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Anjeza Morina

Writing Seminar

Sara Baxley

Section 501

A Wonderful Journey in Greece

Life is a multifaced concept that presents unexpected opportunities that help to discover

and reflect ourselves on a deeper level. During my last year from my high school in Kosovo, a

surprising chance came from school that made me feel mixed with happiness and confusion.

Considering my deep connections with my friends and family to the biggest problem that was

my introverted nature and just the vision of leaving Kosovo for an educational opportunity in

Athens at The British School in Greece was completely scary, but somehow interesting. Little

did I know, this unexpected experience would deeply shape my identity and the way I see things


While in Greece, confronting my introverted personality proved to be one of the hardest

aspects of my journey. Adapting to a completely new environmental different from Kosovo, a

building connection with unfamiliar faces automatically filled me with anxiety, even though I

tried to feed my mind with positive things. One day, while attending a cultural event in aspect of

education, I talked and worked with others even though I find myself really uncomfortable, and
some situations about specific issues made me share my opinion and my ideas with them, they

liked my ideas and we had a really good time. Despite the adapting discomfort, I decided to push

myself beyond my comfort zone and try new things, also trying to remind myself that day to day

that each interaction and challenge with new people will contribute to my personal growth.

Moreover, the highs and lows of my studies in Greece, I found myself daily reflecting on

my personal growth, by feeling better, being able to deal with situations, communicating

effectively, setting boundaries, understanding my value, open chances for self-reflection, being

more confident, healthier habits, praying, believing, and appreciating blessings in life.

Unexpected situations forced me to explore previously untouched aspects of my personality. For

my final week, preparing for a presentation that the British School in Greece told us to do, tested

my capacity like never before. Despite my initial doubts, I must collaborate with new people, and

adapt to group dynamics, so I decided to work really hard on my text also on our presentation

part as well. When the day of the presentation came, we stood before our large audience, and we

delivered our work together by strong massages with confidence.

Additionally, adapting to the Greek educational system presented its own set of struggles.

Starting from sleepless nights by learning and preparing for school, new rules in school and new

norms in society, new Cultural differences and traditional things, understanding new teaching

methods and subjects for students and adapting to a new technology system that was totally

different from what I was used to work in Kosovo. However, each of them taught me the

importance of patience, discipline, and to understand others’ perspectives from the way that the
grow up. Adapting to new teaching methods and technological systems was the best way to look

outside the window and foster a deeper understanding for cultural diversity.

In conclusion, my unplanned last year of high school in Greece was a transformative

journey of self-discovery. It forced me to provoke and challenge my personality, adapt to new

circumstances and hug my personal growth. As I reflect on this chapter of my life, I thing was

exactly the right time to test myself with something new, and now I am reminded of the impact

of unexpected opportunities on shaping identity. I am really proud and grateful for my academic

achievements in Greece, but this journey has fundamentally transformed my perception for me

and the whole world around me. Moving forward, I am excited to apply the lessons learned and

continue increasing on my path of me as a person.

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