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by: Erica Lynn Red ( CalyLeocadia)

II- BSED English

In a world filled with doubt and fragile hearts, there lived a young girl named Emily. Her days
were spent in the sterile halls of the hospital, where she fought a relentless heart disease that
had cast a shadow over her life. As the weight of her illness pressed upon her, Emily found
herself losing hope, her spirit dimming with each passing day.

One fateful afternoon, as Emily sat alone in the hospital courtyard, a young man named Daniel
entered her world. He too was a patient, fighting his own fight against a very haful illness. Their
paths intersected, and an invisible thread connected their hearts.

"Mind if I sit here?" Daniel asked, his voice filled with a mixture of extreme tiredness and

Emily looked up, her eyes meeting Daniel's. She gave a weak smile and gestured for him to join
her. "Of course, please."

As they sat side by side on the bench, their eyes reflected a shared understanding of the
struggles they faced. The garden, with its gentle breeze and blooming flowers, became a
sanctuary where they could momentarily escape their sickness.

"I never thought I'd find comfort in a place like this," Emily confessed, her voice mixed with tiny
bit of vulnerability.

Daniel nodded in agreement. "Life has its way of surprising us, doesn't it? But you know, despite
everything, I still believe in the beauty of this world."

Emily's eyes sparkled with a small amount of hope, something she hadn't felt in a long time.
"What is it that keeps you going? What are your dreams?"

Daniel's gaze turned distant, as if he were looking into a world beyond their present
circumstances. "I dream of traveling the world, of experiencing different cultures, and making a
difference wherever I go. I dream of a life filled with laughter and love."

Emily's heart swelled with admiration for Daniel's unwavering spirit. "Those are beautiful
dreams. I wish I could have dreams like that."

Daniel turned to her, a gentle smile gracing his lips. "You can. You can dream of a future
beyond these walls, a future where your heart beats with joy and possibilities."
From that day forward, their encounters in the garden became a regular event. Emily and Daniel
shared their deepest thoughts about life, their dreams intertwining like delicate vines. They
found comfort and strength in each other's presence, offering support and encouragement.

Weeks turned into months, and Emily felt the warmth of a friendship she had never anticipated.
The garden became a place of laughter, where their dreams danced and their spirits soared.
But one day, as Emily arrived at their meeting spot, Daniel was nowhere to be found.

Panic gripped Emily's heart as she searched the hospital corridors, desperately seeking a
glimpse of Daniel's familiar face. She discovered that he had been transferred to another ward,
separated from her by a cruel twist of fate.

As Emily's own condition worsened, she received the news she had been waiting for – a donor
had been found, and she was scheduled for a life-saving heart transplant. Amidst the whirlwind
of emotions, she longed for Daniel to know, to share the hope that now coursed through her

Days turned into nights, and Emily waited anxiously for Daniel's return. But he never appeared,
leaving her with a sense of longing and unfinished business. She held onto the hope that one
day, somehow, their paths would cross again.

Finally, the day of Emily's discharge arrived. It was her birthday, a day that held both celebration
and trepidation. As she stepped through the threshold of her home, an old woman approached
her, holding a letter in her trembling hands.

"Emily, my dear, I have something for you," the old woman said, her voice gentle and filled with
wisdom. "Take this letter and read it when you're with your parents. It holds an important

Emily accepted the letter, her hands trembling with a mix of anticipation and sadness. She
thanked the old woman, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears.

"You take care of that new heart, my dear," the old woman whispered, pulling Emily into a warm
embrace. "It carries the love and hope of someone special."

As the old woman left, Emily's heart twisted and flowed with a blend of emotions. She opened
the letter and began to read the words that spilled across the page.

My dearest Emily,

Today, as you read this letter, my heart is beating within you. It is a gift I offer you on this special day, not only because it is
your birthday but also because it is mine. You see, dear Emily, I am your donor.
From the moment we met in the hospital courtyard, our lives intertwined in ways neither of us could have imagined. Our
shared struggles, hopes, and dreams formed a connection that went beyond our physical presence. In you, I found a good
friend, a guiding light in the darkness of our circumstances.

As time passed, our friendship blossomed, and the garden became our sanctuary, a place where we could momentarily escape
the walls of our illnesses. It was there, amidst the blooming flowers and gentle breeze, that I realized the depth of my feelings
for you.

But fate had other plans. A cruel twist of destiny separated us when I was transferred to another ward. The days without
you felt empty, and a piece of my heart longed to be reunited with yours. Little did I know that our paths would come together
once again, in the most extraordinary way.

As my own condition got worse, I received news that a heart had been found for you, a chance at a new life. My heart, dear
Emily, would beat within you, granting you the opportunity to live, to fulfill your dreams, and to experience the joys that life
has to offer.

On this day, our shared birthday, I offer you this heart as a symbol of my love and sacrifice. It is a gift beyond measure, a
testament to the bond we created in the face of difficulty. With each beat, know that my love for you goes beyond time and

I want you to cherish this gift, to nurture it as you would a fragile bloom. This heart carries not only the physical essence of
life but also the love and hopes we shared. It is a reminder that you are never alone, that I will forever be a part of your

As you start on this new chapter of your life, I beg you, Emily, to grab every opportunity that comes your way. Embrace the
world with open arms, just as we dreamed of doing together. Pursue your passions, explore new beginnings, and make a
difference in the lives of others. Live a life filled with laughter, love, and purpose.

Remember, my dear, that you are loved beyond measure. The echoes of our friendship, our shared dreams, and the moments
we treasured will forever resonate within your soul. Carry me with you as you travel safely through the tapestry of life, and
know that I am forever thankful for the connection we shared.

On this day, as you celebrate the gift of life, remember that it is intertwined with the gift I have given you. I am with you,
always, in every beat of your new heart.

With all my love,


Emily's tears flowed freely as she read Daniel's heartfelt words. He had chosen his own birthday
to offer her the final gift of love and sacrifice.
As Emily finished reading the letter, her heart swelled with a mixture of grief and gratitude.
Daniel's love had become a part of her, and she promised to honor his memory by living a life
that embraced his dreams and wishes.

Days turned into months, and Emily began a journey of healing and self-discovery. She
enrolled in college, surrounded herself with friends who became her pillars of support, and
explored the world with newfound cheerfulness. Every step she took, every smile she shared,
was a testament to the love that had been given upon her.

And as she experienced life's joys and challenges, Emily carried Daniel's spirit within her,
cherishing the gift he had given her. She took care of her new heart, not only for herself but also
for the person who had loved her unconditionally.

In the years that followed, Emily's story became one of resilience and hope, touching the lives of
those she encountered. She dedicated herself to advocating for organ donation, spreading
awareness, and sharing her own story of love and healing.

And whenever she looked up at the stars, Emily whispered words of gratitude to Daniel,
knowing that his heart beat within her, guiding her towards a future filled with beauty and
possibility. On her birthday, she celebrated not only her own life but also the life that had been
intertwined with hers, forever grateful for the precious gift she had received.

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