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Name: …………………………………………….

Roll number: ………………………

Mid Semester Take-Home Examination 2021-22 (Even semester)
CHE 241: Industrial Pollution and Control Technology

Expected Time: 2 hours Maximum Marks: 25

Note: Read questions carefully and answer concisely. Attempt all parts of a question at same place. Make
necessary assumptions and clearly mark them. Use standard tables and charts discussed in class to find out
missing data. Copying from any source (books, references, internet resources, class notes etc.) will not earn any
grades. Write all your answers in your own words.

1. (a) What is emission factor and how it is used in the estimation of air pollution? [2]
(b) Explain why there is a negative temperature gradient in troposphere and mesosphere [2]
while opposite in stratosphere and thermosphere.
(c) What is mixing height? What are the important factors affecting it? [2]

2. A particle sampling device that has a sticky, horizontal microscope slide 75 mm long, over [3]
which a contaminated gas stream flows in a narrow slit 2 mm high. What velocity should
we choose if we want 90% of the 1 µm diameter particles to fall to (and stick to) the surface
of the microscope slide?

3. Our nasal canal removes particles from the air destined for our lungs. We can consider it [3]
as a cyclone separator, with Ne = 0.25; its average dimensions perpendicular to flow are 1
cm x 1 cm. Assume that a typical breath is 1 litre, drawn in over a period of 2 s. Estimate
the cut diameter (d50) of the human nose for suspended particles.

4. In a big industry ESP is recovering 95 percent of the particles. The new stricter pollution
laws require them now to recover 99 percent of the particles. Their present precipitator
consists of 10 standard, factory-built units, each with area A.
a) How many more, (just as already installed units), must they add to meet the new [2]
b) Should they add the new units in parallel or in series? [1]

5. A city has the following description: W = 4 km, L = 10 km, u = 5 m/s, H = 1000 m. The
upwind, or background, concentration of carbon monoxide is b = 6 µg/m3. The emission
rate per unit area is q = 5 µg/s· m2.
a) As per the fixed box model, what is the concentration c of carbon monoxide over the [2]

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b) For this city if the meteorological conditions described (u = 5 m/s, H = 1000 m) occur [3]
60 percent of the time. For the remaining 40 percent, the wind blows at right angles to
the previous direction at velocity 6 m/s and the same mixing height. What is the
annual average concentration of carbon monoxide in this city?

6. A coal fired thermal power plant consumes 9.75 tonnes of coal every hour and the
combustion products are discharged through a stack with an effective height of 90 m. The
coal has a sulfur content of 0.9%. Atmospheric conditions are stable and the wind velocity
above the stack is 4 m/s.
a) Determine maximum concentration of SO2 at ground level and its distance from the [2]
b) What is the SO2 concentrations at following locations: (0,0,0); (900m,0,0); (900m,0,90m); [3]
(900m, 0,-90m); (-900m, 0,90m); (900m, σy, σz).

Early submission incentive:#

26.02.2022 Before 01:00 pm – 5 marks

01:01 pm to 03:00 pm – 4 marks
03:01 pm to 06:00 pm – 3 marks
06:01 pm to 09:00 pm – 2 marks
09:01 pm to 11:59 pm – 1 mark

27.02.2022 after 12:00 am – no incentive

#Forexample, if anyone submits his/her answer sheet at 01:15 pm on 26 th February, he/she will get four
marks in addition to whatever scored in the answer sheet.

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