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- Positivity/Optimism
- Soul peace
- Financial Dealings – document everything and commitment.
- Social Skills.
- Stay focused on the objectives and have clear objectives.
- skill, will and charisma -Ali's ability to dig deep and find paths to
victory in fights many felt he had no business winning created a belief
that no matter the odds, he could find a way to win.
- Self-respect/self-esteem/self-confidence and self-belief (a special case of self-respect).
-you cannot win any battle if you don’t believe in yourself (i.e: your abilities) or even doubt
- Focus, balance, and speed (somewhat related to ‘’flow’’).
- Managerial skills.
- Adaptability
- Emotional Intelligence: Being fair to yourself as well as surrounding community (sticking to
the rules) and having a sense of empathy. And the standards of fairness is set by the
- Accepting your own mistakes with bravery.
- Appreciating others work/achievements with full heart – a sign of mental strength and a sign
that you are happy with Allah’s division.
- Not showing off.
- Being around with unfamiliar people/Reaching out
-Seeking advice
- Innovative/Creative/Hypothetical/Abstract/Own approach/non-routine/entrepreneurship.
-Is ‘’dopaministic’’.
-Look forward to improving existing ideas/solutions.
- Keep trying new things.
- Intelligence
- Planner/Predicting future behaviours of people and events in the present and taking counter
- Planning to get to your goal/Making a great strategy.
- Future-‘’istic’’/Seeking future trends
- Negotiation/Persuasion/selling/motivating/likes talking about achievements/marketing
-Have a level of control over who are under you. That could mean being assertive or
even showing signs of autocracy. Sometimes, this can even be perceived as being rude.
-Grooming your subordinates.
-Dealing with people and their matters.
-Motivating your team- you cannot win any battle/challenge if your team does not
believe in you and the goal.
-Have well-rounded knowledge.
-Never criticize/’’pull-down’’ on a team. Doing so will psychologically downgrade them.
- Extrovert
- Mental Strength/Mental Stability/Pressure Handling/Stress handling/Not being afraid.
-Not easily offended

-Challenging the rhetoric.

-Emotional Stability - not too happy or too sad.
-Handling audience/public pressure.
- speaking up with confidence. Having a very confident tone and confident body
-Self-esteem – saying ‘’no’’ when you want to.
- Resistance to physical torture.
-Bringing innovation/creativity/thinking differently
- coming up with ‘’out-of-the-box’’ strategies/ideas.
-Find it easy to relax
-Physical stamina
-Being afraid of ‘’Allah’’ alone.
-Public Speaking to the more knowledgeable and even less knowledgeable.
-General one-to-one communication
-Consistent performance - very important.
-Always have a plan/schedule, and stick to it.
-Psychological defeat is half the defeat done.
-Criticizing and handling critism/failure/problems.
-No personal bias
-Don’t be effected by others’ psychological warfare.
-No sharing of -ve emotions
-No procrastination/ Getting things done
-Fighting injustices and for your/others’ rights.
-Handing Failure
-Being out of your comfort zone.
-Fair speech.
-Risk taking ability (needed for Innovation,etc.)
–take action - no need to be overanalysing ,otherwise you might not take action at all.
-Having own personality/Being independent/Having an independent mindset.
- Free of fear.
- Not inclining/adjusting your answers with others to please them.
-Taking action/Speaking up against injustice within Sharia rules.
- Not necessarily holding views of the world

- Problem solving mindset/Community-benefit mindset/Doing it for more than yourself.

- Finding opportunities.

- Cultivating passion – being the absolute best at your passion.

-To do anything great in life, you must have the passion.

- Treating and Analysing People.

- Fast decision-making ability /acumen/ being spontaneous.


-Analytical Ability /Critical Ability without any bias or fear.

-Finding flaws in other’s arguments

- Self-feedback (self-critical) Mechanism – learning from own/other’s mistakes



- Speaking (includes one-to-one)

-Body language

-Eloquence and fluency


-Conflict Resolution

-Dealing with conflict/new situations/crowd dealing/people looking at you



-Expression of emotions.

-Attractive Personality (5 stars - MIT)


-Outsourcing work

- Action! / Reading books doesn’t help! /’’Pro’’-Active

- Adaptability

- Do not seek perfectionism.

- Muscular built.

Aside: Personality development:



Ones sort of trained on:

- Ambition/Dreaming Big- and visualising who u want to be.

- Sympathy
- Being Kind
- Organization
- Responsible
- Deliberate

- Honesty
- Competitive/Challenging
- Discipline/Time-management
- Taking loads of work.
- Learning
- Hardwork
- Friendly
- Not holding any grudges.


‘’That’s why it’s mission-critical to surround yourself with a team of trusted people
who will handle any responsibilities apart from your unique ability.’’
‘’Self-employed + Outsourcing= Independent Business Owner’’
Breaking the Mental Prison:
1.Focus on every positive aspect of your life, rather than the negative aspects.
2.This also includes focussing on the ‘’present’’ rather than the past
problems/disasters (obviously, the learning part is important). Focusing on the past
leads to negative motivations in your mind.
Aside: However, just focussing on the positive aspects is always not healthy when
solving an issue/problem. When solving an issue, focusing on both, the positives and
negatives. However, it is important to keep a proper balance between gratitude and
focussing on solving issues. Lastly, all these ‘’issues’’ must be related to the
objective/aims and values of your life.
Aside: Focussing on the future leads to an inflation of the conceptualization of the
problem. Remember, what you focus on grows.
Aside: For problem solving, have a solution-oriented mindset.
2. Assign positive meanings to your problems. This helps with your mental state of
mind. A long-term benefit might give you that positive meaning.

‘’In one day, have a maximum of 3 major goals related to your life objective. And at
one moment focus only on one of them. Otherwise, you won’t be able to get things
‘’Break your day into chunks, where each chunk carries an objective towards
progression in your life. Consistency is better than Intensity’’
‘’Doing hard stuff: Make things calm in your mind. Then, focus on the solution (tell
your mind that you are doing this, even if it means death) , your brain will start to
generate solutions and therefore combine with your body and the inflamed soul’’

‘’Perseverance is essential to one’s success, as success never comes in one night. It

takes months or years and for harder objectives, even decades’’
‘’For finding your Passion, and for innovation and creativity, it is essential to keep
exploring new ideas, however, once your passion is found, working on it consistently
in a direction (with the correct methods) is very important. Not having a
direction is pointless. But linking of passions can help. Keeping that balance between
exploration of new ideas and working on one’s passion is important.’’
‘’Solutions are made when the ‘’gaps’’(of problems) are filled. That’s where a business
idea may turn successful.’’
‘’Big things are never done based on the greed of power,wealth and fame. Instead, it’s
the feeling of doing for more than yourself (or passion( or ‘’Junoon’’) or (knowing
your purpose, values, etc…, the ‘’WHY’’) or ‘’soul-happiness’’), and the Hereafter
which leads to the achievement of the non-average. It is also your ‘’challenge-taking’’
ability which can single-handedly make you prosper .That’s why they say ‘’True life is
all about being the best version of yourself.’’’’
‘’There is big difference between thinking big and planning ahead. Planning ahead is
thinking about the next best achievable challenge. Thinking big is about ‘’thinking
big’’ without any planning on the achievable milestones. The best bet would be to
think ahead (of milestones) with a clear big dream. However, Thinking ahead
without a dream is also useful. It can open new doors perhaps. Lastly, just
‘’Dreaming big’’ is the stupidest route one can opt for.’’
‘’Being confident is the key for a good personality, and that requires a level of self-
esteem and mental stability’’
‘’Emotional intelligence is about maintaining self-esteem and carrying yourself in a
dignified manner. It is about treating yourself and others with fairness and the latter
with empathy. And by ‘’treating’’ I largely mean, your choice of words and the length
of your speech as well as body language, as they make a huge physiological difference
on whom you are speaking to. By ‘’fairness’’, it shouldn’t be implied that one
shouldn’t have emotions, rather it is the correct application of your emotions
depending on the application in the most just way. The opp. ‘’selfishness’’ can ruin
your life and is not a way forwards, especially in leadership roles.’’
‘’Whatever you train your mind for, will be the emotion you’ll most desire for – (
‘’even the intrinsic ones?’’ ) (scientifically, this is because it opens the receiving
centres of the emotion being referred to) . By ‘’train’’ , I mean, what you make your
brain to constantly ask for and your deep needs, values, beliefs, and goals. All this is Commented [MAS1]: These are shaped by our
possible due to neuroplasticity. ‘’ experiences and learning.

‘’Emotionally intelligent people are not perfectionists’’

‘’Intelligence goes down when your EQ (Emotional Quotient) goes up’’
‘’Asking questions is critical for analytical and critical thinking’ growth’’
‘’Learning: linking to similar ideas and the bigger picture’’

‘’You can ideally win any arguments. Just know the right words’’
‘’Training your subconscious mind is important for handling unexpected/unhappy
‘’Your faith/beliefs and values  Hope? Emotional Intelligence  Passion
Now your beliefs and values are shaped by your feelings,ideals, your purpose ,your
personal thinking about the present problems and the past experiences. Essentially,
passion is shaped by values.
‘’Routine: In a day, you have a limited time ,a limited energy and limited resources.
Plan your day to just have no more than 3 main goals and decisions (related to your
main objectives). Then focus on the goals one-at-a-time (putting aside everything
else), then comes your passion/motivation which are essentially the hormones you
train your mind to want which in turn come from your values and beliefs. The goals
can be repeated goals, goals which are consistent rather than intensive’’
‘’Why most people fail?
‘’The most important emotions
‘’What determines the limits of bravery and courage in one’s life at one point in time?
– (Related to Emotional Intelligence for e.g Imran khan quitting Haqiqi Azadi)
‘’Freedom of mind from the shackles of the worldly idols: The state tries to shape and
control people’s minds through media or through fear or both. An enslaved mind will
make the wrong look right whereas a free mind ,which can think independently,can
do the yet unachievable.’’
‘’Don’t let your emotions control your mind ,let your mind control your emotions’’
‘’Shackled minds have low self-esteem’’
‘’Whoever fears lose cannot win’’
‘’Your innate human potential comes out when you close all the other doors’’
‘’You must be focused in terms of your goals with the limited energy, time and
‘’ Rather, Ali’s speed, agility, footwork and general athleticism were among
the attributes that most distinguished him from other competitors. It was
said he was a heavyweight who moved like a lightweight.’’
‘’Disadvantages of being famous…’’
‘’Having a tough life makes you mentally tough’’

‘’Application of the knowledge you are learning, and how is it changing the world or
how is it changing in the world (for various applications).’’
‘’Emotional Intelligence coupled with freedom of mind is essential nowadays’’- Imran
‘’ Manners,Character,Attitude and Professionalism, and not doing it for this world are important’’ –
Bilal Khan.

‘’Knowledge, Skills, and Character – the 3 essential pillars’’

‘’Greed/Selfishness is the worst characteristic that can single-handedly destroy you.’’

‘’Fighting against injustices crucial during current times.’’-Imran Khan

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