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TYPES of questions Examples ONLY:

Created by Swati Abhijit on the basis of:
Sources: TSM from myIB, MYP: Language acquisition guide February 2020
plus my own examples

Command terms to be used in the assessment criteria:


Criteria A and B
Strand i identify explicit and implicit information

• Questions—using “What”, “Who”, “Where”, “When”—to ask for factual information in the texts.
• Include questions using words such as: identify; list; name; select; describe; label; match;
draw; define; locate; state information.

• true or false exercises

• multiple-choice questions
• short-answer questions (for example “In one short sentence describe …”)
• table-filling exercises
• gap-filling exercises
• List three events that happened in the text
• Put the events in chronological order
• Match the statement with the correct speaker
• Name one of the activities in the text

Strand ii analyse conventions

• identify the type of visual and its basic purpose

• what is the purpose of
• What effect do you think the author was aiming for by using a mix of formal language and slang
in the final dialogue?
• What kind of technique is used to tell the story? What kind of effect does this technique create?
• The use of rhetorical devices
• What words best describe the speaker’s tone of voice?
• Why is the video partly filmed with a hand-held camera?
• Why do you think the creator chose the visual image of a …. To support the message presented
in ….?
• Camera angles
• Body language
• Use of colours
• Rhythm of music and sound effects
• language conventions (grammar, paragraph structure, spelling, register)
• E.g. linking a pronoun

• How is the text presented?

Strand iii analyse connections- connections between different modes of the text/texts

• How does the colour use match the body language of the character in the scene…
• How does the distance between characters impact their gestures?
• How does the music used reflect facial expression of the characters?
• How do the headings of paragraphs match their content and why is the text divided into
• How does the use of rhetorical devices reflect the speaker’s body language shown in the photo?
• How do the colours used in the picture match the ideas or…… from the text?
• How does the body language and tone expressed by the …… (somebody) serve the purpose of
the video? Elaborate on at least three aspects.

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