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FEBRUARY 10,2024


Chapter 1: Learning Activity 1

1. In R.A 10175, was the term information security defined? Why do you think the law needs to ,or
NOT to define it?

2. Do you think the law needs revision to catch up with the world’s fast-changing technology? Why?
Or Why not?


The Philippine government's Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 (also known as Republic Act
10175) fails to clearly define the concept of "information security." This lack of specificity opens
the door for confusion and varied interpretations, which could create problems when the law is
put into practice. Presenting a well-defined understanding of "information security" within the Act
would greatly benefit law enforcement agencies and individuals alike, by providing clear guidance
on what actions are necessary to ensure information is handled and safeguarded in a secure
manner. It would also serve to establish concrete boundaries and standards for protecting
sensitive data and systems from any unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption,
modification, or destruction.

One reason some oppose explicitly defining "information security" in the law is due to the ever-
changing landscape of technology. With cybersecurity constantly evolving, a static definition in
legislation could become obsolete in a short amount of time. This may result in the need for
frequent modifications to keep up with new threats and developments. Rather than a inflexible
definition within the law, others propose relying on established industry standards, frameworks,
and best practices for information security. This approach is believed to be more effective in
adapting to the rapidly changing nature of technology.

To sum up, while incorporating a precise definition of "information security" in the legal realm
may offer assurance, we must also take into account the necessity for flexibility to keep up with
ever-evolving technology. Achieving a harmonious blend between specificity and adaptability is
crucial in formulating impactful legislation for cybersecurity.

Yes, the law likely needs revisions to keep pace with the rapidly changing landscape of
technology, ensuring it addresses emerging cyber threats, protects individual rights, aligns with
international norms, accommodates technological innovation, and maintains legal clarity.

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