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Patient Name : MS. NIYATI SHETH Reference : NONE (SELF) Registered On : Mar 31, 2023, 01:15 p.m.

Age / Sex : 27 years / Female Organization : LC HOMECARE NEW Collected On : Mar 31, 2023, 01:22 p.m.
LCID No : 123036045 Org ID : NA Reported On : Mar 31, 2023, 01:28 p.m.
UID No : 907382

Complete Blood Count LC Specimen Type : EDTA

Test Description Value(s) Unit(s) Reference Range

Haemoglobin (Mod.Cyanmethemoglobin) 9.6 gms% 12 - 15
R.B.C Count (Impedence) 4.23 x10^6/cmm 3.8 - 4.8
PCV (Conductivity) 30.5 % 36 - 46
MCV (Calculated) 72.10 fL 83 - 101
MCH(Calculated) 22.70 Pg 27 - 32
MCHC(Calculated) 31.48 gms% 31.5 - 34.5
W.B.C. Count(Impedence) 6.65 x10^3/cmm 4 - 10
RDW(Calculated) 16.3 % 11.6 - 14.0
MPV(Calculated) 7.6 fL 6 - 11
Platelet Count(Impedence) 4.32 x10^5/cmm 1.50 - 4.10

DIFFERENTIAL COUNT (Impedence,Light Absorbance)

Neutrophils 50 % 40 - 80
Lymphocytes 35 % 20 - 40
Eosinophils 05 % 1-6
Monocytes 10 % 2 - 10
Basophils 0 % 0-2
RBC Morphology Hypochromasia +, Microcytosis +, Anisocytosis +.
Staining & Microscopy

WBC Morphology Normal

Staining & Microscopy

PLATELETS Adequate on smear.

Staining & Microscopy

Other -

CBC done on fully Automated Yumizen H550


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Patient Name : MS. NIYATI SHETH Reference : NONE (SELF) Registered On : 31/03/2023, 01:15 p.m.
Age / Sex : 27 years / Female Organization : LC HOMECARE NEW Collected On : 31/03/2023, 01:22 p.m.
LCID No : 123036045 Org ID : NA Reported On : 31/03/2023, 03:04 p.m.
UID No : 907382

BETA hcG Specimen Type : Serum

Test Description Value(s) Unit(s) Reference Range

HCG-Beta Subunit , Serum by CMIA < 1.20 mIU/ml

Interpretation :
Gest. LMP Range(mIU/ml)
1.3 - 2 3.3 - 4 16 - 156
2-3 4-5 101 - 4870
3-4 5-6 1110 - 31500
4-5 6-7 2560 - 82300
5-6 7-8 23100 - 151000
6-7 8-9 27300 - 233000
7 - 11 9 - 13 20900 - 291000
11- 16 13 - 18 6140 - 103000
16 - 21 18 - 23 4720 - 80100
21 - 39 23 - 41 2700 - 78100

Non pregnant :0 - 10.0

Gest = Weeks of gestation
LMP = Weeks post Last Menstrual Period

Sample Type: Serum


* : Rechecked


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