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Muh Fathan Anis Fuadi, S.Pd. |0896-0325-0151 | Date of Birth: March 14, 1997

Purworejo Regency, Central Java

Tidar University, English Education Department 2016-2023

• GPA: 3.32
• TOELF ITP (2023): 451
SMA Negeri 6 Purworejo, Science Major 2012-2015
• School Report average score: 83.7
• School Examination average score: 83.11

Event Coordinator of Benasic| Event that held by Student Organization (Bengkel Seni) in Tidar
University 2018

• Planning, managing, and executing online and offline events for Benasic e.g. Instagram post,
podcast, and charity.
• Analyzing the best theme for each post and event for Benasic by conducting a survey
• Cooperate with students from other Student Activity Units in UNTIDAR in creating
collaborative contents
• Directing and monitoring all event staffs
Event Staff of Social Project | Social Project by university students in Magelang from Purworejo
(KOMPOR) 2019

• Planning, managing, and executing Social Project's events e.g. charity show, blood donation,
and free health checking
• Cooperate with other organization in conducting the events

Division Leader of Film and Photography in Bengkel Seni Untidar 2016 – 2018

• Evaluating and developing the existing events and programs in Film and Photography Division
of Bengkel Seni Untidar
• Planning for innovation events and programs for division
• Participating as the division leader of film and photography in every event and program of
Student Organization of Bengkel Seni Untidar

Partner of Statistic Indonesia in Purworejo & Magelang 2023

• Managing to collecting the essential data from public society

• Responsible for collecting data due deadline
• Record all the data that has been obtained into the database
• Responsible for the essential data that has been collected must be accurate and correct
Wedding Planner in DG Organizer Magelang 2020-2023

• Planning the wedding theme and concept with customer

• Preparing the wedding arrangements
• Coordinate with all of the vendors
• Preparing the wedding budget details
• Determining the wedding location
• Arranging the time management of the wedding
• Responsible for sending gifts and dowry to the customer house


• Practical teacher for Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Kota Magelang (2019)

• Internship partner of Oemah Kulon Cabins and Pool Kab. Magelang (2019)
• Junior Barista of Byman Coffe Magelang (2020)
• Participant of Table Manner Course in Hom Hotel Semarang by Horison (2018)

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