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Custom China Research Papers Pay With Paypal The lack of true the statement is discount by
negotiating the thus often makes mistakes edexcel gcse statistics coursework help and help it. A
stratified sample is needed as I am comparing boys with girls and so need the correct proportions pf
each year group. This means that the inter-quartile range will be further spread. I think that in Boys
School case the boys make a better improvement than the girls. If according to the mean, the year
group that has the highest attendance would be the Year 8. If I have a chance to do this coursework
again, I would like to do it using the full data to make it more specific and possibly use other graphs
and diagrams to display the data. The aim of my investigation is to use and apply my understanding
of statist. If according to the mean, the year group that has the highest attendance would be the Year
8. I think that this counts for both girls and boys.” To prove this I will use a correlation graph and
also spearman’s Rank Correlation. Therefore people in Year 11 have larger feet than people in Year 7,
and this is numerically proven by the means that I calculated in both the grouped and raw data cases.
I will be using the SAT’s levels as the main source for my investigation. Below is how to work out
the variance and standard deviation in step-by-step. I believe that as a student becomes taller their
weight will increase; due to this assumption I expect a graph of weight and height to show a rising
trend. This will affect the students’ weight regardless of their height and gender. That year eight
boys will be smaller than year nine boys 4. So, I do not believe that the age of the students affect the
attendance at school. However, we do guarantee that our team will do whatever it takes for your
academic success. The first spearman's rank I calculated was between the boys. To investigate my
hypothesis I used a scatter diagram (see graph). Following this I opened it in a excel document and
began to order. It is a well rated school for its grades it achieves, it is one of the best Boys School in
the whole of the U.K. We study Statistics during the whole of Year 10. I found this length of time to
be easier as I would only have to times the result by 2. The only problems I can oversee are those
which are included in the secondary data. I think the attendance figures of the students at Hamilton
totally depends on the students’ environment and maturity in terms of their understanding of the
importance of their attendance figures at school (e.g. for future reference when their career year
approaches). To find out the mean of the raw data, you add all of the height values together and
divide by the amount there are. I predict that there will be a weak positive correlation between the
two, because if you have large wrists you are likely to have large thumbs as well. The data which I
selected was supposed to be every 6 th person, but some pieces of data was missing on the sheet, so I
had to choose the one below, and start counting every 6 th person again. In this coursework I
describe a statistical activity based on the estimatio. In all of the graphs, diagrams and tables, I could
clearly see that the Year 8 attendance figures has always been the odd one out by being the most
It will also ensure better coverage of the population than simple random sampling, although it will be
more complex to organise and analyse results. On my scatter graphs there were three cars that
showed up as anomalies as they were further apart from the rest of the data because of this I
repeated my scatter graphs for every hypothesis. I will be investigating whether the age of the
students affects their attendance figures at school and does it affect their learning and exam results
as well. Although there maybe some problems and anomalies with this sample because someone
maybe away, someone maybe blind or have eye problems and someone might be handicapped. By
doing the standard deviation I am then able to see the Normal distribution for each year and also
compare them with each other and see much more clearly which year group have a higher attendance
figure. According to recent research undertaken by the Company, it shows that, in clothing, Mark
and Spencer has a clear lead over all its major competitors in the key areas of fit, quality, trust,
breadth of range and customer service. But for those who are not an independent learner and still get
wonderful exam results, they might concentrate hard in lessons when they are actually in school and
absorbs everything that they learn. It will also achieve greater precision than, for example, random
sampling; therefore because it provides greater precision, a stratified sample often requires a smaller
sample, which will avert wasting unnecessary time. I will do this using the method of stratified
sampling. A Normal distribution is a perfectly bell-shaped curve that shows where the three averages;
mean, median and mode coincide by using the line of symmetry. I could use Primary data, this is
data which you collect your self either face to face interview or some sort of a questionnaire. There
are many things which need to be kept the same and precautions to take so the data I get is accurate.
I, therefore, predict that my results will produce a pattern which shows that boys weigh more than
girls. The median for the male set of data is 165, and for the female set of data it is 163. That year
seven girls will be smaller than year eight girls 3. The data which I selected was supposed to be every
6 th person, but some pieces of data was missing on the sheet, so I had to choose the one below, and
start counting every 6 th person again. This could be shown much evidently by using the box and
whiskers diagram. This can be proved as well if you were to take a look at our schools Results and
another mixed school boys results, I think that our results would be a considerable amount higher
than the Boys from a mixed school. With these results I will calculate the Product Moment
Correlation Coefficient of the data to determine if there is a correlation, and whether the correlation
is significant. The actual length of the bamboo stick is 1.58 metres. As 351pieces of data would be
too big to sample, I am going to random sample 50 pieces of the data for each year. The highlighted
cells with the bold numbers are the new set of data (this is a stratified data). This grouping enabled
me to produce the following table. However, the students’ appreciation of the importance of their
attendance figures does and this is why (in my opinion) the attendance figures vary between
students. The year group that has the most consistent attendance was the Year 8 with an interquartile
range of 9.3333, while the Year 9 have the widest range of attendance as it has an interquartile range
of 16.0457. Another interesting factor is that the Year 7s and the Year 11s again, have the same
interquartile range of 11. This could be shown much evidently by using the box and whiskers
diagram. I expect the less able pupils’ mean improvement to be lower than the more able pupils’ as
more able pupils will have improved more. Table and statistics from the graph was copied from
autograph and placed below. When this topic is statistics, the above seems to be a lot. To get a better
picture on who did better I will also now work out the Modal average. A Year 7 pupil could have a
100% attendance figure just like a Year 11 student and it doesn’t have to relate to age at all.
The thing is, despite the order numbers, we strive to provide an individual approach to every eager
client. I think that in Challney High Schools case the boys make a better improvement than the girls.
Systematic sampling is a regular pattern which is used to choose the sample. But, there are some
students, who do not come to school as often as they should but still get good results (“naturally
clever” as people would say it). The median for the male set of data is 165, and for the female set of
data it is 163. So, because of this, the formula that I will be using will be this. The lowest value
which appears on the box plot for males is 30KG and the highest is 75KG, giving us a range of
45KG. This will prove whether attendance have an effect on their exam results or people who get
good results are just naturally clever. The unreliability of the data can be proven by looking at these;
many values are missing and in some cases there appears to be two people with the same name.
Therefore, my hypothesis stating that on average, children in year 7 will have smaller feet than
children in year 11 has been proven correct. I will be selecting ever 2 nd record working from the top
of my spreadsheet then going downwards, until I have 50 pieces of data. By using a scientific
calculator, I will use the RANDOM button to randomly select 20% of the total attendance figures in
the particular year. If according to the mean, the year group that has the highest attendance would be
the Year 8. However, even though, the Year 8 holds the title for the lowest attendance, the year
group’s median is 88.8, which is still quite high. I will be using 50 pieces of data from the sample for
the testing of each hypothesis. I assumed that in years 7-9 girls will generally be taller than boys- due
to the fact girls tend to grow faster than boys during the early stages of development. I also think
that this would be the opposite in any other school.” This proves what I thought, that the boys will
make a better improvement from their Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3 mark. If I got the same number
twice, I would do the process again to get a different number. Our experts provide consultation
services and samples and do not encourage students to use them for submission. After all, your
outstanding performance is our bread and butter. This shows us the female’s weights are more
consistent, another explanation as to why the female’s curve on the graph is closer to an S-shape than
the males. Share all assignment related issues with experts and get instant solutions. So, basically
overall, I think the attendance of the students does affect their learning and exams results. Post a
reading report on this discussion board forum answering the following questions: 1. If you'd like to
try for the writing position, please, contact our support representatives for further instructions via the
preferred channel (Live Chat, Messenger, phone, email). I will investigate the data in my sample and
the graphs, stating whether it supported my hypotheses or not. Primary data, collecting it my self or
secondary data, using already collected data. I will be investigating whether the age of the students
affects their attendance figures at school and does it affect their learning and exam results as well.
Repeat this 26 times for set 1 to get set 1’s data. I will compare my results and findings with any
published secondary tables or graphs available.
However, these results could be bias as it was based on a random sample (20%) of the raw data and
not the whole raw data itself. Here are some of the important conclusions which show this. I
collected my data using random sampling because after having looked at stratified sampling I
decided it wasn’t the best choice as the sets all have around the same number of people. If you need
an undergraduate-level essay for college, you don’t need to overpay for a Ph.D. degree-holding
expert. I going to choose 4 different classes for the year 11 year group, the year 9 year group, and
the year 7 year group. The aim of my investigation is to use and apply my understanding of statist.
However, even though it seems like the Year 11 GCSE students tend to come to school much more
often or supposed to attend school everyday than the Year 7s, to me, this doesn’t have any relations
with age at all. This proves my hypothesis regarding the age affecting the attendance is not true. I
was correct. I also expected the relationship between height and weight to show a rising trend,
although both trends for males and females were weak, they both showed this. It would also be
inconvenient going to the girl’s school and getting the results from each girl. I will ignore these rows,
as they may be genuine errors, to increase the precision and accuracy of my investigation. It is
evident that the distribution of the female’s box plot has a thinner peak than the males attributable to
the simple fact that the box of the female’s weight is far thinner than the males’. I can work out that
the radius for the Year 11 pie chart is the square root of 2.19825, which is 1.48cm (to 3 sig.fig.). I
used my computer to construct these pie charts. Males Graph 1 Graph 2 This graph shows slight
positive correlation. For simple random sampling, I could have given every record an assigned
number, and then used a random number generator to select them, ignoring any repeated numbers. In
addition the sampler has created a person in each set of data twice. Following this I opened it in a
excel document and began to order. For simple random sampling, I could have given every record an
assigned number, and then used a random number generator to select them, ignoring any repeated
numbers. This has been done in the tables above, and the outliers have been highlighted. The bell
shaped curve has the highest point is in the middle of the curve where the line of symmetry (the
mean) while smoothly curving symmetrical slopes on both sides of the centre, which makes it looks
like a bell. I will be selecting ever 2 nd record working from the top of my spreadsheet then going
downwards, until I have 50 pieces of data. The median for the male set of data is 165, and for the
female set of data it is 163. This would be the case for most of the students, I am sure that would be
the case for me. The higher the standard deviation the more spread out the curve is. You can easily
get a sample for yourself by registering yourself on our website. Boys did make a better improvement
then the Girls. For stratified random sampling, I could have used a field such as gender or Year to
split the overall data into groups, and selected the same amount of records from each group. The
means that I calculated both prove my hypothesis that boys would be, on average, taller than girls
correct, however the difference in both cases is only 2cm, which is less than what I expected.
Reading was a heavy component in elementary school, and my mom and I would take weekly trips to
Starbucks where we would sit in the nice, comfy chairs and read for as long as we wanted to. To find
the upper quartile value, I need to find value that is.
This has been done in the tables above, and the outliers have been highlighted. Looking at the box
plots representing height, we can see the box plot for females is slightly more negatively skewed than
that of the males, showing that most of the data are smaller values, proving females generally weigh
less than males. I think that this is because our school is an all Boys school, if it was a mixed school
I do not think that the boys would have made a better improvement than the girls. By using standard
deviation, I can also use work out its Normal distribution. They beat the boys mean mark by 0.15. It
is not much of a difference but still means that the Girls did better than the boys. It was decided not
to keep these as it would give 4 anomalies so I removed them from the list. The highlighted cells
with the bold numbers are the new set of data (this is a stratified data). A histogram with equal
intervals is a frequency diagram (only the height of the bars vary), however, a histogram with
unequal intervals, the area of each bar is proportional to the frequency of each class and the height of
the bars are based on the frequency density. That BMI of boys will be higher than that of girls
Sampling I have chosen to sample 50 boys and 50 girls from a total 813 students, which is roughly
16 students from each year group. This has been done in the tables above, and the outliers have been
highlighted. If I timed holding the thermometer, then the result in the temperature could be wrong,
as the green liquid in the thermometer may not stop moving. However, I think these extraordinary
students must have another form or way of learning when not at school (the student might be an
independent learner for example). The more calculations used will, in my opinion, enhance the
reliability and understanding of the investigation and results, I will calculate the distribution,
standard deviation and variance. Are you looking for Statistics Coursework Help UK that offers
quality at affordable rates. So, basically overall, I think the attendance of the students does affect
their learning and exams results. Probably none of the above as it will reflect on your scorecard and
college appointments. If I have a chance to do this coursework again, I would like to do it using the
full data to make it more specific and possibly use other graphs and diagrams to display the data. For
stratified random sampling, I could have used a field such as gender or Year to split the overall data
into groups, and selected the same amount of records from each group. Graphs like the normal
distribution curves are ever so important in these type of investigation especially because the graph
itself summarise so many vital information such as the. Nevertheless, it would be unreasonable to
calculate the Spearman’s rank by using the whole of the raw data. However, here again we could see
that the Year 8 has the lowest median by looking at the middle line within the box compared to the
other diagram and the Year 10 and 11 are the top two medians. For stratified random sampling, I
could have used a field such as gender or Year to split the overall data into groups, and selected the
same amount of records from each group. We ensure that the instructor or teacher's opinion or note is
taken care of. The girls’ heights are more concentrated around 170cm, and the boys are mainly spread
150-180cm. For example, if I had chosen to look at eye colour and hair colour my analysis would be
limited and therefore my investigation may be imprecise. Should you just send an undercooked and
ill-prepared research report to the professor. Also I would like to link all of the results in a much
clearer way. To find the upper quartile value, I need to find value that is. However, you can also see
that there are some outliers, so I am going to find out the outliers by the following calculations. They
also have worked a lot with rulers so they know the approximate length of 30cm and 15cm lines.
This, despite it being on a small scale, can show us females are generally taller than males in the
earlier stages of development. As you can see some of the results in table above is rather amazing,
because all of the year groups have a median above than 80. To find the upper quartile value, I need
to find value that is. It is used to find the extent to which two sets of data correlate. According to
recent research undertaken by the Company, it shows that, in clothing, Mark and Spencer has a clear
lead over all its major competitors in the key areas of fit, quality, trust, breadth of range and
customer service. This has been done in the tables above, and the outliers have been highlighted. This
is evidence to suggest that my first hypothesis is correct. Well, there is only one company that can
distribute on all fronts. I would not be able to do too many because it would become too hard. In
conclusion, I feel that I have successfully investigated the various statistics from the school census
and have come to the conclusions shown in my investigations above. Its flexibility, combined with
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affordable for students from all walks of life. To do this I will calculate the mean, median, mode and
range of each set of data and use these values to calculate the inter-quartile range and the standard
deviation to show the spread of the data. Also, during the ranking, I will be able to see clearly
whether my hypothesis regarding the important relations between attendance and the exam is true or
not. Therefore, my hypothesis stating that on average, children in year 7 will have smaller feet than
children in year 11 has been proven correct. I am doing it this way to ensure it isn’t biased, and also
it is quick and easy. This could be shown much evidently by using the box and whiskers diagram.
Students who comes to school often or everyday, to learn, tend to improve and have much better
exam results than those who don’t. Hypothesis. That year seven boys will be smaller than year eight
boys 2. Important Statistics Coursework Topics Covered By Our Experts A Glimpse Of Statistics
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Statistics Coursework Writing At Sample Assignment For The Following Reasons. I will analyse all
of the data in a more depth by doing standard deviation and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient
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professional. The median excludes all of these extreme figures within the data and only takes in the
true middle average of the data. I will remove these outliers from my data table and use the
remaining data to test my hypotheses in the ways shown below. It is a better choice in my case, I am
sure that you would agree. This being because the girls have already started growing up physically
and mentally. Normal distributions are sometimes described as bell shaped. It will also achieve
greater precision than, for example, random sampling; therefore because it provides greater precision,
a stratified sample often requires a smaller sample, which will avert wasting unnecessary time.
Stratified sampling is used when there is a large amount of data that is needed to be process. That
year eight boys will weigh less year nine boys 8. I will do this using the method of stratified

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