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Part 2

Final Coverage

Topic 1: Practice Arnis without weapons

 Unarmed applications of Arnis

 Learn the application of arnis without weapon
 Demonstrate the unarmed application of arnis

Lesson 1 Unarmed applications of Arnis

Very Practical Unarmed Applications of Kali Fighting Style

The common misconception is that arnis, kali or eskrima uses only sticks and
bladed weapons. But Eskrima has been using hand-to-hand combat along with
its weapons all throughout its long and bloody history.

y-hand “tapi-tapi”, “mano-mano”, “damog” drills in Filipino Martial Arts – Arnis
Eskrima Kali.

What Makes Kali Fighting Style Unique?

Eskrima practitioners begin their instruction by learning on how to duel with

weapons, empty-hand and advanced training are then learned once the knife
and kali fighting style has been satisfactorily mastered.
This is contrary to most other famous Asian martial arts, but it’s reasonable by
the standard that bare-handed motions are obtained in nature through the
same movements as the weapon practices, making the muscle memory a
significant part of the training.

The Stick is only the Extension of the Hand in Eskrima

Empty-hand training is a major component of all Filipino Martial Arts taught

by master instructors. Seeing the big picture of bladed arts and weapons,
empty-hand training is just one of the many advanced subjects taught in
Filipino Martial Arts.

Empty hand techniques are frequently taught last in FMA because the idea is
that no one would want to go to battle empty-handed. This notion is quite
plausible especially that Martial Arts is an art of war and people and nobody
goes to war without weapons.

The Self-defence Technique Against Knife Attack that could Saved Life

Be ready for a knife attack with this life-saving self-defence technique.

Weapons training is therefore very important to make it easier for you to deal
with a weapon-wielding adversary using your bare hands. Since you already
have a working knowledge of how the weapon is handled and used, you can
easily come up with the appropriate counter.

s Lim demonstrating the bare hands eskrima disarming technique with a

Against a knife attack, for instance, it may be sensible to evade and counter
the adversary with a strike, but it would be much better to disarm the
adversary with his weapon after deflecting, distracting and controlling his
weapon hand.
Applying Ergonomics – Shortening or Lengthening the Weapon to Cover

Some methods that make plenty of sense in the weapon to weapon fight make
little sense in an unarmed fight. Likewise, some methods that work in combats
with long, pointed weapons do not work with short, blunt objects. Stick combat
may not work in the same manner as with machetes or swords.

Therefore, all concepts and methods utilized in weapon training must not be
shifted straight to empty hand combat. There are different sets of effective
empty-hand techniques that are applicable to both weapon and bare hands
and you need to focus on these techniques.

How to Turn the Hand into a Weapon with Kali Fighting Style

The Live Hand is a distinct feature and a core concept of Filipino martial arts.
Even if a practitioner only exercises one weapon, the other hand is utilized to
control, disarm or trap the weapon of an opponent, as well as to support in
joint locking, blocking, and opponent’s manipulation or other concurrent
movements, for instance, bicep destruction using the live hand.

Many Eskrima styles like Balintawak Eskrima integrated bare hands

techniques along with the stick – applying punching, elbow, kicking, knee
strikes, locking, takedowns, throwing along with the stick to complement the
human weapon with the stick or primary weapon.

Mano Mano

In Filipino Martial Arts, Mano Mano is an empty-hand fighting component of

Arnis. The term means “hands” or “hand-to-hand,” coming from the Spanish
term “mano” meaning hand. Mano Mano is also known in Filipino as suntukan
or panununtukan (Luzon) and pangamot (Visayas), as well as Cadena de Mano
or De Cadena, is a few FMA systems.

Considering all the possibilities of empty-hand self-defence, Mano-Mano is an

excellent self-defence system that practices kicking, boxing, ground fighting,
grappling, as well as weapon awareness.

It is a mixture of various Filipino Martial Arts styles including Boksing (Filipino

boxing), Sikaran (foot fighting), and Dumog (self-defence grappling).
onal Filipino Kali Fighting Style of Mano-Mano

Mano-mano began as a self-defence system that's been imparted from one

generation to another onto the family members. In the present day, Mano-
mano is practiced across the world and is gaining the admiration for its
effectiveness and practicality.

Using both Weapon and Empty-hands for a Formidable Kali Fighting Style

With that said, one big attraction of empty-hand training is that it more
accessible than weapons-based training, especially to individuals who are only
starting out. Since we are all aware where our hands and feet are, punching
and kicking just happens to be easy to learn compared to learning to use a

Also, a decent cardio workout follows much faster. Truthfully speaking, it’s also
fun and entertaining to punch a focus mitt hard.

Other empty hands Filipino martial arts that can be integrated into eskrima

 Sikaran: Kicking styles, moreover, a separate kick-based art practiced in

the province of Rizal
 Dumog: Filipino technique of grappling.
 Buno: Filipino technique of wrestling.
 Sayaw ng Kamatayan or Yaw-Yan: (Dance of Death) Yaw-Yan very
much is similar to Muay Thai, but varies in the hip-torquing movement
and the downward-cutting quality of its kicks, as well as the highlighting
on attacks delivered from long-range (while Muay Thai highlights more
on clinch). The strikes, punches, dominating palms, elbows, and hand
motions are empty-hand versions of the blade weapons. There are twelve
“bolo punches,” which were modelled from Arnis.

Eskrima and Kali are acknowledged as a weapon-based system which begins

the training regime with weapons. However, empty hand techniques are also
taught with principles that are almost similar to the use of weapons. It's a
complete self-defense system you can always rely on.

Activity 1

Directions: Answer briefly the following questions in a word format. Submit

it on the schedule provided by the instructor through the
provided link or group chat.

1. Using the basic arnis strikes, execute them using bare hand either in
chopping form or in a close fist. Record it again and send to your

Comments / Suggestions / Observations:


Topic 2: Arnis Disarming Techniques

 Stick Disarming

 Demonstrate stick disarming techniques

Lesson 1 Stick Disarming

Snake Disarm
In this disarm, the student is fighting open-handed, while the opponent has a
stick. Again, remember that the stick represents a single-edged blade. The
defense works on most of the angles of attack but it is most useful against a
backhand strike.

Step 1

 As you step towards 10:30 with your left foot into a left neutral bow to
get behind the right arm of your opponent and block the incoming arm
by placing your right hand on the back of your opponent's right wrist.
You can double up the blocking action with your left hand on the back of
the opponent's forearm.
 Snake your left hand by rolling the back of your left hand over the top of
your opponent's right forearm, and frictionally pull the arm towards your
body as you continue to wrap your left arm around the opponent's right
 Lock your opponent's right wrist against the outside of your left bicep,
and pull your wrist back towards your shoulder, forcing the opponent's
wrist into your left shoulder, opening the hand and releasing the weapon.

Step 2

 Apply a "Plus One" and cross out to 6:00.

Punch Disarm

Your primary course of action should be to injure the wrist and if the opponent
proves too smart for you, try the punch disarm.

The technique involves three simple steps- Parry, Grab, Twist Punch.

Once you parry your opponent’s escrima stick, you must be quick to grab the
other end of their stick and twist it downwards. Don’t give them time to react or
gain momentum.

After you have successfully twisted his arm, punch his wrist with your other
hand or the short end of your stick. It’s a matter of personal preference and
with practice, you’ll get the hang of the positioning.

The variant of the punch is a bit complicated(due to more movements) but not

In the variant, you don’t parry. Instead, you bloke with your hand and use an
outside hook as the disarm. The first two steps are the hardest to coordinate in
this style, but it’s a great way to spice up your arsenal of fighting techniques.
Heaven & Earth

The first variant of this technique is risky if you’re not a fast martial artist. It
leaves you open to all sort of hits from every direction, while not giving you the
flexibility to block any of them.

The technique starts off with a roof or an umbrella block. Your stick hand goes
towards the heaven striking down towards earth while your another arm
(positioned at earth) moves towards heaven, giving you enough force to strike
down the stick from your opponent’s hand.

The second variant is far more spontaneous and easier to pull off.

Instead of vertical movements, you switch to diagonal.

This gives you opponent a shorter time frame to react to your disarm, thereby
raising the probability of a successful hit.


Activity 2

1. Find a partner and demonstrate the snake disarming technique. Record it

and send to your professor.

Comments / Suggestions / Observations:


Topic 3: Gun Disarming Techniques

 How to disarm pistols or revolvers

 Apply the disarming techniques for guns
Lesson 1 How to disarm pistols or revolvers

While no single situation will be exactly the same, the following can be done
when needed. Remember you only attempt to disarm a gun when this is the
last thing you can ever do.

2. Grab their arm at the wrist. If you've decided that you need to disarm
the criminal because it's likely you will be shot otherwise, spin the gun away
from you. This technique is very dangerous. Do not attempt it if you are not
properly trained, unless absolutely necessary.

 The goal is to make sure the gun is pointed away from your body as you
grab it, and spin it away.[1]
 Continue the energy you’ve created by twisting the arm with the gun
around you to the right as you face away from where the criminal was
originally positioned. Now, flip the gunman on the ground as you spin to
the right while holding the gunman’s arm.
 Keep your hand on the attacking arm, and take the gun. You can also
step over the gunman and hold his arm with your leg.

2. Grab the gun directly from the hand. Twist the gun down, breaking the
criminal’s finger as you do it. Remember, the criminal’s finger will be in the

 Twist the gun to the right. All of these maneuvers are dangerous if the
criminal is stronger than you and also risk the gun firing and striking
other people in the area.
 Take the gun from the criminal's wounded hand. Use the right hand to
stop the wrist as you use the left hand to bend their wrist, grab the gun,
and push the gun down. This is very important. If you don’t grab their
wrist before twisting the gun down, you will risk them maintaining
control of the gun.
 Humans only grab one way, with their thumb and forefingers. When the
grip is primarily based on the thumb, attacking the thumb with an elbow
strike, fist strike, or a twisting motion going against the thumb with
leverage can break the grip.[2] 4

How to Disarm a gun pointed at your back

Turn around, and step in and under their arm, and rip the gun out of the
criminal’s hand.
 You could do either of the first two steps next; either, you will want to
twist the gun in the criminal’s hand, breaking his finger. Or just rip the
gun out of their hand. Move the left hand on the side of the attacker’s
gun and at the same time move your body to the attacker’s right side. [3]
 Before you do this, wave your hands as if surrendering and saying don’t
shoot. After moving your left hand to the side of the attacker’s gun, take
a right counter-clockwise circular step in between the attacker’s feet
while turning the gun toward the attacker.
 Your wrist should lock the attacker’s right hand, and turn the gun at the
attacker’s throat, bringing the attacker to the ground. In each of these
moves, the goal is to reposition the gun before twisting it from the
gunman's hand.

Control the weapon.

You must take control of the weapon so the gunman cannot redirect it at you.
This will unfold fast, and the gunman will try to regain control. [4]

 Burst in forward. Put your weight inward and downward on the gun. You
are trying to get the weapon down and inward to limit the ability of the
attacker to move it. Move your feet to keep putting weight on the weapon
no matter how the criminal reacts. [5]
 You will want to use your hip muscles and body weight to torque an
opponent’s wrist to take them down. In one move, put enormous
pressure on the attacker’s wrist, forcing them down to the ground while
placing strong control of the weapon. You can kick the criminal to the
head, midsection or groin to remove the weapon.
 Or reach over the attacker’s shoulder and clench the rifle’s butt stock.
Insert your right hand with the thumb pointed toward the ground to
grasp the weapon’s stock. Yank the weapon toward you to weaken the
attacker’s leverage and yank it shortly up. Wrench the weapon away.


Activity 3

1. Using gun replica, ask someone to point them to you and try to disarm
him. Record your performance and send it to your professor.

Comments / Suggestions / Observations:


Topic 4: Knife Disarming

 Knife Disarming Techniques

 Appreciate the knife disarming techniques
 Perform the disarming techniques for knife

Lesson 1 Knife Disarming Techniques

Next to guns, knives are a very dangerous weapon that could be used to attack
It is always an option to disarm the knife before being hurt. Below are
suggested steps to do when doing so.

1.Create distance between yourself and the attacker, if possible. If it turns

out that you must face a knife-wielding attacker one-on-one, start by backing
away. Try to put as much distance as possible between yourself and the
attacker. Experts recommend seven yards as a distance that will keep you safe
from a knife attack.

3. Use an object as a shield.[4] If you want to disarm an opponent or attacker,

you will have to do so at the right moment. While you are waiting, you can
protect yourself by using an object as a shield. Try to find a hard, rigid object
such as a board or trash can lid, but any object (even a coat, blanket, etc.)
can help. Hold the object in front of you to protect yourself against sudden

 A shield will help keep your vulnerable areas protected. Remember that
your most vulnerable areas are at your core (chest, abdomen), so keep
those protected above all.

3.Keep your body perpendicular to the attacker. Try not to stand directly in
front of the attacker; this makes you more vulnerable to attacks. Instead,
remain to the side of the attacker if at all possible. That way, you will have a
chance to see if the attacker turns to lunge toward you, and have slightly more
time to react.

 When an attacker is punching, jumping, kicking, or stabbing at you, it's

critical that you be moving your feet to protect yourself and put yourself
in a better position. Even if you can't avoid or block an attack entirely,
you can still hopefully mitigate whatever damage they otherwise would
have caused.

1. Block and redirect attacks.[7] If the attacker lunges at you before you
are able to get the knife, step to the side out of his/her way. The attacker
may then turn around to face you again. Be prepared and move to the
side of the attacker, so that you can avoid direct stabs in your direction.
2. Deflect the attacker’s arm if he or she strikes.[8] If the attacker lunges
at you and you are not able to get out of the way, grab the attacker’s arm
as he/she moves toward you. Use both of your hands to grab on, if
possible. Yank the attacker’s arm and use the attacker’s momentum to
throw him/her to the ground, making sure to keep the knife pointed
away from you.
3. Stop an underhand knife attack. If the attacker lunges at you using an
upward motion, use the blade of your hand to chop into the attacker's
hand. Do this forcefully, and it will push the attacker’s arm backward.
Use your hands to push and hold the attacker's arm back so that the
knife stays away from you. Slam the attacker’s arm into a hard surface
or apply pressure until the knife falls from his/her hand.
4. Throw the attacker from the ground. If the attacker lunges toward you
with the knife, back away and pretend to fall down so that you are still
facing the attacker. Prop yourself up on your forearms, keep your left
foot raised, and wait for the attacker to approach. When the attacker is
within reach of your feet, put your left foot against his/her heel. Slam
your right leg against the back of the attacker's knee as hard as you can,
pushing the attacker away. If you do this correctly, your attacker will fall
face first, with the knife aimed away from you.


Activity 4

1. Ask someone to try to stab you with a knife, apply the disarming techniques
to defeat the opponent. Use only a rubber knife/replica or a hard paper like
illustration board to avoid injury. Have it recorded in video and send it to
your professor.

Comments / Suggestions / Observations:


Topic 5: Disarming club or bat

 Disarming techniques for club or bat

 Learn the disarming techniques for club or bat
 Apply the skill of disarming club or bat

Lesson 1 Disarming techniques for club or bat

Having to defend yourself while unarmed against an attack with a stick or club
is not easy. The attacker has a weapon that he can wield from a distance,
which can be swung quickly at various angles and with a lot of force, causing
serious bodily injury or even death. Assuming you are out and about without
any weapons of your own, and faced with this scenario, you will have to rely on
your wits, reflexes and the ability to inflict maximum damage to vulnerable
targets very quickly.

While it may be possible to disarm your attacker at some point, that is not your
goal. Instead, your goal is to avoid getting hit, or at least avoid taking serious
damage. Learning self-defense from an article is not optimal, but there are a
few ideas that can be understood and easily implemented in this situation.

Distance is key – so depending on the length of the weapon being used (let's
not discuss knives right now), you need to try and keep obstacles between you
and the attacker to make it hard for him to swing the weapon and hopefully
give you time to get away. If these tactics won't work, then you need to resort
to more direct measures.

There are generally two basic options when someone is swinging something at
your head/body: move away from it and avoid getting hit or move towards it to
get inside the arc where the club cannot cause damage. In this article let's
examine what to do when you move back and away from the swing.
Moving away from danger is the natural reaction most people have – we do not
instinctively think about moving towards a deadly weapon, and with good
reason. And while moving back and away means you will probably avoid
getting hit, it does create a few challenges: you're still facing an attacker who is
unhurt, armed, and probably swinging a backhand strike at your head
immediately after missing you.

Once you move back and the club swings past you, one option is to
immediately move in to jam the attacker's swinging arm by bringing up your
forearms and slamming them into his forearm. Depending on your distance
from the attacker and the speed you and he are moving at, you hopefully will
end up striking the attacker's forearm hard – stopping the strike, causing pain,
and allowing you the chance to end the confrontation. If you are too far out,
and the attacker is too quick, you might end up catching the club on one or
both forearms – not ideal – but better than your head or body.

After you have stopped the backswing, you want to do one of two things: 1) use
one hand to grab the wrist and control the attacking arm while the other hand
palm strikes the face as many times as needed to get the proper response –
ideally the attacker being unconscious, or 2) use your arm and wrap it around
the attacker's arm trapping it in your armpit, and then continuing as above.
After I deliver a palm strike to the face, I like to hook my thumb under the
attacker's jaw as I push his head back, while sticking a finger or two in his

If not unconscious, this should at least cause the attacker to drop the weapon,
at which point you can shove the attacker away from you and the weapon,
while you either flee to safety or pick up the weapon and prepare for any
additional attacks.

Activity 5

1. Ask somebody to attack you with a club or bat, and try to disarm him. Do
it carefully, you use soft objects to avoid harm. Record your performance
and send it to your professor.

Comments / Suggestions / Observations:


Topic 6. Pencak Silat

 Introduction to pencak silat
 Know the martial art of pencak silat

Lesson 1 Introduction to pencak silat

Pencak silat (Indonesian pronunciation: [ˈpent͡ʃak ˈsilat]; in Western writings

sometimes spelled "pentjak silat" or phonetically as "penchak silat") is an
umbrella term for a class of related Indonesian martial arts.[1][2] In neighbouring
countries, the term usually refers to professional competitive silat. It is a full-
body fighting form incorporating strikes, grappling and throwing in addition to
weaponry. Every part of the body is used and subject to attack. Pencak silat
was practiced not only for physical defense but also for psychological ends.

The leading organization of pencak silat in Indonesia is Ikatan Pencak Silat

Indonesia (Pencak Silat Association of Indonesia). The liaison body for
international pencak silat is the International Pencak Silat Federation or
PERSILAT (Persekutuan Pencak Silat Antara Bangsa).

Pencak silat is included in the Southeast Asian Games and other region-wide
competitions. Pencak silat first made its debut in 1987 Southeast Asian Games
and 2018 Asian Games, both were held in Indonesia.

Pencak Silat is a fighting sport which collectively encompasses martial arts of

various styles. This form of fighting involves, striking, grappling techniques,
and throwing. In addition fighters are allowed to use certain types of weapons.
Pencak Silat involves full-body fighting, where any part of the body can be used
and any part of the body can be attacked. This form of fighting originated in
Indonesia as a means of self-defense and turned into a competitive sport. The
sport has currently spread to many South Asian countries.

There are several styles of Pencak Silat currently being practiced, of which the
six most popular are Minangkabau, Sunda, Betawi, Java, Bali, are Maluku.
Some of the offensive moves that are commonly used are punches and kicks.
Strikes with feet, elbow and shoulder are also often used. For defense, the most
commonly used move is blocking, using hands, forearms, elbows or shoulders.
Dodging and deflecting are also frequently used for defense.
International Pencak Silat Association (PERSILAT) is the highest governing
body of the sport which conducts major international competitions. The Pencak
Silat World Championship organized by PERSILAT, which is held every two or
three years, is the highest level competition for the sport which sees
participation from over 30 countries.

Each form of Pencak Silat has its own style, but most feature a combination of
two or more of the following:

 strikes (pukulan)
 kicks (tendangan)
 locks (kuncian)
 weapons (senjata)
 mental focus

Activity 6.

Directions: Answer briefly the following questions in a word format. Submit

it on the schedule provided by the instructor through the
provided link or group chat.

1. Briefly describe the martial arts of pencak silat

2. How does the pencak silat resemble arnis?

Comments / Suggestions / Observations:


Topic 7: Pencak Silat Styles

 Pencak Silat Styles

 Know the different Pencak Silat Styles
 Perform the Pencak Silat Styles

Lesson 1 Pencak Silat Styles


Pukulan is a style of the Indonesian martial art known as Silat. The name
Pukulan comes from the Indonesian word to strike and means “a series of
blows with returning hands and feet”. Pukulan practitioners throw rapid whip
style strikes out of flowing movement derived from four animal styles of
monkey, tiger, crane and snake. These old traditional styles hearken back to a
time when practitioners found strength in a connection with the natural world
by embracing animal movements. These may be some of the oldest martial arts
surviving into modern times.

Indonesian Silat originated before written history, influenced by the many

cultures traveling and trading in that part of the world. In old imperial times,
the Javanese court formalized and refined martial arts to a high degree. Silat is
traditionally practiced with musical accompaniment and in Dutch Colonial
times the combat aspects were concealed as a form of dance. Pukulan students
still use music and drumming rhythms characteristic of the art to enhance
their training. Until recently as a village art Silat survived Dutch colonization,
occupation by the Japanese, a brutal fight for independence and following civil
war. This history honed the combative elements of Silat to a degree not found
in other arts. When master teachers left the country after independence, they
brought Silat to the West for the first time. One such Master, Willy Wetzel,
brought his Pukulan system to the US in 1956. As a complete system,
Pukulan incorporates several styles of Silat as well as the self-defense fighting
art of Kuntao.
Kuncian (Lockdown)

Kuncian (Lockdown) is a movement to paralyze an opponent so as not to be

harmful, unable to move, or disarming an opponent. Kuncian Techniques have
deceitful movements, dodge movements, and rapid movements that can be
targeted on the wrists, chins, necks, and enemies' shoulders.
Image : Kuncian

The Weapon Used In Pencak Silat

Some of the weapons used in pencak silat are :

1. Kujang

Kujang weapon is a traditional weapon that comes from the community of West
Java (Sunda), Kujang is believed the public has magical powers in it. "Kujang"
is come from the word kudihayang (Kudi and Hayang in Sundanese). The word
"Kujang" also comes from the word Ujang which has a human meaning.
Magical is meant here is a Supernatural powers that have by Prabu Siliwangi.
2. Keris

Keris is one type of taper and sharp weapons on both sides of the kris. The
blade is dwarfed and has a pamor that looks like the metal fibers of the slash
on the blade strand.

Image : Keris

3. Side Weapon / Linso / Sarung / Belt

Linso or silk scarves are worn on the shoulders or around the waist, they are
used for locking and defense techniques against knives. Now, the use of Linso
in the martial world is replaced with a belt.

Image : Linso
4. Kerambit Weapons / Tiger Claws

Kerambit weapon is a small curved knife like tiger claws originating from
Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia. The Western
world calls this weapon as a kerambit, while in Minang's home region, this
weapon is called Kurambiak / Karambiak. This weapon is a deadly weapon,
because the kerambit can be used to tear off enemy parts of the body without
being detected by the opponent because it is so fast.

Image : Kerambit

5. Celurit Weapon

Celurit is a weapon originating from the Madurese region. This weapon is

characteristic of the Madurese commonly used as a carok weapon. Sakera is a
legendary character with thick weapons celurit. The people of Madura
sometimes possessed supernatural beings (kodam) into the celurit with the aim
that the celurit has supernatural powers.
Image : Celurit

6. Sundang

Sundang or Keris Sundang is a weapon used by the Suluk people (Tausug) for
centuries. Keris Sundang is a modification of a Dragon motif keris that
resembles a sword form that is often used in the Indonesian archipelago.
History records that Keris Sudang was brought by Bugis tribe from Makassar
city, Sulawesi Island to Riau and Malayan island around the 17th century.

Image : Sundang
7. Rencong

Rencong is a Aceh dagger that have curve shape. Rencong is often used in
celebration events, such as weddings, Peusijuk, Meugang, Tung Bara Baro
(Mengunduh Mantu), and other important activities.

Image : Rencong

8. Semkata Gada

Gada is a large-sized weapon used to hit an opponent. The shape of the tip of
the beater has thorns that can help crush the opponent's body if exposed to an
attack. At about the 17th century, Gada included the main weapons other than
axes, arrows, and swords. But now this weapon is only a means of display and
switch functions as a farming tool.
Image : Gada

9. Spear

Spears or Javelin weapons are weapons that we can meet in almost all the
tribes in the world. Spears have the ease of manufacture and use, so the spear
is widely used as a weapon against the enemy.

Image : Spear

10. Parang / Golok

Parang or golok is an ordinary made of ordinary iron without knick-knacks or

engraving like a dagger. In Borneo itself known as Ambang. Golok is widely
used as a tool of slaughtering small plants (shrubs) in the yard of the house. In
the world of martial arts, parang used as a weapon that is widely used by the
Malay tribe in the village in ancient times. The Malay Tribes of Java and
Sumatra make parang as one of the mainstays of the fight against the enemy.

Image : Golok
11. Tumbuk Lada Weapon

Tumbuk Lada / Lado is a traditional weapon originating from the Riau

archipelago. Badik is a term that is better known among Bugis and Sumatran
people. Tumbuk Lada classified as a short weapon with a sharp eye on one side
only. Its use may be used singly or in pairs. In ancient times this weapon can
not be separated from the completeness of the customary clothing of the people
of Riau which is the identity that characterizes the Malay nation.

Image : Tumbuk Lada

12. Toya

Toya is a stick weapon made of wood and rattan. Each Indonesian pencak silat
genre uses Toya as a self-defense weapon. In the martial arts sports, Toya
became the one that must be used in a single category pencak silat match.
Image : Toya

13. Cindai

Cindai is a cloth that is often used as a sarung or head wrap. The traditional
women usually often cover their heads w

ith a cloth that can be used as a cindai. Cindai itself is used to strangle or bind
the opponent to immobilize the opponent's movement so as not to be harmful.

14. Fan

The fan is one of the martial arts weapon also called Tessen. This fan is often
used by the Kurenai as a secret weapon. Frame fan made of iron is used as a
weapon that can tear the opponent's body because the opponent does not
realize that the fan is a sharp secret weapon.

Activity 7

1. Choose one pencak silat style and demonstrate it. Record your
performance and have it submitted to your professor.

Comments / Suggestions / Observations:

Topic 8: Fighting Techniques You Need To Master In Pencak Silat
 Pencak silat Fighting Techniques

 Know the Pencak silat Fighting Techniques
 Perform the techniques of pencak silat

Lesson 1. Pencak silat Fighting Techniques

Silat is Malay’s martial art. The fighting techniques in silat are originated from
the art of war. It is considered as the best self defense moves either one on one
or in group attack. The silat exponent is known as ‘pesilat’ and the silat guru is
known as ‘cikgu’. The guru will teach the exponent in the silat ring known as
‘gelanggang’. Usually the guru will teach all the secrets fighting techniques in
the ring.

There are many fighting techniques that you can learn in silat. However, there
are seven self defense moves that you need to master in order to be best fighter
either in the ring or on the street. These are not complicated techniques but
you need to train everyday in order to master the techniques. The guru will
help to develop your fighting skills particularly if he finds something unique in
your personality and behaviour.

The seven fighting techniques in silat are;

1. Punching. The straight-punch and uppercut are the best techniques in silat.
If you hit your opponent with any of the two punches to the right place, he or
she can die instantly. Exercises such as push-up and grip strength exercise
can develop your punching strikes.

2. Kicking. The concept the higher the better is not relevant to silat. You need
to develop your kicking technique to right target to destroy your enemy. You
can train this using the kicking target and punching bag. The front-kick is the
best kick because the power of the kick is directly delivered to your opponent.

3. Elbow. The unique strike in silat that copied by kick boxing and many other
martial arts. Usually, this technique is used when you try to confuse your
opponent with your body movements.

4. Sweeping. This technique is used in silat olahraga. Not many other martial
arts competition uses this in their match. You can use this technique to topple
down your enemy. The impact of the wrong landing technique from sweeping
technique can lead your enemy to coma.
5. Catching. This is the answer to any self defense that likes to use kick as
their main movements. Usually the catching technique will followed with topple
down or strike that can hurt your opponent badly.

6. Locking. Most locking techniques in silat will end up with breaking the
bones of the opponent particularly if he or she still tends to fight with you. This
is the perfect technique in close combat fighting either with or without weapon.

7. Counter attack. This technique is also known as ‘potong’. Counter attack is

used when your opponent catch your strike either with hand or leg. Normally,
in weaponry system your opponent will die instantly or badly injured due to the
effectiveness of the technique. This is the best skill to beat any martial arts
that emphasizes on catching and locking techniques.

These seven self defense techniques are very powerful in street fighting. You
should never use any of these killing techniques unless desperate. Thus, it is
important to remember that these fighting techniques are for self defense.
Remember, the great silat exponent is the one with good heart.

Activity 8

1. Choose 1 pencak silat fighting technique and demonstrate it. Record it

then submit to your professor.

Comments / Suggestions / Observations:


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