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Name: Balsaraf Disha Sampat

Roll no: 06
Batch: C1
Practical no: 5

Q. Write a PHP program to

a) Inherit members of super class in subclass.
<title> Inheritance</title>
class collage
protected $name;
protected $code;
function set_collage_Info($name,$code)
class result extends collage
public $dname;
public $no_student;
function set_dept_info($dname,$no_student)
function displayInfo()
echo "Name of collage:
echo "<br>Institute code: $this->code";
echo "<br>Department name: $this->dname";
echo "<br>No of student in department: $this->no_student";
$var=new result();
$var->set_collage_Info("Jaihind Polytechnic","0508");


b) Create constructor to initialize object of class by using object-oriented concepts.

<title> Constructor</title>

class person
public $name;
public $age;
function person()
echo "This is constructor";
function __construct($n,$a)
function display()
echo "<br> $this->name $this->age";
$p=new person("Disha",19);



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