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Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, Vol. 53, No. 8, November, 2019 (Russian Original Vol. 53, No.

8, September, 2019)



Abhishek S. Dhoot,1 Gasper J. Fernandes,1 Anup Naha,1

Mahalaxmi Rathnanand,1 and Lalit Kumar1,*

Original article submitted July 18, 2019.

In order to develop high-quality pharmaceutical products, a traditional approach based the univariate or trial
and error method was used in the past that led to several problems like non-reproducible, high-cost, and time
consuming methods. To overcome these drawbacks, a new concept of the Design of Experiment (DoE) was
introduced. DoE is a statistical element of the Quality by Design (QbD) approach introduced by British statis-
tician Sir Ronald Fisher in 1925. The basic objectives of DoE are screening, optimization, and robustness. It
involves the execution of experimental design on the basis of suitable variables along with statistical evalua-
tion of obtained responses and exploration of the design space using mathematical or graphical approach. The
statistical evaluation empowers to build up the quality of finished products and helps to meet the increasing
demands for product of superior quality and standards. This article mainly focuses on the applications of DoE
in pharmaceutical product development along with its objectives, design, and selection criteria.
Keywords: Design of Experiment (DoE); Quality by Design (QbD); design; pharmaceutical product develop-

1. INTRODUCTION chemically stable, and have good shelf life, high safety. and
good bioavailablity. In addition, many quality and special re-
The concept of experimental design was introduced in
quirements should be met as both patient safety and product
the early 20th century by famous statistician Sir Ronald
efficacy are related to the quality of pharmaceutical products
Fisher [1]. Books written by Sir Fisher such as “Statistical
[6, 7].
Methods for Research Workers” [2], “Arrangements of field
In pharmaceutical industry, there is continuous demand
experiments” [3], and “The design of experiments” [4] serve
for the development of new products and processes, and the
as the ground work in the sphere of modern statistics. He in-
improvement of existing products and processes to meet the
troduced the concept of applying statistical analysis at early
increasing requirements to quality and standards. Using
stages of a research work rather than at the final stages [5]. DoE, one can study the effect of each formulation variable
Various pharmaceutical products like tablets, capsules, emul- on its response and also the interaction between factors so as
sions, suspensions, gels, patches and creams are formulated to determine the critical variables. Further, the formulation
for effective delivery of drugs and ensuring safety and effi- can be optimized using DoE by selecting the levels of critical
cacy. variables. By using this approach, manufacturing process can
Various technologies are involved in the formulation of a also be optimized hence it contributes to a successful and ef-
pharmaceutical dosage form. Formulation scientists encoun- ficient scale-up and process validation and results in high
ter several complex technical challenges during formulation product quality [6]. The “Quality by Design” (QbD) is the
development and thus Design of Experiments (DoE) and re- approach which helps in achieving the product of required
lated statistical analysis have been applied widely in process standards and quality and is accepted by various regulatory
optimization and validation to obtain a high-quality product bodies [7 – 10]. The term “Quality by Design” was coined by
[6]. A good formulation should be easily manufacturable, Joseph M. Juran [8] according to which the quality cannot be
1 tested in products but it should be built in products by design
Department of Pharmaceutics, Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sci-
ences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Madhav Nagar 576104, and pre-planning, which was further also recognised by the
Manipal, Udupi, Karnataka, India. regulatory agencies [9, 10]. DoE is a tool of QbD which
e-mail: plays a prime role to achieve Total Quality Product Profile

0091-150X/19/5308-0730 © 2019 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC
Design of Experiments in Pharmaceutical Development 731

(QTPP). It helps to analyze the obtained responses and to – Multiple potential factors can be studied simulta-
achieve the goal of study in an acceptable form [8, 11]. It can neously, systematically and quickly
be ascertained that DoE proved to be the most effective and – Factors interaction can be studied
efficient tool throughout many stages of formulation process – Strong relationship of critical processing parameters
by help in making intelligent decisions and obtaining a prod- (CPPs) and/or critical material attributes (CMAs) with criti-
uct of superior design, performance and stability [6]. cal quality attributes (CQA) can be established
Thus, DoE is a crucial tool to deploy QbD in pharmaceu- – DoE can be helpful for screening of variables. It means
tical product development [12]. As per USFDA, DoE is a out of various factors, significant factors can be determined
structured, organized and pre-planned method for determin- – Variables with least and/or highly significant effect of
ing the association between factors (inputs) influencing a responses can be determined with the help of statistical anal-
process and the output of the process also known as “formal ysis
– DoE makes the process and product more robust
experimental design.” The classical method used in DoE is
– Effective design helps to build up the quality in the
One Factor at a Time (OFAT) accepted as a univariate ap-
pharmaceutical dosage forms
proach, in which one factor is accessed at a time keeping
– High research efficiency, enhanced product quality and
other factors constant, thus making it very time consuming.
This method has several disadvantages and is incapable of – Quantifies the relationship between factors (input) and
studying the interaction of factors and simultaneous study of responses (output)
all the factors, non-reproducible, time consuming, expensive, – Can helps to reduce the production cost
and covering only a small fraction of the total possible space – DoE helps to achieve the target or objectives in short
of factors [5, 7, 13]. Hence, when dealing with multiple fac- duration
tors and their potential interactions, DoE is effective and effi-
cient approach to understand the formulation system and to 3. OBJECTIVES OF DESIGN OF EXPERIMENT
optimize the formulation [6]. DoE has three main objectives [7]:
(a) Screening: identification of critical factors and their
DoE has a number o advantages over OFAT, in particular (b) Optimization: identification of optimum input vari-
[5, 6, 13]: ables (factors) with their levels to achieve the optimum re-
– Provides more accurate and precise information sponse.

TABLE 1. Various Types of Design for Screening and Optimization

No. of Factors Levels Model Purpose Applications/ Advantages
design type
Plackett-Burman De- 7 to 32 2 Linear and interac- Screening Used when large number of factors are
sign (PBD) tion model to be studied and Fractional Factorial
Design (FFD) is not applicable.
Fractional Factorial 3 to 6 2 or 3 Linear and interac- Screening and/or optimi- Used when large number of factors are
Design (FFD) tion model zation to be studied.
Full Factorial Design £6 2 or 3 Linear and interac- Screening and/or optimi- To examine main and interactive ef-
(FD) tion model zation fects.
Central Composite 2 to 6 3 or 5 Quadratic and inter- Optimization To examine main and interactive ef-
Design (CCD) action model fects. Lesser experimental runs than
Box-Behnken Design 3 to 5 3 to 5 Quadratic and inter- Optimization Non linear effects can be studied.
(BBD) action model
Mixture Design – 2 to 4 3 Mixture model Optimization Study of multiple components or factors
Simplex Lattice or material attributes.
Mixture Design – 3 to 5 3 Mixture model Optimization Study of multiple components or factors
Simplex Centorid or material attributes.
Mixture Design – 2 to 6 3 Mixture model Optimization Study of multiple components or factors
Constrained Mixture or material attributes.
D-optimal Design ³3 ³3 Custom made model Large level product or To minimize the variance of parameters.
process optimization
732 Abhishek S. Dhoot et al.

TABLE 2. Some Recent Pharmaceutical Applications of Design of Experiments

No. Object of study Drug name Formulation Design name Application Reference
1 Oral Drug Delivery Baclofen Oral bioadhesive Central Compos- To identify critical factors, their interactions [18]
bilayer tablet of ite Design and ideal process conditions that accomplishes
narrow absorp- the targeted responses.
tion window
2 Oral Drug Delivery Diclofenac Dispersible tab- Factorial Design Implementation of QbD approach in formula- [19]
lets tion development.
3 Transdermal Drug Lornoxicam Transdermal Box-Behnken Optimization of micro-emulsion formulation. [20]
Delivery patch Design
4 Transdermal Drug Tacrine hydro- Patch develop- Central Compos- Study the impact of formulation and electronic [21]
Delivery chloride ment by ite Design variables on the Tacrine permeation.
drug delivery
5 Oral Drug Delivery Doxycycline hy- Emulsion Factorial Design Optimize the emulsion for electro spinning. [22]
drochloride and D-optimal
6 Oral Drug Delivery Ibuprofen and Immediate re- Fractional Facto- Examining the relative impact of active phar- [23]
Theophyline lease tablet rial Statistical maceutical ingredient (API) properties, pro-
Design cessing methods, and excipients variability on
drug product quality attributes.
7 Topical Drug Deliv- Silver Drug loaded Full Factorial To optimize the formulation. [24]
ery sulfadiazine microsponge in- Design
corporated in gel
8 Ocular Drug Deliv- Dexibuprofen PEGylated Central compos- To optimize the formulation and analyse the [25]
ery PLGA ite factorial de- effect of factors on the responses.
nanospheres sign
9 Analytical Method Valsartan Nanoparticles Full Factorial Optimization, development and validation of [26]
Development Design HPLC method for estimation of valsartan in
10 Oral Drug Delivery Gefitinib Polymeric nano Full Factorial Application of QbD approach to study the ef- [27]
suspension Design fect of CMAs and CPPs on critical quality at-
tributes (CQAs) and to improve the quality
and safety of formulation.
11 Oral Drug Delivery Bromopride Extended release Full Factorial Preparation and scale-up of extended release [28]
tablets Design low dose tablets of bromopride.
12 Oral Drug Delivery Piroxicam Co-crystals Full Factorial Utilising the design of experiment approach to [29]
oro-dispersible Design formulate, evaluate and co-crystal of
tablets piroxicam.
13 Nanopharmaceutics Rifampicin Solid Lipid Full Factorial Utilising Design of Experiments approach to [30]
Nanoparticles Design investigate the influence of pre-freezing con-
ditions on the powder respirability.
14 Pharmaceutical Pro- Lactose Excipients Full Factorial Effect of grinding pressure, injector pressure [31]
cesses monohydrate Micronization Design and feed rate on the particulate attributes of
micronized powders procured from the differ-
ent size grades.
15 Oral Gastroretentive Clarithromycin Bi-dependent Box-Behnken Optimization of formulation. [32]
Drug Delivery Gastroretentive Design
16 Bioanalytical Valsartan Oral Drug Sus- Full Factorial Statistical optimization of extraction process [33]
Method Develop- pension Design for quantification of valsartan in rabbit
ment plasma.
17 Oral drug delivery API Tablet Mixture Design Optimization of Formulation. [34]
18 Oral drug delivery Brivanib Film coated tab- Full Factorial To assess formulation ruggedness and opti- [35]
Alaninate lets Design mize composition of excipients.
Design of Experiments in Pharmaceutical Development 733

No. Object of study Drug name Formulation Design name Application Reference
19 Analytical method Abacavir, – Response surface Optimization, sensitivity analysis and robust- [36]
development Lamivudine and methodology ness study of analytical method
20 Drug release study Dexamethasone PLGA Central compos- To optimize drug loading, burst release and [37]
microspheres ite design lag phase
21 Biodegradation Amoxicillin – Central compos- Optimization of parameters for biodegradation [38]
study and ite design of APIs to achieve high degree biodegradation
Cephalexin efficiency
22 Analytical study Isoprenaline – Fractional Facto- Screening and optimization of factors [39]
rial design and
23 Pharmaceutical pro- Risperidone – Full Factorial Optimization of instrumental parameters for [40]
cesses Design spray drying of risperidone nanosuspension

(c) Robustness: identification of sensitivity of response experiments are performed and responses are obtained. Here
to small changes in the factors. the responses are collected with the help of CQAs.
DoE can be used for number of purpose like comparison 6. Analysis of data or obtained responses: The obtained
between number of materials and suppliers, variables/factors responses are statistically analyzed using statistical methods
screening, system optimization, robustness and relation be- such as regression analysis, Student’s t-test and analysis of
tween input variables/factors and output responses [14]. variance (ANOVA).
7. Conclusion: Once the data is analyzed, suitable con-
clusion is made based on which recommendations are taken.
DoE designs are broadly classified into two categories 8. Design space: On the basis of criteria and desirability
[7], screening and optimal designs. The selection of these de- values, software suggested compositions are preformed prac-
signs is based on number of factors or variables and their tically. Further confirmatory tests are performed to validate
number of levels. The selection criteria of these factors or the conclusion and recommendations.
variables are briefly explained in Table 1.
Figure 1 represents various areas of DoE in pharmacy.
Procedure of conducting DoE can be summarised in fol- The first DoE application in design of pharmaceutical dosage
lowing steps [14]: form was considered by Marlow and Shangraw in 1967 [15],
1. Determination of objective: There should be clear ob-
after which there was a steady increasing trend of DoE im-
jective of the experiment for appropriate selection of experi-
plementation of pharmaceutical research [5]. Some recent
mental design, factors or variables, levels and responses.
examples of various types of designs applied in development
2. Selection of critical quality attributes (CQAs): CQAs
of pharmaceutical products and processes are given in Ta-
are the outcomes or responses of performed experiments,
which may vary based on the objectives. CQAs help to ble 2.
achieve the targets of study. 7. SOFTWARES AVAILABLE FOR DESIGN
3. Selection of factors and their levels: Factors are stud- OF EXPERIMENTS
ied to determine their effect and intensity of the effect on the
There are number of software available used for imple-
responses. Factors can be of two types such as material at-
mentation of DoE. Use of software for DoE makes the task
tributes and/or processing parameters. Level is the range
which has to be selected for a specific factor. Usually two or solution easier, faster and economical. DoE helps one to en-
more values within the range can be selected. hance the accuracy, avoid wastage of chemicals, and also
4. Selection of experimental design: Based on the objec- helps one to minimize the time spent for developing new
tives, factors and their levels; and suitable experimental de- products and methods. Some commonly used software pack-
sign can be selected. Various experimental designs and their ages are Design Expert, Minitab, Statistica, JMP, OPTIMA,
purpose and advantages are shown in Table 1. CAMO, R-Tutorial, SigmaXL, Statgraphics Centurion, and
5. Conduct of experiments: After selection of appropri- ReliaSoft. Some of them are freely available and some are
ate design, experimental plan is obtained, based on that the paid [7, 16, 17].
734 Abhishek S. Dhoot et al.

Fig. 1. Pharmaceutical applications of design of experiments.

8. INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS OF DESIGN OF tion and/or analytical method development, but it can also
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