neck veins are not observed in? (Один

A) cardiac tamponade

B) status asthmaticus

C) pulmonary embolism

D) tension pneumothorax
Lidocaine is used to treat?
(Один ответ)

A) pulseless electrical activity

B) ventricular extrasystole

C) atrial fibrillation

D) ventricular fibrillation


Amiodorone is used to treat? (Один


A) pulseless electrical activity

B) ventricular extrasystole

C) atrial fibrillation

D) ventricular fibrillation
Signs of airway obstruction does not include?
(Один ответ)

A) paradoxical chest and abdominal movements

B) abnormal breathing sounds

C) glasgow coma scale (GCS) > 9

D) cyanosis

Which inotrope is prescribed in septic shock? (Один

A) epinephrine

B) norepinephrine

C) dobutamine
D) dopamine

Treatment of PE are followings except? (Один

A) improvement of myocardial contractility

B) increase in preload

C) heparin therapy

D) thrombolytic therapy

Treatment of Myocardial Infarction are followings except?
(Один ответ)

A) improvement of myocardial contractility

B) increase IV Fluids
C) heparin therapy

D) thrombolytic therapy

The signs of obstructive shock are?
(Один ответ)

A) severe volume loss

B) hypertension and tachycardia

C) hypotension and bradycardia

D) increased JVP

51. The main controlling agent for respiratory drive is which of the following -
a. C02
b. Oxygen
c. NO
d. HB03

Atropine is used to treat?
(Один ответ)
A) bradyarhythmia

B) ventricular extrasystole

C) atrial fibrillation

D) ventricular fibrillation

Which of the following indicates upper airway obstruction? (Один

A) wheezing

B) stridor

C) hyperresonance in percussion

D) crackles
54. Which of the following anaesthetic agentsis contraindicated in patients with hypertension?
a) Ketamine
b) Propofol
c) Etomidate
d) Diazepam

55.Spinal anesthesia is given at which of the following levels:

a) L1-2
b) L2-4
c) Midline of thorax
d) Below L5 (caudal)

55. An anesthesia resident was giving spinal anesthesia when the patient had sudden aphonia and
loss of consciousness. What could have happened?
a. Total spinal
b. Partial spinal
c. Vaso vagal attack
d. Intra vascular injection

56. The ansthetic drug injected for paravertebral block is least likely to diffuse to:
a) Epiduaral space
b) Subarachnoid space
c) Intercostals space
d) Superior and inferior paravertebral spaces

56. Addition of epinephrine to lignocaine-

a. Increases distribution of LA
b. Decreases absorption of LA
c. Decreases duration of LA
d. Increases metabolism of LA

57. Which of the following drugs is contraindicated in a patient with raised intracranial pressure?
a. Thiopentone
b. Propofol
c. Midazolam
d. Ketamine
58. Hallucination is seen with?
a. Propofol
b. Sevoflurance
c. Ketamine
d. Isoflurance
59.Succinylcholine causes?
a) Severe hyperkalemia
b) Paraplegia
c) Liver failure
d) Renal failure

60. Complications of epidural anesthesia are all EXCEPT:

a) Headache
b) Hypotension
c) DIC
d) Epidural hematoma

61. Benefit of ketamine-

a) Causes decrease in BP
b) Good analgesic action
c) Decrease ICT
d) Decrease IOT

62.All are stages of anaesthesia except-

a) Analgesia
b) Allodynia
c) Delirium
d) Surgical anesthesia

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