Gcse Resistance of A Wire Coursework

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Writing a coursework, especially on a topic like GCSE Resistance of a Wire, can be challenging for

various reasons. Firstly, it requires a deep understanding of the subject matter and a clear grasp of the
coursework requirements. Additionally, it demands time and effort to conduct experiments, gather
data, and analyze results.

The GCSE Resistance of a Wire coursework typically involves practical experiments to measure the
resistance of a wire under different conditions. This process includes setting up experiments,
recording data, and presenting findings in a structured and coherent manner. Understanding
scientific principles, using appropriate formulas, and drawing meaningful conclusions can be complex
for students.

Moreover, time constraints, other academic commitments, and the pressure of exams can make it
challenging for students to devote sufficient time to coursework. This is where seeking assistance
from professional writing services like ⇒ HelpWriting.net ⇔ can be a viable option.

⇒ HelpWriting.net ⇔ provides custom writing services, offering expert assistance to students

facing challenges with their coursework. By ordering from them, students can access experienced
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content. This not only helps in meeting coursework requirements but also ensures that the content is
presented in a clear and academically sound manner.

However, it is essential for students to use such services responsibly and ensure that they are
submitting their own work in accordance with their academic institution's guidelines. Seeking help
can be a valuable resource when used ethically and in conjunction with personal efforts.

In conclusion, the difficulty of writing GCSE Resistance of a Wire coursework is undeniable. For
those facing challenges, considering professional assistance from services like ⇒ HelpWriting.net
⇔ can provide valuable support, helping students to overcome obstacles and achieve academic
Dayanara on February 14, 2015: I'm quite pleased with the inootmarifn in this one. At by slicvic.
create effective coursework filename. 2011 sci-journal investigating the ?1 every time your gcse
design students. I also predict that the longer the wire the more resistance it will show. There are also
free electrons which travel in between the positive ions like gas molecules, so when a voltage is
applied across the ends of the wire, the negative electrons are attracted towards the positive end of
the wire and thus a current flows. I believe that I could use my results as evidence because it clear,
concise and is very easy to understand. Having found out what the range of my investigation will be,
I shall start with the smallest value and work my way up the scale recording the values shown on
both the voltmeter (to ensure accuracy) and the ammeter. It proved that changing the length of a wire
does indeed affect the resistance flowing through it in a positive proportional way and although there
is room for further investigation into some areas certain limitations have prevented this. Sep 2014
gcse art design pshe citizenship re resistant materials. When there is an electric field there the
electrons will move from the negative to the positive. This confirms the first part of my prediction:
that the longer the wire, the larger the resistance. I then measured the resistance of the wire by taking
a measurement of the voltage and ampage running through the wire and circuit. As you can see from
the definition of resistance, this means that the units of resistance are ohms. And if you keep it at
relatively low reading the temperature is unlikely to increase so it won't interfere with the readings. I
will also ensure that there is a clear indication that the power is isolated by means of a switch and an
L.E.D. I will stand up during the investigation to ensure that I do not injure myself if something
breaks. A factor that affects all of this is what type of wire we use, as Nicrome has a much greater
resistance than silver. By cutting different lengths of wire I think that the resistance will adjust
accordingly. An investigation into how the length and thickness of a wire affects its re. I will then
turn the power pack on and record what voltmeter and ammeter readings. There are no anomalous
results that I would consider to be far away from the line of best fit. As well as this, if the
connecting wires touched the side of the sand tray, this would cause the reading to be lower so this
may have occurred at some point during the experiment. If I were to use the temperature as my
variable I think it would become very impractical and difficult to get an adequate range of different
temperatures to get good results. Metal wires are made of millions of tiny metal crystals, and each
crystal’s atoms are arranged in a regular pattern. This is because if the length of the wire is doubled,
the electrons bump into twice as many atoms, so there will be twice as much resistance. It would also
be necessary to act upon the problems about temperature. I said that the longer the wire the higher the
resistance and this means my prediction was correct. If the same person walks down a similar road
but double in length then the person would be expected to collide with 20 people. A small resistivity
means a low overall resistance, and materials with this property are called conductors. The thinner
the wire becomes then the higher the resistance will be. Similarly, the shorter the wire, the smaller the
resistance because there will be fewer atoms for the electrons to bump into, thereby easing the flow
of electricity. This could be another investigation in itself, which I may follow up in the future to see
whether my prediction is correct.
The greater the resistance of a component, the smaller the current that will flow through a given
potential difference, therefore in this experiment the potential difference is the wire and the longer
the wire the greater the resistance. We are going to do this by setting up the apparatus as seen before
and carrying out one test for each reading. Dedicated workshops with boulders used to the copper
wire and cooling. This is basically saying if you double the length of a wire, you would expect there
to be double the amount of collisions and double the resistance. Also in our length experiment the
wire began to heat higher than we wanted because of the current in the circuit, this could have made
our results less accurate. Join all the apparatus together using the connecting wires making sure the
longest one with a crocodile clip is a 0mm. This means that it is impossible to connect it at the exact
length that you want. Well done, Gold Star.:) angel kyeremeh on May 08, 2017: this is so beautiful. I
would go about this by letting the wire cool before I proceed with the next length each time, this is
very important due to ohms law. To ensure accuracy, I have taken three readings each of volts and
current. I will try to make this investigation as accurate as possible. Similarly, the shorter the wire,
the smaller the resistance because there will be fewer atoms for the electrons to bump into, thereby
easing the flow of electricity. We used these factors to test whether the resistance would increase or
decrease the resistance. The metal with the biggest difference in resistance is aluminium, but the only
problem with this is that at higher voltages it just melts. Possibly some sort of heated container could
be made, like a dry water bath. By cutting different lengths of wire I think that the resistance will
adjust accordingly. New smart materials crimped muscle wire task key stage programme of. We will
not use a high voltage, so the wire will not burn and we will start with the lowest current, so it won't
melt immediately. Method: 1.Set up equipment like diagram 2.Press down switch 3.Start at 10cm of
the wire length 4.Take reading of current and voltage and note it down in the table 5.Take finger of
switch 6.Move wire to 20cm and repeat 7.Repeat. Have two dedicated workshops with your
questions. Physics., together with the length adhesive tape and coursework. The two anomalies could
have been because the temperature became too high, creating an extra variable to make the test unfair
or the humidity could have changed. This is because as it is denser, it has more resistance in
comparison to. As its name implies, it is a measure of the amount of resistance free electrons will
meet in their travels. Recommended Caroline Astor: America's Society Queen Diagram 1: Apparatus
Ensuring Accuracy To ensure accuracy I will record the voltage and the current three times every 5
cm and take the average reading. I have done a preliminary experiment to help me decide the best
way to do my investigation. To make sure that I have got the length of the wire correct I measured it
carefully with a ruler. If the atoms are moving quicker then the resistance will increase, as they will
encounter more atoms that they will have to avoid on route to the positive terminal of the cell.
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CLOSE. I can also see that the length increases approximately proportional to the resistance. By
keeping the same voltage throughout this investigation, the resistance should not be affected by any
other means other that that of the change in length. Free electrons are created, which carry a
negative charge, to jump along the lines of atoms. Resistance is when these electrons which flow
towards the positive collide with other atoms, they transfer some of their kinetic energy.
Well done, Gold Star.:) angel kyeremeh on May 08, 2017: this is so beautiful. This is because I found
the average of numbers that had already been rounded up or down, so it could have been a bit less
accurate then it otherwise would have been if I had found the average of the resistances before they
had been rounded. We also kept or distance from the experiment to protect from heat and spitting
just like the goggles. This doesn’t matter because we have used a line of best fit which shows the
accurate reading we should have got and which we would have got if our results were correct.
Comments nina on March 30, 2020: risk assesment for this. Frames, plastic sheeting, adhesive tape
and aim. 293400 bytes coastal defences temperature resistance. Nathaniel olson. room with drawing
equipment, hot wire. The problem was that there were nearly always different amounts of wire
sticking out the other end of the terminal, therefore varying the proper lengths of wire and so
compromising the accuracy of the results. As equivalent to study for example investigations were.
This will reduce the chance of false readings and will cancel out any anomalous results. In my main
investigation, I will see if this observation applies to my results. This would have prevented the area
of the wire from remaining constant and would have affected my results. This expansion of my
investigation would support my results further. This maybe because there will always be some
resistance in the apparatus, during the experiment. If this is correct, the graph should show a positive
correlation. Jordan Fong on February 15, 2019: I like kids hehohehohehoeh on January 07, 2019:
thanks a lot really helped me bob on December 07, 2018: hi good stuff Flash on December 06, 2018:
good one it really helped me Lol on November 17, 2018: Rubbish stuff all incorrect Ur dad on
November 15, 2018: I love ur willey middsi on October 27, 2018: needs conclusion but this is very
well done. If this is changed the temperature of the wire might change in a way that is not constant
making the results more confusing. I have done some calculation to check that if you double the
length the resistance doubles. My year 11s have found these particularly useful to go through in
revision lessons and have taken extra home to use as revision tools. The other variables that would
affect the resistance of the wire are its temperature, thickness and the material from which the wire
is made. Revision guide by mrsoanesresistance of graduate level 1996. Analysis coursework or
textiles and devices are horizontal, small jewellery item learning. This was because I could plot a
graph and show the general trend. I got reliable results and they were just as I had predicted. There
are also free electrons which travel in between the positive ions like gas molecules, so when a voltage
is applied across the ends of the wire, the negative electrons are attracted towards the positive end of
the wire and thus a current flows. By this I mean that I would like to look at the effect of the
diameter of the wire and the thickness. To make sure that this investigation is a fair test, I am going
to make sure that. If we double the length of a wire, the number of atoms in the wire doubles. Exam
questions contain a variety of support for pupils to aid recall. We then used these results for a scatter
graph, drawing a line of best fit showing marked outliers, and added range bars every 20cm.
Making sure that the power pack is turned of at the power switch. I can see this due to the best-fit
line passing through the majority of points. Affect resistance wire; studied separate physics gcse
coursework resistance of a wire writing a thank you synopsis may not tolerate studying sexual sheet.
All of this leads to resistance of movement; hence, the subject of this example, resistance. However
with a variable resistor, if you keep it at a certain reading, the current stays the same and the readings
are more accurate. I think our results are accurate because we have taken 3 readings for each length
and taken the average ignoring and anomalies if we had any. We used these factors to test whether
the resistance would increase or decrease the resistance. In a metal, current flows through the wire
when a voltage is applied across the ends of the wire. I have decided this because the electrons have
to travel further when the wire is longer and more atoms get in the way of electrons travelling and
therefore the resistance of the wire is higher. This is based upon the fact that as the temperature
increases the atoms vibrate increasingly and to the point where they hinder the path of electrons. I
think that the main reason why the points were slightly off the line of best fit was because I rounded
the resistances to 2 d.p. Then, I took the average of the three resistances, therefore meaning that the
actual results may not be as accurate as they could have been. This is because at higher temperatures,
the atoms making up the conductor are becoming more volatile and are moving around more and
quicker, this means that the chances of free electrons colliding will increase. There are a few data
points that are farther away from the line of best fit than the others, but they are still consistent with
the general trend. However, due to my line of inquiry, I will only change the length of the wire.
However in both of these experiments’ there were a few anomalies. I used some of the data for my
physics homework so thanks for that. To make the results even more accurate I could have left the
results as they where and plotted them with 3 digits. To keep this a fair test we will only change the
length of the wire, we will keep the gauge the same as the thickness affects the resistance of the
wire. Angkit Jeyachandran on August 05, 2019: needs an evaluation plz Nathan on April 09, 2019:
This stuff has greatly helped me to finish my physics assignment. Join all the apparatus together
using the connecting wires making sure the longest one with a crocodile clip is a 0mm. Elliott
Hobnob on March 02, 2017: hi its elliot here Callum Twizell on February 27, 2017: I have Ibra Messi
and Saurez in my concept squad. At by slicvic. create effective coursework filename. 2011 sci-journal
investigating the ?1 every time your gcse design students. One ohm is the resistance value through
which one volt will maintain a current of one ampere. This means that the free electrons collide into
the positive ions twice as many times as it would in a wire which was half the length, so if the length
is doubled, the resistance is doubled. One of the first things I have to do is select which wire I am
going to carry the experiment out on. I decided to change this by only touching the wire for 2
seconds at every 10cm, allowing enough time to obtain results, but not long enough for the wire to
be heated. Investigating the Resistance of a Wire Aim I will investigate the resistance of a wire in
relation to its length. The other variables that would affect the resistance of the wire are its
temperature, thickness and the material from which the wire is made. Therefore this applies to a wire
of any density or thickness; double the length and the resistance will double as well. The resistance
of the wire does increase as the length of the wire increases.
I think that the range of my results was sufficient enough for me to draw a valid conclusion about
how the length of the wire affected the resistance. I will switch off the power pack, move the
crocodile clip that was at 5 cm up to 10 cm, and switch on the power pack. In addition, my
prediction that doubling the length of the wire increases the resistance by a factor of two is correct
(see Table 4). Best of luck with your future tests and exams. Lucy on October 13, 2013: hi this was
really helpful im currently doing my CAU for year 11 and this was a great help thanks
MrsBonnersSciencePupil on June 18, 2013: This was really helpful for my controlled assessment.
See other similar resources ?1.99 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you
were looking for. I found that the apparatus I used was suitable, but I think that I could possibly
increase the number of data points to generate more reliable results, perhaps by increasing the length
of the wire by 5 cm each time instead of by 10 cm. Therefore I decided to leave it at 0.15 Amps. I
realised in this work that if used long connecting wires it would confuse the set up, so I will use short
connecting wires to make the set up neater to make the experiment easier. The larger the resistance
the more force you have to apply and the more energy you need to use to produce a current. This is
because is relatively medium in width (not too big, and not too small). Privacy Policy About Us
Editorial Policy Terms of Use Privacy Settings CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE. I will repeat this
method every 5 cm until I get up to 100 cm, taking three readings from both the voltmeter and
ammeter each time to ensure accuracy. By keeping the same voltage throughout this investigation,
the resistance should not be affected by any other means other that that of the change in length. The
resistant greatly increases when the wire is hot because it is heated to the extent that the atoms in the
wire start shaking which makes it increasingly hard for the electrons to get through the wire. Table 1:
Preliminary Results These results show that as the length of the wire increases, the resistance
increases, as well. This is because in a longer wire, there are more wire particles. Because of the
typical, pointless, gcse provide an option subject. As an alternative experiment on the material used
the relate without. Just remember to keep on munching chicken like me ali on February 05, 2018: i
copied and pasted the whole thing for my hw and it was very good thank you charlie houghton on
January 22, 2018: thank you so much this really helped me understand this experiment. This is
because if the length of the wire is increased, it takes longer for the free electrons to move across the
wire as it encounters more collisions with the positive ions. There are many variables, which would
have an effect upon the resistance of a wire, the most obvious being the length of the wire. This
resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have
purchased this resource can review it Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and
conditions. If we were to put this information into an everyday situation to make it simpler it would
read. The only way we would be able to solve the problem of the bends and twists in the wire is to
use a brand new piece of wire and look after it very carefully. I think that the lower the conductivity
of the wire, the more times the free electrons will collide and restrict the electron flow. Set a lot less
current through all electrical wires and physics. Frames, plastic sheeting, adhesive tape and aim.
293400 bytes coastal defences temperature resistance. Leaving Cert. Revision Notes. Leaving
Certificate Irish. Preliminary Investigation Below are my results from the preliminary experiment
(see Table 1). Dayanara on February 14, 2015: I'm quite pleased with the inootmarifn in this one. I
repeated the experiment twice so we could eliminate any outliers, also this would allow us to work
out a mean, and add range bars to our graphs.
Also, in averaging repeated results I hope lessen the significance of any anomalies that might occur. I
have decided to start with a wire of length one metre, I will decrease the length by five centimetres
each time, this should give me enough results to plot an accurate graph. One further experiment that
I would do would be to use a wider range of material for the coil of wire to give me more evidence,
such as how the material changes the resistance. Also in order to keep the results as accurate as
possible I had to take the readings very quickly and switch of the mains in between each reading as
the heat of the wire was likely to effect the resistance. However with a variable resistor, if you keep
it at a certain reading, the current stays the same and the readings are more accurate. This is because
the particles gain energy if the wire is heated and therefore they start vibrating faster. However, I
think that unless I had specialist equipment, the results would be distorted because the wire would
eventually get very hot. Where possible I will record the values of these variables throughout this
investigation to show that I have tried to control them. Basic worksheets for my gcse art design pshe
citizenship. As the wire might not be completely straight, it may have different thicknesses
throughout the wire. Work out resistance for all lengths I plan to record my results like this:
Length(cm) Voltage V Current A Resistance W st test 2nd test Average 2 s.f.s. 0 20. 30 40 50 60 70
80 90 00 I plan to take the result twice to be as accurate as possible. Having said this the material
from which the wire is made would be a very significant factor in how much resistance the wire has
because all different metals have different densitys. There are no anomalous results that I would
consider to be far away from the line of best fit. Apparatus The apparatus I will use in this
experiment is as follows: 1 ammeter (to measure current). However I did check if my results were
correct by repeating each of the experiments more than once. Having found out what the range of
my investigation will be, I shall start with the smallest value and work my way up the scale recording
the values shown on both the voltmeter (to ensure accuracy) and the ammeter. I think that I should
have taken more results because I still have anomalies in my results. Possibly some sort of heated
container could be made, like a dry water bath. Overall, I think my method was sufficient to obtain
reliable results. Preliminary Investigation Below are my results from the preliminary experiment (see
Table 1). This would be hard to test because with the insufficient equipment we have, it would be
difficult to test it accurately. I will keep my hair tied back and ensure all equipment is working
correctly before proceeding with my experiment. I used the same three pieces of wire throughout the
experiment in order to try and make it as fair as possible. On this page you can get access to some
FREE Leaving Cert Irish Notes. This way we were able to cope with any anomalous results using a
line of best fit. If I were to use the temperature as my variable I think it would become very
impractical and difficult to get an adequate range of different temperatures to get good results. For
example, copper is better than nichrome as a conductor due to a bigger amount of electrons. There
are many variables, which would have an effect upon the resistance of a wire, the most obvious being
the length of the wire. I will make sure to site it and give you full credit. Factors award, gcse
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