VBC Context

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I. Contexts for motion can be debated( THW abolish )

- Student life
+) School Uniforms
OG: Status quo: we are blocked from expressing our cultures and
Not banning uniforms => bullying through different schools( gifted
bully normal )
Uniforms cost lots of money all at once
+ blocks freedom and lifestyle
+ blocks culture and religion
+ Example: EX: canadian school - vietnamese student wanting to wear
Not banning uni:
Status Quo: We are wearing uniforms.
Mechanism: Simple: On holidays, we can wear different clothes
not just the uniform. Other than that, we wear uniforms. The uniforms will be
designed to be comfortable for the students.
Not banning school uniforms => promoting equality bcz of theres no
poor and rich
Not banning school uniforms => reducing bullying bcz of no rich and
poor separation

Banning school uniforms => poor and rich separation => bad for
Banning school uniforms => no easy identification => harder to
Wearing school uniforms => encourage discipline in schools

Self expressing => rich express that they’re rich, poor wearing
uniforms => rich bully poor => bad
We don’t ban uniforms, but that doesnt mean sometimes we get
chances to wear culture/religions clothes

Our world Their world

Creates equality Less equality

Less bullying More bullying
No poor and rich separations Poor and rich separations
Better educations Self expressing
Better Schools Management Less discipline
Better discipline

+) Homework

+) Socialization time
+) Access to Technology
- Teaching
+) Teachers’ pay
+) Teachers’ responsibilities
+) Electives Allowance
+) Adding new subjects

- Educational structure
+) Public vs Private schools
+) Gifted schools
+) Standardised testing
+) School hours
+) Length of school holidays
+) The division between primary, middle and high school
+) Online vs In-Person Education


I. Contexts for motion can be debated

Is it our job to protect the environment ?

Proposition Opposition
Status quo: Earth’s climate change is Status quo: same
bad and it’s mostly likely caused by Problem: PTE cars do less pollution is
the people. expensive
Problem: It is making people sick: more ppl PTE => more ppl lose
lung cancer, heart disease (by WHO) job(coal ,.. )
Impact: more people die => effecting PTE => bad for economy
families Points: Climate change without ppl
Goal: Let the world be healthy PTE cost money ppl dont have
Points: PTE keep ppl healthier and PTE took ppl’s job
save lives
II. By ms TA
Prbs : polluted/ CC/ GWs => affect stakeholders
=> health /eco system
Causes: littering, deforestation, hunting, private transport => emision,
industrialization, chemicals, nuclear - green
Solution: extreme: tradition => educate, take actions ( 3Rs, ban fast
fashion, plastic bags,... ; more tax)
Technology : geo engineering + Habits + effective
Eg: Country focus on more economy , more green energy
Investment : Developing countries
developed countries : technology and exploit
International events:
Joe Biden - Alaska -> globally
plastic straw
Fiction method: Building undersea cities, colonize Mars

Social media

I. Contexts for motion can be debated

Should we trust the news

Proposition Opposition
Mechanism: trust reliable source Mechanism: Every source news is
Points: Journalists try to make stories designed the words to be bias
as accurate as possible For ex:
Journalists are trained to be fair, The soldiers of …. can’t win so they
accurate, report the truth retreated
=> The solders of … retreat for better
Fake news spread quickly on SM bcz
gets a lot of attention
Journalists can make mistakes and
sometimes biases.

I. Contexts for motion can be debated

Cellphones in class?

Proposition Opposition
Status quo: Sts using it often but not Status quo: sts using it often
allowed Problem: being addicted
Problem: Sts hard to find info Impact: Everyone has bad eyes,
Impact: Everyone can achieve full addicted to phones,...
potential if have cellphonesm Goal: for better educations
Points: Points:
CP: useful tools if CP in class, Students no CP => left
CP allowed sts to learn faster out
CP are needed in emergency Use CP to cheat
Mechanism: Teachers help sts learn to CP: distract sts
use CP responsibly make students lazy
Is technology making us lazy?

Proposition Opposition
Tech makes things too easy: no longer Ppl java more info => productive
remember info Tech gives ppl more time to do more
Use machines tasks
Ppl waste time using tech in way Tech makes ppl more productive bcz
aren’t productive they’ve constantly connect to sts
Tech allows ppl to take physically
II. By ms TA(tech or social media)
Tech: Gene editing
alogorithm => tiktok => echo chamber
Social: Purpose nature, communicate, sharing, forums :discuss/exchange
how ppl use it: create info(source): fake news /inapropriate
algorithm => search / terrorism/gun
Parents and rela…

I. Contexts by co Trang Anh

Problem - type of parents
- Asian Parents : conservative society
power -> child (education)
adult => respect
gap between parents and children
- Western type: Open minded
Let their kids experience
friends with their kids
- Parents towards their childs => force
EG: Parents should track sts’ location
control students sts’ social media
limit screentime
operate curfew

Parents Obligation
I. Contexts by co Trang Anh
Eg: Parents should be punished for their kids’ crimes
Parents should choose future jobs for their kids
Parents should make medical decisions for their kids instead of
professional doctors
Kids should get paid/rewarded by doing chores/getting good grades
Solution : take classes on how to raise …
tiger parenting
Lottery birth => kids right to choose conditions/parents
Kids affected by parents : positive
Eg: parents role model (parents never make mistake)
Kids pleased for their work
parents => kids

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