Assigment 2 DPI 2413 Fishbone Diagram

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Assessment (%) 20%


Submission Date 12/09/2023




2. DPI 22060204 LEE KA SHIONG
3. DPI 22060069 CHIEN NENG QI
4. DPI 22060232 MAK WENG JOE
5. DPI 22060861 YEAP YI ZHI
6. DPI 22061020 CHIA CHOON WEI
7. DPI 22060775 LIM HAN QIANG

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2 DPI 22060204 LEE KA SHIONG

3 DPI 22060069 CHIEN NENG QI

4 DPI 22060232 MAK WENG JOE

5 DPI 22060861 YEAP YI ZHI


7 DPI 22060775 LIM HAN QIANG

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Table of Content

NO. Conte Page


1. Cover page PG -

2. Table of contents (need to include the page numbers) PG 1,2

3. Introduction PG 3

4. Fishbone Diagram PG 4

5. Content (Elaboration of problem and solution)

5(i). People (bad customer service) PG5,6

5(ii). Material (poor battery life) PG 7,8

5(iii).Machine (bad camera function-no zoom lens) PG 9

5(iv).Technology (durability of fold-able screen) PG 10

5(v). Management (pricing strategies) PG 11

5(vi) .Management (high maintenace cost) PG 12,13

5(vii).Management (product quality and feature) PG 14,15

5(viii).Organisation (lack of coordination PG 16,17

& ineffective leadership)

6. Conclusion PG 18


8. Plagiarism & References PG 21

9. Marking Rubic (as attached) PG 22


The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip is a bold step into the technological and design future of
smartphones. This innovative technology, which was revealed in February 2020, represents
proof of Samsung's ambition to expanding the capabilities of traditional smartphones. The
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip is a smartphone that applies foldable screen technology. When folded
up small, the phone is easy to carry around and keep in a pocket. When opened up, the
phone functions just like other smartphones and reveals a 6.7-inch Dynamic AMOLED display
with plenty of space for a variety of activities.

Samsung designed the Z Flip applying the most advanced materials and engineering
to guarantee endurance without sacrificing elegance. The display's ultra-thin glass adds a
premium feel and improves the phone's overall durability. Users are kept aware of
notifications and other important information by a tiny cover display on the outside, allowing
rapid interactions without folding open the smartphone.

The Z Flip offers outstanding performance specs that guarantee a powerful and
streamlined user experience. It has a powerful processor, lots of RAM, and space for
programmes, pictures, and videos. Its attraction is increased by the outstanding camera
equipment, which takes beautiful pictures and videos. Samsung's Galaxy Z Flip represents
innovation and represents an important turning point in the development of smartphones,
which serves as proof of Samsung's determination to lead forward a new era of smartphone

People (Workers) Material Machine

Bad Poor Bad

custom batter camera
er y life function
service (no zoom
attitude lens)

Galaxy Z Flip

Duralbility of Pricing Lack of

fold-able strategie coordinati
screen High s on
ce cost
Product leadership
quality or

Technology Management Organisation

People , Bad Customer Services

According to our group’s fishbone diagram, ‘people’ is one of the factors

that cause low quality and low profits of the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip. Poor
customer service in a company can have a wide range of negative
consequences for both the company and its customers.

Customers are likely to be dissatisfied when they receive poor

service. This can result in customer dissatisfaction, anger, and
disappointment, potentially leading to the loss of loyal customers.

Furthermore, dissatisfied customers are more likely to take their

business elsewhere. Poor customer service can lead to a loss of revenue
as customers seek alternatives that provide better service. This is also the
reason why the profit will getting lower.

Lastly, poor customer service can damage a company's reputation,

making it harder to find new clients and business partners and possibly
affecting stock prices for companies that are publicly traded.

Regarding on how to solve the problem of bad customer service in an
organization, recognizing and admitting that there is a customer service
issue within the company is the first step. Top management should
acknowledge this at every level of the organization.

Moreover, analyse your present customer service procedures in

great detail. This could involve going over customer reviews, looking into
customer complaints, and assessing customer service metrics like
response times and customer satisfaction levels.

Additionally, to improve employees' customer service abilities, the

top management should fund ongoing training and development programs
for them. Training in empathy, conflict resolution, communication, and
product knowledge can all fall under this category.

Lastly, encourage an organization-wide culture that is focused on

the needs of the customer. Determine that each employee is dedicated to
providing exceptional service and is aware of the value of customer

Material , Poor Battery Life

Based on our group fishbone diagram there are listed that materials are
also a factor state about the poor battery lifespan of Samsung Galaxy Z
Flip. This also one of the factor that caused the low profit of our product.

First of all is battery capacity due to the capacity of a battery

depends on the materials used in its construction. If the battery has a
lower capacity due to subpar materials, it may not last as long on a single
charge. This can result in frequent interruptions for charging, reducing

Secondly, battery degradation directly affects the choice of battery

materials can also impact how quickly the battery degrades over time. If
the battery materials are of lower quality, the battery's health may
deteriorate more rapidly, leading to reduced battery life and the need for
more frequent replacements.

Furthermore, batteries with low-quality materials may not be able to

deliver a consistent and reliable power supply to the device. This can
result in performance issues, such as reduced processing speed or
intermittent shutdowns, negatively impacting productivity and user

Regarding how to solve the problems of the battery lifespan in production
is choose reputable suppliers and manufacturers known for using high-
quality battery materials. Moreover, conduct thorough testing and quality
assurance checks on devices to ensure they meet performance and safety

Besides that, implement battery management policies and

guidelines to optimize battery health and extend device lifespans. In
addition, invest in devices with replaceable batteries, allowing for easier
and more cost-effective battery replacements when needed.

Conclusion, the choice of battery materials and the quality of

batteries used in Samsung Galaxy Z Flip devices can have a cascading
effect on the organization's productivity, cost of ownership, and user
satisfaction. Thus, we need to treat it carefully, prioritize quality and
reliability when selecting and managing the technology assets.

Machine, No Zoom Lens

According to our group's fishbone diagram, machines are also a factor in the bad
camera function of the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip. The first is the quality of the
camera function, which will determine whether the photos taken are high-
definition or not. If the quality is not up to standard, it will lead to a bad
experience with the photos taken.

Second, the camera's photography function still lacks the zoom lens
function. This can be a critical point because, when the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip
is compared with the traditional smartphone, it can result in the performance
ability of the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip losing to the traditional smartphone since
the machine itself still lacks zoom lens functionality. This may cause the
customer to choose to purchase a traditional smartphone rather than the
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip. Additionally, the camera features made from low-quality
materials may not provide a consistent, better experience. This can cause
performance issues and negatively impact the user experience.

To find a solution to the issue of good or terrible functionalities, it is necessary to

increase the functional quality of the camera, collaborate with reputable and well-
known companies to improve the user experience, and make use of high-quality
materials to create it. You may also add more camera functions to attract more
attention, such as adding and improving more beauty effects, lighting issues,
night scene mode, vibration for recording movies, and loudness concerns. If you
adjust these, you will be able to solve the yield problem and change people's
impression of the complete camera function.

Technology, Durability of Fold-able screen

The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip initially encountered a few issues that were typical
of early fold-able devices, despite being a technological innovator with folding
screens. The screen's endurance was one of the main issues, particularly the
risk of scratching or damage because of the ultra-thin glass (UTG) layer.
Although an improvement over conventional plastic screens, the ultra-thin glass
was still prone to scratches, especially from sharp objects or from applying too
much pressure. Concerns regarding potential wrinkles or noticeable lines as time
passed were additionally brought out by the screen's fold.

Samsung put cutting-edge technology protective layers on top of the ultra-

thin glass to reduce these concerns and strengthen the screen's durability.
These additional layers act as further reinforcement, reducing the likelihood of
scratches and enhancing the screen's all-around resistance. The UTG has also
been strengthened and made more resistant to harm as a consequence of
ongoing research and development.

One of the key components of foldable phones, the hinge mechanism,

had problems with debris entering inside of it and perhaps harming it. Samsung
added a cleaning mechanism to the hinge to solve this problem. Nylon fibres are
used in this technique to sweep away dirt and maintain the hinge's functionality
over time. The hinge and overall screen technology are also continuously
improved to provide a better user experience and long-term durability, thanks to
Samsung's obsession with quality control and stringent testing methods.

Through a combination of technical improvements, protective layers, and

ongoing research to enhance the design and materials, Samsung has generally
made great progress in addressing the initial concerns linked to the Z Flip's
screen durability and hinge operation.

Management , Pricing Strategies

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip is a folding screen mobile phone. The

management level of Samsung company decided to higher the price of the
mobile phone may be due to the cost of technological innovation. After all,
folding screen technology is a relatively new technology with high R&D
and manufacturing costs. When launching new technology products,
companies typically face higher R&D and production costs in the early
stages, which results in higherpricing for the product.

There may also be issues of limited capacity and supply and demand.
During the initial launch, the production capacity of fold-able screen phones
may be relatively limited. Faced with high demand and low production
capacity, companies may choose higher pricing to balance supply and

However, in response to the high price of Samsung Galaxy Z Flip,

more cost-effective options is the company can launch more folding screen
phone models with relatively lower prices to meet the needs of different
consumer groups.

In addition, technological progress and capacity expansion can be

accelerated. By continuing to carry out technological innovation and
research and development, we strive to reduce the manufacturing costs of
folding screen mobile phones.

In conclusion , there are many factor needed to be considered why

the price of Samsung Galaxy Z Flip is being higher like this but our
company is putting efforts in dealing with it by strengthening technology
research and development, lower product pricing and provide more cost-
effective options tomeet a wider range of consumer needs.

Management , High Maintenance Cost of Samsung Galaxy Z Flip

The high maintenance fee for the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip is primarily due
toits unique design and construction.

Firstly, the Galaxy Z Flip features a fold-able display, which requires

advanced technology and engineering. The folding mechanism and hinge
that allow the phone to fold and unfold smoothly are intricate and delicate.
As a result, any repairs or maintenance related to the display or hinge
require specialized technicians and equipment, contributing to the high

Secondly, the Galaxy Z Flip utilizes a flexible glass called Ultra Thin
Glass (UTG) for its display, which is susceptible to damage if not handled
carefully. Even though it is more durable than traditional plastic screens, it
is still more fragile than standard glass used in other smartphones.
Repairing orreplacing the UTG display can be expensive.

Furthermore, the availability of spare parts for a relatively new and

unique device like the Galaxy Z Flip can be limited, driving up the
maintenance cost.

Overall, the high maintenance fee for the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip is
a reflection of the innovative and intricate design of the phone, as well as
the specialized expertise required to repair it properly.

Reducing the maintenance costs of a product like the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip
can help improve profitability while ensuring customer satisfaction. Here, we
are going to provide some effective steps to deal with this problem.

First and foremost, we can implement root cause analysis in order to

find out the specific reason behind the high maintenance cost. Find out
whether it is because of manufacturing issues, design flaws, customer misuse,
or others. Understanding the root causes will guide your efforts to improve
your product and make it more profitable.

Next, we can implement stringent quality control measures during

manufacturing to reduce defects and ensure that only high-quality units reach
the market. This can prevent costly repairs and replacements.

Furthermore, we can consider extending the warranty period or offering

affordable extended warranty options. This can alleviate customer concerns
about repair costs and encourage them to choose your product over

In conclusion, we can improve the current situation of the high

maintenance cost of the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip by taking the measurements
previously stated above, such as conducting root cause analysis,
strengthening quality control, and extending the warranty period of the product,
in order to create a more profitable product while maintaining customer
satisfaction and loyalty.

Management , Samsung Galaxy Z Flip`s product quality or

Management problems in a company can have a significant impact on the

product quality and features. Here are several management issue which
can affect our product if we failed to deal with it properly.

First and foremost , resource allocation. If a company's management fails

to allocate sufficient resources (financial, human, or time) to the
development and quality assurance of the product, it can lead to shortcuts
and compromises in product quality. For example , Samsung company is
likely unwanted or choose to ignore the review or complain made by their
customers about the issue of Samsung Galaxy Z Flip and denied in
wasting time make improvement of the product`s quality.

Secondly , management decisions regarding product design, features, and

quality standards are critical. Poor decision-making can lead to product
features that don't align with customer needs or expectations. For
example, Samsung company had made a mistake in decision making of
published Samsung Galaxy Z Flip which is still in a stage of immature
technology and sell it to its customers , as a result the bad review from the
customers about the not good of Samsung Galaxy Z Flip has never be
ended before and continuously unstopped.

Regarding about the solution for the problem previously stated at above ,
we can overcome the problem of failure or mistake in allocating resources
and ended result the poor quality of product by promote the collecting
feedback from employees, customers, and stakeholders. Regularly review
this feedback and incorporate necessary improvements into the product.

For the solution to deal with the mistake of decision-making of

organization and caused the dissatisfaction of customers , we can perform
the data analytic to track product performance, customer satisfaction, and
market trends. Use this data to make informed decisions about future
product iterations.

By following these steps and maintaining a commitment to quality, you can

settle the management problem and ensure that your company's product,
the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip, maintains high standards of quality and
features that meet customer expectations and competitive market

Organisation , Lack of Coordination and Ineffective Leadership

The fishbone diagram produced by our team demonstrates the numerous

organisational issues that exist in our business and contribute to the
unprofitability of our company's products. Many negative questions concerning
organisations have been raised. The first is a lack of cooperation between
departments. A lack of coordination inside a company can have a number of
negative effects that reduce the effectiveness and efficiency of the company as a
whole. Ineffective resource allocation within an organisation is the primary result
of a lack of coordination. Ineffective resource allocation, including the use of
people, money, and equipment, all result from poor coordination.

The second problem is that there are ineffective leaders. The most
significant problem with the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip is its ineffective leader.
Certain leadership flaws may contribute to organisational inefficiencies.
Ineffective leaders frequently ignore their responsibility to promote a positive
work environment. Leaders that don't prioritise employee well-being and a
healthy work environment may increase the risk of employees resigning from the
company because unhappy workers are less likely to continue working efficiently
and productively.

On how to fix the worst issues with lack of coordination in organisations.

An integrated strategy, processes, and culture shift towards cooperation and
alignment are needed to address the issue of a lack of coordination in
organisations. Companies may try to think about developing unified
organisational frameworks. To encourage coordination, think about redesigning
the organisation. In order to do this, purpose-based teams, cross-functional
teams, or matrix management structures may need to be formed.

Additionally, in order to boost overall performance and employee
satisfaction, organisations must address the more significant problem of
ineffective leadership within the organisation. By implementing routine
performance reviews, organisations can overcome this problem. Conduct routine
performance assessments of leaders to gauge their advancement and offer
continuous criticism. Leaders should be able to disclose their concerns and ask
for support during these reviews, which should be two-way conversations.

To sum up, it is a continuous process that should change to meet the

organization's shifting demands. Employing these tactics can help organisations
increase coordination and foster effective leadership, which will boost overall
performance and employee happiness.


The product of our company, the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip, was published and
sold to the public in 2020. However, the performance of our product in the
market competition appeared to be less profitable. Thus, our organisation
decided to conduct an analysis of this problem and seek a solution to settle it.

Our organisation conducted an analysis using the fishbone diagram to list

all the possible problems we faced that made our product, the Samsung Galaxy
Z Flip, unprofitable. We have successfully found out the six possible major
factors that caused our product to lose profit, which include people, materials,
machines, technology, management, and organisation.

After we listed all of the problems, we began to identify the causes and
effects of the problems and provide solutions for each of them. Sooner or later,
we'll be in the process of implementing these solutions in order to settle all the
problems we met that made the product unprofitable. We were able to see the
changes in the situation become better right after the implementation of our
action, giving hope and power to the entire organisation to put more efforts into
improving the unprofitable situation and the product`s quality.

While we were going through the process of analysing problems and

thinking of solutions, we realised the convenience and pragmaticity of the
fishbone diagram in listing the problems and the importance of the brainstorming
technique in finding the solution for each of the problems.


Finding the root causes of an issue is one of the fishbone diagram's

main goals. Teams are better able to concentrate on the root causes rather
than only treating symptoms when all potential reasons are clearly mapped
out and divided into separate branches. This might help resolve issues more

Furthermore, the fishbone diagram offers a structured and methodical

method of problem analysis. Teams are forced to think broadly and take into
account all probable causes of the problem, resulting in a more thorough
inquiry. Moreover, it is frequently utilized in a team environment where
members with various backgrounds and specialties can share their views and
experiences. This facilitates cross-functional collaboration and a better
comprehension of the issue.

Additionaly, the visual form of the diagram makes it simple to

comprehend and convey the intricate relationships between various factors
and their possible impact on a problem. Information may be conveyed to
stakeholders who are both technical and non-technical thanks to this clarity.

Techniques for brainstorming are intended to encourage the flow of
ideas. They inspire participants to think creatively, explore fresh options, and
come up with a variety of viable answers or concepts. By disassembling
complicated issues into more manageable parts, brainstorming aids in
problem-solving. It can result in more efficient issue- solving and decision-
making by inviting many perspectives and methods.

Furthermore, brainstorming strategies can access a larger range of

viewpoints and experiences by integrating people from diverse backgrounds,
disciplines, or specialty areas. This can be especially useful for tackling
complicated situations. With the help of brainstorming, organizations can
explore the potential dangers and difficulties linked to different ideas,
enabling them to take proactive measures to address problems before they
have serious consequences.


Extract from Samsung Galaxy Unpacked July 2023 Official Replay of YouTube
(July 26, 2023). Retrieved from


Marks will be awarded based on the following criteria:

Marking Rubric (Product Improvement) SCORE: /100%

Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Average (2) Poor (1) Score %
Introduction is excellently with detailed Introduction is well with good Introduction is with moderate Introduction is with poor description 1 = 0 – 5.0
Introduction description and analyse of the problem description and analyse of the problem description and analyse of the problem and analyse of the problem of the 2 = 5.1 – 12.0
(30%) of the product. of the product. of the product. product. 3 = 13.1 – 18.0
4 = 19.1 – 30.0
Excellent ideas were brainstormed Good ideas were brainstormed Moderate ideas were brainstormed Weak ideas were brainstormed
referring to the analyse through referring to the analyse through referring to the analyse through referring to the analyse through 1 = 0 – 5.0
Product fishbone diagram. fishbone diagram fishbone diagram fishbone diagram 2 = 5.1 – 12.0
Improvement 3 = 13.1 – 18.0
4 = 19.1 – 30.0
The conclusion is strong and logical as The conclusion logical and The conclusion is logical but does The conclusion is illogical and does 1 = 0 – 2.5
Conclusion well as provides clear summary of the adequately summarizes the not summarize the assignment. not summarize the assignment. 2 = 2.6 – 5.0
(10%) assignment. assignment. 3 = 5.1 – 7.5
4 = 7.6 – 10.0
Sources used (books, journals, Sources used (books, journals, Sources used (books, journals, Sources used (books, journals,
magazines and newspaper etc.) are magazines and newspaper etc.) are magazines and newspaper etc.) are magazines and newspaper etc.) are
well cited. Accurate use of summary, well cited. There is a minor mistake cited but some materials are poorly cited or not cited. Some 1 = 0 – 2.5
References paraphrase and quotation. Source inciting the sources but overall, the misquoted or out of context. APA materials are misquoted or out of 2 = 2.6 – 5.0
(10%) material fits smoothly into the source material fits smoothly into the format is somewhat adhered but with context. Poor APA format adherence 3 = 5.1 – 7.5
student’s own writing. APA format student’s own writing. APA format 4-5 errors. with more than 5 errors. 4 = 7.6 – 10.0
adhered with no error. adhered with 1-3 errors.
Meets all format requirements, Meets format requirements, attention Meets format requirements, less Fails to follow format requirements, 1 = 0 – 2.5
Organization attention to details, margin, spacing to details, margin, spacing and attention to details, margin, spacing incorrect margin, spacing and 2 = 2.6 – 5.0
(10%) and indentation. Writing is structured indentation. Writing is structured and and indentation. Writing is structured indentation. Structure and neatness 3 = 5.1 – 7.5
and neat with less than 2 errors. neat with 2-3 errors. and neat with 4-5 errors. of essay needs attention. 4 = 7.6 – 10.0

Written work has no errors in word Written work is relatively free of errors Written work has several errors in word Written work has serious and persistent 1 = 0 – 2.5
Mechanics selection and use, sentence structure, in word selection and use, sentence selection and use, sentence structure, errors in word selection and use, 2 = 2.6 – 5.0
(10%) spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. structure, spelling, punctuation, and spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. sentence structure, spelling, punctuation 3 = 5.1 – 7.5
capitalization. (1-2 errors) (3-4 errors) and capitalization. (more than 4 errors) 4 = 7.6 – 10.0

TOTAL /100


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