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Q1. What do you understand by social responsibility of business?

Q2. Karthik Ltd. does not provide the shareholders with full information about its working.
Which type of social responsibility is being violated here?

Q3. The enterprise must provide good quality and unadulterated products and services at
fair prices is an example of its responsibility towards which group?

Q4. Saurabh is a worker in cement manufacturing factory. He works overtime. The

management does not pay him for the extra hours of work. Is business behaving in a
socially responsible manner?

Q5. A firm must pay taxes honestly and regularly. It is an example of firm’s responsibility
towards which group?

Q6. There is a group discussion between two commerce students on the topic social
responsibility of business. The opinion of one student is business is socially responsible
towards the society while the opinion of another student is that the main objective of
business is to earn profit so business should not follow the concept of social
responsibilities. Give your opinion by giving two arguments in favour and against social

Q7. Sumit, a wholesaler selling rice, stopped the supply of a product in order to raise the
demand and then supplied rice at higher prices.
(a) Is he showing socially desirable behaviour?
(b) Social responsibility towards which group is ignored in above para.

Q8. “The businessmen are responsible for aggravating the problem of pollution. So, it
becomes their moral duty to take steps for controlling pollution.” In the light of the
statement explain any six steps to be taken by the business in checking pollution.

Q9. Describe the obligations of business towards government and community.

Q10. Atul is the owner of readymade garments factory. His main motive is maximizing
profit. For this, he has given misleading advertisement and is supplying low quality
products. Also, he has not provided right kind of working conditions in his factory.
He is not behaving as a good citizen of the society and is violating the well accepted
values of the society. As a result, his efficient employees have started leaving the job and
have joined his competitor. Identify the three different groups towards whom Atul is not
performing his social responsibility by quoting the lines.



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