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Writing a coursework, especially one focused on a specific experiment like the Physics Crater

Experiment, can be a challenging task. It requires a deep understanding of the subject matter, strong
research skills, and the ability to articulate your findings in a coherent and well-structured manner.
Here are some reasons why writing a coursework can be difficult:

1. Scientific Rigor: Physics coursework often involves conducting experiments and analyzing
data. Ensuring the experiment is conducted with precision and the data is accurately
interpreted requires a solid understanding of the scientific method.
2. Theoretical Knowledge: You need to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the
theoretical concepts related to the Physics Crater Experiment. This requires a thorough grasp
of relevant principles and equations.
3. Research Skills: Gathering relevant literature and incorporating it into your coursework
requires strong research skills. It's essential to support your arguments and findings with
credible sources.
4. Time-Consuming: Experimentation, data collection, analysis, and writing can be time-
consuming. Balancing these tasks with other academic and personal commitments can be a
significant challenge.

For those finding it challenging to tackle their Physics Crater Experiment Coursework, seeking
assistance from professional writing services like ⇒ ⇔ can be a viable option.
These services often employ experts in various fields, including physics, who can provide well-
researched and well-written content tailored to your coursework requirements.

However, it's crucial to approach such services with caution. Always ensure that the service you
choose is reputable, adheres to academic integrity, and provides original, plagiarism-free work.
Additionally, using these services should be seen as a supplementary measure to enhance your
understanding of the topic rather than as a substitute for your own learning.

Remember, seeking help is not a sign of weakness but a strategic move to ensure the quality and
success of your coursework.
Walls - The interior sides of a crater, usually steep. It is possible that the experiment did not support
this theory due to the limitations of the evidence; the predicted graph shows the results taken from
heights ranging from about 0-12m, yet in the actual experiment the largest height facilities would
allow was only 2.5m, which is much less. Impact Basins - Very large (over 300 kilometers in
diameter) impact structures are. This is why I chose to repeat each reading 6 times to make sure of
any changes. If volume determines the crater size, clearly mass also plays a role with that as well - as
the crater tends to be conical in shape and not simply a straight shaft going down. If the ball does
indeed go faster, we should see a curving upward trend on a distance v time graph. An opposing
force called air resistance, which acts against the direction an object is moving, also affects it when
falling through the air. To investigate the height dropped from a crater and the affect in the size.
Found in craters a few tens of kilometers across on. You might also like Top categories Burst graphic
Get hands-on projects, delivered. The kinetic energy is added up as the object gets faster yet the rate
of acceleration gets slower because less and less energy goes to kinetic with more being given off as
heat and sound due to an increase in speed and friction as the object falls, consequently, the object is
sill getting faster but not as quickly. The results for this relationship are not sound enough for a
conclusion to be made. Crater diameter has its anomalous result at the very lowest drop height.
Investigate how impact speed and direction affects crater size and shape. Push out the bottom until it
touches the center of the bottom of the crater. If the sand was compact then the marble would make
a less deep crater than if the sand was less compact. Ejecta - Material thrown out of the crater area
during an impact event, or a blanket of. Meteors (Isaac Asimov's New Library of the Universe).
Rock material excavated (or thrown out) of the crater is called ejecta. Once again I have decided to
join up all the data with a dark blue colour, making it clear to me how positive and strong this
correlation is. If I didn’t use the ruler, I would be judging the height from eye, and this could change
the results completely. Did you know the moon’s surface has millions of craters, varying from just a
few metres across to hundreds of kilometres. To investigate the height dropped from a crater and the
affect in the size. To show how you can tell a surface is older by the increased number of craters, use
three. Both graphs A and B follow this pattern, however both show strict lines of best fit, graph A
shows a line of best fit that goes perfectly through the results at the extremities (e.g. lowest and
highest heights) and has an interval increase of about 5mm. In this demonstration, a very standard
crater is formed by dropping a ball bearing straight down into a few layers of sand. Make brief notes
on other observations noticed such as if any sand is propelled out of the tray on impact to try and
explain later. Chicxulub crater has been filled with sediments, so the original topographic. The fact
that no more potential energy is left to go to kinetic energy once the object has reached it’s terminal
velocity means that in theory, the PE at the start of the fall should be equal to the KE at the end.
Once again I have decided to join up all the data with a dark blue colour, making it clear to me how
positive and strong this correlation is. Experiment To Investigate What Affects the Size of a Crater.
The Impact Crater activity is fun to do and relatively inexpensive. Short of painstakingly finding
identically sized balls of exact masses, the best option was to cut a table tennis ball in half. This type
of ejecta morphology is characteristic of many. The diameter of the pendulum ball was measured
before the start of the experiment and noted down. This will make my results all the more reliable
and accurate. If all goes according to plan then the higher i drop the marble the bigger the effect of
gravity and kinetic energy therefore causing a bigger crater. What happened when you changed the
angle of impact? Many students will have seen the impact films recently released by Hollywood.
Large. What happened to the craters as you dropped the balls from a higher distance? You can mix it
with a spoon or a spatula but mixing with your hands works just as well. Therefore the investigation
has not proved the prediction wrong but instead only helped to prove a certain part of it that was
possible to test, the rest would take further investigations and higher facilities. The air resistance
involved in this experiment does not affect the marble as much as the gravity involved but can still
limit the amount of speed the marble can gain which puts a limit on the height of which the marble
can be dropped from in order to achieve accurate results. The depth once again has not been affected
by the velocity of the ball, so this is encouraging. However if you were to drop the marble from a
high distance, the gravitational potential energy is much higher, as it has more time to build up this
energy, which gives you a bigger crater and more kinetic energy. Central pits - A depression found in
the central area of the floor of a crater possibly. I have also joined all the data with a dark blue, again
indicating the strong correlation. Impact Basins - Very large (over 300 kilometers in diameter) impact
structures are. After several craters, the flour and tempera can be. If you were to drop the marble
from a low height, you will find that the marble doesn’t have enough distance to create high
gravitational potential energy, and when the marble hits the sand, the amount of energy on the
marble is low, therefore the diameter of the crater is small and has created little kinetic energy too.
Floor - The bottom of a crater, either bowl shaped or flat, usually below ground level. But on the
whole I believe using the compass made my results far more accurate than they would be if I just
used the ruler. The materials are easy to collect, and this is an experiement that students can take full
charge of. These rocks have been uplifted and in some cases overturned at the crater's raised. Any
sort of precautions has to be kept the same otherwise it could disturb any pattern on my results and
therefore giving me a false interpretation on the experiment. The other final option that could be
done is dropping the object through water, which is much denser than air, the object will displace the
water creating up thrust and because water is so dense the up thrust will be greater than air resistance
in air. Offers images and computer simulations and explores mans fascination with meteors in the
past and his. It is most likely that if the investigation could be continued to higher heights then the
graph would eventually show the heights beginning to tail off as the object nears it terminal velocity.
Have the class compare and contrast their hypotheses on what things affect the.
The shape and overall appearance of the crater is based on many factors including the size and speed
of the object, and the direction from which it collides. With more time it would have been interesting
to drop more balls at these lower heights to investigate the way in which the sand behaves on
impact. When comparing the large and small marbles, the density was about the same, but the larger
marble clearly had more mass and was able to penetrate much deeper. Final Thoughts: How do you
see the roles of each being played out. Short of painstakingly finding identically sized balls of exact
masses, the best option was to cut a table tennis ball in half. The layers in the beaker were initially,
from bottom to top, white sugar (with a little orange mixed in from previous experiments), orange
sand, and yellow sand. Adjust it until the edges of the caliper touches the surface of the sand.
Investigate how impact speed and direction affects crater size and shape. The heavily cratered history
of the Moon indicates that Earth also experienced. It also appears that volume or surface area works
great with building wider craters that it does deeper penetration. This effort has given me a very
accurate conclusion and reliable graphs and results, which corresponded greatly to my hypothesis
and the science behind the experiment. We made a hypothesis about how moon craters are formed,
then conducted an experiment using cocoa, flour and rocks. The weaker the material on either side
only aides in the absorption of the energy, and the stronger the material only adds to the energy into
the ejecta. There were various ways of measuring the dependent variable which is the crater made by
the object, but using plaster-a-paris was ruled out immediately because it took too long for the plaster
to set and mistakes were easily made, it would also be difficult to do repeat results. The materials are
easy to collect, and this is an experiement that students can take full charge of. The ejecta deposits
around the impact crater Yuty (18 kilometers in diameter). Earth and life Science (Origin of the
Universe and Star System, Earth System. A Cooperative Project of the Lunar and Planetary Institute,
NASA's. Students should find that the crater diameter is always larger than the asteroid. To
investigate the height dropped from a crater and the affect in the size. Now, many of these stray
chunks of rock have been caught by the gravity of big planets.). Such a high-speed impact will
produce a crater that. We dropped the ball 1m high and dropped it into a bucket of flour that was
much deeper. What I also find fascinating, however, is that the wiffle ball would not create a big
crater. Powdered tempera paint, colored sand, powdered drink mix or white sugar. Reports on the
potential danger of meteorites and how we can learn about the origins of our solar system. However,
if I could I would like to use a ruler with an even smaller scale, maybe with tenths of millimetres on
as this would allow me to be more precise and accurate when I measure the diameter of my crater. To
investigate the height dropped from a crater and the affect in the size. It was discovered in the
investigation that it was not possible to use a lighter weight object due to the fact that the crater it
made was not of sufficient size for measuring and proved difficult. What affects the size of craters
formed by falling objects?
As the object falls, obviously the height is decreased resulting in a loss of potential energy which
becomes kinetic energy due to the law that energy can never be crated or destroyed and also the fact
that the object is moving and accelerating. The air resistance involved in this experiment does not
affect the marble as much as the gravity involved but can still limit the amount of speed the marble
can gain which puts a limit on the height of which the marble can be dropped from in order to
achieve accurate results. I have considered this and decided that I would use the formula anyway. A
possible way to combat this would be to use trays that are much deeper do that the object can not
possibly create a crater that would be the depth of the tray and be limited by it, this would also
reduce the effect of the sand being compacted which would matter less if there was more sand
because only that at the very bottom would begin to be compressed, therefore have little to no effect
on the results. Final Thoughts: How do you see the roles of each being played out. Rays - Bright
streaks extending away from the crater sometimes for great distances. Gravity and drag forces are
involved in the dropping of the marble, and then as it hits the sand, a small amount of kinetic energy
is created. Tip Adding the dry ingredients first and then the wet ones minimizes the mess. The shape
and overall appearance of the crater is based on many factors including the size and speed of the
object, and the direction from which it collides. There would also be less air resistance needed to
balance the force of the weight so overall the terminal velocity of a lighter object should in theory be
reached in a shorter distance. Or if the impact generates enough heat, the impactor melts or
vapourizes. 3. Either through eye-ballng the difference in patterns, or by graphing data collected, the
size of the crater and the average ray length increases with impact speed. (See graph of data - it is
messy, but a line of best fit shows the trend.) Show students an image of real craters and ask if theirs
looked similar e.g. on Mercury: and on the Moon. Branley, Franklyn M. What Happened to the
Dinosaurs? (Let's-Read-And-Find-Out. This lead to the diameter of the craters being changed
greatly from the expected values. Both graphs A and B follow this pattern, however both show strict
lines of best fit, graph A shows a line of best fit that goes perfectly through the results at the
extremities (e.g. lowest and highest heights) and has an interval increase of about 5mm. Also any
slight mistake in using the compass could have changed my measurements, thus giving me these
inaccuracies. A huge meteorite or asteroid created this giant crater 2.02 billion years ago. Compare
balls that have the same volume but different mass, like the golf ball v. I have also joined all the data
with a dark blue, again indicating the strong correlation. I would have expected the craters to get
shorter as the vertical drop height increased (due the vertical component increasing), which has
happened very loosely. Central pits - A depression found in the central area of the floor of a crater
possibly. Take a closer look - what kind of craters are created. The ruler has increments of
millimetres; this is useful because I expect craters to be small enough to measure in millimetres.
Students can then try throwing them at different angles, with additional force and even (if. Likewise,
with forces as the object accelerates and increases in speed, the air resistance acting against it also
increases, again due to an increase in friction between the object and air. I had to be extremely
accurate with my compass, and had to make sure I measured from the very end of the crater to the
other. A higher drop would mean that there is a greater gravitational potential energy. The sand
would also have been compressed after each test again making it harder for the object to produce a
larger crater in the next test as the sand was so tightly compacted. In other words, if all I had was
mass alone, and placed it on the top of the flour, the ball wouldn't go very far. It is possible that the
experiment did not support this theory due to the limitations of the evidence; the predicted graph
shows the results taken from heights ranging from about 0-12m, yet in the actual experiment the
largest height facilities would allow was only 2.5m, which is much less.
The results for this relationship are not sound enough for a conclusion to be made. Dr. NN Chavan
Keynote address on ADNEXAL MASS- APPROACH TO MANAGEMENT in the. It also appears
that volume or surface area works great with building wider craters that it does deeper penetration.
Both graphs A and B follow this pattern, however both show strict lines of best fit, graph A shows a
line of best fit that goes perfectly through the results at the extremities (e.g. lowest and highest
heights) and has an interval increase of about 5mm. Simultaneously, the crater was also slightly
bigger as well. Furthermore, studying the craters left from impacts throughout the history of our solar
system helps us to gain knowledge on how it was formed and the geological history of our own
planet. If the answer is yes, then this experiment is just right for you. However, it may not be
possible with the facilities available to drop an object from a height with enough distance to reach
it’s terminal velocity and therefore it will appear that as the height increases more and more, the
object will have a greater distance to accelerate giving it more speed on impact and resulting with a
larger crater, due to the increase in the height from where it was dropped. In this demonstration, a
very standard crater is formed by dropping a ball bearing straight down into a few layers of sand.
Small balls of different sizes and weights: marbles, ball bearings, golf balls, ping pong. Always use
eye protection (safety glasses). Students. The advantages were that I did not have to worry about the
density of the sand. It seems that a graph in between these two graphs would be a more accurate
reading of the results and the intervals of increase would be the same each time, the two graphs
drawn are another way to show the error in the results such as the percentage error due to the fact
that more than one line of best fit could be followed showing different anomalies. The range between
the results was very similar for both experiments yet it was finally decided that the depth was more
suitable because it gave a slightly larger range and seemed to follow a more logical pattern of results.
Have you ever wondered how the moon's craters are formed. When comparing the investigation
graph and the predicted graph it is evident that the investigation graph only makes up a small area of
the bottom, right hand corner of the predicted graph at which point it relates to the predicted graph
numerically and almost exactly. In this series installment, NASA scientists and other sky watchers
consider the possibility of an asteroid's. This is the perfect scale and size for me because I need it to
go up to at least 60 cm and am planning to use increments of 5 cm. Sprinkle cinnamon over the flour
to make an even coat of brown over the flour. To investigate the height dropped from a crater and the
affect in the size. Each height is recorded down and tabulated together with the results. Optional: ask
students to measure the heights they are dropping from and to measure the diameter of the crater
from rim to rim in each case. (Note that this data is messy and there is not a huge amount of
difference between high and low drop heights, but it demonstrates graphing data, and how to draw
lines of best fit. Any sort of precautions has to be kept the same otherwise it could disturb any
pattern on my results and therefore giving me a false interpretation on the experiment. Once again I
have decided to join up all the data with a dark blue colour, making it clear to me how positive and
strong this correlation is. The higher you drop the marble the bigger the diameter of the crater will be.
Unfortunately due to the restrictions of time and the lack of height in the lab, this could not be
investigated. Investigate how impact speed and direction affects crater size and shape. Carr Earth
Science. Geosphere, Plate Tectonic Notes Earth Science. Measuring large heights was impractical
with metre rules, and only a certain number of balls were available at a good range of diameters. In
other words, if all I had was mass alone, and placed it on the top of the flour, the ball wouldn't go
very far.

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