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LAC: SMEA & SBM Discussions


Give me a narrative report on Learning Action Cell which has different topics:

School Monitoring, Evaluation and Adjustments (SMEA) discussed by Jelina Malones, School Based
Management (SBM) Discussedby Dexter S. Capuyan.



Narrative Report on Learning Action Cell


The Learning Action Cell (LAC) is a collaborative and participatory approach to professional development
in the field of education. It involves a group of teachers and other education stakeholders who come
together to discuss and address various topics related to school improvement. In this narrative report,
we will highlight two important topics discussed in the LAC sessions: School Monitoring, Evaluation, and
Adjustments (SMEA) presented by Jelina Malones and School-Based Management (SBM) presented by
Dexter S. Capuyan.

Topic 1: School Monitoring, Evaluation, and Adjustments (SMEA) by Jelina Malones

Jelina Malones, an experienced educator and resource person, led the discussion on School Monitoring,
Evaluation, and Adjustments (SMEA) during the Learning Action Cell session. She emphasized the
importance of continuous monitoring and evaluation as key elements for school improvement.

During the session, Jelina Malones explained that school monitoring involves systematic observations
and assessments of various aspects within the school environment, including teaching practices, student
performance, infrastructure, and learning resources. She discussed the significance of using multiple
sources of data, such as classroom observations, student assessments, and feedback from parents and
stakeholders, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the school’s strengths and areas for

Furthermore, Jelina Malones stressed the importance of evaluation in the school setting. She highlighted
the need for using data-driven approaches to assess the effectiveness of instructional strategies,
curriculum implementation, and overall school performance. Through evaluation, schools can identify
areas of success and areas that require adjustments or interventions.

The session also focused on the concept of adjustments, which refers to the necessary changes and
improvements based on the evaluation findings. Jelina Malones shared practical examples of how
schools can use the data collected to make informed decisions and implement targeted interventions.
She emphasized that adjustments should be evidence-based and aimed at addressing specific needs
identified through the monitoring and evaluation process.

Overall, Jelina Malones’ session on School Monitoring, Evaluation, and Adjustments provided valuable
insights on how schools can utilize data and implement effective strategies for continuous improvement.

Topic 2: School-Based Management (SBM) by Dexter S. Capuyan

Dexter S. Capuyan, an expert in educational management, led a discussion on School-Based

Management (SBM) during the Learning Action Cell session. He highlighted the importance of
empowering schools and involving various stakeholders in decision-making processes to enhance the
quality of education.

Dexter S. Capuyan explained that SBM is a decentralized approach to education management that
delegates decision-making authority to schools. He emphasized that involving school leaders, teachers,
parents, and community members in the decision-making process fosters a sense of ownership and
shared responsibility for school improvement.

During the session, Dexter S. Capuyan discussed the key components of SBM, including participatory
governance, autonomy in decision-making, collaborative planning, and resource management. He
emphasized that effective SBM requires clear communication channels, shared vision, and regular
collaboration among stakeholders.

Furthermore, Dexter S. Capuyan highlighted successful examples of SBM implementation in various

schools. He showcased how schools with strong SBM practices were able to address specific challenges
and adapt their strategies based on the unique needs of their students and communities.
The session also covered capacity-building initiatives to support SBM implementation. Dexter S. Capuyan
discussed the importance of providing training and professional development opportunities for school
leaders and teachers to enhance their skills in leadership, data analysis, and collaborative decision-


The Learning Action Cell provided a platform for engaging discussions on School Monitoring, Evaluation,
and Adjustments (SMEA) and School-Based Management (SBM). The sessions led by Jelina Malones and
Dexter S. Capuyan shed light

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