The Role and Function of Human Resource Management in Improving The Quality of Education

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Al-Tanzim : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam

Vol. 00 No. 00 (2020) : 00-00

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Muhammad Darry Fauzan1

Education human resource management Department, Universitas negeri Yogyakarta,
Email :

Received: April 2020 Accepted: June 2020 Published: September 2020

Abstract :
Education plays a pivotal role in the development of a nation. In Indonesia, education
is a primary concern in the efforts to achieve sustainable economic growth, social
welfare, and the enhancement of human resources. Human resource management
(HRM) within the Indonesian education system is becoming increasingly important in
an ever-changing and evolving context. Indonesia, with one of the world's largest
populations, has witnessed rapid progress in both economic and educational sectors.
Nevertheless, complex challenges persist, such as disparities in educational access,
heterogeneous teacher quality, curriculum implementation, and limited resources.
Globalization and information technology have reshaped the educational landscape,
giving rise to new demands in student competencies. This article aims to explore the
role of HRM in enhancing the quality of education in Indonesia. It encompasses HRM
planning, staff development, motivation, and performance evaluation. The author
presents several studies that discuss HRM in education, highlighting the urgency and
principles of applying strategic human resource management, educational HRM
planning, and human resource development. Research findings demonstrate that
effective HRM has a significant impact on educational quality. This necessitates
prudent planning, appropriate training, effective evaluation, and performance
monitoring. The article underscores the importance of involving all educational staff,
not just teachers, in educational HRM. By understanding the role of HRM in
education, we can contribute to improving the Indonesian education system, creating
an efficient and high-quality educational environment. This is a crucial step in
preparing a competent and globally competitive future generation.
Keywords : Education, School, Management, Human Resources

Abstrak :
Pendidikan memiliki peran yang sangat sentral dalam pembangunan suatu bangsa.
Di Indonesia, pendidikan menjadi isu utama dalam upaya mencapai pertumbuhan
ekonomi yang berkelanjutan, kesejahteraan sosial, dan peningkatan kualitas sumber
daya manusia. Manajemen sumber daya manusia (SDM) di sistem pendidikan
Indonesia semakin penting dalam konteks yang terus berubah dan berkembang.
Indonesia adalah salah satu negara dengan populasi terbesar di dunia dan telah
mengalami kemajuan pesat dalam sektor ekonomi dan pendidikan. Tantangan
kompleks masih ada, seperti kesenjangan akses pendidikan, kualitas guru yang
heterogen, implementasi kurikulum, dan kurangnya sumber daya. Globalisasi dan
teknologi informasi telah mengubah lanskap pendidikan, memunculkan kebutuhan
baru dalam kompetensi siswa. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi peran
manajemen SDM dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia. Ini

Al-Tanzim : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam

Vol. 04 No. 01 (2020) : 1-12
mencakup perencanaan SDM, pengembangan staf, motivasi, dan evaluasi kinerja.
Penulis menyajikan sejumlah penelitian yang membahas manajemen SDM di
pendidikan, menyoroti urgensi dan prinsip penerapan manajemen sumber daya
manusia strategis, perencanaan SDM pendidikan, dan pengembangan sumber daya
manusia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manajemen SDM yang baik memiliki
dampak yang signifikan pada kualitas pendidikan. Ini memerlukan perencanaan yang
bijaksana, pelatihan yang tepat, evaluasi yang efektif, dan pemantauan kinerja. Karya
ilimiah ini menekankan pentingnya melibatkan seluruh tenaga kependidikan, bukan
hanya guru, dalam manajemen SDM pendidikan. Dengan memahami peran
manajemen SDM dalam pendidikan, kita dapat berkontribusi pada perbaikan sistem
pendidikan Indonesia, menciptakan lingkungan pendidikan yang efektif dan
berkualitas. Ini adalah langkah penting dalam mempersiapkan generasi masa depan
yang kompeten dan siap bersaing secara global
Kata Kunci: Pendidikan, sekolah, manajemen sdm

Education certainly has a central role in the development of a nation. In
Indonesia, education has emerged as a primary concern in the effort to achieve
sustainable economic growth, social welfare, and the enhancement of the
quality of the Indonesian human resources. In this changing and evolving
context, the role and functions of Human Resource Management (HRM) in the
Indonesian education system have become increasingly vital. Indonesia can be
acknowledged as one of the countries with the largest population globally and
has experienced rapid progress in both the economic and educational sectors
over the past decades. However, complex challenges remain, particularly in
ensuring that the quality of education remains a priority for the nation. To
comprehend the role of HRM in enhancing the quality of education in
Indonesia, it is imperative to consider the current educational context.
Presently, education in Indonesia confronts various issues, including
disparities in access to education across regions, heterogeneous teacher quality,
challenges in curriculum implementation, and insufficient resources.
Globalization and information technology have significantly transformed the
educational landscape, creating new demands for student competencies and
skills. The Indonesian government has demonstrated a strong commitment to
improving the country's education system. However, these efforts necessitate
careful and sustainable HRM. In this context, HRM in education extends
beyond teachers, involving administrative staff, school supervisors, and other
stakeholders engaged in education.
This research aims to conduct a literature review on the role and
functions of HRM in enhancing the quality of education in Indonesia. The
author will explore how wise HR planning, continuous staff development,
motivation, and performance evaluation can help address existing educational
challenges and advance education in Indonesia. By understanding the role of
HRM in the current educational context, we can contribute to the improvement
of Indonesia's education system, fostering a more effective, efficient, and high-
quality educational environment. This represents a crucial step in preparing a
competent and globally competitive future generation.
In conducting this research, the methodological approach applied is
through literature review. Sugiyono (2013) interprets literature review as

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recording information about previous events recorded in various forms, such as
writings, drawings, and monumental works produced by various individuals.
Then according to Afifuddin (2012), literature review is a very valuable
instrument in the contextual review function, because literature plays an
important role in providing understanding and meaning in the writing process
that is being carried out. Through the literature review, researchers can clearly
and transparently convey the reasons why the research topic is seen as an issue
that requires further investigation, including in terms of the selection of
research subjects and their relevance to previous studies. In this approach, the
sources used tend to have a secondary character, that is, the data used to
support the research results come from literature, articles, or any source
relevant to the research topic (Sugiyono, 2013). Within the framework of this
research, information is obtained from various books, journals, and online
Researchers need to inform several important (original) field data
obtainedThe following below is presented in the form of a table in the form of
analysis results regarding several studies related to Education Human Resource
No Researcher and Research Result
Title Method
1 (Nasukah, Qualitative Human resource
2018)Urgency Methods management is a part
and Principles of (Literature of managing an
Implementing Study) organization that pays
Strategic Human special attention to the
Resource human dimension,
Management while Strategic Human
Approaches in Resource Management
Educational is a concept of
Institutions managing human
resources to be more
strategic in an effort to
achieve long-term
organizational goals.
2 (Hasnadi, 2019) Qualitative HRM provides
Educational Methods guidance for the
Human Resource future, determining
Planning where HR education is
obtained, when HR is
needed, and what kind
of training and
development HR
should have. Through
succession planning,
HR career paths can be
tailored to individual

Al-Tanzim : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Vol. 00 No. 00 (2020) : 0-00 3

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needs that are
consistent with the
needs of an
educational institution.
3 (Aprianty et al., Qualitative SMP Pembangunan
2023): Analysis of method Jaya Bintaro does not
Human Resource through only focus on training
Planning in interview and and developing the
Improving the observation intellectual human
Quality of resources in it to
Education in succeed in the world
Junior High of education, but must
Schools also help to explore
emotional intelligence
and spiritual
intelligence, so that it
is necessary to develop
and implement HR
planning that runs
optimally in order to
be able to produce
increased and
improved output
continuously in the
future, in order to
improve the quality of
education in the
4 (Krismiyati, Qualitative The development
2017): Human method of human resources or
Resource through teaching staff at SDN
Development in interview and Inpres Angkasa has
Improving the observation been running well.
Quality of However, the
Education at SD implementation of the
Negeri Inpres training program has
Angkasa Biak not been maximized,
and the results
obtained in the
development of
human resources or
teaching staff at SDN
Inpres Angkasa need
refinement actions on
aspects of
5 (Tiara et al., Qualitative Good management
2023): Human Methods requires good goals

Al-Tanzim : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Vol. 00 No. 00 (2020) : 0-00 4

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Resource (Literature and benefits as well,
Management in Study) because without a
Educational clear goal, a
Institutions management will be
undirected, besides
that it also does not
have a clear concept of
what will be aimed at,
for this reason it is
necessary to know
several goals in
educational HR
including: The goal of
society as a whole,
organizational goals,
Achieving functional
goals, Achieving
personal goals.
6 (Santosa, 2020)): Qualitative Darussalam Gontor
Human Resource Method (Case University develops its
Management in study) human resources with
Improving the two approaches:
Quality of Professional Oriented
Higher and Spiritual Oriented.
Education at Professional Oriented
Darussalam focuses on improving
Gontor qualifications and
University expertise through
further education,
Arabic language
training, and academic
activities. Meanwhile,
Spiritual Oriented
aims to create an
environment that
promotes religious
values through
religious practices. The
university also
conducts monitoring
and evaluation of the
performance of human
resources, including
lecturers and staff,
with an emphasis on
the areas of education,

Al-Tanzim : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Vol. 00 No. 00 (2020) : 0-00 5

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research, and
community service,
which are conducted
at the end of each
semester by the
university's quality
assurance department.
7 (Darmayanti et Qualitative FEB UM Metro has
al., 2021); Human Methods carried out human
Resource (Descriptive resource development,
Development in Analysis) especially for all
Education lecturers both formally
and informally
through education and
training gradually and
continuously through
5 development
domains, namely:
competitive power,
functional competence,
excellence, and
cooperation with
various parties.
8 (Aimah & Quantitative The results showed
Laeliyah, 2021): Descriptive that human resource
The Effect of Method management at MTs
Human Resource al-Amiriyyah
Management on Blokagung Tegalsari
Educator Quality Banyuwangi in the
2019/2020 learning
year was classified as
good based on the
results of the t test,
with a significant
value of the human
resource management
variable. The quality of
educators in the school
is also considered
good based on the
results of the t test,
with a significant
value of the quality of
educators variable. In
addition, through
simple regression

Al-Tanzim : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Vol. 00 No. 00 (2020) : 0-00 6

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calculations, it was
found that human
resource management
has a strong influence
on educator quality,
with approximately
95.5% of the variation
in educator quality
being influenced by
human resource
9 (Fitri Al Qalbi, Qualitative The managerial
2019)): Method system in schools does
Implementation (Descriptive not rely solely on the
of Human Analysis) principal but also
Resource involves a designated
Management in management team.
Improving the The study revealed
Quality of several key findings,
Education at including human
Cirebon State resource planning
Senior High involving job analysis,
School attraction and selection
of prospective teachers
based on academic,
non-academic and
moral achievements,
training that focuses
more on behavioral
change, periodic
evaluation using
compensation using an
honorarium system
that needs to be
improved to meet
minimum standards,
and a supervisory
system involving the
principal as a
supervisor with the
support of a
designated team..
10 (Ekawati, 2019)): Qualitative Human resource
Human Resource Methods management at SMPIT
Management in (Descriptive Imam Bukhari
Improving the Analysis)) involves planning,

Al-Tanzim : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Vol. 00 No. 00 (2020) : 0-00 7

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Quality of organizing,
Education at controlling, procuring,
Smp. developing,
dismissing, and
assessing the quality of
education. This
process includes
various aspects, such
as teacher recruitment,
training, performance
measurement and
quality assessment.
Obstacles encountered,
including efforts to
improve the quality of
education and teacher
Based on previous research by Binti (2018) on the Urgency and
Principles of Implementing a Strategic Human Resource management approach
in Educational Institutions found that in an educational environment, the
application of educational HR management aims not only to carry out
management tasks, but also to ensure that human resources are maximized
through policies and strategies that support the achievement of the institution's
long-term goals. The importance of this method in educational institutions has
become very urgent for three reasons: First, human management is considered
the most important element in achieving the main objectives of education.
Second, to maintain the accountability of the institution in the eyes of the
public. And third, to make human resources a competitive advantage for the
institution. Binti Nasukah in her research highlights the urgency and principles
of implementing a strategic human resource management approach in
educational institutions. In the context of educational HR management, this
research is very relevant because it creates an understanding that HR
management in education needs to focus on the long-term goals of the
organization. This is important because clear and integrated goals in
educational HR management help ensure that the human resources in
educational institutions contribute maximally to achieving these goals. Thus,
Binti Nasukah provides an important basis for understanding that educational
human resource management should focus on long-term planning in
accordance with the vision and mission of the education.
Then the second previous research by Hasnadi where his research
discusses educational HR planning, which refers to how educational
institutions plan their HR needs. The relevance of this research to educational
HR management is very strong because HR planning is a major component of
HR management. This planning includes succession planning and career

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development, which in turn helps achieve the goals of the educational
organization. With a strong understanding of what is required in terms of
competencies, skills and roles needed in educational organizations, educational
HR management can identify, train and retain the right individuals, thus
ensuring the continuity of consistent educational quality. Thus, Hasnadi
provides a foundation to see how HR planning is at the core of effective
educational HR management to achieve educational goals.
Furthermore, research by Dinda, Widyawati, Rizka, and Hasyim (2023)
with the title Analysis of Human Resources Planning in Improving the Quality
of Education in Junior High Schools found that the results produced by SMP
Pembangunan Jaya Bintaro in terms of teaching and education staff are that
they can feel more confident and increase their overall capacity. This has a
positive impact on improving the quality of learning in the school. Meanwhile,
in terms of learners, the school focuses on developing the character of their
learners to be of higher quality. The improved quality of education is also
reflected in academic and non-academic achievements and national assessment
results. This research evaluates HR planning in junior secondary schools, with a
particular emphasis on developing emotional and spiritual intelligence. The
relationship between this research and educational HRM is relevant as it
highlights the importance of well-executed HR planning in an educational
context. Good planning is the foundation of effective HRM, and in an
educational context, a focus on developing emotional and spiritual intelligence
is key to achieving holistic educational quality goals. In this way, this research
provides insights into how educational HR management should consider
broader and deeper aspects of human resource development.
In the fourth study by Krismiyati (2017) with the research title, namely
"Human Resource Development in Improving the Quality of Education at SD
Negeri Inpres Angkasa Biak" where the results of his research are that this
study examines HR development at SDN Inpres Angkasa and highlights that
although HR development has been going well, aspects of implementing
training programs need to be improved to improve the quality of education.
This underscores the importance of implementing effective training programs
in educational HR management. Employee development in the form of training
and skills development is an integral part of good education HRM.
Improvements in the implementation of training programs can help ensure that
human resources in education have the necessary skills and knowledge to
deliver quality education, support student development and achieve overall
educational goals. Thus, Krismiyati provides an important insight into how
education human resource management needs to consider the proper
implementation of training programs. In the fifth study by Zenita, Didit, and
Nelly (2023) with the research title "Human Resource Management in
Educational Institutions" where this research emphasizes the importance of
clear goals in educational HR management, including community,
organizational, functional, and personal goals. This creates a strong foundation
in educational HR management by ensuring that all human resources in
education have a clear understanding of how their contributions support larger
goals. Effective education HRM should enable alignment between personal,
organizational and societal goals to achieve higher education goals.

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Furthermore, the sixth study by Magfiroh and Sedya (2020) with the
research title Human Resource Management in Higher Education Quality
Improvement at Darussalam Gontor University. This research covers the
implementation, monitoring, and assessment of human resource management
at Darussalam Gontor University. The first focus is on Professional Oriented
Coaching and Development, which aims to improve the quality of human
resources in accordance with their profession, which includes the tri dharma of
higher education. Later in the study it examines HR management in higher
education and shows that HR development can include professional and
spiritual approaches, as well as performance monitoring to improve the quality
of education. This shows the importance of HR development. Later in the
study, it examined HR management in higher education and showed that HR
development can include professional and spiritual approaches, as well as
performance monitoring to improve the quality of education. This demonstrates
the importance of comprehensive HR development in educational HR
management. Employee development focuses not only on professional aspects,
but also on spiritual dimensions and values that support meaningful education.
In the seventh study by Elmira, Nina, and Fitriani (2021) with the title
Human Resource Development in Education, it was found that this study
emphasizes that FEB UM Metro has carried out the development of lecturer
human resources through various development domains, which include
professionalism, competitive power, functional competence, participatory
excellence, and cooperation. This reflects an active effort in educational HR
management to improve the quality of education. HR development that
stimulates cooperation, active participation, and functional competence is the
core of successful HR management in education. Then in the eighth study by
Siti and Nur (2021) with the research title The Effect of Human Resource
Management on Educator Quality. This study identifies the positive effect of
HR management on the quality of educators at MTs al-Amiriyyah Blokagung
Tegalsari Banyuwangi. This confirms the importance of good HR management
in improving the quality of education. When HR management focuses on
recruitment, development, and performance appraisal effectively, the quality of
educators can be significantly improved, which will have a positive impact on
the overall quality of education.
The ninth study by Abdul Robi Padri (2021) with the research title
Implementation of Human Resource Management in Improving the Quality of
Education at Sma Negeri Cirebon is a very important highlight of the various
elements of Human Resource management (HR) implemented to improve the
quality of education in SMA Negeri Cirebon. In the context of educational
human resource management, this study confirms that a number of key
elements must be implemented effectively. First, careful planning is the first
step that cannot be ignored. In planning educational human resources,
institutions must ensure that the needs of human resources in accordance with
the vision and mission of education have been carefully calculated. Next,
proper selection of teaching staff and education personnel is essential. Careful
selection ensures that individuals who have the competencies and passion that
match the educational objectives are selected. Relevant training is also an
important element, enabling the development of the skills and knowledge

Al-Tanzim : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Vol. 00 No. 00 (2020) : 0-00 10

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required by teaching staff and education personnel. Fair and continuous
performance evaluation is an important tool to ensure that all staff members
perform optimally. Finally, close supervision is an effort to ensure that all these
measures are implemented according to plan and achieve better educational
goals. All of this has an impact on consistently improving the quality of
Finally, the tenth research by Fitriyah Ekawati (2018) with the research
title Human Resource Management in Improving the Quality of Education at
Smpit. The research conducted by Fitriyah Ekawati in 2018 is a very relevant
picture of various aspects of Human Resources (HR) management at SMPIT
Imam Bukhari. This research underscores the importance of a holistic HR
management approach in the context of education. One of the key aspects
emphasized is recruitment. Ensuring that recruitment is selective and in line
with the school's needs is a crucial first step in building a quality team of
educators. In addition, continuous training is an important element in the
development of educational staff. By providing relevant training, teaching and
education staff can continuously improve their skills, which in turn will have a
positive impact on the quality of education provided. Accurate and fair
performance measurement is a way to evaluate the impact of various HR
management efforts. In addition, continuous assessment of the quality of
education is also very important, as it allows schools to continuously monitor
their progress and make improvements where necessary. By taking into account
all these aspects, holistic HR management can help SMPIT Imam Bukhari in
continuously improving the quality of education they offer.
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management is the science and art that involves
effective and efficient control over the use of human and other resources to
achieve goals. There are six main elements in management, namely people,
money, methods, materials, machines, and markets. This management science
develops from the human element contained in the six elements of management
(Suwatno, 2018: 16).
Education and Education Personnel
The definition of Educators and Education Personnel according to Law
No. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System Article 1 Paragraphs 5
and 6 is as follows: Education Personnel are individuals in society who
diligently carry out their roles and are appointed to support the implementation
of the education process. Meanwhile, educators are a type of education
personnel who have certain qualities and professionalism, such as teachers,
lecturers, counselors, learning assistants, widyaiswara, tutors, instructors,
facilitators, and various other designations in accordance with their
specialization. They also play an active role in the implementation of
educational activities.
Duties and Functions of Education Human Resources
According to Law No. 20/2003 Article 39, education personnel play an
important role in carrying out tasks such as administration, management,
development, supervision, and technical services that support the educational
process in educational institutions. Meanwhile, educators, who are
professionals, have the responsibility to design and implement learning,

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evaluate learning outcomes, provide guidance and training, and contribute to
research and community service. This is especially true for educators in higher
education. In the context of the duties and roles of teachers and lecturers, Law
No 14 of 2007 emphasizes that they act as learning agents with the aim of
improving the quality of national education, developing science and
technology, and contributing to society. Article 6 confirms that teachers and
lecturers are professionals who aim to run the national education system and
achieve national education goals, which include developing the potential of
students to become individuals who are faithful, moral, healthy,
knowledgeable, creative, independent, and democratic and responsible citizens.
It is important that educators meet the minimum qualifications and
certifications appropriate to their teaching level, maintain their physical and
mental health, and have the ability to support national education goals.
Educators for formal education at all levels, from early childhood to tertiary
education, must be produced by universities that have been accredited in
accordance with government regulations.
This human resource management function has a significant impact on
the field of education and can affect the quality of education. One of the
requirements that must be met by educational institutions is to have a
development vision that is in accordance with the potential of their human
resources. The need to have excellence in various aspects, such as technology in
administration and learning, varied learning methods, academic achievement
by students and graduates, and the availability of facilities such as laboratories,
leads us to the need for superior human resources. Improvements in technology
require human resources who are skilled in technology, while variations in
learning methods require competent teachers. All this emphasizes the
importance of integrating human resources in achieving the goals of
educational institutions. This, in turn, points to the importance of applying
human resource management concepts that are strategic in nature. According to
human resource management expert (Armstrong, 2008), organizational goals
can be achieved when human resource-related systems, procedures and
practices are developed and implemented according to organizational needs,
especially when a Strategic Human Resource Management approach is applied.
Sergiovani highlighted the significance of human resources in the context of
school organizations. He explains that the fundamental difference between
schools and other institutions lies in the level of human involvement that
characterizes their operations. In schools, the main product is people, and the
production process is highly dependent on the social interaction between
individuals. This statement underlines that human resources have a very
dominant role in the organization of the learning and education process, which
in turn shows the importance of implementing strategic Human Resource
Management in educational institutions.
Educational human resource management plays a crucial role in
improving the quality of education in Indonesia, involving long-term planning,
selection, training, evaluation and supervision. These components are
interrelated and must be implemented effectively to achieve better and

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sustainable education goals. The importance of a holistic approach involves
professional development, character, competency enhancement and the
creation of an educational environment that supports religious values.
Education human resource management is not only administrative, but also
strategic for the progress and improvement of education quality in Indonesia,
emphasizing the urgency of integrated planning, careful selection, relevant
training, fair evaluation, and strict supervision.

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