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Writing coursework, especially for GCSE Citizenship, can be quite challenging.

It requires thorough
research, critical analysis, and effective communication of ideas. Students often struggle to find
reliable sources, understand complex concepts, and meet stringent formatting requirements.
Moreover, balancing coursework with other academic and personal commitments can add to the

If you're feeling overwhelmed or unsure about your ability to produce high-quality coursework,
consider seeking assistance from professionals. ⇒ ⇔ is an excellent option to
consider. They offer tailored coursework writing services that can alleviate your burden and ensure
you submit a well-researched and polished assignment.

By outsourcing your coursework to ⇒ ⇔, you can benefit from the expertise of
skilled writers who are well-versed in the subject matter. They can help you navigate challenging
topics, refine your arguments, and adhere to the specific guidelines provided by your instructor.

Additionally, using ⇒ ⇔ allows you to free up valuable time that you can allocate
to other important tasks or activities. Whether you need assistance with research, writing, or editing,
their team of professionals can provide the support you need to excel in your GCSE Citizenship

In conclusion, while writing coursework can be daunting, ⇒ ⇔ offers a

convenient and reliable solution for students seeking assistance. Don't hesitate to reach out to them
for support with your coursework needs.
You may also want to check out our very popular AQA GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Lessons, Assessments,
Revision guides, trackers and work booklets. HCSE represents the views of senior hospital medical.
She typed up things to go on the presentation and helped in all aspects of the presentation. I voted
when it was required and this helped make a valued decision on the issue that was going to be done
and the way of supporting it. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our
reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it Report this resource to let us
know if it violates our terms and conditions. Then I put the obtained data into graphs explaining
people answers to collect our follow-on research. Provide information that public may not be aware
of Using free press from democracies. She then showed me around the premises, and introduced me
to the members of staff that I would be working with. Through this double lesson, students are
given information packs and use these to create revision games in order to test both themselves and
other students on exam content. This bundle includes practice exam questions, revision guides,
activities. All these have been selected as stand alone activities from my Citizenship GCSE lessons
and can be printed out and given as a 12 page revision guide which students can use at home, or
printed individually and set as revision homeworks. Public Services:Services that are directly run by
the Government. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?4.91 (no
rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?4.91 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later
Last updated 19 October 2023 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through
linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest Cre8tive Resources Shop 4.36 977 reviews
Not the right resource. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only
customers who have downloaded this resource can review it Report this resource to let us know if it
violates our terms and conditions. All the resources are editable (so easy to adapt further for your
classes if you want to). Empty reply does not make any sense for the end user Submit reply Cancel
Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. Designed to help support
potentially struggling students by providing a renewed focus on 100% exam revision for OCR GCSE
CITIZENSHIP 9-1. All the resources are editable (so easy to adapt further for your classes if you
want to). Answer sheet will add up automatically every time you give a mark by clicking a tick and
translate this at the end into a 9-1 grade, a % correct and raw score and will let you and the student
know how many marks they were off the next grade. ? Answer sheet will automatically input marks
into a student self assessment reflection grid ready for analysis. Public enquiry which looks at the
ethics of the British Media. The lesson goes through all the different modules, how they are assessed
and introduces many of the new key terms and concepts students will be covering over the course.
Worth every penny and will help your students succeed. The PowerPoint and worksheets are in the
ZIP file as there's a lot of content. The objectives and aims of this project were to assist the Year 4
pupils to continue and enhance their education by using creative and enjoyable teaching methods.
Also we did not think that an email would be appropriate so we sent a letter. Homework tasks
Targeted Intervention groups Peer assessment criteria for timed essay practice Self-assessment criteria
for timed essay practice Teacher assessment at the end of a unit Revision for exam technique for
GCSE Citizenship. A Huge periodic table display of all the elements that make up. Ethnicity:
Involved in a particular racial or cultural groups. I have often considered becoming a teacher, so I felt
that working in a school would help me decide whether that was the career path I should be going
down. Also includes an exam question generator (with answers) for the one and two mark questions.
This document covers all of the terminology, clearly explained in illustrated, plain language in a book
that any student can just pick up and study from. However, due to news websites changing content
regularly you may need to update the article links yourself if you find a link does not work anymore
on an intervention sheet. The computer made it possible to easily construct the pie charts in a matter
of minutes by inputting the data onto the software. It also highlights key information the exam
boards are looking for the students to undertake and understand. A Huge periodic table display of all
the elements that make up. This resource will also help students create or join an existing campaign
that will produce a positive outcome for a group of people in the community or wider society. Why
not join our Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group, with almost 4000 other teachers, for
guidance, advice and resource sharing. Teach-Mee 6 years ago report 5 Empty reply does not make
any sense for the end user Submit reply Cancel Report this resource to let us know if it violates our
terms and conditions. These are fully adaptable templates that can be used to help students structure
their written responses to both source based analysis questions and evaluate the statement 8 mark
questions. All have been created by an experienced Citizenship teacher and AQA marker. She typed
up things to go on the presentation and helped in all aspects of the presentation. See other similar
resources ?2.00 5.00 1 review BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for.
Teachers can mark work digitally by clicking tick boxes and typing in marks awarded and adding
comments and feedback. Then we thought of ways it affects people, the causes of it, who’s affected
by it and the ages and stages we are going to present it to. During the planning stage we did
encounter some problems; such as that inevitably, as we only had one hour at Earls Hall including the
journey times, there was clearly not enough time to complete all the tasks that were required. Elma
tackled her role very well and offered to do extra work whenever she had the time to do so. I think I
contributed well throughout out Citizenship activity. My mother, several members of staff and I and
to fill out a couple of forms which were then sent to Trident, who would check the placement to see
if it was safe for me to work there. All scripts and marking included - Come in editable format if you
wish to amend. Regional: Related to a particular region or a country. Please note: All links provided
should work as of Jan 2019. You may also want to check out our very popular AQA GCSE
Citizenship 9-1 Lessons, Assessments, Revision guides, trackers and work booklets. The leaflet also
gave us the space to present our ideas clearly and with graphical impact. I felt that my contribution in
many of the activities made it easier for my colleagues and subsequently affected the outcome of the
activity, as they all went very well. Designed to help those students who struggle with all the
renewed focus on 100% exam for AQA GCSE CITIZENSHIP 9-1. These resources have been
designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow. Everything that Elma was asked of got done
and she made valuable comments in the meeting and when she voted. Unleashing the Power of AI
Tools for Enhancing Research, International FDP on. Interactive Activity Advent Calendar for Upper
Primary students or KS3 Students. Empty reply does not make any sense for the end user Submit
reply Cancel rajsah770 4 years ago report 5 Empty reply does not make any sense for the end user
Submit reply Cancel Jeanwaller 4 years ago report 5 Empty reply does not make any sense for the
end user Submit reply Cancel Summergrl18 4 years ago report 5 Empty reply does not make any
sense for the end user Submit reply Cancel Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms
and conditions.
However, due to news websites changing content regularly you may need to update the article links
yourself if you find a link does not work anymore on an intervention sheet. Unleashing the Power of
AI Tools for Enhancing Research, International FDP on. Another hassle was to research and only put
in relevant information on the topic as I normally found myself discussing areas off topic so I had to
go back to redraft certain parts of the presentation. These are fully adaptable templates that can be
used to help students structure their written responses to both source based analysis questions and
evaluate the statement 15 mark questions. We gave the students active roles so that they would
remember things better; we gave them leaflets and handouts were given to them as a constant
reminder of what we talked about. Suitable for GCSE Citizenship 9-1 easily adapable (all editable
formats). Increases support for businesses The long term projects may not be completed. All have
been created by an experienced Citizenship teacher and AQA marker. Our customer service team will
review your report and will be in touch. ?9.90 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?9.90
(no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 11 January 2023 Share this Share
through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through facebook Share through
pinterest Cre8tive Resources Shop 4.36 977 reviews Not the right resource. GCSE Citizenship 9-1
Revision and Intervention sheets for AQA Theme 3: Politics and Participation. They have been
created using the Edexcel Pearson 9-1 spec and based on the Edexcel assessment materials and mark
schemes. Also includes an exam question generator (with answers) for the one and two mark
questions. Discrimination: To recognise and understand someone’s differences. Use this interactive
Christmas themed stylish advent calender to spread Christmas cheer among your students. A press
not restricted or controlled by Government censorship. Please note: All links provided should work
as of Jan 2019. I wanted to set up a breakfast club in the morning with the intention that students
would be getting healthy in addition to feeling more motivated whereas Elma wanted to create a
lunch menu with healthier choices and then put them on display for sale. Write a review Update
existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. The other two exam boards
(AQA and EDEXCEL) are more prescriptive in what campaigns they like to see with a focus on
local and national and less on international reach. It also highlights key information the exam boards
are looking for the students to undertake and understand. Multi-culturalism: Different ethnic
background coming together. Once distributed, the leaflets may even end up being read by many
more people that the person it was handed to, widening its impact still further. I had the job of
typing it up and giving it to the relevant person. In the tasks that I did, I gave 100 percent and I tried
to make sure that everything was done to the best of my ability. See other similar resources ?24.90
(no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. Write a review
Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. Please leave a
review if you found this product useful. By restricting the answer set, it was easy to calculate
percentages and put them into a pie chart. The puzzles, bonus questions and challenges are a fun way
to assess a topic or subject area. Most people will view the poster from two to four feet away, so
large fonts, and enlarged photos enhanced the readability.
We will hand out lots of leaflets so people will not forget what we have said. Equality diversity and
rights in health and social care. It also lets people know that we live locally and we care enough
about our cause to be giving it to them and putting them through the doors of the students. Most
mornings I would clean the children’s cup and then fill them with water. Advantages of giving Aid
Disadvantages of giving Aid. This is a Student Booklet, showing teachers and the students
EXACTLY what the exam boards are looking for from the 15% Active Citizenship element (now
examined in the final test at the end of the course.). If I had been more organized then I could have
added these things on before. Not perfect spelling, but great for quick revision. Another problem I
encountered was when one child told me that another child had hit them, when in the playground.
Get this resource as part of a bundle and save up to 75% A bundle is a package of resources grouped
together to teach a particular topic, or a series of lessons, in one place. All the resources are editable
(so easy to adapt further for your classes if you want to). I therefore feel that I made a positive
contribution and reduced the work load for my colleagues. Here are just a few suggestions to get the
most of this revision aid. I took on the task of writing out the agenda and giving it out to the
members in the group so that everyone in the group had a copy of what was said and what the
decisions were. Furthermore, as pupils can take our leaflet home with them, it means they have more
time to absorb to our message and to keep a visual reminder of it. Candidate with the most votes
becomes MP; the party with the most. Conflict between the interests of employers and employees.
For example, questions asked orally are usually phrased differently from those written down.
Citizenship GCSE 9-1 Unit for Politics and Participation (Theme 3). This was so that everyone
agreed and everyone was happy. Homework tasks Targeted Intervention groups Peer assessment
criteria for timed essay practice Self-assessment criteria for timed essay practice Teacher assessment
at the end of a unit Revision for exam technique for GCSE Citizenship. As no one could decide on
one thing, as everyone wanted something different, we decided to collect money and to promote the
idea. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who
have purchased this resource can review it Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms
and conditions. In essence, the posters will allow people to quickly get an overview of our research.
However, due to news websites changing content regularly you may need to update the article links
yourself if you find a link does not work anymore on an intervention sheet. OCR Knowledge
Organiser OCR Exam and Assessments Topic 1 OCR Exam and Assessments Topic 2 OCR Exam
and Assessments Topic 3 OCR Revision and Intervention Full course Campaigning Student
Resources British Values Quiz. Merry Christmas! Hide replies Empty reply does not make any sense
for the end user Submit reply Cancel helpfromunion 4 years ago report 5 super. I had the job of
typing it up and giving it to the relevant person. This revision guide took many many hours to create.
In order to obtain accurate relevant information, we have to give some thought to what questions we
ask, how we ask them, the order we ask them in, and the general layout of the questionnaire.
For centuries immigration has bought many different people to the UK. They have been created using
the Edexcel Pearson 9-1 spec and based on the Edexcel assessment materials and mark schemes.
Employees will feel valued?Work harder and more effectively. Questionnaires have advantages over
some other types of surveys in that they do not require as much effort from the questioner as verbal
surveys. Discrimination: To recognise and understand someone’s differences. Made for AQA, but all
editable and covers the vast majority of Edexcel and OCR content too. AQA Complete Revision and
Intervention Package Campaigning Student Resources GCSE Citizenship 9-1 Revision Quiz. All
have been created by an experienced Citizenship teacher and AQA marker. The meals on the menu
had to be chosen to be likable as well as healthy so that students would eat them. European
Commission? Appointed by the Government of Not everyone agrees? Also included - an interactive
exam practice question generator. This covers - Justice, Law, Courts, Public Services, Media, Free
Press, the Economy, Public Services and Spending, source questions, exam practice generators,
homework revision sheets. As no one could decide on one thing, as everyone wanted something
different, we decided to collect money and to promote the idea. Homework tasks Targeted
Intervention groups Peer assessment criteria for timed essay practice Self-assessment criteria for
timed essay practice Teacher assessment at the end of a unit Revision for exam technique for GCSE
Citizenship. See other similar resources ?10.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not
quite what you were looking for. Inappropriate questions, incorrect ordering of questions or bad
questionnaire format can make the survey valueless. Our customer service team will review your
report and will be in touch. ?24.90 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?24.90 (no rating)
0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 16 August 2023 Share this Share through email
Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest
Cre8tive Resources Shop 4.36 977 reviews Not the right resource. Write a review Update existing
review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. On my first day I was informed of
the tasks I would be doing that day and introduced to all the children. The layout of the leaflet
needed to be thought out very carefully as I had to include a great amount of information but yet
still make it look spread out overall so it wasn’t cramped up. Elma spoke in the presentation and
helped hand out things when she was needed. I thought that the posters were very much easy as I
only had to combine the many important elements to both attract the viewers and clearly convey the
information about healthy foods. A patent gives anowner the legal right to stop others. Whilst
staying after school one day I worked with Elma to design the presentation and I typed up things to
go on it. As I enjoyed my work experience so much I have decided that I would like to become a
teacher when I am older, therefore all the skills that I have gained during my work experience will be
used again in the future and could make a significant impact on the way I work etc. Write a review
Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. The pack covers all
themes of the AQA Spec (and therefore largely the same content as Edexcel and OCR - but this was
created for AQA). Hospital Consultants' and Specialists' Association. All these have been selected as
stand alone activities from my Citizenship GCSE lessons and can be printed out and given as a 12
page revision guide which students can use at home, or printed individually and set as revision
homeworks. I then spoke to both children, telling them that hitting was wrong, and if there were any
more problems then I would have to take them to their class teacher.
It also highlights key information the exam boards are looking for the students to undertake and
understand. Here are a few examples: International and Domestic conflicts Campaigning and Active
Citizenship Courts and Sentencing Powers GCSE Citizenship Revision 9-1 Quiz. We felt it would
also be the best way of getting our message as well as information across to all the pupils at the same
time, therefore saving a lot of time via being less time consuming. Why not join our Citizenship and
PSHE teachers Facebook group, with almost 4000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource
sharing. This was so we could see how much they had taken in. Could be used with Cre8tive
Resources Revision and Intervention Packages, Marking Assessment Grids or Knowledge
Organisers. Also they would not have had some of the ideas that I put forward on what to include on
the poster and the presentation. Equality diversity and rights in health and social care. This bundle
includes practice exam questions, revision guides, activities. Other pupils may find that our project is
aimed at them, coming from a young perspective of the issue and in that way it becomes very much
more effective. In our group we had to communicate efficiently to make sure that our task was
completed. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?4.91 (no rating)
0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?4.91 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last
updated 19 October 2023 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through
linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest Cre8tive Resources Shop 4.36 977 reviews
Not the right resource. Intervention and revision materials for EDEXCEL Theme B: Democracy at
work in the UK. Over the time of my work experience I learned many new skills that I may not have
learned, if I hadn’t done the work experience. We chose this because we felt that problems with our
diets are an issue affecting the majority of the population, such as ourselves. In the end we both
realized that both ideas had just as important reasons so we joint them together to get their benefits.
As a group then we voted on the issue we were going to do and then we brainstormed all the
different ways which we could help. Designed to fit Ofsted criteria for' Good' or above. The pack
covers all themes of the AQA Spec (and therefore largely the same content as Edexcel and OCR -
but this was created for AQA). In essence, the posters will allow people to quickly get an overview
of our research. These are fully adaptable templates that can be used to help students structure their
written responses to both source based analysis questions and evaluate the statement 8 mark
questions. We felt it was a good idea to do this then we would get an idea of different peoples views.
During the planning stage we did encounter some problems; such as that inevitably, as we only had
one hour at Earls Hall including the journey times, there was clearly not enough time to complete all
the tasks that were required. Candidate with the most votes becomes MP; the party with the most.
Immigration: Coming in to a country or different area. The pack covers all themes of the AQA Spec
(and therefore largely the same content as Edexcel and OCR - but this was created for AQA). The
Advent Calendar works on a “click the date and play style” set up. We then had a view over the
different qualities of the group. We then showed this presentation to the whole class and the other
children seemed to enjoy listening and seeing our photos and speeches. The knowledge we gain from
this project will help us to look after our health and well-being and understand ways of promoting
health and well-being for others, this then spreading to a wider range of people in the school and

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