DU Questions A 14-15

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XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq 2014-2015 10.

mgvb fi wewkó wZbwU LÊ A, B, C `woi Øviv wP※⁆ cÖ`wk©Z

mgq : 1 N›Uv 30 wgwbU (ýmU ýKvW- 1) cŔY©gvb: 120 iƒ※c mshy³| L⁁ C, F ej Øviv Uvbv n※j m¤•ŔY© e¨e¯řvwU Z¡wiZ
c`v_©weÁvb (Physics) nq| Nl©Y D※c¶v Ki※j L⁁ B Gi Dci ýgvU ej n※jvÑ(Three
1. `yBwU ýf±i A  3.0ˆi  3.0ˆj Ges B  5.0ˆi  5.0kˆ Gi ga¨eZx© blocks A, B, C of equal mass M, are connected by
ýKvY KZ? (What is the angle between two vectors strings as shown. Block C is pulled to the right by
A  3.0ˆi  3.0ˆj and B  5.0ˆi  5.0kˆ ?) a force F that causes the entire system to
A. 60 B. 30 C. 45 D. 90 accelerate. Neglecting friction, the net force
2. GKwU KYv 2.0 e¨vmv※a©i e‾⁃vKvi c※_ cÖwZ wgwb※U 30 evi acting on block B is:)
AveZ©b K※i| Gi ˆiwLK ýeM KZ? (A particle moves 30
times per minute in a circular orbit of radius 2.0 A B C
m. What is its linear velocity?)
A.  ms–1 B. 2 ms–1 C. 4 ms–1 D. 0.5 ms–1 A. 0 B. F / 3 C. F / 2 D. 2F / 3
3. dv※ibnvBU ý¯‹※ji ýKvb Zvcgv⁆v ýmw›U※MÖW ý¯‹※ji cv※Vi wZb¸Y? 11. GKwU bjvKvi Zvgvi Zv※ii ýiva R| AvqZb mgvb ýi※L
(Which temperature of Fahrenheit scale is three ZviwUi ˆ`N©¨ wظY Kiv n※j cwiewZ©Z ýiva KZ? (A
times larger than that in the centigrade scale?)
cylindrical copper wire has resistance R. It is
A. 160 B. 80 C. 320 D. 40
4. GKwU Zwor wØ※cv※ji Rb¨ Zwor※¶⁆, `ŔiZ¡ r Gi mv※_ wKfv※e deformed to twice its original length with r.o
cwiewZ©Z nq? (How does the electric field due to an change in volume. Its new resistance is)
electric dipole varies with distance r from the dipole?) A. 2R B. 4R C. 8R D. R/2
A. r–1 B. r–2 C. r D. r–3 12. GKwU ýPŠ¤^K ý¶※⁆i j¤^ eivei GKwU ýcÖvUb (charge e) GKB
5. aiv hvK Co-60 ýZR®Œxq c`v※_©i Aa©vqy 5 ermi| KZ ermi c※i
ýPŠ¤^K ý¶※⁆ j¤^ eivei Pjgvb GKwU Avjdv KYvi (charge 2e)
H ýZR®Œxq c`v※_©i ýZR®Œxq K※g cÖv_wgK Ae¯řvi 1/32 ýZ n«vm
cv※e? (Assume that the half life of Co-60 is 5 years. mgvb ej Abyfe K※i| Zv※`i `ªŖwZi AbycvZ Vproton./Valpha n※jv-
After how many years will the activity of a Co-60 (A proton (charge e), traveling perpendicular to a
source be decreased to 1/32 of its original activity?) magnetic field, experiences the same force as an
A. 10 years B. 16 years C. 25 years D. 32 years
alpha particle (charge 2e) which is also traveling
6. GKwU w`K cwieZx© cÖevn※K I = 50 sin 300 t mgxKi※Y cÖKvk
Kiv n※jv| H cÖev※ni K¤•vsK KZ n※e? (An alternating perpendicular to the same field. The ratio of their
current is expressed by the equation I = 50 sin 300t. speeds Vproton/Valpha is)
What is the frequency of the current?) A. 0.5 B. 2 C. 4 D. 8
A. 450 Hz B. 400 Hz C. 220 Hz D. 150 Hz 13. 00 Gi GKK wb※æi ýKvbwUi GK※Ki mgvb? (The
7. 5 F Gi 5wU aviK wmwiR ms※hv※M hy³ Kiv n※jv| H
product 00 has the same units as:)
aviK¸※jvi mgZzj¨ aviKZ¡ n※ŗQ- (Five capacitors of 5
A. (velocity)2 B. (velocity)1/2
F capacitance each are connected in series.
Their equivalent capacitance is) C. 1/velocity D. 1/(velocity)2
A. 5F B. 4F C. 1 F D. 20 F 14. 9.8 ms–1 ýe※M GKwU cv_i Dc※ii w`※K wb※¶c Kiv n※jv|
8. GKwU we›`y Drm ý_※K kã Zi½ ýei n※ŗQ| ýKvb GKwU we›`y※Z GwU KZ mgq c※i f‽-c‾※ô wd※i Avm※e? (A stone is thrown
k※ãi ZxeªZv Drm ý_※K `Ŕi※Z¡i  (A sound wave is upwards with a velocity of 9.8 ms–1. After how
emitted by a point source. Intensity of the sound
long will it return to the ground?)
at a point is  its distance from the source.)
A. mgvbycvwZK ( directly proportional to) A. 5s B. 2s C. 3s D. 10s
B. e※M©i mgvbycvwZK (directly proportional to square of) 15. hw` GKwU e¯Ř Av※jvi ýe※M avweZ nq, Z※e Gi fi n※e- (If a
C. e¨¯@vbycvwZK (inversely proportional to) particle moves with the speed of light its mass will be)
D. e※M©i e¨¯@vbycvwZK (inversely proportional to square of) A. 0 B. AcwiewZ©Z (unchanged)
9. GKwU 13 N IR※bi I GKwU 12 N IR※bi `yBwU e¯Ř GKwU
C.  D. Dc※ii ýKvbUvB bv (none of the above)
fiwenxb `woi Øviv Nl©Y wenxb KwcK※ji Dci Szjš@| 13 N
IR※bi e¯Ři wbægŔLx Z¡iY gy³fv※e coš@ e¯Ři Z¡i※Yi hZ¸Y Zv 16. cv※ki eZ©bx※Z R3 Gi `yB cÖv※š@ wefe cv_©K¨ n※ŗQ- (In the circuit
n※jv- (A 13 N weight and a 12 N weight are shown, the voltage drop across R3 is)
connected by a massless string over a massless, A. SV 3
frictionless pulley. The 13 N weight has a B. 2V 6
downward acceleration with magnitude equal to
that of a freely falling body times:) C. 8V
10 V 8
A. 1/12 B. 1/13 C. 1/25 D. 13/25 D. 6V
17. `yBwU Mvoxi ga¨eZx© `ŔiZ¡ 150 km Ges GKwU AciwUi w`※K 25. gy³fv※e ýKvb coš@ e¯Ři Z¡iY g wbY©q Ki※Z wM※q GKRb Qv⁆
h_vµ※g 60 km/h Ges 40 km/h ýe※M Pj※Q| Zviv KZ N›Uv GKwU mij ý`vj※Ki ˆ`N©¨ l cwieZ©b K※i wfbœ wfbœ l Gi Rb¨
ci wgwjZ n※e? (Two automobiles are 150 km apart ý`vj※Ki ý`vjbKvj T cwigvc Kij| Gevi ým T2 (y–axis) ebvg
and traveling toward each other. One automobile l (x–axis) ýjLwP⁆ G※K Xvj S ýei Ki※jv g Gi gvb KZ? (To
is moving at 60 km/h and the other is moving at
find a value for the acceleration of free fall, g, a
40 km/h. In how many hours will they meet?)
student measured the time period of oscillation, T, of
A. 2.5 h B. 2.0 h C. 1.75 h D. 1.5 h
a simple pendulum whose length, l, is changed. The
18. ýKvb e¨w³ 30 Xv※ji 5 m DuPz Nl©Ywenxb Zj eivei GKwU 100
student used the result to plot a graph of T2 (y–axis)
N eţK ýU※b Zzj※Q| eţKwU mg`ªŖwZ※Z Pj※j e¨w³ wK cwigvY KvR
against l (x–axis) and found the slope of the line to be
Ki※e? (A man pulls a 100 N block up a frictionless
S. Now what is the value of g?)
30 slope 5 m high. Assuming that the block moves at
constant speed, the work done by the man is) A. 42S B. 42/S C. 2/S D. 2S
A. 250 J B. 500 J C. 0 D. 100 J 26. mgvš@ivj `ywU avZe cv※Zi ga¨Kvi `ŔiZ¡ d Ges wefe cv_©K¨
19. 33% Kg©`¶Zv m¤•bœ GKwU Zvc BwÄ※b 9.0104 J Zvckw³ V| hw` Q Avav※bi GKwU we›`y PvR© cvZ `ywUi wVK ga¨eZx©
mieivn Kiv n※jv| BwÄbwU KZUzKz Zvckw³※K Kv※R iƒcvš@wiZ Ki※Z we›`y※Z ivLv nq Z※e PvR©wUi Dci wµqvkxj w¯ři Zwor e※ji
cvi※e? (9.0104 J heat energy is supplied to a heat gvb KZ? (Two parallel metal plates separated by a
engine of 33% efficiency. How much heat energy will distance d have a potential difference V across
be converted into work by the heat engine?) them. What is the magnitude of the electrostatic
A. 3000 J B. 8400 J C. 30000 J D. 10000 J force acting on a charge Q placed midway
20. `yBwU myikjvKvi K¤•v¼ h_vµ※g 128 Hz I 384 Hz| evqy※Z
between the plates?)
kjvKv `yBwU n※Z m‾ó Zi½ ˆ`※N©¨i AbycvZ KZ? (The A. 2VQ / d B. VQ/d
frequencies of two tuning forks are 128 Hz and 384
C. VQ/2d D. dQ/V
Hz respectively. The ratio of wavelengths of two
27. GK UzKiv KK©hy³ 0C ZvcgvÎvi GKwU eidLÊ eid-cvwb※Z
waves formed by the forks in air is)
A. 3 : 1 B. 1 : 3 C. 2 : 1 D. 1 : 2 fvmgvb| eidL⁁wU M※j ýM※j cvwbi ¯@※ii DŗPZvt (A block
21. 6 V kw³i Drm Øviv GKwU evwZi ga¨ w`※q 0.3A we`y¨r 2 of ice at 0C containing a piece of cork is floating
wgwbU a※i cÖevwnZ Kiv n※jv| GB 2 wgwb※U evwZwU Øviv kw³ on the surface of ice water in a beaker. When the
e¨v※qi cwigvY KZ? (A current of 0.3 A is passed ice has melted the water level:)
through a lamp for 2 minutes using a 6 V power A. e‾w× cv※e (is higher)
supply. The energy dissipated by this lamp during B. K※g hv※e (is lower)
2 minutes is) C. mgvb _vK※e (is the same)
A. 12 J B. 1.8 J C. 216 J D. 220 J
D. Avw` Ae¯řvq cvwb I ei※di Abycv※Zi Dci wbf©ikxj
22. GKwU Av`k© 1:8 step-down UªvÝdigv※ii gŔL¨ KzÛjxi ¶gZv 10
KW Ges ýMŠb Kz⁁jx※Z 25 A we`y¨r cÖevwnZ n※ŗQ| gyL¨ Kz⁁jxi (depends on the initial ratio of water to ice)
ýfv※ëR KZ? (In an ideal 1:8 step–down transformer, 28. cvwbi cÖ wZmiv¼ 1.3 n※j cvwb※Z Av※jvi ýeM KZ? kŔb¨
the primary power is 10 KW and the secondary ¯řv※b Av※jvi ýeM 3.0108 m/s (Refractive index of
current is 25 A. the primary voltage is-) water is 1.3. What is the speed of light in water?
A. 2500 V B. 3200 V C. 31250 V D. 400 V Speed of light in vacuum is 3.0108 m/s)
23. wb※æi ýKvbwU GKwU wbDK¬xq wdDkb wewµqv cÖ`k©b K※i ýhwU A. 3.0108 m/s B. 2.31108 m/s
ý_※K cÖPzi cwigv※b kw³ Drcvw`Z nq? (Which one of the C. 2.0108 m/s D. 4.4108 m/s
following represents a fission reaction that yields 29. GKwU wmwjÛv※i ivLv GKwU Av`k© M¨v※mi Aby¸※jvi eM©gŔj-Mo-
large amount of energy?)
eM©※eM u| M¨v※m Zvc cÖ※qv※Mi d※j Pvc 9 ¸Y e‾w× ýcj|
A. 238
92 U 234
90 Th  2 He
B. 13 H 12H  24He 01n
wmwjÛv※ii AvqZb AcwiewZ©Z _vK※j M¨v※mi Aby¸※jvi
C. 236
92 U 141
56 Ba  36 Kr  30 n D.
92 1 24
11 Na 12
Mg  10 e cwiewZ©Z eM©gŔj-Mo-eM©※eM KZ? (The molecules of an
24. R e¨vmv※a©i c‾w_exi c‾※ô AwfKl© wefe V n※j c‾ô n※Z R DŗPZvq ideal gas in a cylinder have a root-square speed u.
wef※ei gvb KZ? (If the gravitational potential at the The gas is heated so that its pressure increases 9
surface of the earth, of radius, R, is V then what is times. Assuming that the volume of the cylinder
the gravitational potential at a point at a height R stays constant, the new root-mean-speed of the
above the earth's surface?)
gas molecules is)
A. V/4 B. V/2 C. V D. 2V
A. 9u B. 6u C. 3u / 2 D. 3u
30. gvbe※`※ni K¨vÝvi Avµvš@ ýKvl※K aŸsm Kivi Rb¨ wb※æi ýKvb 10. _v※qvmvj※dU, S2O 32 Avq※b me©※gvU ýhvRb B※jKUª※bi msL¨v KZ?
ivwk¥ e¨envi Kiv nq? (Which one of the following rays is (What is the total number of valence electrons in the
used to destroy the cancer cells in human body?)
thiosulfate ion, S2O 32 ?)
A.  B.  C.  D. X-ray
Answer Keys: 01.A 02.B 03.B 04.D 05.C 06.D 07.C A. 28 B. 30 C. 32 D. 34
08.D 09.C 10.D 11.B 12.B 13.D 14.B 15.C 16.C 17.D 11. 2p AiweUv※ji n, l Ges m Gi gvb h_vµ※g (The values of
18.A 19.C 20.A 21.C 22.B 23.B 24.B 25.B 26.B 27.C n, l and m for 2p orbital respectively are)
28.B 29.D 30.C A. 2, 1, 0 B. 2, 1, (–1, 0, 1)
C. 2, 2, (–2, –1, 0, 1, 2) D. 1, 1, 0
imvqb (Chemistry) 12. 0.01 mol/L, Nbgv⁆v wewkó nvB※Wªvwbqvg Avqb (H3O+)
1. wb※æi wewKiY¸※jvi g※a¨ ýKvbwUi Zi½‿`N©¨ me※P※q Kg? `ªe※Yi pOH KZ? (What is the pOH of a solution
(Which of the following radiations has lowest with a hydronium ion (H3O+) concentration of
wavelength?) 0.01 mol/L?
A. X–ray B. UV C. -ray D. Infra-red A.2 B. 12 C. 10 D. 14
2. BDwiqv mvi ˆZwi※Z cÖvK…wZK M¨vm ýhfv※e e¨eüZ nq (Natural 13. wb※æi wbDwK¬qvi wewµqvq X-KYvwU wK? (What is X in the
gas is used in the manufacture of urea fertilizer) following nuclear reaction?)
A. As a fuel B. For synthesis of NH3
4 Be  X 6 C  0 n
9 12 1
C. As a coolant D. None of the above
3. wb※æi ýhŠM¸※jvi ýKvbwU wbIwK¬IdvBj? (Which one of A. -particle B. -particle C. -ray D. Neutron
14. Zvcgv⁆v e‾w× Ki※j wb※æ D※jţwLZ wewµqvq Av※gvwbqvi Drcv`b
the following is a nucleophile?)
wKfv※e cÖfvweZ n※e? (How will the yield of ammonia
A. H2O B. AlCl3 C. NH 4 D. CH 3
be affected if the temperature of the following
4. AvB※mvB※jKwUªK c※q※›U A¨vgvB※bv GwmWmgŔn ýKvbiƒ※c reaction is increased?)
Ae¯řvb K※i? (In what from the amino acids exist at
N2(g)+3H2(g) ⇌2NH3(g); ∆H= –92 kJ/mol
the isoelectric point? A. Increase B. Decrease
A. H3N+CHCOOH B. H2N–CH–COO– C. Remain same D. None of these
| | 15. g¨v‼I※q※ji AYyi MwZi weZi※Yi ý¶※⁆ ýKvb Dw³wU mwUK
bq? (Which statement is NOT true for Maxwell
distribution of Molecular speed?)
| |
A. Most probable speed is the speed of all of the molecules
B. Most probable speed decreases as temperature increase
weKviK (Reagent) H / H2O
5. Ar-CHO    C. Larger numbers of molecules move at a greater
ArCH(OH)COOH weKviKwU-(The reagent is-) speed at high temperature
A. RMgX B. HCN C. CH3Cl D. H2CO3 D. Distribution curve tells the number of molecules
6. CH3CH=CHCH3 ※hŠMwUi KqwU ýŚwiImgvYy i※q※Q? (How moving at a certain speed
many stereoisomers are there for the compound, CH3CH 16. nvB※Wªv※Rb ýivgvB※Wi mv※_ ýcÖvwc※bi wewµqvq cÖavb Drcv` n※jv
= CHCH3?) (The major product in the reaction of hydrogen
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. None bromide with propene is)
7. B_vBj A¨vwm※UU※K ¶vixq Av`ª-we※kţlY Ki※j ýKvb Drcv`¸※jvi A. 1-bromopropane B. 2-bromopropane
ˆZix nq? (What are the products of alkaline hydrolysis C. 1,2-dibromopropane D. 2-bromopropene
of alkaline hydrolysis of ethylacetate?) 17. wb※æi mgZvK…Z wewµqvi mn¸※jvi gvb n※jv (The values of
A. CH3COOH +C2H5OH the coefficients for the balanced equation of the
following reaction are)
aNH3 + bO2  cNO + dH2O
C. CH3COONa +CH3OH A. a = 2, b = 3, c=2, and d = 3
D. CH3COONa +C2H5OH B. a = 4, b = 7, c = 4, and d = 4
8. ※Kvb wewµqvq G›Uªwci gvb ev※o? (Which reaction occurs C. a = 4, b = 5, c=4, and d = 6
with an increase in entropy?) D. a = 6, b = 7, c = 6, and d = 9
A. 2C(s) +O2(g) 2CO(g) 18. ýewiqvg ýK¬vivB※Wi Rjxq `ªeY cvZjv Rjxq mvjwdDwiK GwmW
B. 2H2S(g) +SO2(g) 3S(s) +2H2O(g) `ªe※Y ýhvM Ki※j mv`v Aat※¶c ˆZix nq| G wewµqvi AvqwbK
C. 4Fe(s)+3O2(g)2Fe2O3(s) mgxKiYwU (Ae¯řvi ms※KZ mn) n※jv (When an aqueous
D. CO(g) + 2H2(g) CH2OH(l) solution of barium chloride is added to a aqueous
9. GKwU s AiweUvj Ges GKwU p AiweUv※ji nvBweªWvD※Rkb n※j solution of sulphuric acid, a white precipitate is
formed. The ionic equation (with state symbol)
Avgiv cvB (On hybridization of one s and one p for this reaction is)
orbitals we get) A. BaCl2(aq) + H2SO4(aq) BaSO4(s) + HCl(aq)
A. Tow mutually perpendicular orbitals
B. Ba2+(aq) + SO 4 (aq)  BaSO4(s)
B. Two orbitals at 180
C. Four orbitals directed tetrahedrally C. Ba2+(aq) +2SO 4 (aq)  Ba(SO4)2(s)
D. Three orbitals in a plane D. Ba2+(aq) + SO 24  (aq)  BaSO4(s)
UCC 44
19. ※Kvb wmjfvi n¨vjvBWwU µxg-e※Y©i KwVb c`v_©, mŔh©v※jv※K Kvj※P 28. wb※æi 2% (W/V) Rjxq `ªeY¸※jvi ýKvbwUi ùzUbvsK me※P※q
nq Ges Nb A¨v※gvwbqv `ªe※Y `ªexf‽Z nq? (Which silver halide ýekx? (2% (W/V) Aqueous solution of which of the
is a cream-coloured solid, darkens in sunlight, and followings has the highest boiling point?)
dissolves in concentrated ammonia solution?) A. NaCl B. KCl C. RbCl D. NaBr
A. AgF B. AgCl C. AgBr D. Agl 29. wb※æi ýKvb GwmWwUi pKa Gi gvb me※P※q ýekx? (Which of the
20. A + 2B  D wewµqvi ý¶※⁆ wewµqvi nvi mgxKiY n※jv, following acids has the largest pKa value?)
rate =k[A][B]| hw` Dfq wewµq※Ki Nbgv⁆v wظY Kiv nq, A. CH3COOH B. Cl2CHCOOH
Zvn※j wewµqvi nvi e‾w× cv※e (For the reaction, A+2B
30. GKwU Abyhvqx `ª※ei jNy `ªe※Yi ev®•Pvc hvi mv※_ mivmwi
D, the rate equation can be expressed as. mgvbycvwZK Zv n※jv (The vapor pressure of a dilute
rate=k[A][B]. If the concentrations of both the solution containing a nonvolatile solute is directly
reactants are doubled, the rate of the reaction will proportional to the)
increase by) A. Molality of the solvent
A. 2 times B. 4 times C. 6 times D. 8 times B. Osmotic pressure of the solute
14 16
21. 6C I 80 ci¯•※ii ( 146 C and 168 0 are) C. Molarity of the solvent
D. Mole fraction of the solvent
A. Isomer B. Isotone C. Isobar D. Isotope Answer Keys: 01.C 02.B 03.A 04.C 05.B 06.A 07.D
22. ýKvb ýhŠMwU Gwjd¨vwUK I Av※iv※gwUK Dfq ag© cÖ`k©b K※i? 08.A 09.B 10.C 11.B 12.B 13.A 14.B 15.B 16.B 17.C
(Which of the following compounds exhibits both 18.D19.C 20.B 21.B 22.C 23.D 24.A 25.A 26.C 27.A
28.C 29.A 30.D
aliphatic and aromatic properties?)
A. Benzene B. Cyclohexane MwYZ (Mathematics)
C. Toluene D. Chlorobenzene 1 1 1
1.    ........n Zg c` ch©š@ (to n terms)=?
23. ýKvbwU digvwjb? (Which one is formalin?) 3.4 4.5 5.6
A. 6–10% ethanoic acid B. 96% ethanol n 1 n n n2
A. B. C. D.
C. 30% H2O2 D. 40% aqueous solution of formaldehyde 3(n  2) 3(n  3) 2(n  3) 3(n  3)
24. ýh kK©iv ýdnwjs `ªeY I U※jb weKviK※K weRvwiZ Ki※Z cv※i bv| 1  2x
(The carbohydrate that cannot reduce Fehling's 2. | x | 1 k※Z© Gi we¯@w‾ Z※Z x9 Gi mnM (The
solution and Tollen's reagent is) coefficient of x9 in the expansion?)
A. Sucrose B. glucose C. Fructose D. Maltose A. 1 B. 5 C. 2 D. 3
3. x Gi ev¯@e gv※bi Rb¨ |4x–3| >1 AmgZvi mgvavb (For real
25. CuSO4 `ªe※Y 1.0 F we`y¨r PvR© cÖevwnZ Ki※j KZ ýgvj Kcvi
x, solution of the inequality (4x – 3) >1 is)
Rgv n※e? (How many moles of copper will be
 1
deposited when 1.0 F electric charge is passed A.   8,  B. (1, )
 2
through CuSO4 solution?)
 1  1
A. 0.5 mole at cathode B. 0.5 mole at anode C.   ,   (1, ) D.   ,   [1, )
 2  2
C. 2 mole at anode D. 2 mole at cathode
α α x
26. ýKvb wewµqvwU RviY-weRviY bq? (Which one is not an
oxidation-reduction reaction?)
4. β β β  0, x  ?
A. 2H2O2 2H2O + O2 θ x θ
B. CO2 + C  2CO A. , ,  B. ,  C. ,  D. , 
5. 3x2 – kx +4 =0 mgxKiY GKwU gŔj AciwUi 3 ¸Y n※j k Gi gvb
C. CaCO3 CaO+CO2 (If one root is 3-times of the other root of the
D. Fe2O3+3CO2Fe +3CO2 equation 3x2–kx+4=0, then the value of k is)
27. ýKvb ýjLwP⁆wU w¯ři Pv※c Pvj©※mi mŔ※⁆i mv※_ msMwZcŔY©? A. 8 B. –8 C. 8 D.  8
(Which of the following plot is consistent with 6. COURAGE kãwUi eY©¸wj wb※q KZ¸wj web¨vm msL¨v wbY©q
Kiv hvq ýhb cÖ※Z¨K web¨v※mi cÖ_※g GKwU ¯^ieY© _v※K (The
Charle's law at a constant pressure?)
number of arrangements that can be made using
the letters of the word COURAGE, with one vowel

A. B. at first, is)
A. 720 B. 2880 C. 180 D. 5040
7. 1 ý_※K 21 ch©š@ msL¨v n※Z ýh※Kv※bv GKwU※K ˆ`ePq※bi gv※a¨※g
T.K wb※j ýmB msL¨vwU 3 ev 7 Gi ¸wYZK nevi m¤¢vebv KZ? (What
is the probability that 1 number chosen randomly
from 1 to 21 is a multiple of 3 or 7?)


C. D. 8 3 10 11
A. B. C. D.
21 7 21 21
UCC T.K T.K 45
ab 18. 5x2+15x–10y–4=0 cive‾※⁃i wbqvg※Ki mgxKiY (The
8. hw` a* b  Øviv a Ges b ev¯@e msL¨vi g※a¨ m¤•K© *
ab equation of the directrix of the parabola, 5x2+15x–
Øviv ms⁂vwqZ Kiv nq, Z※e 10*2 = (If * is defined for 10y–4=0 is)
all positive real numbers a and b by A. 40x + 81=0 B. 2x +3 = 0
ab C. 40y + 81 = 0 D. 40y + 41 = 0
a* b  then 10*2=) 19. sin65+cos65 Gi gvb (The value of sin 65+cos65 is)
A. 5/3 B. 5/2 C. 5 D. 2 A. 2cos20 B. 2 cos 20
ii C. 2 sin 20 D. 2 sin 20
9. Gi gvb Ges bwZ n※e h_vµ※g (The value and
i  2i 1 20. ABC w⁆fz※Ri cosA+cosC = sinB n※j C Gi gvb (If
argument are respectively) cosA+cosC=sinB of the triangle ABC, then, C is)
     
A. 0, 0 B.  2i, C. 2i, D. 2,  A. B. C. D.
2 2 4 3 2 6
 2  2  2 2 4 2
10. A    , Ges B   , AB  ? 21. sin1  cos1 mgvb (equals)
 2 2   3 3 5 5
  2 2  0 0 A. tan1
B. sin 1
A.   B.  
  2 2
11 2
 0 0
11 11
 0 0   2  2 C. tan1 D. cos1
C.   D.  
2 
2 2
 3 0  2
22. cosec +cot = 3 , (0 < <2) n※j  Gi gvb (the
11. y = – 5x + 9 ýiLvi mv※_ j¤^ ýiLvi bwZ (The slope of the
line perpendicular to the line y=– 5x + 9 is) value of  is)
1 1    2
A. 5 B. –5 C. D.  A. B. C. D.
5 5 6 4 3 3
12. wb※æi ýKvb e‾⁃wU x-A¶※K ¯•k© K※i (Which one of the 1
following circles touches the x-axis?) 23. f(x)  ev¯@e dvskbwUi ýWv※gb Ges ýiÄ (Domain
A. x2 + y2 – 2x+6y+4=0 B. x2 + y2 –4x+6y+5=0 4  x2
C. x2+y2 –2x+6y+1=0 D.2x2 +2y2 –2x+6y+3=0 and range of the real-valued function)
13. (1, 4) Ges (9, 12) we›`yØ※qi ms※hvRK ýiLv ýh we›`y※Z 3:5 1 1
A. x < –2, y > B. –2 < x < 2, y 
Abycv※Z Aš@we©f³ nq, Zvi ¯řvbv¼ (The coordinates of the 2 2
points divide the line joining the points (1, 4) and (9, 1
12) internally in the ratio 3 : 5 are) C. –2 x  2, y < D. – x <–2 & x>2, –2<y <2
A. (7, 4) B. (4, 7) C. (5, 8) D. (8, 5)
14. P(6, 8), Q(4, 0) Ges R(0, 0) kxl©we›`ywewkó w⁆fz※Ri 24. x = 0 we›`y※Z y=x +ex Gi ýjLwP※⁆ ¯•k©※Ki mgxKiY n※e
ý¶⁆dj (The area of the triangle having vertices (The equation of the tangent to the graph of y = x
P(6, 8), Q(4, 0) and R(0, 0) is) +ex , at x = 0 is)
A. 32 Sq. units B. 16 Sq. units A. y = x B. y = x + 1
C. 12 Sq. units D. 24 Sq. units C. y = 2x + 1 D. y = 2x
15. a Gi gvb KZ n※e
1 1
i  j  ak ýf±iwU GKwU GKK ýf±i ln(x 1)
2 3 25. 
x 1
dx 
n※e (For what values of a, the vector 1 i  1 j  ak
2 3 1 1
A. (ln 2) 2 B. ln2 C.  D. 0
will represent a unit vector?) 2 2
2 15 7 23 26. y = x, Ges y = x2 Øviv Ave× ý¶※⁆i ý¶⁆dj (eM©GK※K)
A.  B.  C.  D. 
3 6 6 6 (The area (in square units) bounded by y = x, and
16. ABC w⁆fz※Ri BC, CA, Ges AB evûi ga¨we›`y¸※jv y = x2 is)
h_vµ※g D, E Ges F n※j (If D, E, and F are the 5 1 1 1
middle points of the sides BC, CA, and AB A. B. C.  D.
6 6 6 3
respectively of the triangle ABC, then) 27. 3p Ges 2p gv※bi ej `yBwUi jwäi gvb R. hw` cÖ_g e※ji
A. AD  AB  BC B. DA  DF  DE cwigvY wظY Kiv nq, Z※e jwäi gvbI wظY nq| ejØ※qi
C. AD  AB  AC D. AD  BE  CF ga¨eZx© ýKvY n※e (Two forces of magnitudes 3p and
17. 3x+5y = 2, 2x+3y = 0, ax+by+1=0 mgwe›`yMvgx n※j a Ges b Gi 2p have the resultant R. If the first force is
m¤•K© (If 3x+5y=2, 2x+3y = 0 and ax+by+1= 0 are doubled, the resultant becomes doubled. The
concurrent, then the relation between a and b is) angle between the forces is)
A. 4a – 6b = 1 B. 4a – 6b = 2
A. 60 B. 90 C. 120 D. 150
C. 6a – 4b = 1 D. 6a – 4b = 2
UCC 46
lim x 2  6x 11. wb※æi ýKvb GKexRc⁆x Dw™ÿ※` ýMŠYe‾w× N※U? (In which one
28. x
? of the following monocot plants secondary growth
2x2  5 takes place?)
3 1 A. Dracaena B. Maize
A. 0 B. C. D. 1 C. Oryza sativa D. Orchid
2 2 12. G※µvwmw›UªK ýµv※gv※mvg Gbv※dR ch©v※q ý`L※Z ýKgb? (How
e (1  x)

does acrocentric chromosome look at anaphase
29. dx  ? stage?)
cos2 (xex )
A. J-shaped B. V-shaped
A. xex  c B. tan(xex )  c C. L-shaped D. I-shaped
13. wb※Pi ýKvbwU ¯§‾wZkw³ ea©K wn※m※e e¨eüZ nq? (Which one of the
C. cot(xex )  c D. cos(xex )  c following is used as memory stimulant?)
dy A. Boerhaavia repens B. Bacopa moniera
30. e xy1  5 n※j (if) ? C. Centella asiatica D. Rauvolfia serpentina
dx 14. wb※Pi ýKvbwU my›`ie※bi Dw™ÿ`? (Which one of the
ln 5 ln 5 y ln 5 following is a plant of Sundarban?)
A. B. C. D.
xy x 2
x y A. Phoenix sylvestris B. Cedras deodora
Answer Keys: 01.B 02.D 03.C 04.B 05.D 06.B 07.B C. Ceriops decandra D. Azadirachta indica
15. wb※æi ýKvb mcy¯•K Dw™ÿ`wU※Z AvwK©※Mvwbqvg cvIqv hvq? (In
08.A 09.D 10.D 11.C 12.C 13.B 14.B 15.D 16.B 17.C which of the following flowering plants
18.C 19.B 20.C 21.C 22.C 23.B 24.C 25.A 26.B 27.C archegonium is present?)
28.C 29.B 30.C A. Artocarpus B. Hibiscus
RxeweÁvb (Biology) C. Cycas D. Ficus
16. Rxewe⁂vbx ievU© ûK ýKb weL¨vZ? (Why is biologist
1. wb※Pi ýKvbwUi ý`※n bwWDj Av※Q? (Which of the Robert Hooke famous for?)
following bears a nodule?) A. cÖvwYwe`¨vi RbK (Father of Zoology)
A. Navicula B. spirogyra
C. Clostridium D. Sorgassum B. Dw™ÿ` I cÖvwYi ýkÖYxweb¨v※mi cÖeZ©K (Founder of
2. gvwR©bvj (GKcÖvš@xq) Agivweb¨vmhy³ ýMv⁆ n※jv- (Family classification of plants and animals)
with marginal placentation is-) C. ýKvl gZev※`i cÖeZ©K (Introduced 'Cell theory')
A. Fabaceae B. Brasicaceae D. "Cell" k※ãi cÖeZ©K (Introduced the term 'Cell')
C. Malvaceae D. Solanaceae 17. wbDwK¬ImvB※W ýKvbwU Abycw¯řZ? (Which one is absent in
3. ýcÖvwUb ms※kţl※Yi Rb¨ wb※æi ýKvbwU cÖ※hvR¨? (Which one of nucleoside?)
the following is applicable for protein synthesis?) A. wW-Aw‼ivB※evR myMvi (De-oxy ribose sugar)
A. Ribosome + mRNA + tRNA B. mvB※Uvwmm (Cytosine)
B. Mitochondrion + Cristae + ETS C. A¨vwWwbb (Adenine)
C. Chloroplast + Thylakoid + Granum D. A‿Re dm※dU (Inorganic phosphate)
D. Lysosome+ Enzyme + Granule 18. cÖKU A¨vwcŚ¨vwmm Gi AycvZ ýKvbwU? (Which one of the
4. B※j※±ªvb UªvÝ※cvU© wm※Ś※g wb※Pi ýKvbwU ý_※K Aw‼※Rb B※j±ªb MÖnY
ratio of dominant epistasis?)
K※i? (In the electron transport system from which of A. 9:7 B. 9:3:3:1 C. 13:3 D. 2:1
the following O2 accepts electron?) 19. wb※æi ýKvbwU cÖRvwZi bvgKi※Yi mv※_ m¤•wK©Z? (Which one of
A. Cyto. a3 B. Cyto. a
C. Cyto. c D. Cyto. B the following is related to the naming of a species?)
5. Gw›Uev※qvwUK ýUUªvmvBwK¬b Gi Drm- (Source of the A. ICZM B. ICZN
antibiotic tetracycline-) C. British Museum D. United Nations
A. Streptomyces venezuelae 20. ýKvbwU mwVKfv※e ýjLv iŖB gv※Qi ˆe⁂vwbK bvg? (Which one is
B. Streptomyces aureofaciens the correctly written scientific name of Rui fish?)
C. Bocillus subtilis A. Labeo rohita B. Labeo rohita
D. Cepholosporium acremonium C. Labeo Rohita D. Labeo, rohita
6. wccvK…wZi evqyiÜ« cvIqv hvq- (Barrel shaped airpore is 21. wb※æi ýKvbwU Hydra-ýZ wb※WveţvŚ enb K※ibv? (Which
present in-) one of the following does not contain cnidoblast in
A. Riccia B. Marchantia Hydra?)
C. Pteris D. Selaginella A. nvB※cv※Śvb B. Kwl©Kv
7. cţvm&wgW Avwe®‹vi K※ib ýK? (Who discovered plasmid?) C. GwcWvwg©m D. cv` PvKwZ (Pedal disc)
A. Altman B. Porter C. Kolliker D. Laderberg 22. gvbe※`※ni `xN©Zg ýKvl ýKvbwU? (Which one is the
8. wkg Dw™ÿ※` wK ai※Yi wW¤^K _v※K? (What type of ovule is longest cell in human body?)
present in bean plants?) A. øvqy※Kvl (Nerve cell) B. i³※Kvl (Blood cell)
A. DשgyLx (Orthotropus) B. cvk¦©gyLx (Amphitropus) C. hK…Z ýKvl (Liver cell) D. ýckx ýKvl (Muscle cell)
C. A※avgyLx (Anatropus) D. eµgyLx (Campylotropus) 23. gvby※l e¶※`kxq K※kiŖKvi msL¨v KqwU? (How many
9. C※Ś ýKvb ai※bi GbRvBg Av※Q? (What kind of enzyme thoracic vertebrae are there in man?)
is found in yeast?) A. 7 B. 5 C. 12 D. 9
A. Amylase B. Lipase C. Zymase D. Cellulase 24. gvbe ý`※n ýjvwnZ KwYKvi Avqy®‹vj KZ w`b? (What is the
10. cv※Ui Avuk ýKvb RvZxq wUmŔ¨? (What kind of tissue jute life span of red blood corpuscles in human body?)
fiber is?) A. 90 days B. 120 days
C. 150 days D. 180 days
A. Apical meristem 25. gvby※l KqwU c¨viv_vBi※qW MÖwšř _v※K? (How many
B. Secondary xylem tissue parathyroid glands are there in man?)
C. Primary xylem tissue A. 3 B. 4 C. 2 D. 1
UCC D. Secondary phloem tissue 47
26. ýKvbwU gvbe e‾※þi g¨vjwcwRqvb KwYKvi Ask? (Which one 16. Kvi Av⁅nZ¨v A※b※Ki Kv※Q cwinv※mi welq n※q ý`Lv w`j?
is a part of the Malpighian corpuscles of human A. KwjgwÏ B. wejvmx C. Zcy D. ˆngš@x
kidney?) 17. ÔýjLvcov wel※q Zvi ýh Mfxi AbyivM wQj, G-K_v ejv hvq
A. Bowman's Capsule B. Henle's Loop bv|Õ-GwU Kx ai※bi evK¨?
C. Collecting tubule D. Renal tubule A. mij B. ýhŠwMK C. wgkÖ D. LÊ
27. K※Y©i ýKvb As※k ÔAM©vb Ae KwU©Õ ý`Lv hvq? (In which 18. cÖZ¨q I wefw³nxb bvg kã※K e※jÑ
part of the ear 'Organ of Corti' is found?) A. avZz B. cÖZ¨q C. cÖvwZcw`K D. bvg-cÖK…wZ
A. Saccular B. Cochlea 19. ÔI wK ¶zavZzi cuvRivq ev※R..... ....|Õ - PiYwUi kŔb¨¯řv※b Kx n※e?
C. Middle ear D. External ear A. ýe`bv gRjy※gi B. Rxe※bi AvnvRwi
28. evsjv※`k ýKvb cÖvwY※fŠMwjK A⁀※j Aew¯řZ? (In which C. g‾Zz¨i Rq※fix D. gi※Yi ýivbvRvwi
zoogeographical region Bangladesh is situated?) 20. Kvi fv※jvevmvq AvKv※ki we¯@vi wQj?
A. Palaearctic Region B. Nearctic Region A. g‾Zz¨Äq B. wejvmx C. ˆngš@x D. Acy
C. Oriental Region D. Neotropical Region 21. ÔkvgjvÕ kãwU ýKvb iPbvq e¨eüZ n※q※Q?
29. mwÜc` cÖvwYiv ýKvb& c※e©i Aš@M©Z? (In which phylum the A. ˆngš@x B. Aa©v½x
joint-footed animals belong?) C. KgjvKv※š@i Revbew›` D. KwjgwÏ `dv`vi
A. Annelida B. Platyhelminthes 22. ÔKeiÕ KweZvq e¨eüZ Ôý`oxÕ k※ãi A_© Kx?
C. Mollusca D. Arthropoda A. wej¤^ B. eo C. `wo D. ý`o ¸Y
30. Bbmywjb ýKvb ai※Yi c`v_©? (What kind of element is 23. ※Kvb evK¨wU ÔAciv※ýi MíÕ ý_※K DØ‾Z n※q※Q?
insulin?) A. cvc※K N‾Yv Kiv hvq, cvcx※K bq|
A. Avwgl (Protein) B. Pwe© (Fat) B. ýPvi Aag bq, Pzwi wbK…ó|
C. kK©iv (Carbohydrate) D. wbDwK¬K GwmW (Nucleic acid) C. ýivM※K N‾Yv Kiv hvq, ýivMx※K ýKb?
Answer Keys: 01.A 02.A 03.A 04.A 05.B 06.B 07.D D. `wi`ª bq, `vwi`ª¨ N‾Yv Ki|
08.C 09.C 10.D 11.A 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.C 16.D 17.D 24. Ôj⁁fÛÕ ýevSvq ýKvbwU?
18.C 19.B 20.A 21.D 22.A 23.C 24.B 25.B 26.A 27.B A. `¶hÁ B. ZzjKvjvg
28.C 29.D 30.A C. nv※U nuvwo fvOv D. fÛwci
evsjv (Bangla) 25. Ôýh fiY※cvlY K※iÕ evK¨wUi msKzwPZ iƒc Kx?
1. Ô`yiƒnÕ k※ãi mwÜwe※ŗQ`- A. KZ©v B. fZ©v C. ýcÖvwlZfZ©‾Kv D. ýLvi※cvk
A. `yt+En& B. `yt + iƒn C. `Ŕi+Dn D. `yi+n 26. ÔAvR hw` evev Avm※Zb, ýKgb gRv n※Zv|Õ -evK¨wU※Z ýKvb Kv※ji
2. ÔGKv`※k e‾n¯•wZÕ evMavivwUi A_©- wewkó cÖ※qvM N※U※Q?
A. Am¤ÿe e¯Ř B. mymgq C. `ytmgq D. MÖ※ni ýdi A. wbZ¨e‾⁃ AZxZ B. cyivNwUZ AZxZ
3. ÔG eqm Zey bZzb wKQy ýZv K※iÕ- GLv※b ÔZeyÕ n※ŗQ C. wbZ¨e‾⁃ fwel¨r D. NUgvb fwel¨r
A. we※kl¨ B. we※klY C. me©bvg D. Ae¨q 27. ÔgvZvj FwZ¡KÕ Kvi MÖ※šři bvg?
4. Ôw¶cÖÕ-Gi wecixZ kã- A. ˆmq` IqvjxDjţvn& B. ˆmq` Avjx Avnmvb
A. `ªŖZ B. PZzi C. gšři D. PÂj C. Awgq PµeZx© D. kvgmyi ivngvb
5. evsjv fvlvi wbR¯^ weivgwPý ýKvbwU? 28. Ônuvwo nuvwo m※›`kÕ evK¨vskwU eûePb⁂vcK n※q※Q-
A. Kgv B. cÖkœwPŦ C. `uvwo D. we¯§qwPý A. mgwóevPK kã※hv※M B. eûZ¡⁂vcK c`※hv※M
6. For match-making Sheela is on her own- evK¨wUi C. c※`i wØZ¡ cÖ※qvM D. mgv_©K k※ãi wØZ¡ cÖ※qvM
mwVK evsjv Abyev`: 29. ÔýePvivÕ kãwU ýKvb fvlv ý_※K G※m※Q?
A. Rywo ýgjv※Z kxjv B※ŗQg※Zv P※j| A. dviwm B. divwm C. Aviwe D. wnw›`
B. NUKvwj※Z kxjv Zvi wb※Ri g※Zv| 30. wb※Pi ýKvbwU Ôc‾w_exÕi mgv_©K kã bq?
C. NUKvwj※Z kxjvi Rywo ýbB| A. Aebx B. emyav C. APjv D. bexb
D. wb※Ri NUKvwj kxjv wb※RB K※i| Answer Keys: 01.A 02.B 03.D 04.C 05.C 06.C 07.B
7. Li※Mv※ki M※íi K_v Kvi g※b n※qwQj? 08.C 09.D 10.A 11.D 12.A 13.C 14.B 15.D 16.B 17.C
A. nvweeyjÐvni B. BDby※mi C. gKmy※`i D. ýgv`v※eŸ※ii 18.C 19.C 20.C 21.C 22.D 23.C 24.B 25.B 26.A 27.D
28.C 29.A 30.D
8. ýhvMiƒp kã ýKvbwU?
A. b`x B. Sibv C. Rjwa D. cv_vi ENGLISH
9. Ôgvbyl nI|Õ-evK¨wU※Z i※q※Q: Read the following passage and answer the questions
A. Abybq B. Av※`k C. Aby※iva D. Dc※`k below (1-6)
Recently, significant problems regarding energy use have
10. ÔmKvj mKvj G※mv|Õ-GLv※b ÔmKvj mKvjÕ Kx A※_© e¨eüZ? emerged. Enormous amounts of pollutants are being
A. ZvovZvwo B. mKv※j emitted from power plants, factories, and automobiles,
C. Lye mKv※j D. `ycy※ii Av※M which are worsening the condition of the earth. This
11. wecixZv_©K k※ãi wgj※b ýKvb Ø›Ø mgvmwU MwVZ? environmental degradation is a clear result of acid rain,
A. iwe-kkx B. Awn-bKzj increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and
C. LvIqv-civ D. abx-`wi`ª other forms of air pollution. Acid rain and air pollution,
12. ¯^iaŸwbi cwieZ©b msµvš@ ¸Y, e‾w× I m¤•ÖmviY-ýK GK※⁆ e※j- for instance, are devastating forests, crops, and lakes over
A. AckÖŖwZ B. AcFw× C. wÎkÖŖwZ D. wθYv wide areas all over the world. Since the 1950s, carbon
dioxide levels in the atmosphere have increased by 13%,
13. ï× evbvb ýKvbwU? setting the stage for global warming. As atmospheric
A. `‽ivKvLv B. `yivKv•Lv C. `yivKv•¶v D. `‽ivKv¶v temperature rise, grain output may significantly decrease,
14. KvR©b n※ji D※jţL Av※Q ýKvb iPbvq? making it more difficult for farmers to keep pace with the
A. mvwn※Z¨ ýLjv B. GKz※ki Mí growth of population. In urban areas, air pollution is
C. evsjv※`k D. GKwU d※UvMÖvd taking a toll on the buildings and human health.
15. gwm©qv Kx? To reduce the amount of environmental damage in cities,
developed countries, have devised technology to
UCC A. A¯¿we※kl B. nvnvKvi C. µ›`b D. ýkvKMxwZ 48
control the harmful emissions. However, as these 16. Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity  the
countries already have an abundance of vehicles that foundation of the possibility of time travel.
continue to grow in number the : efficacy of these A. Will lay B. laying C. laid D. lay
measures is diminished. Since cars and other vehicles 17. Although the telescope  into space in 1990,
create more air pollution than any other human activity, its inception was almost a half-century earlier.
the most effective means to reduce pollution is to A. launched B. launching
decrease the number of vehicles. A major shift away C. was launched D. launch
from automobile usage in urban areas may be possible 18. There is still no way to wholly escape  the
with the aid of urban planning.
1. The passage is about: effects on the layers of gases enveloping the earth.
A. The role of pollutants in increasing air pollution A. in B. of C. from D. at
all over the world. 19. The 32,000-word novel 'The Time Machine' 
B. Hazardous effects of air pollution and the role of H.G. Wells. popularized time travel.
urban planners in improving living conditions. A. into B. of C. by D. in
C. The devastating effect of acid rain on forest 20. The U.S. congress restored the Medal of Honor
resources, crops and water bodies. that was first presented in 1965 to women 
D. The extensive use of cars and vehicles is diminishing name few of us have heard.
the growth of a risk-free society. A. which B. who C. whose D. whom
2. The word 'pollutants' in the passage is a/an 21. Dr. Mary Edwards Walker was a surgeon,
.................... soldier,  fighter for women's rights.
A. adjective B. adverb C. verb D. noun A. With B. and C. of D. also
3. The word 'emitted' can be replaced by: 22. Because of discrimination  women, she was
A. engaged B. discharged required to work as a nurse rather than a doctor.
C. derived D. reduced A. for B. of C. against D. with
4. What happens with the increase in the 23. A good teacher is one who can help his/her
atmospheric temperature?
A. The weather becomes very pleasant. student  errors in their work and suggest
B. It causes flooding in urban areas. ways to  them.
C. Crop production is reduced. A. identify, rectify B. commit, overcome
D. Urban areas become overpopulated. C. find, resist D. eliminate, perpetuate
5. "taking a toll" in the passage means: 24. We need to do more to  the poor flood
A. being expensive B. causing a barrier victims.
C. causing damage D. ringing a bell A. reach out to B. live up to
6. An antonym of 'efficacy' is: C. put up with D. make up for
A. Uselessness B. representation 25. In some countries much of the natural
C. reproduction D. efficiency environment has been transformed 
7. The correct spelling is : farmland  a subsequent loss of species
A. Intuishon B. intusion richness.
C. intution D. intuition A. out of, along with B. into, with
8. Since I.............. for our lunch, I............ to attract
the waiter's attention. C. into, as a result of D. away from, resulting from
A. Paid, tried B. paid, will be trying 26. Students should learn in an environment 
C. pay, tried D. was paying tried pressure and with the freedom to choose what
9. We ....... a cat, but one day it just disappeared they want to learn.
A. would have B. have A. soaked in B. deprived of
C. used to have D. do have C. devoid of D. regardless of
10. I ....... at six o'clock, but ....... to be up by five. 27. We have to  our political differences and
A. normally get up ........ I have sometimes come together to  a joint fight against
B. normally get up ......... sometimes I have poverty and corruption.
C. get nor normally up ............ sometimes I A. cover, venture B. rise over, pull off
D. get normally up .......... I sometime have C. mend, prevail D. transcend, lead
11. The antonym of "sporadic" is- 28. Teaching can be a tough job, particularly when
A. occasional B. intermittent you have to  aggressive and unruly students.
C. frequent D. isolated A. cope on B. deal with
12. "Illuminate" means ................... C. handle to D. work out
A. deviant B. brighten 29.  the importance of zoos as tourist
C. illegal D. isolated attractions, until recently there has been little
13. When ----------- here? research to investigate the nature, attitudes and
A. have you get B. did you get motivations of zoo visitors.
C. you get D. had you get A. Despite B. Although
14. Why  return the money? C. In spite D. Given
A. you did not B. you 30. I haven't been feeling very well 
C. did you not D. you did't A. of late B. not long ago
15. High school students should not be  as C. currently D. by now
being immature or naive. Answer Keys: 01.A 02.D 03.C 04.C 05.C 06.A 07.D
A. helped B. directed 08.A 09.C 10.B 11.C 12.B 13.B 14.C 15.D 16.C 17.C
C. taught D. categorized 18.C 19.C 20.C 21.B 22.C 23.A 24.D 25.B 26.C 27.A
28.B 29.A 30.D

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