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‫‪Chat GPT‬‬

‫مهرات البحث والحليل‬

‫االسم‪ :‬رحمه احمد سيف الدين‬


‫تحت اشراف‬
‫د\اشراف سليم‬
What is Chat GPT?
Chat GPT is a powerful text-generating dialogue system. It
is a natural language processing model (NLP) that generates
humanlike responses to inputs from users. Based on
Generative Pre-trained Transformer architecture, this NLP
model is trained on vast conversational data from the
internet. Once trained, it can accomplish a variety of NLP
tasks such as translation, answering questions, and
completing text. The dialogue system can also be used as a
conversational AI, for use in chatbots, virtual agents, and
other conversational application
How does Chat GPT work? Once the user input is
received in Chat GPT, machine learning algorithms are
applied to a large amount of text to generate a humanlike
response. Chat GPT works on a neural network-based
architecture called a Transformer. Datasets from websites,
books, and articles are used for training the model on
language patterns and structure. It learns to predict the next
word based on the previous one. Once trained, the model
can generate new text by predicting the next word in a
sentence, with a given prompt or context. The process is
reiterated until the model has generated a complete
sentence or the required number of words. The model also
uses an attention mechanism while generating text. The
mechanism allows selective focus on certain parts of the
input for more accurate and coherent responses. When
using Chat GPT for conversational AI, the model is typically
fine-tuned on a smaller dataset of conversational text to
further improve its ability to generate human-like responses.
What are the common shortfalls of using Chat GPT in
professional environment? Since Chat GPT
is an evolving (Jan 2023) AI NLP model, some of the
common, potential shortfalls of using Chat GPT in an
enterprise include: • Quality of Generated Text: Chat GPT is
a language model and although it has been trained on a
large dataset, it may not generate text that is of the same
quality as text written by a human. • Bias in the training data:
GPT-based models like Chat GPT may perpetuate bias
present in the training data. Therefore it's important to review
and clean the dataset before fine-tuning the model. • Lack of
Understanding of context: GPT based models like Chat GPT
are good at generating human-like text, but they lack
understanding of the context. Therefore, it may generate
irrelevant or nonsensical responses in certain situations. •
Legal and Ethical Implications: Using Chat GPT in an
enterprise service may have legal and ethical implications,
such as potential violations of privacy and data protection
laws, or issues related to consent and transparency.
How is Chat GPT different from other Chatbot platforms?
Since the Chat GPT AI model used vast amounts of internet
data entered by humans, including conversations, the
responses it generates may seem humanlike. It follows a
dialogue format, it can ask follow-up questions, accept
mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject
inappropriate requests. Being a sibling model of the Instruct
GPT, it follows an instruction in a prompt and gives a
detailed response. The responses, however, are based on
the similarity between the output and the dataset used to
train them and may be inaccurate and even misleading.
What are the common use cases for ChatGPT in DWP?
There are several ways ChatGPT can be used in the
information technology and digital workplace to provide end
user services: • Virtual Assistants: Chat GPT can help
building virtual assistants for help with scheduling, email
management, & customer service. • Email Responders:
Chat GPT can be used to generate automated responses to
common customer inquiries and forward them to the
customer. • Knowledge Base: Chat GPT can be used to build
a knowledge base that can answer common questions and
provide information to users.
Chat GPT can be used to provide automated assistance to
users who need help with IT-related issues, such as
password resets and account lockouts. • HR Assistance:
Chat GPT can be used to provide automated assistance to
employees who need help with HR-related issues, such as
benefits and time-off request
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence was first proposed by John
McCarthy in 1956 in his first academic
conference on the subject. The idea of machines operating
like human beings began to be the
center of scientist’s mind and whether if it is possible to
make machines have the same ability to think and learn by
itself was introduced by the mathematician Alan Turing. Alan
Turing was able to put his hypotheses and questions into
actions by testing whether “machines can think”? After series
of testing (later was called as Turing Test) it turns out that it
is possible to enable machines to think and learn just like
humans. Turing Test uses the pragmatic approach to be
able to identify if machines can respond as human
Description Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is: the field of study that describe the

capability of machine learning just
like humans and the ability to respond to certain behaviors
also known as (A.I.). The need of

Artificial Intelligence is increasing every day. Since AI was

first introduced to the market, it has
been the reason of the quick change in technology and
business fields. Computer scientist are
predicting that by 2020, “85% of customer interactions will
be managed without a human”.
(“Gartner”, (n.d.)). This means that humans simple
request will depend on computers and
artificial intelligence just like when we use Siri or Galaxy to
ask about the weather temperature.
It is very important to be prepared for AI revelation just like
UAE have by installing a state
minister for AI in Dubai.
Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence
AI offers reliability, cost- effectiveness, solve complicated
problems, and make
decisions; in addition, AI restrict data from getting lost. AI is
applied nowadays in most fields
whether business or engineering. One of the great tools in AI
is called “reinforcement learning”
which is based on testing success and failure in real life to
increase the reliability of applications.
Unfortunately, AI is limited with its capability and functionality.
Although Artificial Intelligence made our lives much easier
and saved us more time than
ever, scientists are predicting that by the huge
dependency on AI humanity could extinct.
Scientists argue that by having a AI machines, people will be
jobless and that will conclude in
losing the sense of living. Since machines are learning
and doing thigs more efficiently and
effectively in a timely manner, this could be the reason of our

What Are Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial

Advantages of artificial intelligence include the continual
operation of machines without tiring and losing memory
and the ability to improve communications and information
exchange within and across societies, while disadvantages
include the breakdown of critical components and
widespread use of AI, which raises cyber safety concerns
worldwide. Artificial intelligence refers to the sophistication
and productivity of non-human machines, primarily
machines, computers and software. Artificial intelligence
facilitates human studies in certain areas, such as research
collection and analysis and mathematical computation.

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