Speaking Tests Aptis Prezi

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APTIS Advanced

Sample Speaking Test #1

1.1. Tell me what you see in the photographs

1.2. Do you prefer to use a smartphone or a laptop? Why?

1.3. Which one is better for children to use? Why?

Part 2

When was the last time you had a problem with your bank?
Do you prefer traditional banking or online banking?
Do you think the way we use banks has changed over the last 10 years?
Part 3

Topic: Travelling abroad.

· Inmerse yourself in another culture with other customs
· A change of scenery
· Learning experience

· Language difficulties
· Pricey
· Tiring

Part 4

What do you think about travelling television programmes?

Sample Speaking Test #2

Part 1

1.1. Tell me what you see in the photographs

1.2. Which place would you prefer to be in? Why?

1.3. Where do you think children would enjoy more? Why?

Part 2

Tell me how often you do exercise.

Do you prefer doing exercise alone or as part of a team?
Do you think team sports help people become a good citizen?
Part 3

Topic: CCTV cameras.

• Reduce crime rate
• Monitor road conditions
• Powerful evidence in Court

• Costly to install and maintain
• Privacy
• Don´t stop crime

Part 4

How do you feel when police officers are patrolling the streets?
Sample Speaking Test #3

Part 1

1.1. Tell me what you see in the photographs

1.2. What kind of weather do you prefer? Why?

1.3. How does the weather affect our mood?
Part 2

Tell me about a good holiday you have had recently.

Did you enjoy it?
What makes a good holiday?

Part 3

Topic: Should students choose the subjects they want to study?

• Motivation
• Creativity
• They would feel studying isn´t compulsory

• Avoid subjects they might consider difficult
• They might choose a subject because of their friend´s choice
• They mind just study something because it´s easy and doesn´t give
them a challenge

Part 4

Do you think students should be educated to become good citizens from

Sample Speaking Test #4

Part 1

1.1. Tell me what you see in the photographs

1.2. Which do you prefer: cats or dogs? Why?

1.3. Why do people like having pets?

Part 2

Tell me a time you received some goods news by letter or e-mail.

Did you tell other people about the good news?
What is the best way to communicate good news: by letter, e-mail, telephone
or in person?

Part 3
Topic: Should governments take more responsibility for the environment?

• Prevent global warming
• Set a good example
• Protect human´s health

• Financial interests
• Polliticians don´t take it seriously
• Long-term impact

Part 4
What can citizens do to protect the environment?
APTIS Advanced

Sample Speaking Test #5

1.1. Tell me what you see in the photographs

1.2. Which type of holiday do you prefer? Why?

1.3. Why do people travel abroad?

Part 2

Tell me a time when you were busy.

How did you feel about it?
Why do you think people are so busy nowadays?
Part 3

Topic: How has technology changed the world?

· Positive aspects in Education
· Online shopping
· The amount of information available

· Too many dangers for vulnerable people (children, older people...)
· People become addicted
· Waste of time

Part 4

What new technology has had a more profound impact on your life?
Sample Speaking Test #6

Part 1

1.1. Tell me what you see in the photographs

1.2. Which job do you think is better paid?

1.3. Which one do you prefer? Why?

Part 2
Life in the country/Life in the city
What would it be like to live in these two places?
Which one would you prefer?
Do you think people who live in the country live longer?
Part 3

Topic: Online Shopping

• No annoying crowds
• Read customer´s reviews
• More choice

• Can´t try things on
• Safety problems
• Shipping costs

Part 4

How has shopping changed in your country in the last years?

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