A Comprehensive Review of Catastrophic Faults in PV Arrays: Types, Detection, and Mitigation Techniques

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A Comprehensive Review of Catastrophic Faults in PV Arrays: Types,

Detection, and Mitigation Techniques

Article in IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics · May 2015

DOI: 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2015.2397599

152 3,848

4 authors:

Mohammed Alam Faisal Khan

University of Utah City University College of Ajman


Jay Johnson Jack Flicker

Sandia National Laboratories Sandia National Laboratories


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A Comprehensive Review of Catastrophic Faults in

PV Arrays: Types, Detection, and
Mitigation Techniques
Mohammed Khorshed Alam, Faisal Khan, Senior Member, IEEE, Jay Johnson, and Jack Flicker

Abstract—Three major catastrophic failures in photovoltaic

(PV) arrays are ground faults, line-to-line faults, and arc faults.
Although there have not been many such failures, recent fire events
on April 5, 2009, in Bakersfield, CA, USA, and on April 16, 2011,
in Mount Holly, NC, USA, suggest the need for improvements in
present fault detection and mitigation techniques, as well as amend-
ments to existing codes and standards to avoid such accidents. This
review investigates the effect of faults on the operation of PV ar-
rays and identifies limitations to existing detection and mitigation
methods. A survey of state-of-the-art fault detection and mitigation
technologies and commercially available products is also presented.
Index Terms—Arc fault, fire, ground fault, line-to-line, photo-
voltaic (PV).
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of a simple PV array showing EGC.

ECENT fire events initiated by photovoltaic (PV) arrays ensure more reliable PV arrays. This paper does not cover faults
R suggest the necessity of understanding catastrophic fail-
ures in PV systems [1]–[3]. Shutting down the PV generation
in the rest of the components of a PV system (ac isolation failure,
inverter failure, dc signal injection to the ac side of the inverter,
system under different fault conditions requires different miti- faults inside battery modules, etc.).
gation techniques and, in most cases, requires prior knowledge
of the type of the fault. This paper discusses the major faults that II. PHOTOVOLTAIC GROUND FAULTS
may result in damage to a PV array (catastrophic faults), possi- Typically, a PV array has several exposed noncurrent carry-
ble causes, and detection schemes of these faults and protection ing (NCC) metals/conducting parts (module frames, mounting
techniques. racks, metal enclosures, distribution panels, the chassis of end-
Among the numerous possible faults such as ground fault, use appliances and power converters) [4]. These conductors do
line-to-line fault, hot spot formation, polarity mismatch, arc not carry any current during normal operation. However, there
fault, open fault, bypass diode failure, and dust/soil formation is a potential risk of electric shock hazard from these exposed
in a PV array, ground fault, line-to-line fault, and arc fault are NCC conductors when an electrical connection is established
reported to be the major reasons behind catastrophic failures between the current carrying conductors (CCCs) and NCC con-
resulting in electrical fires. This paper studies the electrical be- ductors due to a fault (e.g., corrosion, loss or melting of insu-
havior of the PV system during those faults, possible causes lation, wire cutoff, and wrong wiring). Therefore, all of these
for any failure, and the state-of-the-art detection and mitigation NCC conductors are connected together to the ground or earth
techniques for each type. In each fault case, there are specific through a conductor termed an “equipment grounding conduc-
technical challenges to detection and mitigation. In this paper, tor” (EGC). This is illustrated in Fig. 1 as green lines.
standards are reviewed and recommendations are provided to Equipment grounding is required by National Electrical Code
(NEC) Article 690.43 to protect people and other living animals
Manuscript received March 21, 2014; revised January 11, 2015, December from being electrocuted [5]. Similarly, any accidental connec-
14, 2014, and July 12, 2014; accepted January 13, 2015. Date of publication
February 19, 2015; date of current version April 17, 2015.
tion between a CCC and EGC/earth can cause significant current
M. K. Alam was with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, flow to the ground circuit, known as a “ground fault.” Therefore,
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 USA. He is now with Ford Motor proper grounding is required for any electrical system to pro-
Company, Dearborn, MI 48126 USA (e-mail: khorshed.alam@utah.edu).
F. Khan was with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
vide adequate personnel and system safety in the case of one or
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 USA. He is now with Ingersoll multiple ground faults. The voltage and current limit for a living
Rand, Inc., Davidson, NC 28036 USA (e-mail: faisal.khan@utah.edu). being to be electrocuted is proposed as 75 V and 100 mA [6],
J. Johnson and J. Flicker are with the Sandia National Laboratories, Albu-
querque, NM 87123 USA (e-mail: jjohns2@sandia.gov; jdflick@sandia.gov).
and to avoid a potential electric shock, the following condition
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online should be met:
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2015.2397599 RA I ≤ UL for I < Id (1)

2156-3381 © 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

where RA is the resistance of the living being exposed to poten-

tial electrical shock with a current I from the point of contact at
higher potential to the ground. The minimum and average es-
timated resistances for the human body are approximately 650
and 1000 Ω [4] [6]. Id and UL are 100 mA and 75 V, respectively.

A. Grounded and Ungrounded Photovoltaic Systems

Grounding practices in PV systems vary depending on the
operating voltage, size of the plant, type of installation (ground-
mount, roof-top, building mounted, etc.), and geographic lo-
cation. Any PV system with system voltage higher than 50 V
requires ground-fault protection according to U.S. NEC Arti-
cle 690.5. Typically, U.S. PV arrays have an electric connec-
tion between ground and one of the CCCs through a ground-
fault detection and interruption (GFDI) fuse, known as “system
grounding.” However, there are alternative ground-fault pro-
tection schemes, which are more common outside the U.S.
including residual current monitoring devices (RCDs) and dc
insulation resistance (Riso) measurements. These ground-fault
protection systems often are used on ungrounded (“floating”)
PV systems that do not have a connection between a CCC and
ground. Differences in grounded and ungrounded systems are
illustrated in Fig. 2.
In order to analyze different ground faults, a complete elec-
trical model of a PV array is necessary. Unfortunately, electrical
parameters vary between PV systems due to variation in the con-
struction of PV modules (e.g., dimension, material, and ground
connection), site, and physical layout. Therefore, a generic RC
model for a PV module from CCCs to ground is proposed in [7],
as shown in Fig. 3. Rs , Rp , and Cleak are series insulation re-
sistance, parallel insulation resistance, and leakage capacitance
of each module. In addition, long connecting wires may be re-
quired in large PV arrays to connect PV panels to the central
inverter. These connecting wires add additional impedances [8].
An ungrounded PV array poses shock hazard in the form of ca-
pacitive discharge, and such shock hazards can be avoided by us-
ing resistive grounding. Distributed capacitances in a grounded Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of (a) grounded and (b) ungrounded PV systems.
PV array do not pose such danger due to the system grounding.
An unintended effect of GFDI protection schemes is that it
provides an electrical path for the leakage current to return to
the PV conduction path through the ground-fault detection fuse. 1) cable insulation damage during the installation, due to
The leakage current is highly dependent on relative humidity, aging, impact damage, water leakage, and corrosion;
temperature, array voltage, and size of the array [6]–[8]. More- 2) ground fault within the PV modules (e.g., degraded sealant
over, impedance from a CCC to ground in an ungrounded system and water ingress);
varies with different meteorological variables (temperature and 3) insulation damage of cables due to chewing done by ro-
humidity), and the design of fault detection devices for both dents;
ungrounded and grounded system requires a safe estimation of 4) accidental short circuit inside the PV combiner box, often
detection parameters to avoid system shutdown under normal at the time of maintenance.
operating conditions. If a ground fault remains undetected, it may generate a dc arc
within the fault and cause a fire hazard.
B. Reasons for Ground Fault
C. Ground-Fault Detection Techniques
A ground fault establishes an unintentional low impedance
path between one of the CCCs and the ground/earth, and a large Depending on whether a PV system is ungrounded or
fire in a PV array often destroys the origin of the fault. Several grounded, and considering the geographic location, several
potential reasons for ground faults have been discussed in [4] ground-fault detection devices are commercially available to
and [9]–[11] and are summarized here: be used with PV installations. They are listed in Table I.

Fig. 3. Equivalent circuit model of a PV module proposed in [7].

Fig. 4. Simple schematic diagram explaining operating principle of an RCD.
Type of GFD Systems Commonality

GFDI fuse Grounded PV systems Widely used in the

U.S. current from a 500-kW array. Compounding this challenge, the
RCD More common on Widely used in sensitivity of the GFDI fuse is influenced by the leakage cur-
ungrounded systems Europe, some in the
U.S. rent of the PV array, and several papers have investigated the
Riso More common on Used in European effect of different parameters such as ambient temperature, rela-
ungrounded systems systems. Often used
in conjunction with tive humidity, salt mist, electromagnetic interference, and resis-
RCDs and can also tance of the grounding conductor on the leakage current [6]–[8]
be used with GFDIs.
2) Monitoring Residual Current: RCDs can sense the dif-
TABLE II ference between the current entering and leaving PV system
DC RATING OF PV INVERTER VERSUS MAXIMUM GFDI FUSES RATING [8] through the positive and negative CCCs. A simple schematic
diagram of an RCD is shown in Fig. 4. RCDs, in general, sense
DC rating of the inverter (kW) Maximum GFDI fuses rating (A) the presence of an alternate current path through the presence
of any residual magnetic field and can open the CCCs using
0–25 1
25–50 2
switching relays. RCDs can be installed for each string or for
50–100 3 the entire array [1]. However, the sensitivity of an RCD should
100–250 4 be set by considering the leakage current of the PV modules. In
> 250 5
[6], it is recommended that the set point of differential current
(ΔI) at which an RCD signals a ground fault should be chosen
according to the following equation:
1) Ground-Fault Detection and Interruption Fuse: System
grounding provides an intentional circulating path for the ground
ΔI ≥ Csl × Ileak,m ax . (2)
current during a fault condition, and the fuse melts if the current
is higher than a safe threshold current limit. If the fuse is cleared In Fig. 4, Ileak,m ax is the maximum leakage current that
(opened), the inverter needs to be turned OFF immediately to may result from the PV modules covered by the RCD chan-
isolate the PV array from the rest of the power system, and fault nel, and the multiplier Csl (> 1) is used to avoid the nuisance
inspection becomes possible. In most grounded PV systems, a tripping that may result from external noise or measurement
fuse with 1–5 A rating is installed inside the PV inverter. UL error. RCDs can be installed in both grounded and ungrounded
1741 sets the upper limits for the ground-fault fuse ratings as PV systems to protect them against ground and other line-to-line
depicted in Table II. A sensor inside the inverter checks the fuse faults.
continuity and shuts down the system in the presence of any 3) Insulation Monitoring Device: An insulation monitoring
ground fault. device (IMD) measures the resistance between both CCCs and
The fuse rating needs to be high enough to avoid nuisance ground and can alarm the system if the resistance falls below a
tripping due to leakage current, and it should be low enough preset value (Rfault threshold ) [6], [8]. IMDs can be implemented
to trip during actual ground faults. An estimation of leakage for detecting ground fault in a grounded system by disconnecting
current for modules operating at 600 V that meet the standard the GFDI fuse at the time of taking measurements, generally at
UL 170 [12], IEC 61646 [13], or IEC 61215 [14] has been the beginning of the day before the inverter is connected to the
provided in [8]. It has been estimated that the maximum leak- array.
age current for 1.2-m2 crystalline Si modules is 11 μA/kW for Since the insulation resistance is influenced by the am-
a seven-module string, which can result in 56 mA of leakage bient conditions, a nuisance trip threshold Rfault threshold is

recommended in [6] as shown in the following: 4) If not designed properly, leakage current can deceive the
GFDI and IMD devices, especially during the presence of
Rfault threshold ≤ Csr × Riso m in . (3) high relative humidity in large PV systems [16].
5) The leakage current may flow in the opposite direction of
Riso m in is the minimum insulation resistance that may result the ground-fault current, reducing the magnitude of the
in the PV array under any climatic condition. Csr (< 1), similar current through the GFDI fuse [1] [18]. This may lead to
to Csl in (2), is another safety factor imposed to avoid nuisance an undetected ground fault.
F. I–V Curve Analysis and Effect of Maximum Power Point
Tracker on Ground Fault
D. Blind Spot and Double Ground Fault
Electrical characteristics of a PV array are a nonlinear func-
A fuse has a threshold current for detecting a ground fault,
tion of several parameters, i.e., insolation, temperature, equiva-
and the fault may remain undetected if the resultant ground-
lent series and parallel resistances, and output load, and a change
fault current is less than this threshold limit. If a ground fault
in any of these several factors may result in a change to the array
occurs on a grounded CCC or at a location in the array where
I–V characteristics similar to that caused by a ground fault. In
the potential to ground is small, the fault current is very small.
some cases, the maximum power point tracker (MPPT) responds
In those cases, a fault can occur that does not trip the GFDI. This
to the ground fault in such a way that it may diminish the on-
gap in traditional ground-fault detection fuses is known as the
set fault current or the back fed current, making fault detection
“blind spot” [1], [2], [8], [18], [19]. Any ground fault that results
more challenging.
in a blind spot poses significant risk, because the ground fault
Effects of the ground fault on the I–V curve of the PV array
in the array remains undetected for an indefinite time, unless
has been discussed extensively in [10], [20], [24]–[26], and [27],
otherwise deactivated. A blind spot is extremely important for
and a summary is presented here.
the safety of the PV array, since any subsequent ground fault
1) The fault current amplitude through the GFDI fuse de-
will result in a fault current that may bypass the GFDI fuse.
pends on the location of the ground fault in the PV string.
The entire array current may flow through the grounding wire,
The higher the voltage at the fault location, the higher
resulting in the possibility of severe damage to the array.
ground-fault current that results.
Two well-investigated ground-fault events, on April 5, 2009,
2) If the fault is uninterrupted in a grounded array, the MPPT
in Bakersfield, CA, USA, and April 16, 2011, in Mount Holly,
will set the new operating power point to lower power than
NC, USA, resulted from undetected ground faults within blind
before the fault with a small reduction in operating current
spot range, followed by another ground fault that allowed a large
as shown in Fig. 6. The operating point was shifted from
amount of current to flow through the grounding wire [1], [21].
“A” to “C” due to post-fault MPPT operation. Therefore,
The example of Mount Holly fire, as depicted here in Fig. 5, is an
a permanent reduction in output power can be a sign of a
illustration of double ground fault. A similar incident occurred
ground fault [10].
in the Bakersfield fire. The first ground fault produced a current
through the GFDI fuse which had fault current amplitude below
the threshold limit, and the fault remained undetected for an
undetermined period of time. However, installing RCDs would An unintentional low impedance current path between two
have been more effective considering the magnitudes of the points in a PV array can be referred as a line-to-line fault. A
ground-fault current reported in [1] and [21]. The next ground fire hazard in a large PV power plant caused by line-to-line
fault resulted in a flow of an estimated 952 A through the EGC, faults was reported in [28]. This fault may occur within the
which ignited a fire before it was cleared by the over current same string or between two strings as depicted in Fig. 7 [10],
protection fuse. [24]–[26], [29]. A line-to-line fault may reverse the current flow
through the faulty strings. The maximum current that can flow
through the faulty string of a PV array with n number of strings
E. Limitations of Ground-Fault Detection Techniques connected in parallel is (n − 1) × (short-circuit current of each
In general, ground-fault detection devices are based on pas- string). However, the amplitude of this fault current depends on
sive fuses, isolation impedance measurements, or differential the potential difference between the points establishing the fault
current measurement methods, and these devices suffer from before the fault occurs. The higher the potential difference, the
several limitations as discussed here [2], [22]. higher fault current results. Line-to-line faults are, in general,
1) Ground-fault may result within the blind spot range due cleared by over current protection devices (OCPDs), i.e., string
to low insolation, e.g., during night, on a cloudy day, at fuses, if the fault current is higher than the rated current of the
the time of partial shading and remain undetected. OCPD, which is mandated to be at least 56% greater than the
2) A double ground fault may be established during the night string short-circuit current by the NEC.
and may result in high fault current and arcing inside the The effects of MPPT, irradiance, and series blocking diodes
array during daytime. on PV arrays with different line-to-line faults have been ex-
3) RCDs may be affected by external electrical noise and plained in [26]. In most cases, a line-to-line fault under full
may result in nuisance tripping of the system [23]. illumination results in an open circuit due to melting of the

Fig. 5. Fire hazard at Mount Holly. (a) Ground fault was within the range of blind-spot and not cleared by the GFDI fuse. (b) Double-ground fault resulted in
flow of 952 A through conductors not designed for carrying such high current resulted in fire [1].

OCPD, and the fault can be located through inspection of the the I–V curve such that the fault current amplitude decreases
affected strings. However, if the line-to-line fault occurs un- over time and remain undetected.
der low illumination (e.g., during night, night-to-day transition, This is illustrated in Fig. 8 [10]. In this figure, if a line-to-
during morning, day-to-night transition), current through the af- line fault occurs while the PV array consists of two parallel
fected string/strings is not large enough to melt the OCPD, and strings is operating at point A and the resultant fault current
the fault may remain undetected until sufficient illumination is is less than the melting current of the OCPF (Im elt OCPF ), the
present to clear the OCPD. Moreover, the MPPT operation of fault remains undetected, and the MPPT moves the operating
the inverter may move the operating point to a new position on point to C, where the array seems to be operating under normal

Fig. 6. Example of I–V characteristics of a PV array before and after ground

fault [10].

Fig. 9. Different interconnections/junctions inside a PV array.

conditions with lower output power. These types of line-to-line

faults will remain undetected for an indefinite time, and thereby
any degradation in power output from a PV generator for a
long duration requires thorough investigation of the PV array
for a line-to-line fault. The use of blocking diode makes the
fault detection more challenging since it prevents the current
flow through the affected modules in the reverse direction [10],
Fig. 7. Examples of different line-to-line faults in a PV array [2]. and any short failure of diodes in absence of an OCPD can be
dangerous and may cause fire due to high fault current through
the PV modules.


A PV array consists of numerous connections/junctions
throughout the array, as depicted in Fig. 9. A current path may
be established through the air via arcing due to a discontinu-
ity in the CCCs or insulation breakdown in adjacent CCCs. A
series arc fault occurs when there is an arc fault due to dis-
continuity in any of the CCCs resulting from solder disjoint,
cell damage, corrosion of connectors, rodent damage, abrasion
from different sources, etc. Parallel arc faults in adjacent CCCs
occur mostly due to insulation breakdown. Series and parallel
arc faults are illustrated in Fig. 10. Any form of arc fault is
harmful and potentially dangerous to the PV array since it may
initiate a fire, especially in presence of any flammable substance
present in close proximity of the PV arc [30]–[35]. Unlike ac
systems, current through the dc arc does not possess a periodic
zero crossing, and therefore, it is much more likely that an arc
Fig. 8. Example of change in I–V characteristics of a PV array under a line– in a PV system will result in a sustained arc compared with
line fault [10]. an ac generation system [36], [38]. The NEC-2011 requires a

Fig. 11. Voltage and current variation at the on-set of parallel arc faults with
inverter connected [36].
Fig. 10. Examples of different arc faults in a PV array [2].
marized in [42], and in most cases, the arc length is included
series arc-fault protection device, known as an arc-fault circuit in the empirical equations to find a relationship between the arc
interrupter (AFCI), in any rooftop PV array with dc operating voltage and current. As an example, Yao et al. has proposed a
voltage equal to or higher than 80 V [36], [37]. The 2014 NEC modified Paukert form for describing the V-I relationship of arc
expands this requirement to all PV systems above 80 V [39]. in PV system, as shown in the following equation [41]:
a + bL
A. Physics of Arc Varc = c+dL
. (4)
The dielectric constant of an insulating material defines the
Here, a, b, c, and d are constants, while Varc , Iarc , and L are
maximum electric field that the material can withstand before
arc voltage, current, and length, respectively.
breakdown occurs. A sustained arc results if the energy pro-
Two other significant aspects of PV arc faults are arc temper-
duced inside the arc is higher than the energy lost due to ther-
ature and burn-through time of CCC insulation. Burn-through
mal radiation, light, sound, etc. The dielectric constant of air is
time depends on the temperature, power density, and type of the
approximately 3 V/μm, and it depends on surrounding pressure,
material considered. Arc temperatures of 6000 K and above can
humidity, presence of impurities, etc. [31], [40]. In addition, the
vaporize most metals and adjacent materials, and radiative heat-
initiation/sustainability of an arc also depends on the size/shape
ing can ignite flammable materials near the arc fault. Therefore,
of the electrodes, air gap between the electrodes, and presence
use of fire-retardant materials may help extinguish the arc and
of chemical products from the arc (e.g., melted metals from
abate subsequent fire hazards in a PV array [31].
electrodes, melted/vaporized polymers from glass, wire insula-
tion). An arc is initiated across an air gap when high electric
fields ionize air molecules and accelerate the ion toward the op- B. Types and Reasons for Arc Faults
posite electrode. This results in high-velocity particle collisions, There are numerous interconnection/junction that exist in a
which generate additional charged particles. This runaway ion PV array (cell to cell, cell to busbar, module to module, bypass
generation converts the normally insulating air medium into a diode parallel to solar cells, string to string, panel to panel). In
conductive medium. addition, there are several interconnections that exist for mount-
The voltage–current relationship of an arc is highly nonlin- ing safety devices (OCPDs, dc disconnect switches, etc.). These
ear. The transient behavior of a dc parallel arc in a PV array connections are created through soldering, MC4 connectors, or
connected to an inverter undergoing MPPT suggests a decrease screw terminals inside junction boxes. Any of these connections
in voltage and increase of current during the on-set of electric are potential places for arc-fault initiation.
arc, as depicted in Fig. 11. 1) Series Arc Faults: Degradation in solder joints, wiring
Details of arc characteristics have been described in [42], or connections inside the junction box, loosening of screws,
where the V–I curve of an arc are divided into two different or incorrect crimping may increase the connection resistance.
regions: inverse and constant voltage regions. At the onset of Increased operating temperature may result in thermal stress,
an arc, the arc voltage decreases with increase of the arc cur- leading to accelerated aging or complete disconnection [36],
rent (inverse region), and arc power tends to remain relatively [43].
constant. The arc voltage increases slightly with the increase in It has been shown in [40] that a 5-μm separation of intercon-
arc current in the constant voltage region. One very simplified nect ribbon to busbar connection inside a solar module can ex-
approach to model arc is measuring the average resistance of perience dielectric breakdown from the module’s voltage. Only
the arc at steady state deduced from the average values of the 0.4 mm2 of arc region may produce enough heat within 2 s
arc voltage and current [41]. Approaches with additional details to shatter the glass and burn off the metal coating and other
for modeling this nonlinear V–I characteristics of arc are sum- materials. As PV modules are considered to be very reliable

and scheduled maintenance is not performed frequently, small and across the ionized/plasma medium. The sum of voltage
signatures (discoloration of busbar, ribbons, edge of solar cells, drops across copper electrodes is 20–30 V, and voltage drop
small cracked region of glass, etc.) of arc faults may go unno- across the plasma depends on the gap length between the elec-
ticed for some time [40] [44]. A well-reported product recall trodes. Therefore, if the voltage across two copper plates is
occurred for BP solar modules due arc hazards from faulty cold higher than 30 V, there is a chance of arc initiation [43]. How-
soldering [43]. ever, it is reported in [45] that the voltage and current across
2) Parallel Arc Fault: Examples of such parallel arc faults an arc in PV string connected to an inverter change rapidly due
are the following [36]: to transient nature of the arc and the MPPT operation of the
1) Intrastring parallel arc-fault: parallel arc fault between inverter.
two points on the CCCs of the same string; One general trend to study the impact of steady-arc on PV is
2) Cross-string parallel arc-fault: parallel arc fault between to model the arc as a resistance that may vary from near zero
two points on the CCCs of the two different strings; to 45 Ω [37], [41], [45]. Modeling of series arc fault as a series
3) Parallel arc fault to ground: Parallel arc fault between one resistance suggests decrease in the fill factor and efficiency of
point on a CCC and another point at ground potential. the PV array. Moreover, it introduces mismatch losses among
Parallel arc faults can result from insulation damage due to the parallel-connected strings in an array. In general, the voltage
mechanical damage, aging, or wildlife [44], as well as previous drop across the arc increases with the increase in arc length and
series arc-fault events [43]. thereby results in a substantial drop in efficiency [41].
Although the formation of parallel arc faults is unlikely com-
C. Differentiating Between Series and Parallel Arc Faults pared to series arc faults, it poses significant threat to the safety
of a PV array [43]. Parallel arc faults affect the PV array simi-
Series arc faults can be deenergized by opening the inverter
lar to other line-to-line faults discussed in the previous section,
terminals to stop the current flow, but this method will not
although the presence of the arc fault adds additional high-
be able to extinguish parallel arc faults. In parallel arc cases,
frequency components to the voltage and current signals.
opening the inverter terminals increases the electric field across
the arc column, since the operating voltage is moved toward
higher voltage (open-circuit voltage of the array), increasing E. Detection and Mitigation Methods
the amount of current circulating through the parallel current.
Arc in both dc and ac systems manifest similar frequency
Therefore, it is important to differentiate between the series and
characteristics except the line frequency components in an ac
parallel arc fault for safe operation of a PV array [30], [36],
arc [44], [48]. Although arcs in a PV system are characterized
[44], [45].
by signatures in both the time and frequency domains, most arc
Different methods have been proposed in [30], [46], and [47]
detection techniques already developed for PV systems use fre-
to distinguish series and parallel arc faults in a PV array.
quency spectrum analysis of the voltage or current waveforms,
1) Parallel arc faults often result in a drop of array current and
and other complex analytical methods (e.g., wavelet transforma-
voltage, which does not occur in the case of series arc fault
tion and neural network analysis) to avoid any nuisance tripping
or usual irradiance changes. Therefore, a combination of
and unwanted down time [32], [41]. UL 1699 describes exten-
arcing noise and change in current/voltage magnitude can
sive testing related to the performance of the AFCIs, which is
be used as a method for differentiating between series and
beyond the scope of this paper [50], [51].
parallel arc faults.
The frequency content of an arc is similar to pink noise and
2) Forcing the operating point of a PV array close to the
shows a 1/f relation (i.e., the amplitude of frequency content
open-circuit voltage will allow extinguishing the series
decreases with the increase of frequency) [37], [44]. The fast
arc fault, and any arc-induced noise at that point ensures
Fourier transform (FFT) of the current signal of a PV string
the presence of a parallel arc fault.
connected to an inverter with and without arc fault is shown
3) Installing arc-fault detectors (AFDs) at the string level and
in Fig. 12. It is expected that analyzing the lower frequency
disconnecting the inverter without disconnecting the par-
content can be used for detecting arcs; however, frequencies
allel strings can be used to select the presence of parallel
below 1000 Hz are not recommended to avoid nuisance tripping
arc fault by observation of arc-induced noise.
due to signal variations from solar irradiance, partial shadows,
4) Opening the conduction path, thereby extinguishing all
movement of human or vehicles, or 50–120 Hz noise from the
series arc-faults and rechecking for arc-fault noise to de-
inverter [32].
termine if the fault is a parallel fault [46].
Arcing frequency content above 500 kHz interacts with ex-
Moreover, parallel arc faults can be detected similar to
ternal RF noise sources and frequency above 100 kHz con-
other line-to-line faults by comparing the differential string in-
tain less arcing energy; therefore, these frequencies are gener-
put/return current. The presence of differential current along
ally not used in AFCIs. Unfortunately, most inverters, charge
with arc-induced noise suggests the existence of a parallel arc
controllers, and dc/dc converters have switching frequencies
fault [49].
within the range of 10–50 kHz [44], [49] and generate other
harmonics and subharmonics. Therefore, it is not possible to
D. Effect on Photovoltaic Operation develop a detection technique based on one frequency com-
Voltage drop across an arc can be subdivided in two compo- ponent. The range of 1–100 kHz is considered to be the most
nents: voltage drop across the positive and negative electrodes suitable range for designing AFDs and AFCIs for PV plants,

Fig. 12. Noise from the inverter with and without a series arc fault [35].

Fig. 13. Explaining the switching scheme for extinguishing both series and
parallel arc faults proposed in [43].

irrespective of arc fault type (series or parallel) [32], [35] [37],

[38], [49]. String-level utilization of AFDs can disconnect the affected
Another important aspect of designing an arc-safe PV system string or strings, while the rest of the strings may operate
is the location and number of AFDs and AFCI. In general, AFD uninterrupted. However, this is a more expensive option
and AFCI are installed in the inverter in small PV systems and compared with array-level protection and may suffer from
in the combiner box in large systems. However, this method “crosstalk” noise, where arc noise from one string propagates
suffers from the following limitations [37], [52], [58]. to unaffected strings (see Fig. 15) [34]. An AFCI needs to be
1) The arc signal needs to propagate from the location of the fast enough to deenergize the arc before any fire ignites and be
arc to the location of the detector. The signal can be atten- robust enough to avoid nuisance tripping. In [34], it is reported
uated throughout the propagation path at numerous inter- that in a two-string array, a false arc signature was detected
connections of the array. Moreover, some high-frequency in a nonarced string due to noise from a parallel faulty string
signals may be filtered out by the components of solar within an average delay of 19.5 ms. However, it is expected that
cells and other parasitics. the performance of string-level detection would be better with
2) Long wiring runs present in a PV plant may work as an a large number of parallel strings since the arc energy will be
RF receiver and may capture signals from other sources lower in each healthy parallel string. In addition, faster detection
to create false tripping of the AFCI. schemes might be effective for avoiding crosstalk noise [34].
3) Irrespective of the location of the arc in a string or adjacent Module-level AFD/AFCIs seem to be more reliable (an ex-
strings, AFCIs installed inside the inverter/combiner box pensive option) among all these mounting options and more
disconnects the entire array. appropriate for PV modules with dc/dc converters or microin-
A possible switching scheme for extinguishing parallel arc verters [34], [43]. Moreover, it is possible to adapt hybrid struc-
fault is shown in Fig. 13 [43]. Here, switches S1 and S2 are tures where the AFDs are located at module/string/combiner
used for disconnecting the PV array from the inverter whenever and AFCIs are located at string/combiner/recombiner/central
the AFD detects a fault. This will extinguish all the series arc converter. A detail comparison among all these structures in
faults, while sustaining any parallel arc faults. If the arc noise terms of cost and reliability requires further investigation.
still exists, the parallel arc fault can be extinguished by short- Parallel arcs to ground are most common, and it is expected
circuiting the positive and negative terminals using the switch that such faults might involve GFDI or OCPDs to operate. More-
S3. However, this might not possible be in large PV systems over, the improved ground-fault detection capabilities required
where multiple arrays are connected in parallel. by 2014 NEC will address the vast majority of parallel arc-fault
In order to optimize the accuracy, cost, and annual production risks in large systems.
from a PV generation unit, the possibility of installing AFDs at Understanding the propagation of arc noise through a PV
three different locations, i.e., module level, string level, and array requires high-frequency models for PV modules as de-
array level, is discussed in [34], as illustrated in Fig. 14. In [53], scribed in [33], [54], and [55]–[57], and a simplified equivalent
it is reported that AFDs are able to detect faults irrespective of ac circuit model for PV module is shown in Fig. 16.
whether they are located at the string, between the combiner Here
and re-combiner, or at the central inverter of a 5-kW system.
However, in larger PV systems, installing AFDs in recombiners Im o d photo-generated current of the PV module;
might be affected by the serious attenuation issue. Therefore, Rs series resistance;
AFDs can be installed in the combiner boxes, and AFCI can be Rp Rsh  Rd ;
installed at the inverter or recombiner. Rsh shunt resistance;

Fig. 15. Experimental trip times for faulty and healthy strings in which the
faulty string AFD tripped first [34].

Fig. 16. Dynamic electrical circuit model for a PV module [54].

fected by wide range of variation in solar irradiance/cell voltage

during PV operation [32], [33], [54], [55]. Some arcing dangers
are inherent to regular operation of a PV plant, such as inverter
operation during the morning or in the evening, low voltage
shutdown resulting from clouds or partial shading, or contact
arcing at junction boxes during maintenance operations. An in-
telligent AFCI should be able to avoid nuisance tripping in the
above mentioned cases.
Other arc-fault detection and mitigation techniques based on
more complex signal-processing techniques are discussed in
Section V.
Fig. 14. Different configurations for installing AFD/AFCI in a PV array. (a)
Module level. (b) String level. (c) Panel/array level [34].
Rd (V ) dynamic resistance of diode; This section summarizes methods proposed in the literature
Cp CD  CT ; for detection, mitigation, and differentiation of different fault
CD (V,ω) diffusion capacitance; types besides the general techniques described in Sections II–
CT (V) transition capacitance; IV. Most methods use different on-site measurement data such as
Vac dynamic voltage; recorded voltage/current, maximum power point, temperature,
ω signal frequency; irradiance, power loss, fill factor, etc., to detect and classify
faults using different numerical and data-processing techniques
    A multilayer artificial neural network (ANN) based algorithm
Rp ωRp2 Cp has been proposed in [59], where irradiance, cell temperature,
ZPV m = Rs + −j .
(ωRp Cp )2 + 1 (ωRp Cp )2 + 1 voltage, and current at maximum power point are used as input
(5) to estimate the voltage across each module of a two string array,
The attenuation characteristics of a PV panel vary with solar which is used for detection and location of a short line-to-line
irradiance and cell voltage. Therefore, the arc noise will be af- fault. However, performance of the algorithm with other types of

faults (ground or arc faults) has not been reported. Based on the
PV array voltage, current, operating temperature, and irradiance,
a decision tree-based supervised technique is proposed in [60]
to detect and classify four fault conditions: line-to-line fault
with short circuit, line-to-line fault with 20-Ω resistance, open-
circuit fault, and partially shaded condition. Similar to other
supervised learning algorithms, this method requires suitable
training data for each faulty condition along with data from
the PV array at normal operating conditions. Accuracy of this
algorithm depends on the size of the tree and number of leaves
used in the algorithm. In order to overcome the drawback of large
training data, a graph-based semisupervised learning technique
has been used in [61], with similar accuracy and less training
dataset due to the self-training capability of the algorithm.
Less computation intensive fault detection techniques based
on the variation in string currents of a PV array are proposed in
[62] and [63]. Three different outlier detection rules 3-sigma,
Hampel identifier, and Boxplot are described in [62]. These
methods do not require previous training data to detect line-to-
line faults (short circuit and 20-Ω resistance), open faults, series
resistance faults, and partial shading. However, it was concluded
that the Boxplot rule performs best in identifying faults, while
the 3-sigma method failed to detect any faults. The ratio of string
current to the maximum string current operating in parallel is Fig. 17. (a) Autocorrelation plot generated by a PV string consists of seven
modules without fault and with ground faults in three different locations in the
used for identifying faulty string/strings in [63], although this string. (b) Difference in autocorrelation response from the PV string with fault
method cannot differentiate the type of fault. and under normal condition for ground fault in three different locations [22].
Some inverters are designed to shut down automatically
whenever the primary current becomes negative at the onset
of a parallel line-to-line or arc fault [69]. In large systems, re- is proposed in [3], based on the assumption that there will be
verse current detection at the feeder inputs to a recombiner box no strong signal in the PV array at those frequencies except in
or inverter is a good method of detecting parallel line-to-line or the case of an arc. In addition, discrete wavelet transformation
arc faults because of the contribution to the fault from parallel (DWT) of current-based arc-fault detection has been proposed in
circuits. In [49] connecting all positive and negative CCCs to [68] and [41]. DWT is more computationally efficient compared
ground to extinguish parallel arc faults is proposed. A mini- to Fourier transformation since DWT analyzes both time and
mum covariance determinant (MCD) estimator-based method frequency signatures in the arc signal.
considering PV fault detection as a clustering problem was de- Fault detection using reflectometry has long been used for
scribed in [64] and [65]. This method provides the probability detecting faults in extended transmission lines, and several re-
of detection along with the probability of false alarms to de- flectometry methods have adapted for use in fault detection of
termine the presence of a fault. Based on simulation results, it PV arrays. In time-domain reflectometry (TDR) detection meth-
was claimed that the algorithm could detect PV series arc faults ods, a step/pulsed voltage signal is sent through the two CCCs
and ground faults in a single module. In [66], differences in (or one CCC and EGC) to observe any deviation of reflection of
power losses between simulated and real-world data are used the voltage signal due to short or open faults [70]–[74]. Any high
for detecting PV faults. However, no conclusive study has been impedance (open fault) compared with the normal characteristic
conducted to determine the comparative performance indices impedance provides positive reflection and the amplitude of the
of the proposed techniques describe above. In [67], fuzzy rule- voltage signal at the receiving terminal increases. The opposite
based power estimation from temperature and irradiance data is effect is observed in the case of decreased impedance compared
used for detecting fault in a PV by comparing the real power with characteristics impedance (short-circuit fault).
measurement data and the estimated power from the algorithm. Spread spectrum time-domain reflectometry (SSTDR) uses
In addition to the arc detection techniques based on frequency a pseudorandom binary noise modulated high-frequency sine
content of current and voltage signals described in Section IV, wave to generation an autocorrelation plot using the incident
several other arc-fault detection methods based on time-domain and reflected signals. The autocorrelation plot can be used to
signature have been proposed. In [43], voltage signal of a PV detect the presence of a fault. SSTDR is advantageous over TDR
module passes through a finite impulse response bandpass filter since SSTDR can be used without disconnecting the inverter.
(FIR filter), and the randomness of the output from the FIR filter However, both reflectometry-based fault detection techniques
is measured in terms of variance. If the variance is higher than require a baseline for comparison to detect the presence of faults.
a predefined threshold, an arc fault is present. Arc detection Autocorrelation plots generated by the SSTDR hardware before
using two resonant circuits tuned at a few hundred kilohertz ground fault and after ground faults at separate locations are


Fault type Detection method/ tool Detection Advantages and Limitations Ref.
with power

GFDI Fuse Y Advantages: [5]

• Easy to implement
• No electric shock from parasitic capacitance discharge
• Passive component
• Less expensive compared to RCDs and IMDs
• Can only be used in grounded PV array
• Need external sensor to monitor whether the fuse is cleared
• Blind spot
Residual current measurement Y Advantages: [1]
• Easy to implement
• Can be used in both grounded and ungrounded systems
• Measurement during inverter operation
• External noise may result nuisance tripping
• Cannot distinguish between line-to-line and ground faults
• Shock hazard
Ground fault Isolation resistance measurement Y Advantages: [6] [8]
• More reliable
• Test can be done in absence of sunlight
• Measurement during inverter operation (ungrounded systems
• Can be influenced by the environmental variations
• In grounded systems, GFDI fuse and inverter need to be
disconnected for measurement
Numerical analysis using on-site Y Advantages: [59]–[61]
and pre-recorded data: [64] [65]
• Artificial neural network • Can be implemented for detecting multiple faults
• Decision tree-based supervised • Some numerical method can classify the type of fault as well
• Graph-based semi-supervised Limitations:
learning technique
• Minimum covariance • Need to process on-site recorded data
determinant (MCD)
• External sensors required to collect data
• May require data from array with faults
• Designed for detecting specific faults and performance under
other faults may result in false detection
Comparing current magnitude of Y Advantages: [62] [63]
parallel connected strings
• Need to process less data
• Fewer sensors required
• May not classify different faults
• Not effective for few number of parallel strings
• Mismatch in parallel strings will affect the decision
Reflectometry (TDR, SSTDR) N Advantages: [22]
• No voltage or current measurement of the PV array is required
• Test can be done in absence of sunlight
• Requires external signal function generator
• High speed sampling required
• Requires a baseline from the healthy PV array for comparison
OCPD Fuse Y Advantages: [5]
• Easy to implement
• Passive component
• Inexpensive
• Required by proper codes and standards
• Fault may result in current below the fuse rating
• Fuse may not be fast enough to prevent fire
Line-to-line fault Numerical analysis using on-site Y Advantages: [59]–[61]
and pre-recorded data: [64] [65]
• Artificial neural network • Can be implemented for detecting multiple faults

• Decision tree-based supervised • Some numerical methods can classify the type of fault

• Graph-based semi-supervised Limitations:
learning technique
• Need to process a lot of on-site recorded data
• External sensors required to collect data
• May require data with faults from the array
• Designed for detecting specific faults and performance under
other faults may result in false detection
Comparing current magnitude of Y Advantages: [62] [63]
parallel connected strings
• Need to process less data
• Fewer sensors required
• May not classify different faults
• Not effective for few number of parallel strings
• Mismatch in parallel strings will affect the decision
Change in direction of current at Y Advantages: [69]
the on-set of fault
• Easy to detect and implement
• MPPT operation of the inverter can restore the direction of
current fault quickly and fault may remain undetected
Frequency spectrum analysis Y Advantages: [32] [35]
[44] [48]
[49] [53]
• Widely recommended for arc fault detection
• Accuracy is high since decision is taken based on broadband
spectrum instead of one/few frequencies
• Requires Fourier transformation of signals
• Noise from power converter may result in nuisance tripping
• Cannot distinguish between series and parallel arc fault based
on frequency content only
Arc-fault Change in direction of current at Y Advantages: [69]
the on-set of fault
• Easy to detect and implement
• MPPT operation of the inverter can restore the direction of
current fault quickly and fault may remain undetected.
• Applicable for parallel arc fault only
Numerical techniques: Y Advantages: [64] [65]
[68] [41]
• Wavelet transformation • Less computational expensive compared to FFT
• Minimum covariance • Provides both time and frequency information
determinant (MCD)
• Noise from power converter may result in nuisance tripping
• Can not distinguish between series and parallel arc fault based
on frequency content only
Estimating randomness in the Y Advantages: [43]
voltage signal
• Easy to implement
• Less computational cost compared to FFT and DWT
• The threshold for variance to alarm arc needs to be precise
• Need efficient FIR estimator for calculating variance
Resonance Tuned electrical Y Advantages: [3]
• Easy to implement
• No computation required
• Highly susceptible to noise
• Depends on a few frequencies makes the system less reliable
SSTDR Y Advantages: [75]
• No voltage or current measurement of the PV array is required
• Test can be done in absence of sunlight
• This method has the potential to predict future arc faults
through detection of change in resistance in PV strings
• High speed sampling required
• Inverter’s noise may result in nuisance tripping
• Requires a baseline of healthy PV array for comparison


Detection Fault type Can locate fault Advantages and Limitations Ref.
method/tool precisely up to

Reflectometry (TDR) Open fault, short PV Module Advantages: [22]

(ground) fault [70]–[73]
• No voltage or current measurement of the PV array is
• Test can be done in absence of sunlight
• Sensitive to connection degradation as well
• Requires external signal function generator
• High speed sampling required
• Requires a baseline for comparison
Earth capacitance Open fault PV Module Advantages: [70]
• Result does not depend on solar irradiance
• Requires external LCR meter
Numerical technique Open and short fault Number of PV modules Advantages: [76]
• Can locate number of open and short circuited PV
modules of a PV system.
• Requires external irradiance level, temperature and
power measurement.
• Requires identical electrical characteristics of each
Line checker/ circuit Open and short fault Cell level Advantages: [77]–[80]
• Higher resolution compared to other fault locating
• Can trace the circuit while the PV is generating power
• Have to physically trace the entire system
String current Open / Ground fault String level Advantages: [81]
• Commercially available for grounded systems only
• Requires current monitoring of all the parallel
connected strings
Voltage Open fault Module level Advantages: [82] [83]
measurement of each
module during
• Continuous module level data is available at central
• Requires voltage measurement.
• Requires built-in microcontroller, voltage to frequency
converter and communication link in each module.
• Expensive

shown in Fig. 17(a). The presence of ground fault is detected more challenging to locate the faulty component. Table IV inves-
if the autocorrelation plot of the PV string deviates from the tigates different technologies and commercially available prod-
autocorrelation plot generated by the PV string with no fault by ucts that could be used to locate faults in PV systems [22],
a certain threshold, as depicted in Fig. 17(b). [70]–[73], [76]–[83].
All the possible faults in PV systems discussed in this pa-
per along with the detection techniques are summarized in
Table III.
Ground faults, line-to-line faults, and arc faults have been
Once the fault has been detected, the system operator must studied in detail in this paper. Both grounded and ungrounded
determine the location of the line-to-line fault, ground fault, or PV arrays use different commercial fault detection and miti-
arc fault in order to repair or replace the faulty component. This gation techniques to prevent fires. However, due to some limi-
process can be very difficult and time consuming with large PV tations in the conventional detection techniques, ground faults
installations. may remain undetected and cause severe damage to the PV ar-
There are existing challenges to determine intermittent con- ray and surrounding environment. Similar situations may arise
nections and faults. If the fault is not persistent, it will be even in the case of line-to-line faults.

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[57] N. D. Benavides and P. L. Chapman, “Modeling the effect of voltage ripple
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[59] S. Syafaruddin et al., “Controlling of artificial neural network for fault Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, in 2014.
diagnosis of photovoltaic array,” in Proc. 16th Int. Conf. Intell. Syst. Appl. He was a Lecturer with the Ashanullah Univer-
Power Syst., Sep. 25–28, 2011, pp. 1–6. sity of Science and Technology, Dhaka, from 2009 to
[60] Y. Zhao et al., “Decision tree-based fault detection and classification in 2010. He joined Ford Motor Company as a Product
solar photovoltaic arrays,” in Proc. 27th Annu. IEEE Appl. Power Electron. Development Engineer in January 2015. His research
Conf. Expo., Feb. 5–9, 2012, pp. 93–99. interests include renewable energy harvesting, high-
[61] Y. Zhao et al., “Graph-based semi-supervised learning for fault detection power switched-capacitor converters, low-power circuits for bioimplants and
and classification in solar photovoltaic arrays,” in Proc. IEEE Energy sensors, fault detection, and reliability analysis of power converters.
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[62] Y. Zhao et al., “Outlier detection rules for fault detection in solar pho-
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[63] N. Takehara and K. Fukae, “Abnormality detection method, abnormality nology, Dhaka, Bangladesh; the M.S. degree from
detection apparatus, and solar cell power generating system using the Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA; and
same,” U.S. Patent 5 669 987 A, Sep. 23, 1997. the Ph.D. degree from the University of Tennessee,
[64] H. Braun et al., “Signal processing for fault detection in photovoltaic Knoxville, TN, USA, in 1999, 2003, and 2007, re-
arrays,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech Signal Process., Mar. spectively, all in electrical engineering.
25–30, 2012, pp. 1681–1684. From 2007 to 2009, he was with Electric Power
[65] S. Buddha et al., “Signal processing for photovoltaic applications,” in Research Institute as a Senior Power Electronics En-
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Emerg. Signal Process. Appl., Jan. 12–14, 2012, pp. gineer. From 2009 to 2014, he was an Assistant Pro-
fessor with the Department of Electrical and Com-
puter Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. He is currently
[66] S. Silvestre, A. Chouder, and E. Karatepe, “Automatic fault detection in
with Ingersoll Rand, Inc., Dublin, Ireland, where he is leading the high-speed
grid connected PV systems,” Sol. Energy, vol. 94, pp. 119–127, Aug. 2013.
[67] P. Ducange et al., “An intelligent system for detecting faults in photovoltaic drive research for industrial air conditioning units. His major research interests
include the reliability study of high-power converters.
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Dr. Khan is an Associate Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER
pp. 1341–1346.
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[69] C. Strobl and P. Meckler, “Arc faults in photovoltaic systems,” in Proc. Jay Johnson is a Senior Member of technical staff
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[70] T. Takashima et al., “Experimental studies of fault location in PV module NM, USA, where he has been researching renewable
strings,” Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells, pp. 1079–1082, 2009. energy and energy efficiency systems for ten years.
[71] T. Takashima et al., “Fault detection by signal response in PV module He leads a number of multidisciplinary international
strings,” in Proc. IEEE Photovoltaic Spec. Conf, May 11–16, 2008, pp. renewable energy research projects, including coordi-
1–5. nation of the Smart Grid International Research Facil-
[72] T. Takashima et al., “Experimental studies of failure detection methods in ities Network advanced inverter interoperability test
pv module strings,” in Proc. IEEE 4th World Conf. Photovoltaic Energy protocol development, the U.S.-Japan collaborative
Convers., May 7–12, 2006, pp. 2227–2230. engineering effort for photovoltaics (PV) smoothing
[73] L. Schirone et al., “Fault finding in a 1 MW photovoltaic plant by re- controls with battery systems, and developing U.S.
flectometry,” in Proc. IEEE Photovoltaic Spec. Conf. Photovoltaic Energy and international PV dc arc-fault detection and mitigation standards.
Convers., Dec. 5–9, 1994, pp. 846–849.
[74] C. Miquel, “Frequencies studies applied to photovoltaic modules,” M.S.
Jack Flicker is a Senior Member of the Technical Staff with Sandia National
thesis, Dept. Elect. Eng., KTH Royal Inst. Technol., Stockholm, Sweden,
Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, USA. His research interests include photo-
voltaic systems and advanced devices, primarily focusing on photovoltaic in-
[75] M. K. Alam, F. Khan, J. Johnson, and J. Flicker, “PV arc-fault detection
verter component- and system-level reliability, widebandgap transistor usage,
using spread spectrum time domain reflectometry (SSTDR),” in Proc.
and arc-fault/ground-fault detection, mitigation, and location.
IEEE Energy Convers. Congr. Expo., Sep. 14–18 2014, pp. 3294–3300.

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