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a hoe alo Watch for new Jaleco video games for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System © in coming months, And ar Ld Ce eS eer tad Pee ecm JALECO USA INC. Ce etar ie an) COE UC) eee Te) Se ey cad registered trademarks and trademarks, respectively, of Renee ee ta Ce rae eres ieee onary Serle ar) Poenius INSTRUCTION BOOKLET | ST JALECO® USA INC. LIMITED WARRANTY seco USA In. warans othe origin pce: of his Jno software predic! hate ‘medium on whch ie comes pogram record fc om delat intra ‘rekrnarap fra pena rey (90) day For fe dt purchase. ThsJaleco ‘Stware progam i sld ‘as wiou execs or ergled ara hb nec fet tale or any esses. damages of any nd suing om urea ie ‘rogram. Jaloco agrees fra pero iey (9) day 6 ater rep rpc a fepton, ee of charge. any Joo eahwaro prod, postage pa wh pros of die of Purchase, ats Factory Service Cee. “This warrant i gpliabe to noma wear ander This waranty shal nt be apptcabe ac chal be vidi he dtectin the daloco software product has aris hy ‘shuso, oeasonable vo, mistestment, or neglec. THIS WARRANTY 5 IN LEU OF (OTHER WARRANTIES AND NO OTHER REPRESENTATIONS OR CLAIMS OF ANY NATURE SHALL BE BINDING ON OR OBLIGATE JALECO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES APPLICABLE TO THIS SOFTWARE PRODUCT, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE [ARE LIMITED TO THE NINETY (GD) DAY PERIOD DESCRIBED ABOVE. INNO EVEN? WAL JALECO BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL INCIDENTAL. OR CONSEQUENTIAL [DAMAGES RESULTING FROM POSSESSION, USE. OR MALFUNCTION OF THIS. LIRLECO SOFTWARE PRODUCT Sere sates db nt atlow mations as thaw lng an imped waranty lasts andor ‘cuss er tntabons ner consequat damages 30 the above lain ‘dor exclusions ofabity may nt apty yeu. Tas waranty ies yeu spect sh [you may ae have ober rigs wn vary rom se ste Sono, Super Nintondo Enterawrent Sytem, Super NES, Sn SNES ne rege ears Sand vagerans,repoctaly. censeD ay bri Aye hen tnmplete coma nh you Super Nindo Estetanmert Sy. A Nt peau av tercedby cao for thao ony wan ctor ahora radu bowing th Oil Nitendo Sea of Cus JALECO USA INC. 685 Chaddick Drive Wheeling, linois 60090 (708) 215-1811 WHY SHOULD YOU JOIN THE JALECO MAJOR PLAYER'S CLUB? Here's what you getit you join +” WIN FREE GAMES ‘Youll be eigibe to win free Jaloco games from our ‘once-a‘manth drawings! + FIND OUT ABOUT NEW GAMES Find out about new Jaleco games before they'e released! Got in on special Jalaca promotions and contests! And more! + TEST GAMES BEFORE THEY'RE RELEASED Hey, maybe well even ask a few of you if you'd lke to test Jaleco games before they're reloasod ‘You could be selected as a Jaleco Major Player! Here's what you get if you don’t join * YOU GET NUTTIN' IF YOU DONT JOIN! ‘And there's only one way you can get in onal this {good stutl — and all i's going o cost you isa few ‘moments of your time and the price of a postage stamp! Here's how to join * Find the JalecolMajor Player's Membership/ Warranty cara ‘enclosed in this package ‘+ Fillin the information requested on the card Puta stamp on the card, + Drop the card in the mail, ‘That's right, all you gotta dois fil out the card, mailto us, and you'te in! Even if you've joined before, fil out the card and ‘Send it again. It wll increase your chances of winning! Welcome to the cub! TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION s OBJECT OF THE GAME ‘ GETTING STARTED 7 ‘oPrions, 9 ‘CONTROLLER FUNCTIONS " ON-SCREEN DISPLAYS “ SCORING 16 SPECIAL ITEMS. 6 THE STAGES. 7 GAME TIPS — THE JALECO MAJOR PLAYER'S HOTLINE, >>>>soosossosossosss 19 TAKING CARE OF YOUR JALECO GAME==>>>=>>5>> 20 WARNING: PLEASE READ THE CONSUMER, INFORMATION AND PRECAUTIONS BOOKLET INCLUDED WITH THE PRODUCT CAREFULLY BEFORE USING YOUR NINTENDO® HARDWARE SYSTEM OR GAME PAK. INTRODUCTION Well it looks ike just another quiet atornoon down at the local gym, (ur two friends, Fick (better known as Hack) and Doug (aka, Slash) are busy coaching their trainees inthe finer points of sell- Gefense.."cause I's a tough world out there in the steets of Bayside City. These guys know all tho moves, from martial ars to pro resting throws — and they don't hesitate to use ‘em. Hey, they're fot ealled the raw! Brothers for nothing! But wait a minute, maybe things are't so quiet aftr all..we've got sme serious rouble on our hands. The gym's three best fighters have just Been kidnapped! You know who | moan — Lord J., Kazan, ‘and Wendy. Lord J's the really big guy witha black belt in Karat. Kazan isthe ninja master. Ho's fast on his feet, but carries a sword with him at alltimes...ustin case. And Wendy, wel, she's alot tougher than she looks — no doubt about, this gi can hold her own withthe best of them Un oh, more bad news, dudes — the kidnappers belong to a gang of thugs un by this psycho called Dieter. Believe me when | say the ‘uy is way, way oul thore. He's got all hese scientists working for him, ereating hundreds of clones from the people he kidnaps. Dieter se the clones as his own personal army, so naturally they're realy strong..and really nasty. Whe knows whal evil plans lurk in that ‘demented mind of his? So far nobody's been able to stop him, but | {get the feting ho's messing with the wrong crowd this ime! Back in Bayside Ci Hack and Slash aro making thei pian. ‘They've got what it takes, and they're ready forthe fight of thor Ho. With alte luck they can rescue thir riends, then put an end to Diotor and his gang once and forall. Yeah, those scum thug ettor look out..there wont be much lf of them wien the Braw! Brothers ‘get through! OBJECT OF THE GAME you're looking for non-stop action, you've come tothe right place! ‘The Braw! Brothers delivers a real knockout punch, with enough moves and mayhem to challenge the best you ve got to offer. Make the game as easy or as dificult a you like when you choose your ‘options. You ean limit the numberof ives and continues, even ‘contol the number of enemies! Play soo, jon forces with a friend, oF ‘90 head-to-head with your partner in a one-on-one competition. Stick with one character, or take tums with al fve...he Braw Brothers lets you do ityour way! ‘You come face-to-face with Dietor’s evil forces right trom the start — villains with names tke Heckler, Phantom, Led Hed, Fnord (huh?) land, of course, Butch, Your adventures take you through four slags, from the Bayside Ciy streets 10 a labyrinth of underground storm drains, then into the jungle and across the rooftops to the Command Center, where Dieter kaaps his secret Ar Fortress... lying battleship ‘worthy of the name. Be prepared to find your way out of a couple of ‘mazes along the way — you'll have to use your brains and your fists if you want to survive this one! [Not to worry, though — you've got plenty of talent to choose from. The Baw Brothors are actually five quy...oF four guys and a gil, bbe exact. Each character has their own dstnet personaly and ‘moves, fom jabs and body slams to flying kicks and pile drivers, Hack isthe mastermind ofthe operation — but he sil throws a mean ‘punch! Slash, his bast buddy, i the enforcer ofthe group — a real heavy hitter. Kazan s a ninja fghter with spacial powers. Lord J. a ‘world-class judo master and black bel in karate. And lat but not Teast, there's Wendy —a pro-wrestler with anesome power..1or a ‘ir, that ist, You choose two characters athe beginning ofthe game — your main ‘character and a backup. The other three are kidnapped by Dieter and his gang of thugs, who use them to craate clones — evil wine with ‘super-human strength. Your final confrontation on each stage is a ‘ight to the finish with one ofthese clones — and believe me, thoy ‘only ook lke your friends! Once you defeat the clone, your tiend is set tree and can be chosen forthe next round. Dieter himself ‘appears atthe end ofthe final stage as he Wes to make his escape in tho Air Fonwess. ‘You arrive just in time, crawling over the wing and ino the hatch as the massive flying fortiess gets airborne. Your mission is clear — you've gotta tind Dieter, then survive the final battle and escape before he blows the whole thing sky high...hey, i he's going down, he's gonna take you with him! With al this to look forward o, we think youll agree that the Brawi Brothers clobbers the ‘competion. ..and keeps you coming back for more. So what are you ‘waiting for? Pick a player and get into the action! GETTING STARTED 1. Place the Brawl Brothers Game Pak into your Super NES™ And turn on the unt 2. There seroon appears. 3, Prose START to bogin the game. 4. The Braw! Brothers includes three play modes: 1 Player, 2 Player, and Player versus Player (VS MODE on the menu sereen) Select OPTION MODE to choose your options betore beginning the game, including the numberof Lives, number of Continues, and Difficulty Level. Uso the Contol Pad ta select {an option then press any button, One-Piayer Game Choose 1 Player Game trom the menu sereen. When the SELECT PLAYER screen appears, use the Control Pad to postion the cursor ‘over a character and press the ¥ Button, Noxt, you must select a second, "backup" character. you Jose al of your ves and choose to continue the game, you wl have the option of switching tothe backup character at at time, Also, i a second player joins the game (by pressing START on Contollor 2), they will control this character After you choose a second character, the map sereen appears Press any button fo begin ‘Two-Player Game Choose 2 Player Game from the manu sereen, Tho SELECT PLAYER screen appears. Player 1 uses the red icon. Player 2 uses the - blue icon. Press Left or Right on yout Control Pad to select a character, then press the Y Button to Confirm your selection (the icon wil start to flash). Each player must {choose a diferent character. Note that a sacond player may join a (One-Playor game at any time by prossing START on Controller 2. ‘When bath players have seloctod a character, the map screen appears. Pres any button to begin Player Versus Player Choose VS MODE from the menu screen, When the SELECT PLAYER sereen appears, each player chooses a diferent character. Confront your opponent in three rounds of head-to-head competition, The st player to win two round i he champion. ‘The OPTIONS Screen ‘Choose OPTION MODE on the menu screen to display the OPTIONS sereen, Press Up of Down on the Conttol Pad to select an option, then press Left or Right on the Control Pa to ‘change that option. When you have finished choosing your options, select EXIT and press any button to return tothe tie screen, Option changes are net saved, 50 you wil need to set the options each time you turn on your Super NES, Lives ‘Solect the number of extra lives, from 0 105. Thedefauts 3, Continues Select the number of continues, trom 0 05. Thedefauttis 3 Difficulty Select he dtiully level, Your choioes Level fare EASY, NORMAL, and HARD. The dotauit is HARD. As the dtficulty evel ‘increases, you'l find more enemies and fewer recovery items, and wil have a harder ime deteating the bosses, 2Play Hit Choose ON or OFF. When this ‘option is ON. you can attack or steal from your partner in a Two-Player ‘game. The defauit is ON. ‘Sound Mode Musie Test Sound Fx Test Angry Mode Control Choose STEREO or MONAURAL sound. The defaults STEREO. lays 10 musical selections from the ‘game. Choose an option from 0108, then press the ¥ Button or the B Button to play that musical selection. Press the X Button to turnoff the music Pays all ofthe sound offets from the ‘game, Choose a sound effec, then press {he ¥ Button or the B Button to play that effec. Press the X Button to turn ‘off continuous sound effect, ‘Tums the music ON of OFF. The defaut is (ON. Sound effects are always on, “Tum this option ON or OFF. When this ‘option is ON, your player wil go into Angry Modo aftr he takes a couple ot hits. When a player is in Angry Mode, he is more powertul and cannot be attacked, Angry Mode lasts fora limited amount of time — as long as your playor is flashing, “The dotaut i OFF You may change the controls for Attack, Pose, Special Attack, Jump, and Dash Type. Press Up or Down oa the Contr! Pad to choose a contol, then press Lett OF Right to chango t. Pross START to rotum to the OPTIONS scroon. NOTE: If You choose the same button fortwo Controls, you wil not be able to eit the KEY CONFIG sereen, Default contols ar: ATTACK y POSE x SPECIALATTACK UMP 8 DASH TYPE TYPE A DASH TYPE alfects the way your Character runs. If you choose DASH TYPE A, your character will contin to run after you felease the Control Pad, I you choose DASH ‘TYPE B, the player will stop running when you release the Control Pad, CONTROLLER FUNCTIONS Lett Button Fight Button X Button ‘A Button B Button Start Butlon All characters share the following moves: Wak Control Pad Up, Down, Let, or Right ump Button Pose X Button Dash Left ross Loft ‘on Control Pad twice Dash Right Press Right ‘on Contol Pad twice Pick Up/Use Weapon, Y Button Pick UpiEat Recovery Item.....¥ Button Throw Weapon LL Button or R Button Attack Moves Each character has his or her own distinct set of attack moves, as described below. To perform certain moves, you must grab your enemy by moving in very close. Lord J Punch Y Button Spinning Kick... Button + ¥ Button Running Punch... Button while dashing et or right Body Siam Grab + ¥ Button Back Drop (Grab from behind + ¥ Button Kazan Punch ¥ Button Slash o.ns8 Button + ¥ Button Sling Kick. Button while dashing lf or right Flip Throw: Grab + ¥ Button Back Drop Grab from behind + ¥ Button Triple Jump....Press the B Button three times Hack Punch Y Button High Kick 'B Button + Y Button Flying Kiek 1B Button + Y Button who moving Body Slam. YY Button while dashing eft or right Threw Grab + ¥ Button Back Drop, Grab from behind + ¥ Button Wendy Jab Y¥ Button Double Kil BB Button 1 Y Button Spinning Kick B Button + Y Button while moving Sling Double Kick ¥ Button while dashing let or right, Body Siam Grab + ¥ Button Back Drop, Grab from behind + ¥ Button Slash Punch Y Button Frying Kick 'B Button + ¥ Button Flying Punch. 'B Button + Y Button while moving Head Kiok Y¥ Button while dashing left or right Flaming Lighter. Button + X Button Pile Driver. Grab + ¥ Button Body Siam. (Grab from behind + ¥ Button Special Attack Each character has his or ner own deadly special attack move, Press the A Button to perform the special attack. After using the special allack, your character's energy wil decrease temporary. You will regain your energy alter a period of ime, unless you are attacked (or Use the special attack move again) during ths ime. The special attack moves are Lord J.....Eleetie Zap Wendy .....Somorsaull Kick Kazan....Sonie Slam Slash.....Fire Punch Hack Power Punch Other Moves: Breaking a Hold Ione of your opponents manages to grab and hold you, press the ¥ Button quickly to break his hold and grab him back — than throw him before he has a chance to throw you! Counter Attack Ifyou are grabbed trom behind, quickly press the ¥ Button to make @ counter move against your altacker. Follow Up Attack ‘Once you knock an enemy down, get close to him and press the ¥ Button fo hit him again while he's down. ON-SCREEN DISPLAYS Energy Meter Payer One's energy meter appears in the upper let comer of the screen, beneath the name of the character. You lose energy each time you are hit When your energy runs out, you lose a ie, In a Two Player game, Player Two's energy meter and other information ‘appear in the upper right comer of the screen. During combat with an enemy, that enemy's name, energy meter, and character icon appear beneath your own, Lives The number of lives remaining (in addition to the current ie) is ‘splayed above the Energy Meter, next tothe character's name \When your Energy Motor runs out, you lose a ie. Normally, you begin each game with three extra ves. You may change this number ‘on the OPTIONS screenif you wish. When you ase aie, @ ‘charactor icon drops down automatically. Use the Control Pad to position ths icon, then press START to begin Angry Mode ‘Your character switches into Angry Mode when he comes under heavy attack. You'l know whan ithappans —he stats flashing. In Angry Mode. you are more powertul and cannot be hurt by your ‘opponents. Unfortunately, Angry Mode only lasts fora limited amount fof time. You can tun this option on or off on the OPTIONS screen, Continues Ina One-Player game, the number of Continues appears on the top ‘ofthe sereen, across from your character's Energy Meter. Normally, You begin the game with three Continues. You may change this umber on the OPTIONS seraen if you wish. AMer losing your last life, simply press START before the countkiown timer reaches "to continue the game, \When you continue a game, you may keep the same character or ‘switch fo your backup” character. Once you rescue one of your friends (by defeating the clone atthe end ofa stage), you may select thal charactor as woll. To change characters, ress Left or Right on the Control Pad, The picture atthe top ofthe screen changes to ‘show wich character you are choosing. When you press START, a ‘charactor icon drops down automaticaly. Use the Control Pad to position this icon, then press START again to bogin, Joining the Action During a One-Player game, you wil see the words "PRESS START flashing in the upper right comer af the screen, This Indicates that a ‘second player can join the action simply by pressing START on CContoloe 2. Once a second player prosses START, a picture ofthe “backup” charactor appoars on tho right side ofthe screen, It other characters are available, you may change characters by pressing Left ‘or Right on tho Control Pad. When you prass START, a charactor ‘con drops down automaticaly. Use the Control Pad to positon this be used once. Other weapons can be used as long as you ean hold ‘onto them. If you're knocked down and drop your weapon, try to pick ‘con, then press START again to begin SCORING ‘You get one point for each enemy you defeat. Your Stage Score and Total Score appear atthe end of every stage. SPECIAL ITEMS Pick up a special tem by standing next to it and pressing the ¥ Button. Press the ¥ Button again to use a weapon or consume a recovery item, Weapons Sledge Steet Spiked Shotgun Kalle Hammer Pipe Bat Fock Dumbell Bom “Throwing weapons (Knives, Rocks, Dumbell, and Bombs) can only it up again betore you move out of range, Recovery items: al — Srengh Ol ov 409 : ati _—— Restores 1/4 of your strength Can of Juice Pancakes Restores 1/2 of your strength a ol 50 THE STAGES The Braw Brothers includes four multi-level stages and a non-stop supply of no-good, vious vilains. These stages are Stage 1 ‘Your friends have been kidnapped by that wacko dude Dieter...and Yyaui'e nat gonna take it! Your search begins an the streets of Bayside City, but Dieter's thugs are thore before you. Trash the simebails, then move on tothe Bayside Bridge. They keep comin’ at you, on foot and even ina holcoptert Dodge the machine gun fie at least his guys got i100), then drop tothe storm drains asthe bridge collapses. More enemies are lurking down below in the maze of ‘unnels..if you're not careful, you could be stuck down here for hous. Find the exit ladder, thon climb up and face your fist big showdown, with one of Dieter's evil clones, Stage 2 Wiel, you survived the first challenge and rescued one of yout friends... nw i's time to continue yout search forthe others. You head ito the jungle — but the path is fl of land mines! Explode the mines by throwing your enemies on top of them... you don't land on them fist, that is. Al the end ofthe path, a moving platform takes you ‘up, up, up — all the way fo the top of Diste’s training complex. He's using the place as a staging area Tor his attack helicopters and rocket launchers...and the quards aren't exactly happy to see youl Fight ‘your way tothe end of the complex. then destroy the Super Copter Dotore your next tend” shows up. Stage 3 ‘Another vilory! No doubt about it, you've got what it takes. With just ‘ne friend lef to rescue, you head across the oottops in search of Dieter's Command Center. Better watch your footing as you move from building to bulkding.s along way down, At ast you find it — the main headquarters! Diator didn't provide a floorplan, so youl hhave to find your way around the bulging yoursell. Move from one elevator to anothor as you travel fom faor ta sor in search of your kidnapped friend. Unfortunately thei clone appears fst. Crush the scum bag bolore they do the same to you. Now all your tends are safe..but whore is Diler? Stage 4 110045 tke Dieter heard you coming and decidod to make his escape Inthe Air Fortress —a huge tying battleship. You jump onto the tall 5 the airship takes off, then fight your way across the wing tothe entry hatch. Inside, more enemios como at you in fina, furious defense of ther evil boss. At last..the moment you've been wating for..'s Dieter himsel Hey, wait @ minute — this guy doesn’ look so tough. Of course looks can be you soon find out. Dieter eventually goes down in defeat, but he's got one last trick up his sleeve — the auto-destruct sequence! Don’ worry, 'm sure you't find a way out ofthis one. GAME TIPS — THE JALECO MAJOR PLAYER'S HOTLINE If there's something you don't understand about your new Jaleco game, or if you're having problems with your cartridge, ‘rif you're just plain stuck, you're welcome to call the Jaleco ‘Major Player's Hotline between the hours of 8:30AM and ‘5:00PM Cental time Monday through Friday (except holidays). ‘One of our frendly game counsolors will be happy to give you tips or help you out with any problems you're having. Here's, the number to call: 708-215-2359 Note: Normal telephone charges apply when you call the holine number. It is not a tol-tree call. Kids: get your parent's or guardian's permission to call before dialing the Jaleco Major Player's Hotline! TAKING CARE OF YOUR JALECO GAME + This Jaleco Game Pak is a precision-cratted device with complex electronic circuitry. Avoid subjecting it to undue shock or extremes of temperature. Never attempt to open or dismantle the Game Pak. + Do not touch the terminal leads or allow them to ‘come into contact with water or the game circuitry will be damaged, + Always make sure your Super NES Control Deck is SWITCHED OFF when inserting the Game Pak or removing it rom the Super NES Control Deck, COMPLIANCE WITH FCC REGULATIONS ‘This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy ‘and if not installed and used properly, that is, in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, may cause interference to radio and television reception. It has been type tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B ‘computing device in accordance with the specifications in ‘Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference in a residential installation. If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is. ‘encouraged to try to correc! the interference by one or more of the following measures: — Reorient the receiving antenna = Relocate the SNES wit respect o the receiver — Mave the SNES away from the receiver Plug the SNES into a diffrent outlet So that computor and receiver are on deren cuits, I necessary, the user should consult the dealer or an experienced radio/elevision technician for addtional suggestions, The user may find the following booklet prepared by the Federal Communications Commission helpful: How to Identity and Resolve Radio/TV Interference Probloms. This booklet is available trom the U. S. Government Printing Orfice, Washington, DC 20402. Stock No, 004-000-00345-4, RE aca eae CONTRIBUTING STAFF YALECO LTD. (To'yo, Japan) Y. Kanazawa, President Product Management T. Kaneko, H. Nunokawa, R. Kuramochi and all at Jaleco Li. JALECO USA (Wvhealing, IL) Howard Rubin, President Product Management ‘Jett Hil, Scot Lawrence Intemational Coordination Masao Ohata, Olver Tang Package Design & Layout ‘MarkotFoc, nc. - Tim Hill (Account Executive), Mike Reise (Designer) Package Copy Waiter Tim Hil Instruction Manual Writer Kale Hunt Instruction Manual Design & Layout «lack Nichols (Jack Nichols Design) Game Testers (USA) ak’ Allon, Mike Lee, Butch O Malley, Joe Sislow. Say goodnight, Gracie, The weather's quite fine here in London. ‘Oh, we've had a bit of rain and al that.

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