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Mental Cleaning VIP - Audio

Hello this is A.J. Welcome my VIP and welcome to this month’s lesson. Now perhaps
you’re asking why I am wearing sunglasses in this video. No, it’s not too bright in here.
The reason is that I recently had eye surgery. I had eye surgery this week to correct my
eye sight so that I will no longer need glasses or contact lenses.

So I always wore contact lenses in the past to see, but now I don’t need to. However,
because I just had the surgery, I must wear sunglasses to protect my eyes from bright
light. I need to wear these about one or two weeks. So, please forgive not being able to
see my eyes this month, but I have to protect my eyes. The next time I’ll be normal and
you can see my eyes as usual.

So what is this month’s topic? It’s a very good topic. They’re all good topics, aren’t they?
Yes, they are, but this month’s topic, well, it’s one that I have followed in my own life that
has helped me in my life in many, many different ways. In fact, this topic, this process
that I’m going to tell you about is something that I do in my own life fairly regularly with
very positive results.

Now, the topic this month is called ‘Mental Cleaning’, Mental Cleaning. Now, most of
you are probably familiar with the idea of physical detox or physical cleaning, this idea
of cleansing our bodies, right? Of course, we know about taking showers and washing
the outsides of our bodies, but some of you may also know about different systems,
different ways to cleanse the inside of your body. Fasting is an example.

“Fasting” means to not eat food for some period of time. And when you fast, when you
stop eating food for a while, your body will actually clean itself. It will get rid of old
poisons, old toxins that have been in your body for a while. It will start to eliminate

There are other ways of cleansing your body, saunas are good. You know, for example,
you sit inside the heat and your body sweats. When your body sweats it eliminates
toxins. It’s kind of cleaning itself on the inside and there are lots and lots and lots of
different ways to do that, but that’s not what I’m talking about today.

What I’m talking about today and this month, for you, is a way of doing this mentally to
clean out the mental toxins. What are mental toxins? Well, of course, mental toxins are
negative thoughts, negative beliefs, negative ideas, obsessive thoughts, things that you
just keep thinking about again and again and again, trivia, you know, insignificant things
that you think about all the time that are not important to you or your life.
So all of these things are mental toxins and, unfortunately, we live in a mentally-toxic
environment, all of us do now, which means that we’re getting much more negative stuff
coming in – negative ideas, examples, to our ears, to our eyes, especially those two.
Where does all this negative stuff come from? Primarily from the media -- television,
movies, Internet -- those are the big three – newspapers certainly, most mainstream
normal magazines, music, unfortunately now.

All of those things are much more negative than positive. I’ve seen different research
studies, different statistics, but the general agreement is that about 80% of what you
see and hear in the media – print media, television, movies, music, radio – 80% is
negative or disempowering. Meaning, it’s sending a message to you, directly or
indirectly, that actually makes you weaker or more negative or less happy, 80%.

Most modern people now are kind of swimming in media. Meaning that during your day
you’re exposed to this media constantly. A lot of people they drive to work, what do they
do? They turn on the radio. Some people actually turn on the TV in the morning. As
soon as they get up the TV is on then they listen to the radio going to work.

Some people at their job in their office, if they have an office job, are listening to the
radio at their office or they pop open the newspaper and read the newspaper or they
surf the Internet and read all the terrible news and negative stuff on different websites,
especially news websites. Then coming home listen to the radio some more, watch TV,
watch movies, the weekends maybe even more and 80% of that stuff is negative or
disempowering. Meaning, it takes away your power.

So imagine this. Imagine if every single day you drank dirty, polluted water that was full
of shit. Imagine that’s what you drank most of the time. That 80% of the time when you
were drinking something it was dirty, toxic, polluted water that was full of shit and
dangerous chemicals. What would that do to your body? I think it’s obvious what it
would do, right? It very quickly would make you sick. Your body would become weak
and you would get sick very, very quickly, if you were constantly drinking polluted water.

Well, guess what? That’s what’s happening to our minds, because we are drinking –
mentally – polluted water, right? We’re getting polluted ideas constantly. That’s what
we’re taking in -- polluted ideas from the television, polluted ideas and beliefs from
movies, from radio, from magazines, from popular novels.

All these kinds of media, if it’s mainstream, if it’s popular, then 80% or more of it’s going
to be negative, polluted and, basically, full of shit ideas. Shit ideas that make you less
happy, less powerful, less effective, less confident, less caring, less optimistic, so it’s not
a big surprise that so many people are unhappy and depressed and unsuccessful and
don’t feel free in their lives, right? We know this and all of us have struggled with this
Now as a VIP I know that’s not what you want. You want to feel confident and strong
with English, that’s your first goal, but you want to feel confident and strong in all parts
of your life and you want to have success in all parts of your life and you care about
other people, so you want to help other people have success in all parts of their lives,
but to do all of that you have to be mentally strong and clear and happy and to do that
you gotta’ clean out all the crap, all the junk, all the toxins, all the mental pollution that’s
coming to you constantly.

Imagine instead, if we go back to our analogy, imagine that instead of drinking polluted
water every day, imagine that every day you drank pure, clean water full of minerals
and, in addition to that, you also ate pure, clean organic fruits and vegetables,
constantly, every single day, extremely clean and healthy. What would happen to your
body then? Of course, then your body would become stronger and cleaner and healthier
and your energy level would go up and up and up.

Well, that’s what we have to do mentally too, because we’ve done lessons here in the
VIP Program about making your body healthier and having more physical energy, but
what good is it if you have great physical energy, you feel great, but your mind is full of
crap, your mind is full of a lot of negative weak ideas and beliefs. That’s no good; you’re
not going to be happy. You need both.

A lot of people focus so much on eating well, eating well. I do it myself. I’m always
struggling with that and focused on that, but we have to focus equally on having a great
mental diet. We gotta’ avoid the mental junk food and most of the stuff out in the media
is junk. It’s junk.

So, how do we do this mental cleaning? The first thing you need to do, just like you do
physically, is fast. You remember fasting. “To fast” means to not eat food. You just stop
eating completely for a few days and that automatically will help your body clean itself.
Of course, you keep drinking clean, pure water when you do that.

Well, guess what? I want you to fast mentally. In other words, just stop eating, stop
taking in all the negative crap. So what I’m asking you to do this month, for one full
month, 30 days, no TV, none. Not one minute of TV this month. That’s not all. No
newspapers, none, for one month. No newspapers. Do not buy a newspaper. Do not
borrow a newspaper. Do not read a newspaper. No magazines, none. Do not read a
single magazine.

No sports trivia. This is another thing that just fills our mind with nonsense. I like sports
too, you know? It’s distracting. It’s okay, but it’s trivia. It’s meaningless. In the end, who
cares whether this team or this team wins. It doesn’t matter. It has no affect on your life.
It’s just a way to distract you, get you thinking about something that’s not important and
will not help your own success or your own life in any way.

So I’m not saying that forever don’t do it, but I’m saying for this month no sports. Don’t
read about sports. Don’t watch them on TV and, again, no radio. I don’t want you to
listen to the radio at all this month, not one minute. And, finally, one more and this is one
you’re not gonna’ like, maybe, no music, except for instrumental music; in other words,
no music with words, because if it has words it’s sending a message.

And, yes, I know there are some nice songs out there like Imagine by John Lennon,
which are very positive, but there’s also a lot of stuff that’s very negative. Even love
songs, a lot of love songs are just kind of crying about oh, she doesn’t love me
anymore, oh, right? It’s not really that positive. You can do without it for a month and,
finally, the big one. No Internet surfing for one month. Do not read Yahoo News or MSN
News, nothing like that. For your job you may need to do email or something, fine, but
no reading websites. No Internet surfing for one full month.

The idea is to just turn off the negative input completely for one month. Give your mind
a chance to clean itself, because it will. You see, when you turn off, when you stop
taking in all that junk, you finally give your mind a chance to calm down and to get rid of
some of that negative energy that is constantly coming into you. Even if you don’t
realize it, it’s constantly coming in.

So that’s step one. Step one is turning it off, all of it, movies too. I forgot to mention
DVDs. I watch DVDs a lot. I watch movies. I try to pick nice positive movies, usually. I
like comedy, for example, but still, for this month no DVDs. Don’t rent a DVD.

Now for some of you this is no problem. You’re very active people, you’re very social
and this will be easy, but it might be difficult for you, because I know some people use
media to entertain and distract themselves and so if you turn it all off, suddenly you’re
alone with your own thoughts. Suddenly you feel that loneliness you’ve been distracting
yourself from. Suddenly you feel the loneliness that you didn’t want to think about, so
you turn on the TV. Now you gotta’ actually feel it or the anger or the disappointment or
the worry, whatever it is.

A lot of people have these things going on in their head and they don’t want to think
about them so they turn on the TV. They turn on all this other stuff to distract themselves
to avoid it. You’re not going to avoid it, so for some people this month it could be a tough
month. You’re gonna’ actually have to find other things to do.

When I’ve done this in the past, I’ve realized ooh; my social life isn’t very good. I kind of
spend a lot of time alone at home working and I’m feeling a little lonely. I need to get out
more. I need to go do more things with my friends. Maybe I need to make new friends.
Maybe I need to find some new positive activities.

So this process will make you look at your life a little differently when you turn off all that
junk, all that programming coming in and you have to deal with only your own life, but
that’s a good thing. It’s gonna’ help you a lot. This process will give you oh, my God, so
much energy, so much more happiness and so much more success in the future. So do

So step one, cleaning mentally, just turning everything off. Now, step two, after you do
that the next step is to find positive stuff only. Only positive, inspiring things and fill your
mind with that. Flood your mind with so much of it. So you’re gonna’, first, eliminate all
the negative stuff and you’re just gonna’ having nothing at all, let your mind get calm, let
it empty out some of the bad stuff, then you’re gonna’ just fill your mind with a ton, so
much positive, incredible stuff.

So you’re gonna’ go out and you’re gonna’ find books that are positive and inspiring.
Self-help books are really good, motivational books, books with inspiring stories. Not
bullshit fiction books like mysteries or something to distract you and entertain you. It’s
not entertainment. You’re gonna’ find positive, inspiring books, stories.

You’re also gonna’ go out and find audios. There are a lot of great audios. You can get
stuff from Tony Robbins. You can get stuff from some people in your own country, but it’s
gotta’ be very positive, right? It’s talking about things that make you feel more powerful,
more alive, more loving, more caring, more inspired, stronger.

If you’re gonna’ watch videos you gotta’ be very careful. I’d say still, just don’t watch TV.
TV is crap, but you could go find maybe a few videos that are very inspiring. Maybe find
a few movies that have very inspiring stories; stories about people who faced difficult
challenges and overcame them and still succeeded those kinds of stories.

So what you’re going to do then for the second month is that’s all you’re going to listen
to and watch. So you’ll continue avoiding television and newspapers and most of the
negative stuff, but you’re going to add lots and lots and lots of positive media. Also, find
positive people in your life and talk to them more.

And it’s okay to repeat the same stuff again. If you’ve got a great, you know, audio
program that’s very positive, like a self-help or a motivational CD or something, listen to
it every single day. That repetitiveness will make those positive ideas go into your brain
more and more and more.

So it’s a two-month process. Month one you just avoid all input from media, completely.
It’s a media fast; avoiding all media. And then, month two, you add back only very, very
positive media, only very, very positive mental input. You can count the VIP Lessons,
because I always make those positive. So that’s it. That’s the process of mental

This two-month process will make you so mentally strong. Suddenly you’re goals will
become clear. Suddenly problems you thought were so big will disappear. Suddenly
those solutions you’ve been looking for, you’ve had these problems and you don’t know
what to do, suddenly the solution will be clear to you and easy and simple and you’ll just
do it.

Suddenly you’ll find that you will have much greater success much faster after doing
this. Things will feel easier. Things that used to be difficult will suddenly feel easier and
you’ll just feel happier. You’ll notice that your energy and your mood is so much better
every single day. That’s gonna’ help all your relationships -- your family relationships,
your job and work relationships.

This is an important topic, so I have one last thing to say to you and that is, do it. Don’t
just think about it. Don’t just think oh, A.J., that’s a good idea and then not do it. That
doesn’t help you. You must do this.

You see, life is not always just about easy. I know this might not be easy, but sometimes
you have to do things that are difficult. Sometimes you have to step up and be a little
disciplined and do something that’s tough, because the rewards later are huge, huge.
So that’s all I have to say to you this month. Follow this program. It’s a two-month
program, just do it.

All right, I will see you again. In the audio commentary I’ll give you a little more
motivation, kind of kick in the butt too this month. I know I’m pushing you this month to
do something that a lot of you might…well, I shouldn’t say that. You might not enjoy it.
You might not want to do it. You might want to resist it, but I’m gonna’ push you to do it,
because this is so, so important. You gotta’ stop poisoning your mind or you’re never
gonna’ be hugely successful as you want to be.

Okay, I’ll see you in the audio commentary, bye-bye.

Mental Cleaning VIP – Mini Story
Hello my special VIP member and welcome to the mini story for ‘Mental Cleaning.’ Let’s
start with the story.


At the age of 40, Vito Genovese was having a problem.

Now who was having a problem?

Vito. Vito was having a problem.

When was Vito having a problem?

Well, at the age of 40. Exactly at the age of 40, Vito was having a problem. Right at that
moment, right at that time, he was having a problem.

What was he having at the age of 40?

He was having a problem.

Was he having a big problem or was he having a small problem exactly at that time?

Well, he was having a very big problem, in fact.

And who was having a very big problem?

Vito was having a big problem.

When was he having a big problem?

At the age of 40.

And what kind of problem was he having?

Well, a big one, a very big one.

What was the problem?

Well, the problem was that he was diagnosed with diabetes, but he loved chocolate. He
loved chocolate. He was addicted to chocolate, but then at the age of 40 he was
diagnosed with diabetes.
Now to be “diagnosed”, it’s a verb, to be diagnosed. It means a doctor identifies your
disease or anybody; identifies your disease. It means to identify a disease.

So the doctor said “Vito, you have diabetes.” Diabetes is a blood sugar problem
in your body, very dangerous, and it means you should not eat sugar. If you have
diabetes you should not eat sugar.

So should Vito have eaten sugar?

No, he shouldn’t have. He should not have eaten sugar.

Why shouldn’t he have eaten sugar?

Because he had diabetes. He was diagnosed with diabetes.

Who diagnosed him with diabetes?

Well, his family doctor. His family doctor diagnosed him with diabetes.

What was he diagnosed with?

Diabetes. He was diagnosed with diabetes.

Why was this an especially big problem?

Well, because he loved chocolate. He was addicted to chocolate.

Should diabetics (a diabetic is a person who has diabetes) eat chocolate and sugar?

No, they should not.

So Vito’s doctor said “Vito, you must stop eating sugar. You must stop eating all
sweet things.”

At what time was Vito diagnosed with diabetes? What time in his life?

Well, it was at the age of 40, right? At the age of 40, he was diagnosed with diabetes
and so during that year, of course, he was having a big problem.

What was his big problem?

He was diagnosed with diabetes, but he loved and was addicted to chocolate.
So what did he try to do?

Well, of course, Vito tried to quit. He tried to quit eating chocolate.

What did he try to quit eating?

He tried to quit eating chocolate.

Was it easy for him to quit eating chocolate?

No, it was not easy for him to quit eating chocolate. It was very, very difficult for him to
quit eating chocolate.

You see, as he was walking down the street, everywhere he looked he saw
billboard advertisements for chocolate.

So what did he see when he was walking down the street?

Advertisements for chocolate. Chocolate ads.

When did he see chocolate ads everywhere?

Well, as he was walking down the street. As he was walking down the street,
everywhere he looked he saw advertisements for chocolate. Chocolate bars, chocolate

So who was walking down the street?

Vito. Vito was walking down the street.

And what did he see, as he was walking down the street?

Well, he saw advertisements for chocolate.

Now as he was walking down the street, where did he see advertisements for

Everywhere, next to the road, on the sides of buses, big billboards, on the sides of
buildings. He saw advertisements for chocolate everywhere, as he was walking down
the street.

So where was he walking?

He was walking down the street.

And as he was walking down the street, what did he see everywhere?

Advertisements for chocolate.

That’s right, advertisements for chocolate. So did this help him quit eating chocolate?

Of course not, it made it more difficult. It made it much more difficult for him to quit.

And so he came home and he ate more chocolate and he got very sick. And he
went to the doctor again and he said “Oh, I was walking down the street and I saw
advertisements for chocolate everywhere and I had to eat more.” And the doctor
said “Vito, you must quit. If you don’t quit eating chocolate you will die soon.”
Hum. So Vito decided not to walk down the street anymore. He said “Okay, I will
stay at home. I will stay in my home so that I won’t see the chocolate ads.”

So where did he decide to stay?

At home. He decided to stay at home.

Why did he decide to stay at home?

To avoid all the chocolate ads he saw, as he was walking down the street.

So he stayed at home and he was feeling a little bored, so he turned on the TV

and, as he was watching TV, guess what he saw. That’s right. As he was watching
TV, he saw lots and lots of ads for chocolate. He constantly saw more ads for

Now when did he see these ads for chocolate?

As he was watching TV. As he was watching TV, he saw lots of ads for chocolate.

Now where was Vito at that time?

Vito was in his home. He was at home.

Vito was at home and what was he doing at home?

He was watching TV.

And as he was watching TV, what did he see?

Advertisements for chocolate. As he was watching TV, he saw advertisements for


Did he see a few advertisements for chocolate, as he was watching TV?

No, he did not. He did not just see a few advertisements for chocolate, as he was
watching TV. He saw lots and lots and lots of advertisements for chocolate, as he was
watching TV.

So what kind of ads did he see as he was watching TV?

Chocolate ads, of course. He saw chocolate ads, as he was watching TV.

And who was watching TV?

That’s right, Vito.

Vito was watching TV and he saw lots of chocolate ads.

What did he do next?

Well, of course, he ate more chocolate. He ran out and he bought some chocolate and
he ate it and he got sick again. Oh, poor Vito. The doctor told him “Vito, you must stop
doing this. You’re going to die if you keep eating all this sweet chocolate.”

So Vito went home. He was frustrated and so he got onto the Internet. He started
to surf the Internet and, as he was surfing the Internet, he saw an advertisement
for raw chocolate and he clicked on the ad.

So when did he see the advertisement?

Well, as he was surfing the Internet.

What kind of ad did he see as he was surfing the Internet?

Well, as he was surfing the Internet, he saw an ad for raw chocolate, raw chocolate.

Did he see and ad for candy bars, as he was surfing the Internet?

No, he did not. He did not see an ad for candy bars, as he was surfing the Internet.
What kind of ad did he see, as he was surfing the Internet?

He saw an ad for raw chocolate, as he was surfing the Internet.

Did he click that ad, as he was surfing the Internet?

Yes, he did. He clicked that ad.

And where did he go next?

Well, next, he went to David Wolf’s website and on the website he read more about raw
chocolate, raw, unsweetened chocolate.

What kind of chocolate did he read about on David Wolf’s site?

Well, he read about raw, unsweetened chocolate on David Wolf’s site.

Did he read about candy bars and sugar on David Wolf’s site?

No, he did not.

What did he read about on David Wolf’s site?

He read about raw, unsweetened chocolate on David Wolf’s site and on the site it said
that raw, unsweetened chocolate, without sugar, is actually very healthy and it’s good
for diabetics.

So Vito was amazed. He’s like “Oh, my God, this is great!” So he immediately
ordered 572 pounds of raw chocolate from the website. Maybe that’s about 226
kilos. I’m not sure exactly, so 572 pounds of raw chocolate. Now it took about
three weeks for the chocolate to arrive, because it was such a big order.

How many weeks did it take for the chocolate to arrive at Vito’s house?

It took three weeks for the chocolate to arrive at Vito’s house.

Why did it take so long?

Because it was such a big order. He ordered 572 pounds of raw, unsweetened
chocolate. So it took a long time for it to arrive at his house, but finally it did arrive at his
So Vito called his doctor and he said “Doctor, I just ordered and received a lot of
raw, unsweetened chocolate. Is it okay for me to eat that?” And the doctor said
“Yes, actually. Unsweetened, raw chocolate is perfectly fine, but it tastes
different.” Vito was so excited. He immediately opened one of the chocolate
boxes and ate a handful of raw, unsweetened chocolate.

How much did he eat immediately?

A handful, a handful. He immediately ate a handful of chocolate.

How many handfuls did he eat?

Just one. He ate one handful of chocolate immediately.

When did he eat a handful of chocolate?

Immediately after talking to the doctor. Immediately after talking to the doctor, he ate a
handful of raw, unsweetened chocolate.

He hung up the phone and immediately ate the chocolate and he chewed it yum,
yum, yum, yum, ah, ah, ooh, ah, ah. He chewed and he chewed and suddenly he
started to cough, he spit out the chocolate.

What did he do after chewing the chocolate?

Well, after chewing the chocolate, he spit it out.

Why did Vito spit out the raw chocolate?

Because it was bitter. It tasted bitter to him. It did not taste sweet, there was no sugar.

Did Vito initially like the bitter taste?

No, he did not. He did not like the bitter taste.

Why didn’t he like the raw chocolate initially?

Because it was bitter.

Was it sweet?

No, it was not. It was not sweet. It was very, very bitter.
However, the next day, Vito tried again. And the next day he tried again and the
next day he tried again and every day he spit out the chocolate. But, eventually,
after three weeks, he developed a taste for the raw chocolate.

What did he develop?

He developed a taste for it.

That means he learned to like the taste. You can say I developed a taste for broccoli. It
means you didn’t used to like broccoli in the past, but you kept trying it and finally you
learned to like it.

So what did Vito develop a taste for?

Vito developed a taste for raw, unsweetened chocolate.

How long did it take him to develop a taste for raw, unsweetened chocolate?

It took him three weeks. It took him three weeks to develop a taste for raw,
unsweetened chocolate.

And who did it take three weeks to develop a taste for raw, unsweetened chocolate?

Vito. It took Vito three weeks to develop a taste for raw, unsweetened chocolate.

So after three weeks, it started to taste better to him. It tasted less bitter. He
learned to like it and from that point on, he ate and enjoyed raw chocolate every
day and he became healthy and happy and his diabetes went away.

So what happened after he developed a taste for raw, unsweetened chocolate?

Well, he ate and enjoyed it every day.

And did he eventually get rid of his diabetes?

Yes, he did. He eventually got rid of his diabetes.

How did he get rid of his diabetes?

Well, by avoiding all sugar and by eating raw, unsweetened chocolate.

So was Vito very happy in the end, finally?

Yes, he was. Finally, Vito was a very, very happy guy. He continued to eat raw,
unsweetened chocolate and he became much, much healthier.


And that is the end of our mini story for this month.

Now there’s a different mix of grammar in this story than some of the other ones that we
have done and that’s what I try to do. You don’t need to think about all those different
grammar points in the story. In fact, I don’t want you to find them. I don’t want you to
think about them. I absolutely don’t want you to open grammar books and try to figure
out the rules. No, no, no, no.

All I want you to do is listen to this story every single day for one month. So that’s 30
times, at least. And as you listen, I want you to answer all the questions. Now in the
beginning you can pause and answer slowly. Certainly you can use just one or two
words when you answer. You don’t need a long sentence, its okay, but then after
several days it should be become easier and easier so you should be able to answer
faster and faster and start to make it a game until, eventually, you don’t need to pause.
You can shout your answer very fast before I start talking again.

So make it a game, just listen and answer those questions. Answer with energy. Use
your whole body. Shout your answers. That’s important too. You don’t want to be sleepy
and tired as you do this. You want to be excited and energized. That’s very, very, very
important. Do this and you will teach yourself, number one, to think in English grammar
and, number two, to respond very fast to English questions.

All right, enjoy and I will see you again next time, bye-bye.
Mental Cleaning VIP – Point of View
Hello this is A.J. How are you doing today? All right my special VIP, it is time for the
point-of-view stories for this month’s lessons. Let’s get started. It’s happening right now.


Right now Vito is having a problem. Vito is having a problem right now. He’s at home,
thinking about his problem. You see, Vito recently became 40 and at the age of 40, he
was diagnosed with diabetes. He was diagnosed with diabetes and now he has a
problem and he’s thinking about his problem.

It’s a serious problem, because he has diabetes and he loves chocolate and he’s
addicted to chocolate and he knows that he needs to quit. He knows he needs to quit
eating chocolate. So the first thing he does is he goes for a walk. He goes outside. He
decides I’m gonna’ get some exercise. I’m going to go walking.

Unfortunately, as he’s walking, he looks around and he sees advertisements for

chocolate everywhere. He sees advertisements for chocolate bars, chocolate candy. All
kinds of chocolate everywhere he looks, as he’s walking down the street.

He sees so many ads that he runs, he buys some chocolate, immediately goes home
and he eats it and, of course, he becomes very, very sick. And the doctor tells him “Vito,
you must stop eating chocolate. You must stop. You’re diabetic. It’s going to kill you.”
Vito says “Yes, yes, I know. I know.”

So Vito decides to just stay inside. He’s not going to go outside. He’ll avoid the
advertisements outside, but he gets bored and he turns on his TV. Unfortunately, as he’s
watching TV, he sees lots and lots of ads for…that’s right, for chocolate.

He sees lots and lots and lots of ads for chocolate on TV and they make him feel crazy
until he runs out his house, immediately buys a chocolate bar and eats it and, of course,
he gets very sick again. And again the doctor yells at him “Vito, you must stop eating
chocolate!” Poor Vito.

Well, Vito goes home. He decides I’m not going to turn on the TV. So he doesn’t turn on
the TV, but he starts to surf the Internet and while he’s surfing the Internet he sees and
ad for raw chocolate. He clicks the ad and he goes to David Wolf’s website and on
David Wolf’s website he reads an article about the benefits of raw chocolate, raw,
unsweetened chocolate, and he learns that raw, unsweetened chocolate is just fine for
diabetics. So he orders 572 pounds of it and has it sent to his house.
It takes three weeks for the chocolate to arrive at his house. When it arrives, he calls the
doctor and he says “Doctor, I just ordered a lot of raw chocolate. Is it okay if I eat it?”
And the doctor says “Yes, in fact, raw, unsweetened chocolate is fine for diabetics.”

And so Vito immediately eats a handful of raw, unsweetened chocolate, but as he eats
it, he starts spitting it out, because it’s so bitter. It tastes so bitter, but he decides that
this is his only chance to eat chocolate and still live and not die from diabetes. So every
day he tries to eat more of this raw chocolate and then he spits it out.

It takes him three weeks, but he finally develops a taste for it. After three weeks, he
finally develops a taste for raw chocolate. He learns to like raw, unsweetened chocolate
and then his life become much, much happier and better, because then he can enjoy
the raw chocolate, he can avoid all sugar and because of that he gets rid of his diabetes
and lives a happy, long, healthy life.


And that’s the end of our first version. Version number two.


Since the age of 40, Vito has been a diabetic. Since the age of 40, he has been a
diabetic. He was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 40 and, of course, he has
continued to be a diabetic since that time.

Now, since he was a child, Vito has been addicted to chocolate. You see, I have
extra information. Vito’s mother used to give him chocolate every day. Vito’s mom
loved little Vito and so she would give him little chocolate treats every day.
Because of that, Vito became addicted to chocolate. And so since he was a child,
he has been a chocolate addict. He has been addicted to chocolate since he was
a young child.

And why has he been addicted to chocolate?

He has been addicted to chocolate, because his mom always gave him little treats when
he was young.

So he has been a diabetic since when?

Since the age of 40, he has been a diabetic.

But he has been a chocolate addict since when?

Since he was a child. Since he was a child, he has been a chocolate addict. Since he
was 40, he has been a diabetic.

So when was he diagnosed with diabetes?

At the age of 40, he was diagnosed with diabetes.

In face, Vito has known for a long time that chocolate is not healthy. He has
known this for a long time. For many years, he has realized that chocolate was
not good for him. You see, he has been overweight for a long time and he has
known that chocolate was the main problem causing him to get fat.

But he didn’t think about it until when?

Until he was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 40.

When he was diagnosed at the age of 40 with diabetes, he realized time for action,
time to change. So even though he had known that chocolate was bad for him
before the age of 40, at the age of 40 he finally decided to take action.

So the first thing he did is he went for a walk to try to get some exercise, but as
he was walking, of course, he saw ads for chocolate everywhere and this made
him want chocolate even more and so he went, he bought some chocolate and he
ate it.

He’s like “Oh, man. I know chocolate is bad for me. I have known this for many
years. I have known that chocolate is bad for me for years and years and yet, still,
I’m eating it now, even now when I know I could die.” Well, he decided to stay
inside his house to avoid the advertisements outside. He turned on his TV and
started watching TV.

As he was watching TV, unfortunately, what did he see?

A lot of ads for chocolate. He saw lots and lots and lots of ads for chocolate until, finally,
he ran out, bought a candy bar and ate it.

He felt terrible and once again he said to himself “I have known that chocolate is
bad for me. I’ve known this for a long time, for many years, but I never stopped.
Now I have been diagnosed with diabetes and I’m still eating it. I must stop.”

So he decided to turn off his TV and then he started to surf the Internet. As he
was surfing the Internet, he saw an ad for raw chocolate and he clicked the ad
and the ad took him to David Wolf’s website. And on David Wolf’s website was an
article about the benefits of raw, unsweetened chocolate. Vito was very excited,
so he ordered 572 pounds of raw, unsweetened chocolate and had it delivered to
his house.

When it finally arrived, he called the doctor and he asked the doctor “Is it okay for
me to eat raw, unsweetened chocolate?” And the doctor said “Sure, that’s fine. It
it’s raw and unsweetened its okay. It’s healthy.” So immediately Vito grabbed a
handful of the chocolate and he ate it, but then he spit it out, because it was so

Still, he realized that he needed to change and so every day he tried to eat more
of the raw, unsweetened chocolate and he continued doing this every day for
three weeks until, finally, after three weeks, he developed a taste for it. He learned
to like it.

And once he developed a taste for raw, unsweetened chocolate, everything

changed in his life. He lost weight. He became healthier and, eventually, he got rid
of the diabetes completely and Vito was a very, very happy guy.


That’s the end of the second version of our story. We’ll go to the third version. As usual
with the third version, we imagine it’s going to happen in the future. Maybe we’re
dreaming about it. Maybe it’s a story idea for the future, but it’s something we’re imaging
will happen in the future, so let’s go to the future.


There will be a guy named Vito and this guy named Vito is gonna’ love chocolate. He’s
gonna’ be addicted to chocolate. (Of course, gonna’ means going to. For new VIP
members, it means going to. It means future, gonna’). So he’s gonna’ be addicted to
chocolate, but he’ll also have a big problem, another big problem, even bigger problem.
At the age of 40, he’ll be diagnosed with diabetes. So he’ll be addicted to chocolate and
he’ll also be diagnosed with diabetes. This is gonna’ be a really big problem for Vito,
obviously, and he’ll realize that he needs to quit eating chocolate.

So the first thing he’ll do is he’ll go for a walk. He’s gonna’ go for a walk and as he’s
walking, he’s gonna’ see lots and lots and lots of advertisements for guess what?
Chocolate. He’ll see lots of ads for chocolate as he’s walking. He’ll see so many that
he’ll finally run and buy some chocolate and eat it and he’ll get really sick and he’ll call
the doctor. Go to the doctor. The doctor will yell at him and say “You must quit, Vito!”
So Vito will go home and decide not to leave his home. To avoid the ads, he’ll stay
inside, but then he’ll turn on his TV and, of course, what’s he gonna’ see when he turns
on the TV? Lots and lots of ads for chocolate. He’ll watch TV and he’ll see so many ads
for chocolate that he’ll run outside, buy a chocolate bar and eat it and get really sick

So, of course, by that point, he’ll be really frustrated. He’s gonna’ get really frustrated.
He’ll turn of his TV and he’ll start surfing the Internet. As he’s surfing the Internet, he’s
gonna’ see an ad for raw chocolate and he’s gonna’ click that ad and the ad will take
him to David Wolf’s website. And on the website, Vito will read an article about the
benefits, the health benefits of raw, unsweetened chocolate. He’ll be so excited that
immediately he’ll order 572 pounds of the raw, unsweetened chocolate and then he’ll
wait for it to arrive at his house.

When it arrives, he’ll call his doctor and say “Doctor, I just ordered all this raw chocolate,
unsweetened, is it okay if I eat it?” And the doctor will say “Sure, Vito, raw, unsweetened
chocolate is actually perfectly healthy. No problem.” Vito is gonna’ grab a big handful
immediately and shove it in his mouth and eat it, but then he’ll spit it out, (inaudible)!

He’ll spit it out, because it will be so bitter. Raw, unsweetened chocolate is not sweet,
it’s bitter, but Vito will realize that this is his only chance to eat chocolate and not die
from diabetes at the same time. So every day he’ll continue trying to eat the raw,
unsweetened chocolate.

He’ll try and he’ll try and he’ll try, until after three weeks, he’ll finally develop a taste for
it. He’s finally gonna’ learn to like raw, unsweetened chocolate and when that happens
his whole life changes. He loses weight. He gets healthier and, eventually, totally gets
rid of his diabetes. So, of course, he’s gonna’ be really, really happy, very healthy and
he’ll have a great long life.


And that’s the end of our third version of the story.

Now, as always with these point-of-view stories, do not analyze the grammar. Don’t be
thinking oh, let me see. That was the present perfect and then he switched to the past
perfect right there. Oh and then now he went back to the simple past, blah, blah, blah.
Do not think about that stuff, okay? It doesn’t help you. It just makes your thinking

All you need to do is just listen carefully to each version. Just notice how certain words
change. Sometimes I add words for time so that you understand the meaning, you
know, since, as. Those kinds of words give you clues about the time and then with those
words, you’ll notice changes. Usually the verbs, especially, will change and that’s all you
need to notice.

You don’t need to think about what the grammar term is because that’s just gonna’ slow
your thinking. All you need to do is listen repeatedly to these stories every single day.
For 30 days you’re gonna’ listen to the same versions of these stories so they become

They go deeper into your brain every time you listen to them, especially when you listen
carefully and notice the changes. Just notice. Don’t think about the changes, just notice
them and after one month, two months, three months, you know, these versions of the
stories get stuck in your brain and you start to feel, not think about, you feel correct
English grammar.

And then, eventually, after you feel it, after a few more months, you’ll start to use it more
correctly and it’ll just get better and better and better the more you listen to these point-
of-view stories and the main mini-stories too and everything else, but especially those
two. So that’s all you gotta’ do. Listen to them every day and enjoy them.

Okay, I’ll see you again next time, bye-bye.

Mental Cleaning VIP - Commentary
Hello this is A.J. Welcome to the commentary for ‘Mental Cleaning.’ Now in the
commentary, of course, I talk more about the main topic. Now this month’s topic, Mental
Cleaning, it’s very important and in many ways it’s probably the first step to achieving
happiness and success in all different parts of your life. It’s really the first essential step.

See, the problem is, if you don’t do this step, you’re trying to add strong positive stuff on
top of a lot of negative stuff. So, for example, if you’re still watching a lot of TV, watching
a lot of movies, reading a lot of magazines or a lot of just kind of entertainment books,
then you’ve got so much negative stuff coming in. Then if you go out and you try to add
positive stuff to that, which is good, of course, and fine, but the problem is that the
positive stuff gets diluted, right? It’s only a small percentage of the total mental input
you’re getting.

Let’s say you love listening to these VIP Lessons and every month you get some kind of
inspiring and challenging message and you listen to that maybe one hour every day.
That’s great. The problem is if you’re listening to negative stuff or trivia, trivial things, like
sports, for six hours every day then, clearly, you’re getting, still, much more negative,
trivial stuff, then positive and, therefore, those positive messages are not going to be as
strong in your mind. They’re being diluted. To be “diluted” means to be weakened by. So
they’re being diluted by, they’re being weakened by all of that negative stuff that you’re
still bringing into your mind.

And, you know, I don’t know, some people think it’s a conspiracy, like an evil plan to
make people unhappy and weak. That that’s why there’s so much negative stuff in the
media. And other people think that well, no, it’s just capitalism. You know, that’s what
sells. Negative stuff sells better. The truth is it doesn’t matter. I mean, practically, for you
in your life, it doesn’t matter why it’s happening, it’s just the truth is that the mental
media environment in the world is extremely negative and trivial.

So it’s either negative, which meaning, you know, oh, you’re hearing about murders and
wars and all this terrible stuff or you’re getting messages, these kind of implied
messages, these subtle messages that are giving you negative beliefs or it’s just trivia,
you know like pop starts and celebrities and what they’re doing and all that gossip.
Men like to, you know, criticize that sometimes. You know, criticize women who are
interested in all of that and yet men have their own trivia. It’s called sports. They’re so
worried about whether Manchester United won this week or not. It’s trivia. It doesn’t
Now, I’m not saying that you have to totally eliminate that from your life forever. If you
enjoy watching football sometimes fine, but you know you need to realize that it’s just
trivia. It doesn’t really matter. It doesn’t matter who wins the World Cup. It doesn’t
at all. What matters is you and your life, your happiness and fulfillment, your friends,
your family, your health, your learning, your growth as a person.

These are the central most important things and, yet, we get distracted from those
things and spend so much time focused on all of this media stuff -- stupid little TV
shows, movies, sports events, gossip, pop music, whatever. It’s endless. It’s

Now maybe you say well, A.J. that’s normal, that’s what most people listen to and do.
That’s right, it’s true. Do you want to be normal? Before you answer that question, you
need to think, really, about what is normal. In my experience traveling in many different
countries in the world, I’ve seen that the normal adult has very little energy, is working a
job that is kind of boring to them, has mediocre relationship – boyfriend, girlfriend, wife
or husband – mediocre friendships and, generally, an uninspiring mediocre life where
they just follow the rules that other people give them. That’s normal.

I know you’re not normal, because you joined this VIP Program and this VIP Program is
not for normal people. I mean Effortless English, in general, is not for normal people. If
you just get my email course for free, already you’re not normal. You’re gonna’ be a little
different. If you watched that video and you signed up for my email course it means
you’re already a little different.

If you then went and bought my lessons, my regular lessons, then you’re definitely not
normal. You want more from life. And if you joined this VIP Program, you’re just plain
crazy and I mean that in a very good way, crazy in a good way. Meaning, you want to
have a great, extraordinary, amazing life. You don’t want a normal life where you sit
around watching TV six hours a day. I mean can you believe that statistic?

Every time I read these statistics about the number of hours that the average person
watches TV, it’s always like six hours or eight hours and I always think how can they do
it? I mean where do they find the time? I couldn’t watch TV for eight hours a day, even if
I wanted to. I’m too busy doing other things. I mean I don’t know how people even do it
and, yet, that’s what all these studies show.

Six to eight hours a day, a day, is the normal amount of TV that normal people watch.
Six to eight hours of depressing news, stupid situation comedies, trivial, stupid, usually
fairly negative reality shows, celebrity gossip, trivial sports events. If you fill your mind
for six hours a day with that junk there’s no way you’re going to have an incredible,
extraordinary life full of energy and motivation and success and happiness. No way.
That’s just the reality.
Sometimes we have realities in life or in the world that we don’t like, but they’re still real
and the key to success, the key to being positive, the key to being a leader is not
denying these things, it’s recognizing them and then choosing a different way to
respond to them.

I mean plenty of people complain about all the negativity on TV and, yet, they keep on
watching it. That’s not a very effective strategy. Plenty of people whine and complain
about negative people and negativity in general and claim they want more positive
news, oh, they should have more positive stories on the news, yet they keep watching
the news.

Well, you’re not passive. You’re not a child. You don’t have to wait for the big guys at the
big company to feed you this stuff, go find it. There are plenty of incredible, powerful,
inspiring, positive stories out there, books, videos, audios, real-life people that you
meet, so many. Go find them. Collect them. Listen to them. Watch them. Get to know
them. That’s how you transform your life completely and totally change it. It all starts
with the mind. It all starts with what you put into your brain. Everything matters.

Now people will say oh, A.J., no, it doesn’t matter. It’s just trivial, it’s not important.
Exactly. If you put trivial, unimportant things into your brain you’re going to create trivial,
unimportant thoughts in your mind, which will produce a trivial, unimportant life. Yes, it’s
that powerful. So you gotta’ really be careful about this. Most people are not careful
about what they allow to come into their brain. They just passively accept whatever the
media gives them and that is a recipe for mediocrity, unhappiness, weakness,
frustration and failure in all parts of your life.

So I know I’m sounding quite tough this month. I’m doing it because I feel that this is a
topic that requires toughness, because you’re going to go against your culture and your
society and against the normal mainstream global culture and society. You can be
normal or you can be happy, extraordinary and wildly successful. You can’t be both.
Extraordinary people are not normal by definition. By definition, to be extraordinary, to
live an amazing life, means you’re no longer normal.

So I don’t care what country you live in, what society you’re in, it’s time to decide to be
abnormal, different, to go against the mainstream normal society in which you live,
because that mainstream normal society is a society of mediocrity, a society of
negativity, a society that whines and complains and judges other people, a society full of
trivia and unimportant ideas and gossip.

This is hard for some people, easy for others. For me it’s easy. I’ve always had a
rebellious streak. I’ve always enjoyed being very individualistic and I always have
listened to my own voice most of all and trusted myself more than I’ve trusted anyone
else. You have to develop that same power in yourself, the same belief in yourself.
That’s really what this is about.

Really that’s what this is about. It’s about trusting yourself more than anyone else. It’s a
common theme here in the VIP Lessons. If you look deep into these lessons you’ll find
this message, which is trust yourself. You know better than anyone else how to live your
life, how to be happy. You know your own dreams better than anyone else. You are the
expert of your own life.

You don’t need some religious expert to tell you how to connect with your spirit or God
or the Universe or however you want to view it. Some priest or expert telling you or guru
telling you and you have to submit to them and they’re the authority. That’s bullshit. No
other human being has any better connection to that then you do. You’re as human as
anyone else. You are the expert of your own life and your own spirit.

It’s the same with business. I know so many people who are so afraid to start their own
business because they think oh, I’m not a businessperson. I’m not an expert. And some
of these people actually will go to experts oh, tell me what to do and then they just
follow their advice without really thinking, without learning and developing themselves
individually and then their business fails and they blame the expert. Well, I did what you
said and it didn’t work, right?

They follow that mainstream thing and they go out and they write a 100-page business
plan and they borrow a lot of money and they follow that mainstream thing that all the
experts tell them to do and it’s usually a recipe for disaster. It’s usually not very good
advice for a whole lot of people.

Instead, you need to trust yourself. If you want to go into business for yourself, trust
yourself, just do it. Just start it and do it and learn as you go and, of course, yes, learn.
Read books like crazy. Get audios. Get tapes. Read like crazy, but don’t just find one
expert, one authority and follow them blindly. That’s crazy. It’s madness. It’s this way in
all parts of your life.

So what you’re doing this month with the mental cleaning is you’re taking back control of
your own mind, because when you give your mind six hours a day or more to the
popular media – TV, movies, music, magazines, etc., newspapers – you’re giving your
mind to them. You’re giving control of your own thoughts and your own mind and your
mental programming, you’re giving it to them. You’re opening it up and saying here, tell
me what to think. Feed me ideas and beliefs.

You need to be responsible for your own mind and to do that the number one step, as
we said in the video, is turn it off. Just turn it all off and look at your own mind, see what
happens. Turn it off for a month and take a look at your beliefs. Take a look at the
thoughts that keep coming up into your head all the time. Notice those feelings that
come up a lot when you’re alone and you’re not distracting yourself with media. They
might be powerful, strong feelings, they might be negative. It might be loneliness, I don’t
know. It’s different for everyone, just learn about it. Learn about yourself.

That’s the first step. Turn it off. Take responsibility for your own mind and then the
second step is to become proactive. Not passive, proactive. That means you go out and
you look for and select the kind of input you want to put into your brain. You choose it
consciously. You’re not passive, just turning on the TV and anything that comes into
your brain you accept it. No. That’s terrible. Instead, you turn all that stuff off and then
you go looking for things that will give you the kind of thoughts, the kind of beliefs and
the kind of strength that you want in your life.

In my own life, for example, you know, I love Tony Robbins. I love Tony Robbins just
because his messages, in fact, are so powerful and positive. He has very motivational,
inspiring messages. He also teaches a lot of very practical, useful, psychological tools
for achieving success. Very, very positive, so I go out and I select Tony Robbins’ audios
or videos or whatever and I feed that to my brain frequently.

I have always done this with books since I was very young. I go out, I’m looking for
books, not to entertain me, not just some stupid, you know, fantasy novel or mystery
novel, I’d read those when I was a little kid, but now I’m an adult and I’m looking for
something that’s going to feed my mind in a very positive way, that’s going to give me
examples and stories and techniques and methods and beliefs that will help me feel
more powerful and confident and happy.

So I’m constantly reading those kinds of books and, in fact, those are the only kind of
books I read any more. That’s all I read. I don’t read fiction anymore. I’m not interested
in being entertained like a child. I read books full of inspiring, powerful ideas, positive
ideas. So you gotta’ do this. You gotta’ build up your own library of powerful, positive,
inspiring media and then just feed yourself that.

Oh, I get excited about this topic. Initially it seems like it’s a difficult challenge. Oh, my
God, I gotta’ change all my habits. Maybe that’s true, but once you do it this creates so
much power, so much energy, so much confidence, so much success in your life you
won’t believe it. You will not believe the difference after six months of doing this. Your
whole life will totally and completely change. You will begin to have successes that you
never imagined were possible.

Things that seemed so difficult to you in the past will become so easy. Problems that
seemed impossible will suddenly seem obvious and easy to solve. Your bad moods that
you had so frequently in the past will become much, much less frequent. Fears that you
used to have will go away, they’ll just disappear. This is the benefit of doing this mental
cleaning process and then staying with it – making it a lifetime habit.

So I’m telling you, the rewards are huge. Any doubt you have, any discomfort about this,
just forget about it because when you finish doing this the power you get will be
incredible. It’s absolutely amazing. It will change every single part of your life for the

So you already know what to do this month. You know your homework. For one month
you’re gonna’ cut all media, completely, 100%, no more and then the second month
you’re gonna’ add very specific, chosen, positive messages – audios, videos, books.
Then get on our member forums and share the incredible results and they will be
incredible. You won’t believe it. This will transform your life. It will change everything.
Your life will never be the same after doing this.

All right, have a great month my VIP. I’m so excited that you’re gonna’ do this, because I
know that this is going to make you so much happier and your life is gonna’ be so much
better. I feel happy knowing that I’m encouraging you to do that.

So have a great month and I will see you again next month, bye-bye.
“You will speak ENGLISH powerfully
and fluently using my EFFORTLESS
ENGLISH system”
-AJ Hoge

..the author of “Effortless English: Learn To Speak Like A Native” of “The Effortless English Show” with over 40 million downloads worldwide.
..trainer of corporate leaders, government officials, and most importantly people like you to speak English successfully.
..creator of the Effortless English teaching system and the highly successful Power English course.

Imagine the best new ideas and research from experts all
over the world used in a totally new kind of English
lesson. Wouldn’t that be exciting? You have never used
English lessons like these!

Learn Naturally and Playfully Like a Child

Never Study Grammar Rules
Learn With Your Ears, Not Your Eyes
Learn Spoken Grammar With Fun Stories
Learn Actively By Answering Simple Questions
Emotional Lessons That are Memorable

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