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birthday gift In Islam, we aren't allowed to

I'm sorry, but I feel celebrate our birthdays

uncomfortable because our beloved Prophet
receiving your gift Muhammad never celebrated
his birthday. The fact that our
since it goes against
It’s my friend’s our personal beliefs
prophet never encouraged
celebrating birthdays, we, as
birthday! I’ll go and practices. Muslims, should avoid
It's your
and give her a celebrating birthdays.
gift. Happy

It's okay! Next time, I

We always celebrate
would like you to think
birthdays in my
before you do something Again, I'm
religion, so I
assumed other
to prevent such sorry, and I It’s okay! I Okay!
situations from
religions did, too. I'm happening again. hope you'll forgive you. Let's go to your
sorry I guessed and
be able to favorite restaurant
made you feel that
later, my treat for
way. forgive me.
being making you

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