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On January 21, 2023, we had our first class with ma’am Jobalyn Langayo wherein she introduced to

us the things and steps that we need before the deployment like we have to attend the seminars
about internship and themed KSA or the Knowledge Skills and Attitude. On January 23, 2023
together with the college of Tourism, college of Psychology, and the college of Political Science 2 nd
years we had our first orientation with parents at 9:30am. On January 25 to 26 2023, the KSA
seminar started at 9am at the open gymnasium.

On February 9, 2023, we had our second orientation for the students who don’t have their parents
with them during the first orientation with parents which was started at 8:30am. And at 12:30pm we
had our attendance and at 1pm we had our third seminar about KSA. Ms. Krizel Gulugulway, as the
master of ceremony, introduced the first speaker which is Dr. Ivan Baguilat. Sir Baguilat discussed
the fundamental concepts of political science with a focus on political decision-making, public policy,
and local governance in the Philippines, as well as the country's political system at the national and
local levels, in the Luis Hora Gymnasium. Following the discussion, ma'am Jobalyn Langayo and
ma'am Krizel Guluguluway presented Dr. Baguilat with a token and certificate of appreciation.
Ma’am Krizel Gulugulway introduced the second speaker which is Ms. Sheira Janice Saguilot. She
discussed office operations with business communications (writing business letters, phone, and
email etiquette). The seminar's first day ended at 4:40 p.m.

The fourth seminar began around 8am on February 10, 2023, ma’am Krizel Gulguluway is the master
of ceremony. Ms. Jobalyn D. Langayo, as the first speaker, wherein she discussed customer service in
government. Mr. James Lobhoy followed her discussion by discussing front office and clerical
procedures for law firms, government and non-government agencies, and offices. At 1pm Ms.
Denisse Balanti discussed the parliamentary procedure and ended at 3 p.m.


Chair on motion of Rep. Mikaela Angela B. Suansing, Representative Brosas,
while recognizing the good intentions of House Bill No. 6715 in terms of
greening urban spaces and creating an inclusive urban economy, stated that
its goals only serve to cover more aggressive promotion of corporatized
housing and entry of development aggression projects into urban
communities. She averred that the Bill 1) will not address the fundamental
problems related to urbanization, job opportunities, land conversion, low
salaries, and public housing backlogs; 2) could result in the displacement of
indigenous peoples; and 3) would encourage corporatized investments in
low-cost housing projects. Ultimately, Representative Brosas opined that the
government should provide sufficient funds for public housing, and espouse
a pro-people and comprehensive land use plan with public mass housing
program as one of its components.

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