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Writing a coursework, especially in history, can be a challenging and time-consuming task.

It requires
extensive research, critical thinking, and the ability to organize information coherently. Crafting a
well-written history coursework involves analyzing primary and secondary sources, understanding
historical context, and presenting a nuanced argument or analysis.

For many students, the process of researching, outlining, and writing can be overwhelming,
particularly when faced with multiple assignments or tight deadlines. Moreover, juggling coursework
with other academic and personal commitments can add to the stress.

In such situations, seeking assistance can be a viable option. Online platforms like ⇒ ⇔ offer professional help with coursework, providing expert writers who
specialize in various subjects, including history. These services can provide valuable support by
offering well-researched and well-structured content, meeting deadlines, and ensuring high-quality

However, it's crucial to approach external assistance with caution. Students should prioritize
understanding the coursework material themselves and use external help as a supplementary
resource. Additionally, they should ensure that the service they choose is reputable, reliable, and
committed to academic integrity.

If you find yourself struggling with your history coursework, considering ⇒ ⇔ or
similar services could be a helpful option. Remember to use such services responsibly, as a means of
support and learning rather than as a substitute for your own effort and understanding.
Source C was from the view of a performer, and would really know what being on stage was like,
and so would be more reliable than the exaggerated Lumley version of events. NET Exam Solved
Question Papers, Free download scanned copy of NET sample question papers, UGC Net exam.
Show 10 more Latest Official Oxford Brookes University Applicant Thread for 2024 Sleepwalking
HMRC interview bi’s gyg. This is because all supplies going to Germany were cut off; meaning no
food or ammunition could come into the country. Everything he said and did now, was right,
because he was making the rules. The dividing line between long-term causes and short-term causes
is about 5 years before Hitler rise to power; around 1928. Racial problems had not been publicised
yet, so most people would have been oblivious to the fact that anything was going on. Not grouping
or thematically discussing them? 0 Report Reply Reply 10 10 years ago bwalker0611 We were told
to do them thematically, though I guess you have to stick with what your teacher says considering
they're marking it 0 Report Reply Reply 11 8 years ago irishdacner973 Anyone here doing Causes of
WW2. Both were great opportunity for Hitler to get people’s support. What advice can you give me
as a male UKChO 2024 Paramedic Science Applicants 2024 What game are you currently playing. It
shows the depth of racism, that people would want to kill a 15 year old girl because all they see of
her is her skin colour. There is a massive difference, for instance, in Alabama, the percentage of
blacks voting went from 14% to 56%, and in Mississippi, possibly the most racist state in America,
the percentage went from 4% to 59%. Cuba had just become a communist country, and Russia,
which was already a communist country, tried to take over nuclear bombs. Reviews Select overall
rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. The poor people also felt betrayed
by the Republic, so Hitler promised revenge. The only other similarity between the sources is that
they are both secondary sources, and therefore are both memories, which reduces the reliability of
both sources, because memories can often be exaggerated, or are different from how you remember
them. Another liberal president was Lyndon Baines Johnson, who passed both the Civil Rights Act
and the Voting Rights Act, which also helped blacks because this meant they were less afraid of
voting, as the table in source K shows. When she tried to gain access to the school, along with about
8 other black children, a crowd surrounded her and stopped her from getting in. The evening before
she was to go to the school, the governor of Arkansas announced that with black children in the
school, it would be impossible to keep law and order. Source A is also less reliable about the
atmosphere at concerts because Lumley was only watching her favourite band on TV, and not in a
concert. Food was already rationed for the soldiers and these rations got even smaller, consequently,
so did the soldiers’ energy and morale levels. There was no chance for anybody to fight against
Hitler any longer. Source G shows that in 1963, people started thinking about racial problems, and
this was partly brought about by televisions publicising the movement. English Questions). We hope
these question papers will help the students appearing for the UGC NET. Food was already rationed
for the soldiers and these rations got even smaller, consequently, so did the soldiers’ energy and
morale levels. Firstly, the Munich Putsch caused the rise to power because it taught Hitler and the
Nazis that violence wasn't the better way of getting to power, because they didn't have the most
important element, the poulation support, it also gave fame to Hitler which used his trial to be
known to the German people. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good
to leave some feedback. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews,
only customers who have purchased this resource can review it Report this resource to let us know if
it violates our terms and conditions. Okomfo Anokye’s parents were Agya Ano and Maame Akobe
Manubea,also called Yaa Anubea. They were also brave to be able to stand up for what they believed
in, when everyone else seemed to believe the opposite, so without them, I don’t think the civil rights
movement would have come as far as it already has.
This is because the events after 1928 caused a drastic change in Nazi's popularity in a very short
time, and the events before 1928 did cause a change on Nazi's popularity but it was a change that
took a long time. This is because all supplies going to Germany were cut off; meaning no food or
ammunition could come into the country. The Rolling Stones may have been intimidated however,
due to the fact they would be playing in what would be the middle. Firstly, the Munich Putsch
caused the rise to power because it taught Hitler and the Nazis that violence wasn't the better way of
getting to power, because they didn't have the most important element, the poulation support, it also
gave fame to Hitler which used his trial to be known to the German people. They were more
prepared to change now and would accept new ideas much more than they would have done 4 years
earlier because so much had happened over those four years. He wanted a totally separate state to
white America, as is shown in his view of people who wanted to be white society, such as Martin
Luther King. He was talking about Beatle concerts from the view of a performer. Show 10 more
Latest Official Oxford Brookes University Applicant Thread for 2024 Sleepwalking HMRC
interview bi’s gyg. This suggests that if old people were acting like this it would be perfectly
acceptable for the younger generation to also do stuff like this. Write a review Update existing
review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. Source J shows the number of
people below the poverty line in the USA. An American spy plane saw this and ships were sent out
to prevent the nuclear warheads getting to Cuba. What I can infer from this source is that it shows
the crowd were very violent in an animalistic manner. Our customer service team will review your
report and will be in touch. ?5.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?5.00 (no rating) 0
reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 9 November 2020 Share this Share through email
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emilytrees2020 Not the right resource. Source C also backs up source B, as it shows ordinarily
dressed people acting in an extraordinary way and acting hysterically, shouting at these black
children - their crime. It would not work as well, if he didn’t achieve support in fore hand.There is no
way to dictatorship, if he was not appointed to chancellor at first. This resource hasn't been reviewed
yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have downloaded this resource can review
it Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. King also got his Nobel
Peace Prize in 1964, and so they were great role models, even if they were black. J.F. Kennedy had
been assassinated in 1963, so I think that American people were finally coming to terms with the fact
that their country which had been so perfect before DID have some faults of its own, and that things
needed to change to make America into the country they thought it was. This suggests that he was
not protecting her, allowing anything to happen to her. OCR History Coursework a-level subjects
How difficult is Edexcel A level History. Write a review Update existing review Submit review
Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. Write a review Update existing review Submit review
Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. This is supported by source ’C’ because the picture shows
the crowd right behind Elizabeth Eckford and the guard is standing behind them. This suggests that
they were planning on harming her in some way, shape or form and that there was no one there to
protect her. They wanted to get revenge for the hundreds of years that whites had been put in front
of blacks, with the slave trade which had first brought African blacks to America and the more recent
Jim Crow laws which had hindered blacks for so long. This act was the last step for Hitler’s rise to
power. He didn’t want anything to do with the current system and wanted to start a new one so
whites no longer got the upper hand. The poor people also felt betrayed by the Republic, so Hitler
promised revenge. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, J.F. Kennedy, and R.F. Kennedy were all
assassinated before the end of the 1960’s. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is
required to reflect your happiness.
Source G shows that in 1963, people started thinking about racial problems, and this was partly
brought about by televisions publicising the movement. This suggests that if old people were acting
like this it would be perfectly acceptable for the younger generation to also do stuff like this. They
wanted to get revenge for the hundreds of years that whites had been put in front of blacks, with the
slave trade which had first brought African blacks to America and the more recent Jim Crow laws
which had hindered blacks for so long. Our customer service team will review your report and will
be in touch. ?3.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?3.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY
NOW Save for later Last updated 4 July 2017 Share this Share through email Share through twitter
Share through linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest sweacpst 4.72 37 reviews
Not the right resource. One reason why I think that this is the most important factor is because they
made the vital, first, move and this forced the Triple Entante to make a move meaning the stalemate
was no more. Audiences saw when C.T. Vivian tried to get a group of black voters into a polling
station and a policeman refused them entry. Also, Tommie Smith and John Carlos were Malcolm X
supporters and athletes in the 1968 Mexico Olympics. Crime rates are higher for blacks than for
whites, probably due to the fact that blacks cannot get decent jobs, because employers are more
likely to want to take on a white employee, and also the fact that blacks have a worse education. An
example of this that it cross references when it says the crowd were shouting racial abuse at her but
not when it talks about the group of six girls wailing hysterically. However without the new
technology the stalemate may not have been broken because the technology that Britain had may not
have been good enough to win the war. This is supported by source ’C’ because the picture shows
the crowd right behind Elizabeth Eckford and the guard is standing behind them. The Treaty of
Versailles goes with the economic depression. However, he never clashed with King’s followers, and
they probably needed each other to get what they did, Malcolm X to scare whites in respecting
blacks in the short term, and Martin Luther King to change laws for the long term. Source A is also
less reliable about the atmosphere at concerts because Lumley was only watching her favourite band
on TV, and not in a concert. The American entry meant that new and improved technology came into
the war because they brought this technology over in order to help end the war. Hope this helps 0
Report Reply Reply 2 11 years ago LadyHaha 7 Oh yeah, remember that you don't need to evaluate
the provenance of the sources - they're all modern historians; stick to the 2000 word limit; support
your judgements; evaluate! 0 Report Reply Reply 3 11 years ago HistoryNerd OP Original post by
LadyHaha I'm not doing Cromwell, but the structure is the same: Introduction - what is the debate.
This is because all supplies going to Germany were cut off; meaning no food or ammunition could
come into the country. This, however, is also a similarity between the sources; the fact that the fans
were screaming. These were famous traditional leaders or personalities contributed to the spiritual
and moral growth and development of their religion and various communities. The poor people also
felt betrayed by the Republic, so Hitler promised revenge. English Questions). We hope these
question papers will help the students appearing for the UGC NET. The Germans could only attack
because of Russia’s withdrawal and had to attack because of the British blockade. He seems to think
that the only way to get black equality, and a separate state, is to use violence. I am now writing my
investigations essay on why Cromwell refused the offer of the crown. Jews and opponents were
swept away, followed by the independent trade unions, and all other parties. This links to the
German offensive of 1918 because the shortage of supplies of things meant that Germany had to
make a move or risk losing the war without a fight. This suggests that they were planning on harming
her in some way, shape or form and that there was no one there to protect her. Racial problems had
not been publicised yet, so most people would have been oblivious to the fact that anything was
going on. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?10.00 (no rating)
0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?10.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last
updated 2 February 2021 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin
Share through facebook Share through pinterest Arwa's Shop 3.50 4 reviews Not the right resource.
He wanted integration, to be a part of white society and be an equal part of white society.
It was produced to describe what the concerts were really like, and consequently had a positive
attitude towards the fans and concerts. The German offensive led to the American entry into the war
because America decided to stop trading with Germany and come over to help Britain so that they
did not lose the war. This, however, is also a similarity between the sources; the fact that the fans
were screaming. This suggests that he was not protecting her, allowing anything to happen to her.
Okomfo Anokye’s parents were Agya Ano and Maame Akobe Manubea,also called Yaa Anubea.
Source C was from the view of a performer, and would really know what being on stage was like,
and so would be more reliable than the exaggerated Lumley version of events. Audiences saw when
C.T. Vivian tried to get a group of black voters into a polling station and a policeman refused them
entry. An example of this that it cross references when it says the crowd were shouting racial abuse
at her but not when it talks about the group of six girls wailing hysterically. It is more reliable than a
fan’s point of view, like it is in Source B, because a performer knows what it is really like to be on
stage. Martin Luther King used peace to show who was really in the wrong, even if a white used
violence on him, he would not retaliate, whereas Malcolm X would retaliate. Source J shows the
number of people below the poverty line in the USA. Okomfo Anokye was born with some powerful
gifts from the gods: totem pole s on one hand and a short white animal ’s tail ( Podua ) on the other
hand. ii. He had his training as a traditional priest in Awukugua. iii. Okomfo Anokye became a good
friend of Osei Tutu who later became the first. They were brought about by people such as Martin
Luther King protesting to get laws made and changed, and it shows how things were really changed
for the better, and how the attitudes of people in government, and the supreme court were changed.
This definitely does not suggest peaceful methods. and he. The Rolling Stones may have been
intimidated however, due to the fact they would be playing in what would be the middle. This
suggests that if old people were acting like this it would be perfectly acceptable for the younger
generation to also do stuff like this. This sort of picture would have shocked people who saw it in
newspapers, or on TV and this is how money and support was sent in from around the globe, as well
as sympathy for the black protestors and pressure on the government to change the laws. Our
customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?0.00 (no rating) 0 reviews
Download Save for later ?0.00 (no rating) 0 reviews Download Save for later Last updated 26 June
2018 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through
facebook Share through pinterest i148 4.00 2 reviews Not the right resource. Not grouping or
thematically discussing them? 0 Report Reply Reply 10 10 years ago bwalker0611 We were told to
do them thematically, though I guess you have to stick with what your teacher says considering
they're marking it 0 Report Reply Reply 11 8 years ago irishdacner973 Anyone here doing Causes of
WW2. In his trial he wrote a book called mein kampf(my struggle) here he showed the German
people his ideas and that they had to fight toghether. He was good friends with Martin Luther King,
and got him released from jail one of the times he was in there, and this helped greatly because
people who looked up to J.F.K might have seen him being friends with King and have been more
liberal towards blacks themselves. In this source you can also see an old lady who looks like she is
about to hit her. This links to the German offensive of 1918 because the shortage of supplies of
things meant that Germany had to make a move or risk losing the war without a fight. He was very
carismatic he convinced the German people that the November criminals were anti-patriots and that
they didn’t care about the Germans. The American entry meant that new and improved technology
came into the war because they brought this technology over in order to help end the war. Racial
problems had not been publicised yet, so most people would have been oblivious to the fact that
anything was going on. Also, Tommie Smith and John Carlos were Malcolm X supporters and
athletes in the 1968 Mexico Olympics. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No.
806 8067 22 Registered Office: Imperial House, 2nd Floor, 40-42 Queens Road, Brighton, East
Sussex, BN1 3XB. It contributed Hitler’s rise to power, it helped increasing Nazi seats in the
Reichstag and gave Hitler a great cause to go against the German goverment. A sobering thought,
when you think of all the things they did, and the criticism they faced, to get civil rights into the
position they are in now, and they still couldn’t please everyone, so much so that someone killed
This is because the events after 1928 caused a drastic change in Nazi's popularity in a very short
time, and the events before 1928 did cause a change on Nazi's popularity but it was a change that
took a long time. I don’t believe that all of the reasons were equally important to why it was actually
broken. This is supported by source ’C’ because the picture shows the crowd right behind Elizabeth
Eckford and the guard is standing behind them. They wanted to get revenge for the hundreds of
years that whites had been put in front of blacks, with the slave trade which had first brought
African blacks to America and the more recent Jim Crow laws which had hindered blacks for so
long. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who
have purchased this resource can review it Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms
and conditions. This is because all supplies going to Germany were cut off; meaning no food or
ammunition could come into the country. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality
for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it Report this resource
to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. British Airways Graduate Programme 2024
Make it More Crime-ey. He wanted a totally separate state to white America, as is shown in his view
of people who wanted to be white society, such as Martin Luther King. The dividing line between
long-term causes and short-term causes is about 5 years before Hitler rise to power; around 1928. The
Rolling Stones may have been intimidated however, due to the fact they would be playing in what
would be the middle. There was no chance for anybody to fight against Hitler any longer. Write a
review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. The police
are using water cannons to keep the protestors up against a wall, as well as dogs and baton charges
to keep people in order, but they unjustly beat them anyway, whether they were causing trouble or
not. See other similar resources ?10.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite
what you were looking for. The enabling act destroyed parliamentary democracy and all other
political parties which Hitler found useless. It is a photograph, which is hard to tamper with, almost
impossible in 1957, so this is rock-solid evidence that what Elizabeth Eckford and the reporter from
the New York Times said was correct. A sobering thought, when you think of all the things they did,
and the criticism they faced, to get civil rights into the position they are in now, and they still
couldn’t please everyone, so much so that someone killed them. Our customer service team will
review your report and will be in touch. ?10.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later
?10.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 2 February 2021 Share this
Share through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through facebook Share
through pinterest Arwa's Shop 3.50 4 reviews Not the right resource. When she tried to gain access
to the school, along with about 8 other black children, a crowd surrounded her and stopped her from
getting in. The poor people also felt betrayed by the Republic, so Hitler promised revenge. He was
very carismatic he convinced the German people that the November criminals were anti-patriots and
that they didn’t care about the Germans. When asked why they had been turned away, the policeman
turned away from him, and then he turned around and punched Vivian in the face. It is accompanied
with an in-depth mark scheme - useful as a practice test paper in class or mock exam. In source E, he
talks about Martin Luther King and his followers as. It was already hated in peoples mind, and Hitler
strengthened the hate. This, however, is also a similarity between the sources; the fact that the fans
were screaming. This atmosphere would not have probably represented the majority of the population
at the time, but Lumley was a young, privileged model at the time, looking to follow the new trends,
and so her version of events could have been exaggerated. The American entry meant that new and
improved technology came into the war because they brought this technology over in order to help
end the war. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers
who have downloaded this resource can review it Report this resource to let us know if it violates
our terms and conditions.

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