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Writing coursework can be quite the challenge, especially when it comes to subjects like GCSE

Physical Education. It involves a lot of research, analysis, and, of course, putting your thoughts into
coherent words. Sometimes, the pressure can be overwhelming, and that's where a little help can go
a long way.

If you find yourself struggling or feeling the time crunch, seeking assistance from professionals
might be a wise move. ⇒ ⇔ is one such option that could make the process
smoother for you. Their experts can provide valuable insights, guidance, and even take the load off
your shoulders, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your academic journey.

Remember, asking for help doesn't mean you're not capable. It just means you're resourceful and
understand the importance of producing quality work. So, why not give it a shot? Your coursework
experience might just become a whole lot easier!
For goal defence I need to be able to move easily around the court. The fitter you are the lower your
resting heart rate becomes. For goal defence I need to be able to move easily around the court. Firstly
we started to look at the basics of learning how to spin pass, tackling and also how to spiral kick.
Thanks, Miss Butterworth Hide replies Empty reply does not make any sense for the end user Submit
reply Cancel InclusivePE 4 years ago report 5 This must have taken ages. This is also why people
from Kenya and high mountainous environments are exceptional at long distance and endurance
events. And to improve the programme I think I would try to find another source of motivation to
keep me going. It is found in foods like meat and dairy products. You need to hold this stretch for
10-15 seconds and repeat if necessary. Your neck should be stretched because in badminton the
shuttlecock usually goes up high and you will need to make a sudden move with your neck muscles
to see where it is going so that you can hit it back to the opposition. You repeat this motion as many
times as you can for the given time. After each exercise and circuit a rest period is used unless an
advanced trainer is training, in which case there is no rest time. For her passing she needs to
continuously practice only passing when stable on the ground, practice of passing the ball really
quick, within the 3 second time allowed. Write a review Update existing review Submit review
Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. You need to keep well motivated so that don’t get bored. A
stronger and healthier muscle responds better to exercise and activities and helps prevent athlete
injury. In totals my heart rate decreased by 13 beats per minute. It would be no good to you if you
can make good doges but your muscles were not strong enough for you to make them, causing you
either injury or a failed movement. I will obviously use my arm and legs, but I use also in different
shots etc, different parts of my body. Lie flat out and bend your knees, placing the sole of your feet
on the floor. These can be static assisted (standing still while leaning on something) or dynamic
(stretches while moving such as lunges). The fitness plan did cover most things but it was hard to
think what I was doing sometimes when I was planning for the lesson, and the fitness plan. After we
have stretched off properly I will play a game called bull dog this game is really easy to play and
enjoyable as well so how you play is two people (bull dogs) have to stand in the centre of the gym
and shout out one of the persons name and what the person does is shouts out proper loud bull dogs
so every one has to go from one end of the gym to the other without getting caught and if you do get
court your a bull dog as well so this means that the last man standing wins. For example, I learned
that gender, age, motivation, and cost all affect performance in their own different ways. This is
reversibility because the reverse affects can start to happen. I did this to ensure that I was pushing my
body to the limit so it could adapt to it and so I could improve my performance. In a session I will
work for 1 hour and complete 3 circuits in this time. When warming up, it would be a good idea to
do it with another person to make it more interesting. To ensure no injuries, the individual who will
be participating in sport will need to warm up and cool down as outlined in the project. If a balanced
diet isn’t followed throughout the training programme then it is possible that I could feel sick and
therefore not participate in the training session as a result.
It’s you telling yourself whether your performance was good or bad. And if I can do it faster, then
this means using free weights is a good way of warming up. I felt I felt more motivated by the sheet
more one week to maybe the next, depending on how well I thought I did and how much I had
improved by. I noticed a slight change in my netball playing of more strength than suppleness and I
was quicker off the mark at a centre pass and also I felt I was quicker at dodging and either marking
or getting free from the opposition. I didn’t do these stations because they would create more injury
for my already injured ankle. I might sound a bit ambitious but I feel if I put the time and effort into
this I can get much better than I am now. I feel my strengths in match situations are.. Speed - I am
very quick and am good at getting up the pitch to help with forward moves. They are split up into
two categories; simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. This will help to improve the
movement in your arms and will help prevent injury whilst taking part in physical activity. Then we
need to make sure that we progress and develop out training. Nov 2011 Edexcel ? GCSE Physical
Education Dubai British School 2011-2012 Writing a Personal Exercise ProgrammeBefore we start
exercising or. Nervous System Key Terms (Anatomy, Biology) ? 1.60 (0) kstrick92 FitDeck Fitness
HIIT Workout PE Lesson ? 2.50 (0) Page 1 1 2 3 1491. Apr 2016 A blank PEP (Which can be
modified and added too) combined with a PEP work booklet which provides Work and research are
then transferred into the blank PEP as coursework EDEXCEL GCSE PE 2009 onwards EVERY
EXAM QUESTION EVER SMART plan example to use to aid learning. Centre midfielders are
needed all over the pitch so they need a bit of everything in their play. PRICING These guides are ?6
each with a minimum order of 10 (schools). Firstly we started to look at the basics of learning how to
spin pass, tackling and also how to spiral kick. Reach towards the mid section of your back, using the
opposite hand to increase the stretch and support for the elbow. But because I have chosen tennis this
will mean that I have to train all of my body. Tes paid licence How can I reuse this? Reviews 3.5
Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. So if this is done
correctly, a lot of ground has to be covered. An example of this training in football would be: jogging
at a steady rate for 20 minutes or more. The other type of midfielder is not necessarily very big and
strong but is very agile and creative, good at passing and very skillful. The ability to produce co-
ordination movement is necessary for the successful performance of sporting skills. This is when you
have 3 distances that you run but you decrease the amount of reps you do as the distance increases.
In my warm up for each session there are two designated stretch points around the warm up area.
What you do it run towards the box with a ball whilst a defender charges you down. After we have
stretched off properly I will play a game called bull dog this game is really easy to play and
enjoyable as well so how you play is two people (bull dogs) have to stand in the centre of the gym
and shout out one of the persons name and what the person does is shouts out proper loud bull dogs
so every one has to go from one end of the gym to the other without getting caught and if you do get
court your a bull dog as well so this means that the last man standing wins. Lie flat out and bend
your knees, placing the sole of your feet on the floor. You can change the time spent doing each
station, the number of repetitions on each station and the rest period between stations or at the end
of the circuit before you begin again. Your 1 repetition maximum (1RM) is the heaviest weight you
can lift once, for example if your 1RM was 100kg for a certain exercise and you were training for
muscular power then you would lift 60-80kg 10-15 times and repeat at least three times.
For this week I took an estimate of the distances and the amount of reps that I had to do for my
interval and Fartlek training as I would need to be able to add more reps over the 6 week period.
This is reversibility because the reverse affects can start to happen. My results show that my
improvement rate varied from ach different activity, for example I improved rather rapidly and
dramatically on the dorsal rises, whereas on the sit-ups it was a slow start and then a sudden peak at
the end of the programme. P.E. GCSE Short Course-Coursework: Training Programme. Heading is
one of my weaknesses so I want to improve it so it it can give me an advantage when the ball is in
the air. This will also increase my stamina if I do it often. Also just before we started this fitness
programme I sprained my ankle quite severely and therefore as you will see later I didn’t’ take part
on a couple of the exercises because it was important I didn’t stress my ankle in any way whilst on
the way to recovery. On other occasions a central midfielder is found behind his teams last line of
defense if necessary. A flexibility training session should last about 20 minutes, in this time there are
a number of different types of stretching that can take place. Somatotype can affect performance
positively or negatively as certain body types are best suited for certain events, for example a
ectomorph somatotype will positively effect the performance of a basketball player as they need to
be tall. This may take a lot of time and effort and can result in making the chosen sport too expensive
and not accessible. So the heart rate is an indication on how hard you are really working. This type
of training is suitable for anyone looking to improve their fitness. Around January February time I
injured my back and hamstring. Nov 2011 Edexcel ? GCSE Physical Education Dubai British School
2011-2012 Writing a Personal Exercise ProgrammeBefore we start exercising or. This is due to the
improvement in cardiovascular endurance, which was also one of his weaknesses. If this muscle gets
injured it would take a long time to heal and would make any position uncomfortable so it is very
important to stretch this muscle and all the others very well in order to keep in good health. I used
two rest days in the week so my body could recover and so training could be effective. Sana would
like to maintain a similar exercise routine on a weekly basis so she can continue to progress as she is
particularly pleased with the results. I don’t think I would need to adapt the fitness programme but I
may gain more from it if I did the programme after I had recovered fully from my injury. Lastly, I
should have my chin facing slightly upwards. This happened to me twice and it is also the other
reason for me to practise these shots. In general, a balanced diet is important but by changing the
amounts of each nutrient eaten, a diet can be adapted to have specific results for a sportsperson
training for a specific event. I will then identify 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses and describe 3
practices that will improve his weaknesses. There were specific exercises for each so that the target
was met. This is when you have 3 distances that you run but you decrease the amount of reps you do
as the distance increases. It’s you telling yourself whether your performance was good or bad. In this
piece of GCSE PE coursework, the sport I will be using is football. As we were doing it inside in a
sports hall the weather didn’t need to be taken into account. After this there is another important
body part that needs to be stretched and that’s my arms. Stretching of my arms will take 20 seconds
so it is 10 seconds for each arm after this I will start to stretch my legs and that will take 30 seconds
so its 15 seconds for each leg.
Then we need to make sure we overload or we won’t improve. Your recovery rate is the rate at which
your heat beat returns to normal. There are a lot of variables you may want to change depending on
the fitness of the people doing the circuit. Bend one knee and take your leg over towards the
opposite side of your body. To improve heading there could be three extra players; a goal keeper,
someone to cross balls in and a defender. These weaknesses are speed endurance and coordination.
Writing on the back of the sheet how we thought that we had don’t that week was a good source of
motivation and it really helped on the weeks where I wasn’t so motivated to actually see how I had
felt the week before. These are the factors that affect the rate of recovery. I had picked up a few
pulled muscles on this circuit as well, basically due to the overloading of my body. First a player
would cross the ball in and I would be trying to win the header and header at goal, the job of the
defender is to win the ball and the goal keeper’s job is obviously to save it. This also helps to
increase the muscle temperature, allowing for a more effective static stretch. It will cause your
muscles to adapt and therefore you will adapt. In this practice you use something bigger than a credit
card, as the gap shouldn’t be as small as it is with your left arm and left side of the chest. All this
contributes to pre venting serious injury whilst the physical activity is taking place. There are a
number of ways of doing this, from short through passes used to supply the forwards to long forward
passes from the edge of my own penalty area for the forwards to chase. I tried my hardest very week
but was somewhat put off my the pain in my ankle in some of the more strenuous activities which
meant that I wasn’t as focused or a s motivated as I could have been and therefore wouldn’t have
obtained accurate results. Martin did have a weakness in flexibility, which has now improved
dramatically. If an athlete has a good healthy diet this can benefit their performance drastically. This
stops injury from occurring and helps to improve physical fitness gradually and over time. It also
helps in the recovery of the muscles and heart rate and other tissue through the removal of waste
products. Natural ability and skill alone will not be enough to compete at the highest level, where
specific fitness is essential. You need tactics and to be able to move agilely and with strength. My
physiological view of the programme will affects this because if I am more motivated one week than
the next then it will affect my results and they will become less accurate. By doing this you will
make sure that the next morning when you wake up you won’t be sore or stiff due to the build up of
muscle lactic acid. To show this clearly and to also show how this is going to work I will be
explaining each station on its own. I might sound a bit ambitious but I feel if I put the time and
effort into this I can get much better than I am now. Keep your knees together and your head in line
with your spine whilst performing this exercise. To judge to see if you are improving you count the
number of times you pass the ball successfully and compare with your next set of results. I plan to
spend at least half an hour on each session working at a moderate to high intensity. Bend one leg
aiming to put your heel on your buttocks.
School: Sports played: Specialist subject: GCSE PE; Identified Sports Activity: Level played ?The
development of a personal exercise programme is central to the NB Relate each of these FITT
principles to your own sport, give examples. And then afterwards we will be carrying out the same
test in order to see how much we improved over the duration of the fitness plan. Shuttle runs is a
very good type of exercise for games players as it specific to the nature of the sport. Then for another
15 minutes, pass 60 metres apart. Session 1 was used as a baseline session, to find out the number of
repetitions I was capable of achieving for each station. There are many stretch types that I can do but
firstly I have to start the stretching from my neck down to my legs which means I will firstly stretch
my neck I can do this by doing some movements such like if you turn your head from right to left or
if you face up and then face down then you will start working your muscles. Take leg (a) and place
one foot on the knee of the opposite leg (b). There are a number of training methods that I could
follow that would enable me to improve my speed. One is to prepare mentally for the exercise we are
about to do and to get our minds in the correct state to carry out the necessary physical exercises.
Explain how your training will progress each time and how you will be working harder. 5 marks. It is
essential at the end of training sessions to reduce the risk of injury by overstretching a muscle. By
doing this you will make sure that the next morning when you wake up you won’t be sore or stiff
due to the build up of muscle lactic acid. There are a few ways in which we can do this for example
we could go for a light jog or a brisk walk. On the Monday I took both my fitness tests and recorded
both of the results. For this assessment I gave myself 4 out of 10, as there are clearly areas that need
to be improved. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your
happiness. I felt that it did what it was supposed to do and that’s all that really mattered. It also helps
in the recovery of the muscles and heart rate and other tissue through the removal of waste products.
I used two rest days in the week so my body could recover and so training could be effective.
However although Sana’s shooting is not perfect I feel with sufficient practice she will be a good
attacker as she is good at getting free for shots. We had the choice of which two we would like to
improve, we had the choice to do both strength and suppleness or stamina and speed. P.E. GCSE
Short Course-Coursework: Training Programme. Also working your muscular, respiratory and
cardiovascular systems. It is helping to improve your timing, co-ordination and balance. My heart
was beating at the same rate at the end of session was as it was the much more intense exercise after
session five. The warm up includes running around the designated area and stretching at designated
stretch points. If you are working at about 60% of your maximum rate then you are probably
working aerobically and anything round about 90%, then you are working anaerobically. Pull the
legs apart until you can feel a pull across the inner thigh. It will cause your muscles to adapt and
therefore you will adapt. By this I mean if you have a long-term injury it can affect your play as
when you have recovered finally you may not be as strong and have to start back at basics to regain
the strength in that area. It is suitable for all sports and can almost be designed to improve any aspect
of fitness including speed.

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