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Republic of the Philippines


Tacloban City




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SEPT. 19, 2023
Table of Contents

I. Induction ………………………………………………………………………………... 1
a. Background ………………………………………............................................... 1
II. Importance of Construction Management ………………………………………...…...1
III. Standards in Construction Management…………………………………………….… 2
a. Professional Development Standards…………………….................................. 2
b. Ethical Standards……………………………...................................................... 2
c. Technical Standards ……………………………………………………….…….3
IV. Challenges and Opportunities in Construction Management........................................4
a. Challenges ……………………………………………………….….. …………..4
b. Opportunities……………………………………………………….……………4
V. Conclusion ………………………………………..............................................................5
VI. References ………………………………………..............................................................5
I. Introduction

a. Background
Management science originated in the early 1900s in the United States, with
application in the construction industry beginning in the 1950s after World War II.
In the 1960s, the second age of high-rise structures arose, resulting in the global
appeal of high-rise constructions. This trend raised the complexity of construction
management and resulted in the development of long-span construction, which
aided in the growth of industrial management (“Evolution of Construction
Management From 1960s to Today - 1399 Words | Research Paper Example,” 2022).
Lam (2018) stated that in the 1970s, new sorts of contractors and developers
began investing in open-market land and abandoned industrial zones and structures,
demonstrating the need of international cooperation. Construction managers have
to design and follow set collaboration principles and regulations while taking into
account a variety of issues.
Construction management is a professional service that involves task and
activity oversight and control during the construction phase. It covers all critical
parts of the construction process, including its schedule, cost, quality, function, and
safety, and is often handled by a Construction Manager (CM). This solution is best
suited for large-scale construction projects like industrial facilities, commercial
properties, transportation infrastructure, and other capital projects.

II. Importance of Construction Management

a. Efficient Resource Allocation

Efficient resource allocation, including personnel, materials, and
equipment, is critical for controlling costs and maximizing production in
architectural projects.
b. Cost Control
Construction management assists architects and project stakeholders in
keeping costs under control by monitoring budgets, discovering cost-cutting
options, and avoiding waste.
c. Quality Assurance
Quality control procedures in construction management ensure that
architectural designs are executed precisely and that the desired level of quality is
d. Timely Completion
To ensure that architectural projects are completed on schedule, effective
project scheduling and coordination are critical in construction management.
e. Risk Mitigation
Risk assessment and mitigation procedures are used in construction
management to predict and handle possible difficulties that may develop over the
project's lifecycle.

III. Standards in Construction Management

a. Professional Development Standards
Construction managers in the Philippines must engage in continual
professional development to maintain high professional standards. This includes
the following:
i. Education:
Attending workshops, seminars, and courses to stay current on
industry trends, technologies, and laws.
ii. Certification:
Pursuing certification through organizations such as the PICM and
CMCI to confirm one's construction management knowledge.
iii. Networking:
Building professional contacts and networks within the construction
sector to facilitate collaboration and knowledge exchange is referred to as
b. Ethical Standards
Ethical norms in construction management are critical to preserving the
profession's integrity. Construction managers must follow a code of ethics
developed by the Philippine Institute of Construction Management (PICM) and the
Construction Management Certification Institute (CMCI). This code includes the
following principles:
i. Professional Integrity:
Construction managers should be honest and transparent in their actions,
avoiding conflicts of interest that could jeopardize the project's goals.
ii. Safety and Welfare:
Prioritizing the safety and well-being of workers and the general
public is a core ethical imperative.
iii. Professional Competence:
Construction managers must keep their skills and knowledge up to
date in order to perform their jobs properly.

c. Technical Standards
The best practices and rules for construction management in the Philippines
are defined by technical standards. They cover a variety of components of the
construction process, such as:
i. Project Planning:
Project planning is the creation of complete project plans that take
into account scope, time, cost, and risk management.
ii. Quality Control:
Quality control is the process of ensuring that building materials and
workmanship satisfy defined standards in order to create a high-quality
finished result.
iii. Risk Management:
Risk management is the process of identifying, assessing, and
managing risks connected with building projects in order to reduce
disruption and cost overruns.
iv. Sustainability:
Sustainable methods, such as green building design and waste
reduction, are used to reduce the environmental impact of construction

IV. Challenges and Opportunities in Construction Management

a. Challenges
i. Project Delays
Delays in construction can be caused by a variety of circumstances,
including inclement weather, design revisions, or supply chain delays,
resulting in increased costs and frustration among stakeholders.
ii. Budget Overruns
Overspending is a prevalent issue in architecture projects,
sometimes due to unanticipated costs or faulty cost estimation.
iii. Scope Creep
Unmanaged scope changes or additions can cause project scope
creep, resulting in delays and budget overruns.
iv. Safety Concerns
In construction management, ensuring the safety of workers and the
general public is critical, with deficient safety measures leading to accidents
and significant legal penalties.
v. Environmental Impact
Construction projects can have serious environmental
consequences. Sustainable materials and practices, for example, are
examples of effective construction management solutions for mitigating
these effects.

b. Opportunities
i. Infrastructure Development:
The government's "Build, Build, Build" program, as well as private-
sector investments, provide several chances for construction management
ii. Adoption of Construction Technology:
The use of construction technology such as Building Information
Modeling (BIM) and project management software can improve efficiency
and productivity.
iii. Sustainability Initiatives:
As public awareness of environmental issues grows, construction
managers will have more opportunity to work on environmentally
beneficial projects.

V. Conclusion
Construction management is a dynamic industry in the Philippines that is critical to
the country's development. Adherence to ethical, technical, and professional development
standards is critical to the success and long-term viability of construction projects. Despite
the hurdles, the sector provides several chances for professionals to contribute to the
progress of the nation through efficient and ethical construction management methods.

VI. References

• Construction Management Standards of Practice | Construction Management

Association of America. (2021). Retrieved from


• Evolution of Construction Management from 1960s to Today - 1399 words |

Research Paper example. (2022, September 9). Retrieved from



• Fieldwire. (2023, July 7). Top 5 challenges for construction project managers.

Retrieved from


• Jacobs, J. (2023, August 7). 6 Benefits Of Construction Management Services In

2023. Retrieved from




• Lam, H. (2018, July 20). The Evolution of Construction Management: 5

Disruptive technologies that could change the game | RIB CostX. Retrieved from


• What is Construction Management | Florida Tech. (n.d.). Retrieved from


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