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Title: Reflection on Educational Leadership Insights from Miss Sangeeta

Introduction • The interview with Miss Sangeeta, founder, and principal of Maverick
(Leena) International School, provides insights into the complex nature of educational
• Key themes include empathy, communication, teamwork, and innovation as
crucial elements in leading educational efforts.
[The conversation with Miss Sangeeta, founder and principal of Maverick International
School, delved into the topic of educational leadership. She highlighted the importance
of empathy, communication, and teamwork in this field. The conversation aimed to
explore the main ideas and their implications for promoting good leadership in
educational settings. Miss Sangeeta's journey from a dedicated educator to a pioneering
educational leader provides unique insights into the complex nature of leadership in
education. Reflecting on her stories and ideas, we were compelled to consider how they
impact our understanding of educational leadership.]

Empathy and • Miss Sangeeta emphasizes the importance of empathy and kindness in the
Kindness in role of educational leadership.
Leadership • She advocates for treating children with the same level of care and
(Lim Ying Fei) consideration as one would give to their own children, focusing on their overall
development rather than just their academic achievement.
[Miss Sangeeta emphasizes the importance of empathy and kindness in educational
leadership. She believes that empathy allows for closer interactions and understanding
of others' perspectives. Her leadership philosophy emphasizes treating children with
care and consideration, prioritizing their overall development over academic
achievement. This highlights the need for an encouraging and inviting environment
within educational institutions. Future leaders in education must acknowledge and
respect the unique needs and experiences of each student, aiming to create a
supportive environment.]
Communication and • Miss Sangeeta emphasizes the importance of fostering transparent
Collaboration for communication and teamwork as crucial aspects of good educational
Effective Problem- leadership.
Solving • She emphasizes the significance of keeping transparent contact with parents
(Loi Hui Ying) and collaborating to address challenges together.
• Cooperation is crucial in educational leadership, as shown by Miss Sangeeta's
commitment to promoting transparent communication between educators
and parents.

[Miss Sangeeta emphasizes the significance of transparent communication and

teamwork in good educational leadership. She emphasizes maintaining open contact
with parents and collaborating to address challenges. This aligns with research on
efficient communication and collaboration among stakeholders for achieving
educational goals (OECD, 2016). Sangeeta's commitment to transparent
communication between educators and parents ensures informed decisions benefiting
the entire school community. Effective leadership involves attentive listening and
collaboration to achieve common goals, demonstrating the importance of collaboration
in educational leadership.]

Innovation and • Miss Sangeeta's founding of Maverick International School in response to

Adaptability in discontent with traditional teaching approaches showcases her inventive
Response to nature.
Challenges • She recognized the urgent need for change and showed a willingness to take
(Thurkha) daring chances to create a more enriching learning environment for her
children and the community.

[Miss Sangeeta founded Maverick International School to address discontent with

traditional teaching methods. She embraced bold leadership, challenging traditional
practices and adopting new methods to meet students' needs. Sangeeta's
transformation from an unhappy parent to a forward-thinking leader demonstrates the
importance of innovation and adaptation in the rapidly changing educational
environment. Her dedication to expanding the school's influence and impact on
students' lives is a testament to her innovative spirit.]

Personal Reflection • Miss Sangeeta's focus on empathy and kindness highlights the significant
and Challenges impact educators can have on students' lives, going beyond just academics.
(Aishah) • Her support for teamwork and dialogue highlights the importance of
developing strong connections with stakeholders to initiate beneficial changes
in educational institutions.
[Miss Sangeeta's story has significantly influenced educational leadership, emphasizing
empathy, kindness, and teamwork. We aim to create inclusive learning environments
where students feel valued and empowered. We also emphasize the importance of
strong connections with stakeholders for positive change. Reflecting on the interview
and real-world experiences helps us understand the key concepts expressed by Miss
Sangeeta and apply them to our leadership philosophy.]

Conclusion • Miss Sangeeta's path provides vital insights for future educational leaders.
(Leena) • By emphasizing empathy, communication, collaboration, and innovation, we
can create supportive learning environments that promote comprehensive
student growth in academic, social, and emotional areas.

[Miss Sangeeta's insights on effective educational leadership emphasize empathy,

communication, collaboration, and innovation. These qualities promote comprehensive
student growth in academic, social, and emotional areas. Readers should reflect on
their leadership ideas and methods to bring about positive changes in students and
communities. Continuous reflection on values and practices is crucial for growth and

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